1. Call to Order 12:24 PM
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Minutes CENTRAL SECTION MEETING 2/11/2015 Yesterday’s
1. Call to Order – 12:24 PM President – Jim Lafferty
2. Roll Call Executive Committee: Jim Lafferty President _X_ present____ absent Nicole Joy Vice President ____ present_X__ absent Emil Nemec Treasurer _X_ present____ absent Carrie-Anne Lyons Secretary ___ present_X__ absent Jill Plesnarski Past President _X_ present__ _ absent
TRUSTEES Mike Roy (Expires 5/2015) _X_ present____ absent Ray Nierstedt (Expires 5/2016) _X_ present____ absent Jerry Harris (Expires 5/2017) ___ present_X_ absent
3. Pledge to the Flag: Y
4. Self Introductions: Y
5. Approval of Minutes - Motion: Alan Freidrich Second: Al Lunkenheimer Comments & Corrections: Adding John Gardner to list of Delegates. Approved
6. President's Report:
I attended the NJWEA State Budget meeting held on January 22, 2015 at the Sheraton in Eatontown. Emil Nemec, Treasurer was present as well.
The Certificate of Deposit (CD) for $9,000.00 held in the Central Section’s Wells Fargo account matured on January 26, 2015. I have made a decision to roll-over the Certificate of Deposit (CD) with Wells Fargo. We have a second (CD) for $8,000.00 maturity date of; March 13. 2015 which we will need a decision on early next month.
The 2015 Winter Technology Transfer Seminar will be held at the Sheraton in Eatontown the week of March 2 through March 5, 2015. If you still need - Credits for your PE license or TCH’s for Operator license this will be a great opportunity to do so. The Operators (3) year Training Contact Hours (TCH), Cycle ends this September 30th 2015. The NJDEP required review course will be available for those individuals needing requalification after attempting an exam (3) times unsuccessfully.
I would like to say “Thank You” to the sponsors/venders and Section Members who contributed towards the 100th Anniversary Commemorative Book. Peter Nese, Chairman of the Advertising Subcommittee for the NJWEA 100th Anniversary Commemorative Book, recently informed me the Committee has exceeded their initial goal of $50,000. Roseann Pettrow, liaison for the Central Section Advertising Subcommittee, did an excellent job assisting Peter in achieving this goal. I would like to personally say “Great Job” for both yours and the entire subcommittee accomplishments.
Second reading for the delegates and alternate delegates as follows:
1. Steve Florek 2. Alan Friedrich 3. Eric Reichert 4. Jeff Williams 5. Henry Penley 6. Jennifer Louden 7. John Mele 8. Peter Nese 9. Al Lunkenheimer 10. John Gardner
Alternate Delegates:
1. Jerry Haimowitz 2. Roger Parkhurst 3. Glenn Plesnarski 4. Norman Townsend
7. Vice President's Report: Absent, No Report
8. Treasurer's Report: Emil Nemec : Reported that we dispersed two checks $800.00 to NJWEA for conference support and $700.00 for full page ad in 100th Anniversary book. We also issued a refund for 2 golfers who requested a refund. Checking: $9,539.37 Wells Fargo: $17,124.61 Motion: George Hoff Second: Alan Friedrich Comments and Corrections: George Hoff questioned why we refunded money to a no show golfer if this was a fundraising event. A discussion was held and it was pointed out that we do not have any kind of policy in place. It was decided by general consensus that this year we need to amend the flyer to state that no refunds will be issued without 72 hours advanced notice of the date of the event. Emil was not made aware as to the details of the refund but as per Jim DeBlock he had instructed Carrie-Anne to have Emil issue refund because they paid on-line and had requested re-fund in August but by the time Jim had an opportunity to issue the refund on-line the event had been closed out and Jim asked that Emil write the check to issue refund. Approved
9. NJWEA President Elect Report – Robert Pennington – Absent, No Report
10. Committee Reports:
Ike Welcome/Alan Friedrich - Good & Welfare – Henry Penley’s brother in law passed away. A central section president, name unavailable passed away. Alan will send a card.
Clark Wolverton – Membership (& Mailings) – Absent, No Report
Roseann Pettrow- No Report on dinner, but Roseann did report that the 100th year commemorative book deadline was yesterday, the book is going to print.
Jen Loudon - Special Activities – Absent, No Report
Roger Parkhurst – In the process of planning, looking at September 18th, 2015 but date not confirmed.
Robert Noel - Education & Seminars Programs – Absent, No Report
Jeff Williams – Manual of Practice – Absent, No Report
Eric Reichert – Webmaster – Has credentials and can now access the NJWEA website. There is currently a link to the update email addresses, but it goes nowhere. We need to pick a point person and update the link. Formerly it had been Clark Wolverton.
Henry Penley - Membership roster – Absent, No Report
Rob Pennington - Scholar Awards – Absent, No Report
Jen Loudon Young Professionals – Absent, No Report
11. New Business: None
12. Lunch: 13. SPEAKER – Denis Rehse, Pumping Services – Presenting: Wastewater Phosphorus Removal : Retrofitting to meet New Permit Levels into your Facility
14. Door Prizes: Prizes donated by: Accurate Waste, Dave Heiner Associates, Harper Haines, Pumping Services and Rapid Pump & Meter.
15. Next Meeting: Wednesday, March11th, 2015 Yesterday’s
16. Adjournment: Motion: Norm Townsend Second: Roseann Pettrow Time: 13:31
Lunch Attendees: Dan Carey, James Carr, Jason Chase, Frank Dykas, Alan Freidrich, Bob Galante, James Gardiner, George Hoff, Jim Lafferty, Sandy Lafferty, Al Lunkenheimer, Emil Nemec, Ray Nierstedt, Sean Paratore, Roger Parkhurst, Roseann Pettrow, Jill Plesnarski, Lori Podesta, Joe Polomene, Denis Rehse, Eric Reichert, Brian Rischman, Raphael Rovito, Mike Roy, Natalya Shimunova, Norm Townsend, Frank Weisensee, Charles Winkler