Stop Activity & Move the Athlete to a Cool, Shaded Place

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Stop Activity & Move the Athlete to a Cool, Shaded Place

KC Training Room Office: 832-484-5170 Fax: 832-484-5248 Catherine Marr ATC, LAT 281-831-0330 Heat illness 2015-16 DOESN’T have to progress in this manner, any one of the stages maybe skipped and progress to a more severe stage Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke* Treatment • Stop activity & move the athlete to a cool, shaded place • Begin cooling them down with cold towels to neck, underarms, and groin areas, Cold Immersion therapy / whirlpool (Core Temp should be taken, Monitor s/s) • Rehydrate/ replace lost fluids with sodium-containing fluids (IV fluids may be required) • Monitor closely for reoccurrence or progression of heat illness • Call EMS if needed* • The return to full activity should be gradual and monitored by a LAT/ Medical Professional (most will need 1-2 days recovery prior to return/ activity) The goal should be to lose no more than 2% to 3% of body weight during the practice session (due to sweat and urine losses). Dehydration usually occurs with a weight loss of two percent of body weight or more. Encourage proper Hydration & Nutrition, Increase the number and length of Rest breaks/ Water breaks *WHEN NOT PARTICIPATING- REMOVE HELMET SO HEAT CAN ESCAPE TELEVANT; Daily E-mail & Text messages of severe weather (EMAIL MARR if you want the Text Messages) ***FOLLOW THE KISD HEAT POLICY *** 95 Degrees- Caution Students will take regular water breaks and be monitored. Duration and extent of physical activity will reflect departmental training 100 Degrees – Moderate Caution Elementary PE will be held indoors. Secondary PE will be limited to 90 minutes of outdoor activity. Outdoor athletic practice sessions will be limited to 90 minutes, with mandatory water breaks every 20 minutes; Water to be available throughout session. 105 Degrees- Extreme Caution Elementary PE will be held indoors. Secondary Physical Education will be held indoors. Outdoors athletic practice session will be limited to 60 minutes in duration with mandatory water breaks every 20 minutes. At the discretion of the Athletic Director- practices may be limited to early morning or evening; Water to be available throughout the session. ------Lightning Facts  Three quarters of all lightning casualties occur between May and September.  Nearly four fifths of all lightning casualties occur between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM, which coincides with the hours for most athletic events.  Lightning is the number-one cause of storm-related deaths.  70% of all lightning injuries and fatalities occur in the afternoon.  Where there is Thunder there is lightning!  Don’t forget the Bolt out of the Blue! Recommendations for Lightning Safety 1. Establish a chain of command that identifies who is to make the call to remove individuals from the field. 2. Name a designated weather watcher (A person who actively looks for signs of threatening weather and notifies the chain of command). 3. Have a means of monitoring local weather. TELEVANT; Daily E-mail & Text messages of severe weather (EMAIL MARR if you want the Text Messages) 4. Designate a safe shelter. (Gym Area) 5. Use the Flash-to-Bang count to determine when to go to safety. By the time the flash-to-bang count approaches thirty seconds all individuals should be already inside a safe structure. 6. Once activities have been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes following the last sound of thunder or lightning flash prior to resuming activity. 7. Avoid being the highest point in an open field, in contact with, or proximity to the highest point, as well as being on open water. Do Not take shelter under or near trees, flagpoles, or light poles.

8. Assume the lightning safe position (crouched on the ground weight on the balls of the feet, feet together, head lowered, and ears covered) for individuals who feel their hair stand on end, skin tingle, or hear “crackling” noises. Do Not lie flat on the ground. 10. All individuals have the right to leave an athletic site in order to seek a safe structure if the person feels in danger of impending lightning activity, without fear of repercussions or penalty from anyone. What is a Safe Shelter?  A safe location in any substantial, frequently inhabited building. The building should have four walls (not a dug out), electrical and telephone wiring as well as plumbing, all of which aid in grounding the structure.  The secondary choice for a shelter location from the lightning hazard is a fully enclosed vehicle with a metal roof and the windows completely closed. Flash-to-Bang and the 30/30 Rule  Flash-to-Bang is a method used to determine your distance to a lightning strike. o To use the Flash-to-Bang method, begin counting when sighting a lightning flash. Counting is stopped when the associated bang (thunder) is heard. Divide this count by five to determine the distance to the lightning flash (in miles).  The 30/30 rule is a guideline that one should follow when determining when to halt or return to activity. o Your students/athletes should be inside a safe shelter by the time the flash-to-bang reaches 30 seconds (or 6 miles). o Remain in a safe shelter for 30 minutes after the last lightning strike or sound of thunder. REMEMBER: IF YOU CAN HEAR IT, FEAR IT. IF YOU CAN SEE IT, FLEE IT. ======Staph (Staphylococcal) These infections usually are easy to treat with inexpensive, well-tolerated antibiotics. However, some staph bacteria have developed resistance; that is; the antibiotics can no longer kill the bacteria (MRSA) Although antibiotic-resistant infections pose a significant health threat, the following measures are effective against many other infectious diseases. Precautions 1. Good hygiene/ hand washing (shower w/ soap & water) 2. Do not share towels, soap, lotion or other personal care items, even on the sidelines at games. 3. Get all cuts & abrasions cleaned and covered 4. More specific directions may be provided by your athletic trainer (example: drainage or MD referral). 5. Skin checks PRIOR to any participation/ contact. Activity will cause the infection to spread. ======COMMUNICATION IS KEY! • Remember that if an athlete goes to ANY medical professional, they must return with a note stating that they are cleared to return athletics. NO NOTE= NO PARTICIPATION & we must follow a doctor’s orders! • E-mail me your practice & game schedules • Remember to contact us with any and all changes ASAP • Rank One (RED vs. GREEN) • Coaches must update Team Rosters (all coaches should have log in) • Injury Reports, Daily Treatment Log will be sent via Rank One • Emergency Cards (Hard copy- Need full legal name & Grade) • Concussion Paperwork/ RTP (LAW) • Report all issues ASAP; we have a report Due every Monday morning • Willowbrook Methodist is the KISD Medical Provider • Concussion Protocol and all paperwork found on Marr’s website- LEGAL ISSUES!!!


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