At the Fairford Leys Centre, Hambden Square, Fairford Leys

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At the Fairford Leys Centre, Hambden Square, Fairford Leys

Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held at 7pm on 1st December, 2016 at the Fairford Leys Centre, Hambden Square, Fairford Leys

Present: Cllrs Cole (Chairman), Pattinson, David, Minton, Poland, Jarvis, Wilde, Baughan, Eastwood, Harper. K Gray (Clerk to the Council)

1 Resident

1. Apologies for Absence To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairman or Clerk RESOLVED: To receive and accept apologies for absence from Cllr Lambert (prior commitment)

2. Declarations of Interest To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate RESOLVED: To receive and accept declarations of interest from Cllrs Cole and Eastwood (Bucks Play Association Trustees re agenda item 7) and Cllrs Baughan and Eastwood (Known to the applicant re agenda item 12 Planning Application 16/04014/APP)

3. Minutes of the Previous Full Council Meeting 3rd November, 2016 RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 3/11/16 as a true record.

4. Clerk’s Report To receive a report from the Clerk on matters dealt with and taking forward. No matters to report. The Clerk was still in discussion with Brown & Lee on matters relating to the painting of the disabled parking bays and consideration on making the main car park a “one way” system.

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders to allow questions from the public and any reports from councillors 5. Questions from the Public & Reports  Cllr Eastwood reported that she and the Clerk had met with the marquee provider and that all preparations for the Christmas in the Square 2016 event were in place.  Cllr Harper asked if a seat could be placed at the bus stop near the co-op. The Chairman explained the reasons for one not being here at present but the Clerk would also re-investigate the possibilities of providing some seating either at, or near, the bus stop in question.  Cllr Minton reported that residents were still raising concerns about parking on double yellow lines. It was requested that the Clerk write to the County Council and request adequate and consistent enforcement.  Cllr Poland asked the Clerk to thank the maintenance team for the installation of the Christmas lighting. The Clerk advised that replacement bulbs had been ordered. He also reported that the maintenance team are quick to react to the removal of dumped 1 items in and around the village and all councillors agreed that the team operated professionally and were a credit to the council.  Cllr Cole (AVDC Councillor) met with representatives of Benjamin Homes UK and will circulate his AVDC Councillor report.  Cllr Lambert (BCC Councillor) submitted the following report: HS2 to get Royal Assent: I have worked for over six years on this project, fighting for the scheme to get stopped. I have campaigned, voted against the scheme at every opportunity and argued for the best mitigation plans that can be made. It is all now in the hands of Parliament and the Bill is expected to get Royal Assent in January. But my conclusion is that sadly, the scheme will go ahead and that our MP has let us down. The County Council though – and cross party, has maintained its position of acting, campaigning and voting against the scheme. When it became apparent that not even our MP would vote against the scheme in Parliament, I argued for mitigation and compensation for our community. We have achieved a lot in terms of mitigation and understanding the impacts on our community. My last evidence session to the House of Lords last month was on the effects of the building phase of HS2 and the extra traffic into and through Fairford Leys. Last month I attended a workshop with HS2 at the District Council and how planning permissions will take place in Aylesbury Vale when the scheme gets Royal Assent. I have also built a good working relationship with the HS2 engagement officer and her team, as well as the team in County Hall responsible for the road and traffic issues for the scheme. The Bill is expected to clear the House of Lords in December and put back to the House of Commons in January with Royal Assent being given at the end of January. Road works and preparation works are set to start in the late spring. I am more than happy for residents to contact me by email [email protected] for updates and to raise issues or concerns when preparation works start and of course during the construction phase. Bollards at Fairford Leys Way/ Fowler Road: I have continued to raise this with County Council officers and again at Full Council to the Cabinet member. The Cabinet Member has confirmed that the full fix is due any day and that they are being monitored. So, they may be up and or down for periods of time while they are being tested. I have arranged a meeting on 8th December with the County Council officers to review the maintenance contract with the Parish Council to see if it is feasible for the parish to take over the maintenance of the bollards. Name that Gritter! The county council has purchased three new gritter lorries and following on from the successful naming competition in 2011 for the old gritters, they are asking for the public to name the new ones! You can make your nominations between 29th November and 19th December on Social Media @buckscc or @tfbalerts Winter road defects: Winter is tough on road surfaces, so if you need to report a road defect that requires urgent attention, please call the TfB Contact Centre – 0845 230 2882 or go online and use the report form at – Winter gritting works and alerts can be found on the county Gritter blog at Budget consultation: The County have launched their annual budget consultation exercise. Why not let them know how you would like the budget to be spent? Go to consultation/ Bearbrook School ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted report: Congratulations to the staff, governors and parents of Bearbrook School who attained an ‘OUTSTANDING’ Ofsted rating on all four criteria last month. To see the Ofsted report go to: 2 Can you spot elder abuse? The County Council have launched an awareness campaign on elder abuse. The campaign set up with SAFE (Safeguarding Adults for Everyone) which is a small group set up by Buckinghamshire's Safeguarding Adults Board to help raise public awareness of the sorts of abuse vulnerable people can be exposed to – and what to do if you suspect someone you know is a victim of abuse. If you suspect someone you know is a victim of abuse some common signs to look out for are: • Multiple bruising or finger marks • Injuries the person cannot explain • Loss or gain in weight or deterioration in health • Inappropriate or inadequate clothing • Withdrawal or changes in behaviour • Unwillingness to be alone with a particular person or carer • Unexplained shortage of money If you have any concerns call the Safeguarding Team on 0800 137 915 – you can do this anonymously. All calls will be taken seriously and treated confidentially. Or go to:

RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders

6. Decisions by the Resources & Personnel Committee, Leisure Committee & Youth Services Committees Council is asked to receive and approve the minutes & decisions of the above Standing Committees. Minutes of the committees have been copied to all councillors. RESOLVED: To receive, accept and approve all minutes and decisions of the Council’s committees, to date.

Cllrs Cole and Eastwood left the chamber and Cllr Pattinson took the chair.

7. Grant Application To consider a grant application from Bucks Play Association for the sum of £252.00 Information relating to the request copied to all councillors. Proposed by Cllr Pattinson and seconded by Cllr Poland that a grant of £252.00 be awarded to Bucks Play Association. RESOLVED: Unanimously, that a grant of £252.00 be made to Bucks Play Association.

Cllrs Cole and Eastwood returned to the chamber and Cllr Cole resumed chairing the council.

8. Riverine Corridor Transfer Council to discuss the current management and transfer from Developers to AVDC. To also discuss the possible future transfer of the riverine corridor from AVDC to Coldharbour Parish Council. To consider the financial implications and decide, if necessary at this stage, to approach AVDC to request a meeting with Members and Officers to discuss these matters. RESOLVED: To discuss at the February meeting of the council and consider a possible working group. Clerk to liaise with the Grounds Maintenance Team to gather information on future works / maintenance structure / insurance costs etc. for the riverine/land.

9. Hs2 To receive an update, if available, and agree any further actions necessary No further updates.

10. Finances and Orders for Payment

3 RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders for payment:  Pietho Partnerships Hs2 Representation £2,966.00  George Browns Ltd Maintenance £250.73  HMRC Contributions £3,126.18

RESOLVED: To receive, accept and agree the monthly financial report for Accounts and Cashbook dated to 31/10/16, from the Finance Officer.

11. Precept and Budget 2017 Council to consider the proposed precept figure from the Resources & Personnel Committee. Cllr David, Chairman of the Resources & Personnel Committee to present the proposal and seek Council’s agreement for the precept figure for 2017/18. The Council considered the report, copied to all councillors, from the Resources and Personnel Committee and agreed the proposed 2017 budget presented by the committee. RESOLVED: To agree the 2017/18 Budget as presented by the Resources & Personnel Committee and RESOLVED: That a precept of £172,000 should be set for Coldharbour Parish Council for the 2017-2018 precept and budget period. RESOLVED: The Clerk to request from AVDC that they collect the above precept amount.

12. Planning Applications  To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning Applications.  To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.  To consider Ernest Cook Trust Permission on all planning applications  To note and formally agree decisions/comments made under delegated authority

Cllrs Baughan and Eastwood left the chamber.

 16/04014/APP 14 Waterperry Mews, Fairford Leys Conversion of existing garage into Utility and Beauty Room RESOLVED: Unable to Comment, at this stage, due to concerns over the possible business activity referred to in this application. Also, concerns raised on matters relating to businesses operating from residential properties on Fairford Leys - Restricted Covenants regarding businesses operating from Fairford Leys Residential Properties. AVDC Development Control requested to investigate and advise accordingly.

We request that AVDC Development Control investigate the conversion of the garage into a Beaty Room as we have been informed that there is a business operating from these premises and there are restricted covenants on Fairford Leys concerning operating businesses from properties on residential Fairford Leys. There are also concerns on the possible increase in traffic and parking issues that will arise from any visitors/customers to a business at this address.

4 ERNEST COOK TRUST COVENANTS Permission is sought from the following residents regarding their properties:

 16/04014/APP 14 Waterperry Mews, Fairford Leys RESOLVED: Deferred Decision (See above comments).

There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.50pm

Signed: ______Date: ______


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