Persuasive Sppech Preparation Outline

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Persuasive Sppech Preparation Outline

PERSUASIVE SPPECH PREPARATION OUTLINE Title: Everyone should buy organic food General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade my audience to buy organic food

Central idea: Organic food is the best food for consumers instead of conventional food

Organizational pattern: Problem, problem, problem I. INTRODUCTION A. Open with impact/ Let’s imagine. One day you are in a supermarket and you decided to Attention getter: buy vegetables. Well, they are all looking the same but they are actually different. You saw the usual vegetables and the organic vegetables. The question is which one do you prefer? Usual vegetables or organic? However, the stigma is that, whenever you saw the price of organically produce food, you will definitely not going to buy it. It is understandable that it is a little pricey but people should know the reason behind it because everyone should buy organic food. i. Tie to the audience/ reason Everyone should have the understanding on why we need to choose to listen more organic food rather than conventional food. ii.Credibility statement/ Therefore, I want to urge all of you to choose and buy organic food material instead of risking your life due to the long term exposure of chemicals from conventional food. iii. Preview of main points/ As for today, I will try to change your perspective of view towards central idea organic food based on three main points: i. Organic food: what is it? ii. Why organic food more nutritious that conventional food? iii. Organic food is a safer option than conventional food

Transition to body of speech: Without further delay, I would like to enlighten you on what is it that is called as organic food?

II. BODY I am very sure that all of you are fully aware of how conventional A. Main point 1: food for example, fruits, vegetables and animals are grown. That is the problem that we faced currently that is the total of harmful substances obtain from conventional food. But do you ever know what organic food is? Organic food is derived from crops or animals produced in a farming system that avoid the use of man-made fertilizers, I. Supporting details 1: pesticides, growth regulators and additives.

Organic food is differing from conventional food in many ways. ii. Supporting details 2: Organic food use manure and composting to enriched the soils. Also, the uses of pesticides or herbicides are forbidden. In order to preserve the soil, organic farmer’s use crop rotation, hand weeds and mulches. More than that, they do not inject any hormones to their animals, but to let their animals live naturally by letting them roaming around. All this reasons why organic is much more expensive than conventional food. This is because, farmers need to spend a lot of expenditures in buying compost, transportation fees, and also labor force. Next, you need to know why organic food is more nutritious than conventional food.

Transition to main point 2: Everyone knows that both petrol and diesesl are used as fuels for B. Main point 2: cars. But if it is concerns with your car performance, which one do you prefer the best? Petrol or diesel? Of course you will choose petrol instead of diesel though it is much expensive. Why? It is because it is good for your car performance. This is the same as organic food. Organic food contains a lot of nutritional values compared to conventional food. Organic food contains higher beta-carotene, vitamins C, D and E, essentials i. Supporting details 1: minerals and essential fatty acids and others. For examples, antioxidants in milk from organic cattle is between 50%-80% higher than normal milk while in organic crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, onions and lettuces, 20%-40% nutrients are recorded.

Organic food also do not have any Monosodium Glutamate (MSG’s), artificial sweeteners, contaminants or preservatives that can cause health problems. Eating organic has the potential the ii. Supporting details 2: lower the incidence of autism, learning disorders, diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, allergies, osteoporosis, migraines and others.

Lastly, do you ever wondering why choosing organic would be a safer option?

Transition to main point 3: The problem with conventional food, for example crops and animals B. Main point 2: are able to damage the soil from the usage of pesticides and herbicides and also damage the environment. In contrast, organic food surely benefits the environment because they do not release any synthetic pesticides, which can harm i. Supporting details 1: wildlife and they also seek to preserve biodiversity and local ecosystems. However, it is not only safer to the environment but also to human being.

There are several reasons why organic food would be a safer option than other food. Such as, ii. Supporting details 2: -there are more than 400 chemical pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming and the residues remains even after washing. Children are especially vulnerable to the exposures from those chemicals. -organic animals are not fed slaughterhouse waste, blood or manure. Eating organic reduces the risks of CJD, the human version of mad cow disease as well as Alzheimer’s. -organic animals are not fed by corn ethanol production which increases the rate of e. coli contamination.

As for today, I have briefly enlightened you on three main points, that are: i. Organic food: what is it? Transition to conclusion: ii. Why organic food more nutritious that conventional food? iii. Organic food is a safer option than conventional food

III. CONCLUSION Therefore, I want to urge all of you to choose and buy organic food A. Summary of main points: instead of risking your life due to the long term exposure of chemicals from conventional food.

What would you do if someday you lose someone that is so dear to B. Close with impact/Call for you due to the long term exposure of chemicals that we have action: consume for your entire life? For example, imagine if your family or friends have diseases that may be the outcomes from the chemicals intake from conventional food? Would you regret for not taking the action while you are able to do it from now? Well, just think about it. Therefore, I strongly believed that people should buy organic food. Before I end, I would like to leave a short quote from Annie Padden and David Jubb, ‘’Many people put more time into the maintenance of their cars than into their own body! Buy yourself organic vegetables and eat them. Invest in yourself. ... You can ask yourself, “What have I consumed today that will build high integrity blood, bone, and brain and body tissue? What have I done today that will add another day to my life?”

Thank you.


1. All about organic- Organic Consumers Association (OCA) Organic Resource Centre,

Retrieved on 30th November 2011,

2. Benefits of Organic Farming for Society, A. Häring, S. Dabbert, F. Offermann, H. Nieberg Department of Farm Economics (410 A), University of Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart, Germany, Federal Agricultural Research Centre, Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany, European Conference – Organic Food and Farming, 10.-11. May 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark. 3. Organic food versus conventional food, by Erika Bizousky, retrieved on 30th November

2011, conventional-foods/

4. It’s Easy Being Green: Organic vs. Conventional Foods—the Gloves come off, Centre for American Progress, retrieved on 30th November 2011,

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