St Martin of Tours Catholic Church s3

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St Martin of Tours Catholic Church s3

ST GABRIEL’S WEST LOAN PRESTONPANS Fr James Smith Tel. 01875 610232 Parish Priest Email:[email protected] St Martin of Tours Catholic Church High Street, Tranent, EH33 1HJ 10th September 2017

St Gabriel’s is a parish of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, a charity registered in Scotland – number SC008540

Twenty-third Sunday of the Year (Year A)

Church Services Mass Times Intentions

10.00am St Gabriel’s Requiem Mass for Christina Wynne Monday 11th 9.00am St Martin’s Eucharistic Service

10.00am St Gabriel’s Eucharistic Service Tuesday 12th 7.00pm St Martin’s Eucharistic Service

Memorial of St John Chrysostom Wednesday 13th 10.00am St Martin’s Eucharistic Service 7.00pm St Gabriel’s Mass Mary McParland

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Thursday 14th 10.00am St Martin’s Mass Jim & Patrick Davie 10.00am St Gabriel’s Eucharistic Service

Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows Friday 15th 10.00am St Gabriel’s Mass Peggy O’Monhony 10.00am St Martin’s Eucharistic Service

Feast of St Ninian 10.00am St Gabriel’s Eucharistic Service Saturday 16th 6.00pm St Gabriel’s Vigil Mass Jim Innes

Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year Sunday 17th 9.30 am St Martin’s Mass People of the Parish 11.30 am St Gabriel’s Mass People of the Parish

There will be confessions in St Gabriel’s before the Saturday Vigil Mass from 5.15pm – 5.45pm

There will also be confessions before Sunday Mass in St Martin’s from 8.45 am - 9.15 am

Parish Announcements

Offertory Collection - £579.05. Thank you for your kind generosity.

VISITORS TO ST. GABRIEL'S Whether you come for one visit or many, you are very welcome to worship with us at Mass on Sunday or any of our weekday services in this church. There is a wheelchair in the Sacristy if one is needed. We would be grateful if it could be returned after use. Thank you.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY - will be back on next Sunday 17th September at 11.30 mass Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund Special Collection – The next Special Collection for the AICF will be taken on Sunday 17th September and if you wish to gift aid your donation, special collection envelopes will be available at the back of the church. Following the generous response to the additional collections taken last year and earlier this year, as well as these donations supporting the current needs of the Aged and Infirm Clergy Fund, we will use some of the donations received to create a new investment fund. This fund will be added to each year and will be used to build a larger fund over the next 20 to 30 years. In due course the income from the fund will support the cost of retirement benefits that will need to be provided to priests that are ordained over the coming years, when they retire. Many thanks for your continuing support. Derek Buglass, Director of Finance.

SACRAMENTS - Please give plenty of notice for the Celebration of Marriage------6 months usually. Baptism ------3 months.

OFFERTORY PROCESSION AT VIGIL MASS AND SUNDAY MASS- We would like to reach out to as many people as possible, who want to bring the gifts of bread and wine forward to the priest during the celebration of Mass at weekends. To meet this need, a ‘GIFTS AT MASS’ sign-up sheet will be pinned to the PPC Noticeboard to cover a period of one month. Please print your name next to the appropriate date (once per month only).

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) - INTRODUCTORY MEETING For those who have already intimated their wish to become new Catholics, the first meeting will take place on Thursday 21st September in the Side Chapel Room at 7pm. Anyone who is still considering, please make contact as soon as possible.

EVENTS TO CELEBRATE THE OPENING OF THE HALL - When the hall is finally refurbished and the opening takes place, Fr Jim is planning to have a week or two of events; to encourage parishioners to come along and experience what the new hall will have to offer. To this end it is hoped to compile a list of ideas for events to take place in the hall during its first couple of weeks. Parishioners are encouraged, that when creating their idea to take ownership of it. Many of you have had ideas in the past, so here is an opportunity to let your ‘light’ shine brightly for the good of all the community. Having had a couple of weeks to gather your thoughts on the subject, you will find the IDEAS SHEET now available on the table at the back of the church.

CHARITY FILM NIGHT – Our next evening will be in St Martin’s Hall Tranent on Friday 29th September at 7pm (doors open 6.30pm)when we will be showing “Mamma Mia!” Get out your feather boas, lycra and blue eye shadow as we all sing along to the hit musical. BYOB and snacks. Dress up (Wee prize for the best fancy dress). Donations and raffle in aid of local charities.

MEDICAL MISSIONARIES OF MARY- Please cut used stamps from the envelopes, leaving a small, paper border around the stamp and place them in the box on the table at the back of the church. When sold in bulk, the proceeds will go to the Medical Missionaries of Mary to provide aid for the work that they do.

CHOIR- We are always looking for more singers to join us. Practice is on a Sunday before Mass.

TOTE NUMBERS – will be advised next week.

FAITH DEVELOPMENT FOR ADULTS - The next meeting of the group will be in the side chapel room on Thursday 14th September at 7pm.

FILM SUNDAY- No film tonight; will return next Sunday 17th. PRAYING TOGETHER- Our next Praying Together will be this coming Tuesday 12th Sept. at 7pm. The focus for our prayer will be a reflection on the 'Power of the Holy Spirit'...the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church and how we respond to the Holy Spirit . We will meet in the side chapel for 60 mins. and there will be chat and refreshments afterwards. Some time in your busy life just for you!

REPOSITORY- Newspapers, books, cards and sacramental gifts are available from the repository. CTS booklets, which help to develop your personal prayer and give more insight to your Faith, are available from the CTS stand inside the repository itself. The Archdiocesan Directory can be purchased from the back of the church.

THE BOOK FOR YOUR PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION - remains at the back of church. Please feel welcome to use it. Your prayers will be included at Mass on Wednesday evenings.

COMMUNICATION - 1. The Parish Newsletter: available at Mass on Saturday evening/Sunday. 2. The Parish Facebook Page:- 3. The Parish Website:- 4. Noticeboards: at the back of the church and the porch.

THE SICK AND THE HOUSEBOUND Please provide the contact details of any family member or friend, who is sick or housebound and who has requested a visit from a Eucharistic Minister, to bring them Holy Communion at home. Forms have been placed on the table at the back of the church for this purpose.

We pray for the sick and those who care for them: Peter Aitken; Fred Carson; Jackie Fitzgerald; Aileen Lothian; Emily McNichol; Nicholas Morrison; Rose Paxton. We remember…and we pray for all who have recently died and for those who mourn. Also those, whose anniversaries occurred last week: Thomas Scott 3rd (1987); Daniel Toal 4th (1986); Mary E Boyd 6th (1984);Elizabeth Boyle 7th (1966); Catherine Rooney 7th (2000); Richard Jones 8th (----); Margaret Feeney 8th (2004); Robert Wilson 8th (2006); Alfred Clelland 9th (2006). and for those, whose anniversaries occur this week: James Sampey 10th (1989); Elaine Medhurst 10th (1992); Bernard Burns 10th (1994); Etta Thomson 10th (1996); Henry Dooner 11th (1946); Jimmy Walsh 11th (1999); Helen Maguire 12th (1948); Fr Brendon Boyle cp 12th (2006); Mary McLaren 12th (2006); Evelyn F Wason 12th (2016); Patrick Carroll 13th (1963); Vera Small 13th (2001); Daniel Reynolds 13th (2012); Agnes Kyle 14th (----); Henry Paxton 14th (1966); Fred Adams 14th (1994); Margaret Blair 15th (2013); Janice Taylor 16th (1967); Peter Dunn 16th (1979);Archie Archibald 16th (1988).

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL – ARCHDIOCESE - The PPC will meet on Wednesday 30th September 2017 in a special meeting at 7.30pm after Mass. All welcome. NATIONAL GALLERIES OF SCOTLAND, MOUND, EDINBURGH – CARAVAGGIO EXHIBITION – A LIFE SACRED AND PROFANE Beyond Caravaggio -on now until 24th September 2017 - £12 (concession:£10) Free for Our Friends. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 – 1610) was a radical and revolutionary artist whose work had a transformative impact on art in Italy and beyond during his lifetime and in the decades following his premature death. This exhibition is a collaboration between the National Gallery, London, the National Gallery of Ireland and the National Galleries of Scotland. Part of the Edinburgh Art Festival 2017.

JUSTICE & PEACE GROUP- Release of Mohammed Faisal Abu Sakha A BIG THANK YOU to all who signed letters asking for the release from Administrative Detention of Palestinian Mohammed Faisal Abu Sakha or for him to be charged and receive a fair trial. We have just received news that he has been released. The fact that you took an interest in his plight and supported him by asking for justice shows that your voice and those from around the U.K. and the world can make a difference. Please see the display at the back of the church for more information, quotes and pictures. Well done!

Reflection Harden not your heart

“O that today you would listen to his voice. Harden not your hearts.”

From a spiritual point of view, hardness of heart is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone.

To adopt a hard-hearted attitude us to maim oneself.

A hard heart can’t feel, can’t respond, and can’t love.

A hard heart can’t experience joy.

A hard heart is a closed heart,

A hard heart is a barren heart.

A soft heart, on the other hand, is a blessing.

A soft heart can receive and respond.

It can be saddened but it can also be deliriously happy.

Softened by the rain of God’s grace, and warmed by the sun of his love, the human heart can be turned from a desert into a garden.

Joke of the week Out

A man was applying for a job as a Prison Warden. The Governor said, “There are some very tough lads in here. Do you think you could handle that?” “No problem,” came the immediate reply. “If they don’t behave, then out they go!”

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