Guidelines for Completing the FY05 Core Budget Template Spreadsheet
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Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request Template - Guide
I. General Guidance
1. All accounts that have Core related revenue or expense should be included in this spreadsheet. Each account should be presented as a column under the relevant fiscal year(s). If you need to add additional accounts, you should insert additional columns. You must list the chartstring and department for each account. 2. If you need to add revenue or expense items that are not on the spreadsheet, please use the lines labeled “Other Income” and “Other Expense” (rename as appropriate). Additional rows can also be inserted as necessary. 3. Be sure to put all revenue and expense under the correct account (though most of the Core’s revenue and expense should be under the Recharge Account). If a Capital Reserve Chartstring (CRC) was established to allow capital equipment depreciation expenses to be included in the Core’s prices, please insert a column for the CRC. 4. Revenue and expense for the Core must be completed for all 3 years - the actual amounts for FY2013, projected amounts for FY2014, and the budgeted amounts for FY2015. For FY2013, be sure to update last year’s projections with actuals. 5. When creating new rows or columns, please copy/adjust the appropriate formulas rather than entering calculated amounts.
II. Instructions/Explanation of Line Items i. Prior Year Surplus/Deficit – Any prior year surplus or deficit that relates to the Core. ii. Revenues
Recharge Income – All recharge income or service income that you receive or anticipate receiving for the Core.
Facilities & Administrative Cost Recovery Pool – If any F&A revenues (i.e. indirects) are being used to support the Core, the revenue should be placed on this line.
Grant Support, operating costs – Any received or anticipated operating funds derived from grants.
Grant Support, equipment – Any received or anticipated equipment funds derived from grants.
NU Office for Research, operating costs – Any received or anticipated operating funds support from the NU Office for Research (i.e. the VPR).
NU Office for Research, equipment – Equipment grants from the NU Office for Research should be included on this line. In general, these funds will be offset by an equal expense under “Capital Equipment.”
College or School, operating costs – Any received or anticipated operating funds support from a college or school (e.g. FSM, WCAS). The name of the college or school should be inserted. If funds are received from more than one college or school, please use the lines labeled “Other Income” to list them individually.
1 College or School, equipment – Equipment grants and matching funds from a college or school (e.g. FSM, WCAS) should be included in this revenue code. In general, these funds will be offset by an equal expense under “Capital Equipment.”
Affiliate Support – Any received or anticipated support from the Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation (NMFF), Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH), Lurie Children’s Hospital or other affiliates should be included on this line. The name of the affiliate should be inserted. If funds are received from more than one affiliate, use the lines labeled “Other Income” to list them individually.
Department/Center Support – Other Department or Center funds that are used to support the Core should be included on this line, with the exception of transfers from Gift or Endowment funds. The name of the Department or Center should be inserted. If funds are received from more than one Department or Center, use the lines labeled “Other Income” to list them individually.
Department/Center NMT - from Department Gift Account – Any non-mandatory transfers that you made or anticipate making into a Core account from a Departmental gift account.
Department/Center NMT - from Department Endowment Account – Any non-mandatory transfers that you made or anticipate making into a Core account from Departmental endowment income spending accounts.
Other Income – List any income not captured under the other revenue codes and specify the source of the income.
REVENUE SUBTOTAL – This line is populated automatically from the information you provide. The formulas may have to be adjusted if new columns or rows are added to the spreadsheet. iii. Expenses
Faculty Salaries – All faculty salaries and fringe benefits that are charged to the Core (including salary support for the faculty advisor).
Staff Salaries - All staff salaries and fringe benefits that are charged to the Core. This includes administrative staff and research technicians.
Other Wages - All other type of wages, such as overtime, temporary staff, work-study, additional pay, etc.
Capital Equipment - Capital equipment is tangible property having an acquisition value of $5,000 or more and a useful life expectancy of one year or more. Fabricated equipment that has an aggregate cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life expectancy of one year or more is considered capital equipment. Repairs, maintenance parts or components, warranty costs, maintenance contracts or annual software licensing fees are not considered capital equipment. Please also provide a list of capital equipment present in the core, whether recently purchased or not, on the tab labeled “Depreciation Schedule”. The following link provides a table to help estimate the useful life:
Equipment Lease – All expenses related to the leasing of equipment for the Core.
Service Contracts – All service contracts charged to the Core. This includes repairs, maintenance parts or components, warranty costs, maintenance contracts and annual software licensing fees.
2 Supplies/Services – All other supplies/services charged to the Core. This includes laboratory supplies as well as animal care costs.
Travel – All travel paid out of the Core’s budget should be listed on this line.
Other Expense – List any expenses not already captured.
EXPENSE SUBTOTAL – This line is populated automatically from the information you provide.
III. Other Information: The line items below “NET POSITION” are populated automatically from the information you provide. The formulas may have to be adjusted if new columns or rows are added to the spreadsheet.