Kimbolton & Stonely Parish Council s2

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Kimbolton & Stonely Parish Council s2

KSPC KIMBOLTON & STONELY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES of the Council meeting held at 7 p.m. on Thursday 29 June 2017 at the Youth & Community Room, Mandeville Hall, Thrapston Rd., Kimbolton.

PRESENT Councillors P Seabrook (in the Chair); Mrs R Lloyd; Mrs D Hellett; Mrs S Hawkes; L Farrer; Ms S Mugglestone ; R Gooderham & Mrs J Stainer.

IN ATTENDANCE County Councillor Ian Gardener; C L Thatcher, Clerk to the Council and 1 member of the public.

83/17 APOLOGIES were received from Councillors Mrs E Milne; K Hutchinson and C Ayrton and District Councillor Jonathan Gray.

84/17 DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Councillor Mrs Hellett declared her ongoing interest in the matters of London Rd and Mulberry Cottage stables.

85/17 COUNTY COUNCILLOR. The Chairman welcomed Councillor Gardener to his first meeting at Kimbolton. Councillor Gardener said that the composition of the County Council was now 36 Conservative; 16 Liberal; 6 Labour and 3 Independent, giving a total of 61, compared to the previous total of 69, thus the boundaries of his ward are much greater than in the past and encompass over 25 Parish Councils. He said that he has been made a member of Highways and Planning Committees (of which he is Vice Chairman) and of the Fire Authority. All committee Chairmen and Vice Chairmen are Conservatives and Steve Count is the Leader of the Council.

86/17 MINUTES of the Council meeting of 25 May 2017 were read, approved and signed as a true record of that meeting.

87/17 MATTERS ARISING a) Neighbourhood Watch. Nothing to report. b) Village of the Year competition. No further contact yet. c) Playpark tiles. Councillor Mrs Hellett said that it appeared to be a seasonal problem, when the sap falls and suggested sprinkling fine sand on the tiles at that time. d) Village Walkabout. Members met at Pound Lane and agreed that it was necessary to enforce where cars park. Perhaps in future a car park with Terram and loose tarmac could be created. It was agreed to obtain quotes for patch repairs to the churchyard cobbles. It was further agreed to spray the old graves in the cemetery (those with kerbs) and to lay weed suppressant and cover with chippings, to improve the look. The cemetery extension land will be sprayed again. Grounds staff will be asked to clear dead leaves from under the cemetery walls and to wash the Carnaby bridge. e) Barclays Bank closure. The Clerk said that there is some interest being shown by Lloyds Bank in the possibility of a community bank . A representative of the bank will also be meeting with the School Bursar regarding their accounts. f) Hearse House repairs. The Loss Adjuster’s report is still awaited. g) Cemetery Extension. The Clerk said that Spicer Contractors had said they intend to do the work but cannot yet give a start date. h) Tree Warden. The Clerk said that the lady asked to be our Tree Warden had declined. The Chairman suggested Mr John Fulcher and the Clerk will contact him. 88/17 PLANNING MATTERS a) The following application was considered – 17/01156 4 Gimbers End, Stonely – demolish & replace outbuilding. The applicant was present and was invited to speak by the Chairman. He said that the barn was falling down. It had an old pantile roof and a concrete floor and was not worth trying to preserve. Councillor Mrs Lloyd pointed out that the proposed replacement was much bigger than at present and contained a kitchen, w.c. and upstairs area. It looked as though it is intended to be a residence.

Councillor Farrer joined the meeting

The applicant said that the concept is to make it a useable barn. His wife paints and would like to use it as a studio. The Chairman said he was concerned about the size. It could easily be a house. He wondered whether a bat survey had been completed and said that the building is of lath and plaster construction. He would like to see the Listed Buildings Officer’s report on it. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Lloyd, seconded by the Chairman and agreed to recommend refusal, it being within the curtilage of a listed building and the proposed replacement being twice the size of the original. b) Ongoing Matters. Mulberry Cottage Stables. A planning application for ‘minor alterations’ has been received and will be placed before the next meeting of the Council. London Rd. No further action. Duchess Walk lagoon. An e mail has been received from the Bursar stating that it is the School’s intention to now apply for planning approval and complaining about this Council having accused the School of ‘riding roughshod’ over the Council in failing to follow planning law. In fact, no such criticism had been levelled at the School. Criticism was aimed at Huntingdonshire District Council’s Planning Enforcement Department which had eventually acknowledged that a planning application was required, but had declined to do anything about it. Members value the good relationship with the School and hope that this misunderstanding has not damaged it.

89/17 REPORTS Working Parties. Allotments. Councillor Mrs Hellett reported on the recent inspection. Letters terminating tenancy are to be sent to two tenants who have so far failed to do any work to their allotments and have not acknowledged letters. Playgrounds. Councillor Mrs Hellett said that the edge of the tiles around the Multiplay Unit present a trip hazard . The wooden edge needs replacing. Some soil is needed to fill erosion round the elephant. Bark chippings will be purchased to cover the tree roots at the Mandeville Hall entrance and it was agreed to replace the picnic table and benches with a new one made from a composite material, at a total of around £500 plus VAT. Footpaths. Councillor Mrs Stainer reported that a footpath from Pound Lane was overgrown. Outside Bodies. Mandeville Hall Councillor Mrs Lloyd said there remains an issue with the tarmac and the pothole and the Hall Committee wishes to gravel the area where the Superloo was sited to create an extra car parking space. She asked that the beech nuts be swept regularly from the car park and that the hedge adjacent to the road be cut. Parochial Charities It was reported that it had been agreed to assist the Scouts purchase camping equipment and to help fund the Patient Group. 90/17 CORRESPONDENCE a) Request for headstone in memory of John Owen Parnell was approved. b) Notification from Anglian Water of water inspection of allotment water supply. One tap deemed unsatisfactory which will need to be replaced and Councillor Farrer has kindly offered to do so. c) Request for additional inscription on headstone to memory of Claude Banks was approved.

Councillor Mrs Stainer left the meeting.

91/17 ACCOUNTS a) The following were approved for payment – Fishers Sundries £175.89 inc VAT K & M Lighting Streetlight mtnce £119.48 “ “ D Eades June work £647.19 no “ CGM Ltd Grass cutting £1544.13 inc “ G R Dixon Internal Auditor fee £60.00 no “ Anglian Water Allotment water £101.33 “ “ C L Thatcher Refund of expenditure – weed control fabric £103.68 inc “ Payroll costs Pay, PAYE,NIC & expenses £2006.23 no “

92/17 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR was unable to be present.

93/17 HIGH ST CAR PARKING. Nothing for discussion at present.

94/17 MEMBERS’ POINTS OF INFORMATION Councillor Farrer expressed his concern at the sometimes dangerous parking of cars in Pound Lane/Castle Gardens. Parking by the former Gooderham’s shop was also inconvenient. Councillor Gooderham said that he had stood down as Station Commander of Kimbolton Fire Station, but remained a member of the watch. He asked that the grounds staff periodically oil the padlocks on the bollards by the war memorial to ensure that they may be undone when necessary. Councillor Mrs Lloyd had noted that the drop post off Station Rd is missing. She also mentioned the poor state of the ditch at Rookery Lane.

95/17 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next normal meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 27 July 2017, commencing at 7pm in the Youth and Community Room at the Mandeville Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2115 hours.

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