Media release From the Parliamentary Secretary, Human Services

Tuesday, 5 September 2000


The Victorian Government will redevelop the low-rise public housing blocks in Elizabeth Street, North Richmond, the Minister for Housing and Aged Care, Bronwyn Pike said today.

The North Richmond estate bounded by Elizabeth, Church and Lennox Streets, consists of 229 homes in 18 separate walk-up blocks. Built in the 1950’s, it is in need of refurbishment.

“The renewal of the Elizabeth Street walk-ups is very important and reflects the Government’s commitment to reinvigorate public housing,” Ms Pike said.

“The Government is committed to providing a better standard of public housing,” Ms Pike said.

“We are working to establish meaningful partnerships with the private sector and local government to redevelop our older public housing estates in order to improve accommodation for thousands of Victorians on low incomes,” Ms Pike said

In 1988, the Office of Housing (OOH) undertook initial feasibility studies to assess options for improving the estate. In early 1990 work commenced on the Western half of the site, involving refurbishment of the interior and exterior of the walk-ups and landscaping, Ms Pike said.

Ms Pike announced that Richard Wynne, Member for Richmond, would chair a committee charged with the task of preparing a redevelopment strategy for the estate.

“The committee will involve representatives of local government, public tenant groups, community agencies and schools and will focus on investigating ways to integrate public and private redevelopment of the estate,” Mr Wynne said.

“The Advisory Committee will also review the work already undertaken and consult with tenants and the community to incorporate their views,” Mr Wynne said.

Minister Pike expects the Committee to present a redevelopment strategy in March 2001.

The Government has already approved redevelopment of housing estates in Kensington, Port Melbourne, Ashburton, North Shepparton, Bendigo and Geelong East.

Media contact: Tim Winkler - 9651 5799 / 0407 688 632