Las Vegas Fire & Rescue

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Las Vegas Fire & Rescue



A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the callback of personnel is consistent with the needs of the Department, is accomplished with speed and efficiency, and is as fair and equitable, on an annual basis, to all employees as possible.

B. SCOPE: These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous Rules and Regulations, bulletins, and/or memorandums issued prior to this date.

C. AUTHOR: The Fire Chief or designee will be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of these rules and regulations, and will ensure that they are consistent with any valid and applicable bargaining agreements.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff list. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to track total callback overtime hours and establish a callback list based on total hours worked. The employee with the lowest total callback hours worked shall be placed at the top of the list followed by the next lowest total and so on.

B. All personnel are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff Database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: (1) Telephone, (2) Webstaff, and (3) Station Computers. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned in to the employee’s assigned Battalion Chief. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 2 of 23


A. Battalion Chiefs and Company Officers shall be responsible for the staffing strength of units under their jurisdiction. Accordingly, officers on duty shall, immediately after each roll call, relay the information to the Battalion Chief for the daily muster report. Personnel on the off-going shift will be held over as necessary should staffing requirements indicate the need.

B. Battalion Chiefs shall make necessary scheduled overtime and/or callbacks in order to comply with the staffing schedules as established and maintained by the Fire Chief. The Department staffing concept shows the general staffing concept that is used by the department and which will be altered as daily conditions or emergencies require.

C. For short periods of time (less than two (2) hours), individual companies may be staffed differently than shown on the suppression- staffing schedule.

D. It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue to callback to duty those employees necessary to maintain an adequate level of staffing or to supplement on-duty forces for emergency operations.


A. Emergency Callbacks

1. From time to time, an emergency may dictate the calling back of additional suppression staff. The officer having authority to do so shall contact the Fire Communication Center and request the callback of employees, specifically stating the number of employees, rank or special qualification required and the location to which the employees are to report, i.e., callback two (2) engine companies to report to Station #1.

NOTE: Personnel not assigned to the normal (3 shifts on, 4 shifts off) suppression shift will not be eligible for callbacks or scheduled overtime in the fire suppression roster. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 3 of 23

2. The Communication Center personnel shall use the TeleStaff System callback list, and shall telephone or initiate employees with the instructions of where and when to report. Whenever possible, callbacks shall be made in the same proportions that normal daily assignments dictate, i.e. one captain, one engineer and two firefighters for each company needed.

3. Emergency callbacks are mandatory and an employee contacted shall report to the assigned location as quickly as possible. Failure of an employee to report to assigned location within one and one half (1.5) hours shall be cause for disciplinary action.

B. Non-Emergency Callbacks/Scheduled Overtime

1. All overtime where the employee receives at least twelve hours notification is considered scheduled overtime. Overtime with less than twelve hours prior notification (except for work-over overtime) is considered a callback. Battalion Chiefs shall schedule overtime for projected roster shortages as much as possible.

2. When it is necessary to utilize overtime to maintain adequate service levels, the Battalion Chiefs or their designees shall utilize the following guidelines.

a. General Service Level Minimums

1). Battalion Chief: There shall be at least two (2) Fire Battalion Chief’s on duty 24 hours each day. The other Battalion shall have a Fire Battalion Chief or acting Fire Battalion Chief on duty 24 hours a day.

2). Captain Aide: There shall be 1 Captain Aide assigned to each Battalion.

3). Captain: Each in-service engine, truck, or heavy rescue shall be commanded by one (1) Fire Captain or Acting Fire Captain. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 4 of 23

4). Engineer: Each in-service engine, truck, water tender, or heavy rescue shall have one (1) Fire Engineer or Acting Fire Engineer assigned. Tiller trucks shall have two engineers assigned with no more than one Acting Engineer. Suppression units shall not have an Acting Fire Captain and an Acting Fire Engineer assigned at the same time (Tiller trucks may have one Acting Engineer with an Acting Captain).

5). Firefighter/Paramedic: Each in-service Paramedic “Rescue” unit shall have a minimum of one (1) Firefighter/Paramedic and one (1) EMT assigned. Each in-service Basic Life Support engine company shall have two Firefighters assigned. Each in-service Advanced Life Support engine company shall have one (1) Firefighter/Paramedic assigned to one of the firefighter positions. All EMS personnel must be licensed through the Clark County Health District.

b. Callbacks/scheduled overtime of personnel shall be rank for rank, filling vacancies until the desired staffing level is reached. When a service level shortage exists that cannot be filled from a current on-duty acting list, that position will be filled first and then revert back to the rank for rank system as needed. When a callback is needed for an unscheduled roster change that occurs after nine hundred (0900) hours, the position that caused the shortage will be called back.

c. All personnel called back to work from off duty are to report no later than one and one half (1.5) hours from receipt of the call to their overtime assignment. Failure to arrive within the one and one half (1.5) hours will negate that individual’s overtime. The employee will incur a penalty in the TeleStaff system based on applicable TeleStaff rules. (See TeleStaff callback penalty rules) LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 5 of 23

NOTE: An employee shall report to work with required combat and safety equipment.

d. Employees are allowed to arrange a trade of time for up to six (6) hours during their scheduled overtime/callback shift. The employee is required to physically report to work prior to any trade of time commencing. Trade hours will be tracked in the TeleStaff System and count in the fatigue rule.

e. The TeleStaff system shall be used for day-to-day and overtime staffing. Personnel must sign-up for voluntary overtime to be in the TeleStaff system. (See Appendix 1)

f. .Anytime an excess of personnel exists and the need arises that someone needs to be sent home, such as, personnel cancelled vacation leave, returns from light duty, rovers, or Telestaff error, etc., the following will apply:

1) Telestaff rule #600 (Suppression Cancel Highest Hour) will be run to verify highest hour person on the “in-between shift,” and they will be sent home first in order of list (Unless Haz-Mat and TRT staffing takes precedence).

2) If there are no in-between shift personnel on duty that day, Telestaff rule #600 (Suppression Cancel Highest Hour) will be run to verify the highest hour personnel on the “four day shift”, and they will be sent home first in order of list (Unless Haz-Mat and TRT staffing takes precedence). LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 6 of 23

g. When an employee is on extended sick leave (three consecutive shifts), on-the-job injury leave, light duty, or temporary assignment, they must submit in writing an estimate of time off duty. The Battalion Chief, or designee, may reassign the employee in the TeleStaff system to a 40 hr workweek until they are released to full duty. This is done for system convenience only and does not constitute physical or actual reassignment of the employee.

h. When an employee is promoted and/or transferred to another platoon, a Battalion Chief or designee shall enter the employee’s re-assigned status into the TeleStaff system. The employee shall maintain their total callback hours and be placed in TeleStaff accordingly.

i. Newly hired firefighters, upon graduation from the fire- training academy, will be eligible for callback/scheduled overtime. The highest five firefighters in logged overtime hours will be evaluated from each platoon. New hires will be assessed the average hours of the top five firefighters from the platoon with which they are assigned. This should place newly hired firefighters near the bottom of the overtime list.

j. 40 hour shift BC’s returning to a 56 hour work schedule will bring with them any hours that they have accumulated during their administrative assignment. All hours in the administrative assignment will count. While working in a suppression assignment they fall under the suppression rule of more than 8.5 hours counting towards their totals. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 7 of 23

k. When a scheduled overtime/called-back employee arrives at the assigned location and is not needed, the employee receives a minimum of four (4) hours of appropriate overtime pay and is released. If the employee can be notified to cancel prior to reporting to work, they are not eligible for overtime pay. When callback/scheduled overtime is utilized for daily staffing needs, the following procedures will apply:

1). First attempt to fill the overtime position, rank specific with a signed up employee from the platoon beginning a four-day.

2). Next, employees signed up who are not on four days off will be considered.

3). If the position cannot be filled with signed up personnel, those who are not signed up will be called beginning with the four-day shift first. This is called the “all call” mode.

4). Next, employee’s not signed up who are not on a four day will be called. This is also part of the “all call” mode.

5). If for some reason the position still cannot be filled within 72 hours of the vacancy, the force-hire mode will be used in the following manner:

a). The persons on their first 3 days of a four-day will be listed first.

b). Other persons and those in between shifts will be listed next.

c). The force-hire list will be based on the following criteria: LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 8 of 23

(1). Last date and time worked in the force-hire work code. For example, if the employee is at the top of the force- hire list beginning on 11-15-04. After working any hours in the force-hire work code, they will drop to the bottom of the force-hire list.

(2). The initial force-hire list will be created in the following manner:

(a). Based on the lowest overtime hours worked.

(b). If there is a tie, the last year’s total hours will be used.

(c). If there is still a tie, seniority will be used.

l. Filling short notice vacancies, such as, during the shift. The following procedure will be followed:

1). Signed up personnel on the-four day first.

2). Signed up personnel in-between shifts.

3). Actors signed up off duty.

4). Broadcast message.

5). Actors on duty when there are personnel signed up to backfill for that position.

6). Procedures for l.1)., l.2)., and l.3). are as follows:

a). Telestaff will be run to auto-fill the position with a time and date stamp. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 9 of 23

b). A manual notification will be sent to the person from Telestaff, followed by a manual phone call to verify the person is still available.

c). The person signed up will have six minutes from time date stamp to verify availability to work.

d). If no contact is made within the six minutes of the Telestaff time date stamp, the person will receive a penalty of three times the amount of time offered.

e). The next person will be contacted on the list etc.

f). If one of the previously called personnel calls back and the position has not been filled, and that person still wants to work the shift. The person will be placed in the position, and the penalty will be removed.

g). The penalty will be maintained for all other persons who were called with no return call within the six minutes of the Telestaff time and date stamp.

m. When callback/scheduled overtime is utilized for daily staffing needs in the Battalion Chief rank, the following procedures will apply:

1). First, attempt to fill the overtime position, rank specific with a signed up employee from the platoon beginning a four-day.

2). Next, employees signed up who are not on four days off will be considered. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 10 of 23

3). If the position cannot be filled with signed up personnel, those who are not signed up will be called beginning with the four-day shift first. This is called the “all call” mode.

4). Next, employees not signed up who are not on a four day will be called. This is also part of the “all call” mode.

5). If for some reason the position still cannot be filled within 72 hours of the vacancy by a 56 hour Battalion Chief, it can be filled by a 40 hour Battalion Chief if eligible ( after hours, weekends, holidays)

6). 56 hour Battalion chiefs will have 24 hours to respond to vacancies that occur less than 72 hours prior to the vacancy, but prior to 13 hours before the start of the shift. If the vacancy is not filled, it can then be filled by a 40 hour Battalion Chief if eligible (after hours, weekends, and holidays)

C. Force Hire

1. A Deputy Chief or designee must approve scheduled overtime for reasons other than staffing purposes. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 11 of 23

a. Personnel receiving scheduled overtime to attend meetings, for teaching, attending departmental continuing educational classes, ACLS/PALS re- certification, and annual physicals will consider themselves scheduled to work. If the employee is unable to attend the scheduled event, he/she will contact the employee who scheduled the overtime or an on-duty Battalion Chief. When personnel have scheduled overtime for the above reasons, they will not be eligible for scheduled overtime/callbacks for staffing purposes or Force-hire during the same time period and should not sign-up or be Force-hired for overtime callbacks in the TeleStaff System. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 12 of 23

b. When personnel are on administrative leave for department business or on union business leave, they will be responsible for not signing up for overtime during this time. If these employees inadvertently sign up for overtime, penalties will apply utilizing the TeleStaff rules.




A. Personnel will be allowed to list a maximum of two phone numbers for contact by the TeleStaff system. If the employee is working at a station, TeleStaff will call them first at the station and then on the first personal number listed. This is optional and will be overridden by the employee. The system will be allowed to call a pager as one of the personal numbers. The reserved time does not change for pager use.

B. With the exception of Battalion Chiefs, 40-hour personnel will not be included in the callback lists.

C. Staff on vacation, sick, or other leaves will remain on their appropriate list and be called accordingly. An employee will not use leave on a regular duty shift and return to work overtime for the same shift.

D. If the overtime worked is less than 8.5 hours, it will not count in the total hours rule.

E. The following holidays will not be counted towards the total hours rule: (July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Christmas Eve, New Years Day and New Years Eve.)

F. There will be an overtime-penalty (OTP) assessed for employees who have signed-up for overtime, but do not work the overtime. The penalty will equal the highest hours offered the employee times (x) three (3). If one has accepted any overtime position, and later cancels, they will be assessed the (3x) penalty. This includes force-hired positions.

1. The only exception to this will be OJI. If the individual is placed on OJI, the OT will be removed without penalty. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 14 of 23

G. Personnel who are offered, and decline any opportunity for overtime will receive a “no charge” penalty if no other penalties apply. This penalty has no hourly penalty attached and is only intended to disqualify the employee for overtime for the period of the offer. These penalties will only be removed by a Battalion Chief, and only if an error has occurred. Captains are not to remove “no charge” penalties.

H. Callback hours will zero-out on September 15th each year. The employees on callback will remain in the order they are in at the time of the zero-out.

I. Employees who have not signed up will be assumed not wanting to work overtime. They will still be called if all of the signed-up employees are not available. They will not, however, incur a penalty for refusal to work the voluntary overtime.

J. Employees not accepting an emergency overtime or force-hire request must provide a written statement, with original supporting documentation of why it was refused; examples would be airline tickets, gas receipts, bar receipts, witness statements, etc.

K. Making calls for overtime. (See Appendix 1 for details)

1. Calls to begin 7 days from affected shift

2. Normally, the highest hour vacancies are filled first. However, things such as an employee who originally applied for and was accepted for a full shift of annual leave, and then changes it to a partial shift. TeleStaff does not make the distinction between the two. This could affect the fill order.

3. TeleStaff will discontinue calling at 2130 hours the day before the shift and re-commence at 0530 hours the morning of the shift.

4. The following procedures will be utilized for filling vacancies for overtime: LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 15 of 23

a. AUTO-ASSIGN: Persons wishing to work overtime will “sign-up” in the TeleStaff system. When a vacancy exists, the system will fill it seven days out or less. The first person chosen by rule will be automatically assigned to an opening. This TeleStaff assignment in the roster will be the official notification of service. Phone calls may be made intermittently, automated or manually, until the assignment has been acknowledged on TeleStaff (i.e., No question mark on roster). 12 hours before the beginning of the shift (1930 hrs) the offer will expire if not acknowledged, and penalties will apply. All assignments of scheduled overtime will be acknowledged by 1930 hours the day before the shift. Offers not acknowledged will be considered vacancies at this time. The person who failed to acknowledge the assignment previously will be removed from the roster and penalized 3x the offer. Callback procedures will be started for these positions.

b. ALL-CALL: If a vacancy cannot be filled using the scheduled overtime or callback rules, further calls may be made utilizing the all-call mode. This mode will have a reserve time of 2 minutes (for the first person) and an expiration time of 30 minutes.

c. CALL-BACK: Overtime Callback procedures will begin at 1930 hours or less before the beginning of the shift. Persons who sign up will have a reserved time of 6 minutes and an expiration time of 30 minutes. Failure to accept an offer will result in a 3x penalty.

d. 4) ACTING: actors wishing to work overtime in a position must sign up using the Supp Acting Sign-Up code.

NOTE: actors will NOT be forced for Force-Hire positions. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 16 of 23

e. FORCE-HIRE: Vacancies without a person on the sign-up list may be force hired up to 72 hours in advance. Persons will be force hired by phone or in person by a staffing BC. Exceptions include the following:

1). Employees not accepting an emergency overtime, an overtime or force-hire request must provide a written statement, with original supporting documentation of why it was refused: examples would be airline tickets, gas receipts, bar receipts, witness statements, etc.

2). Other personnel can volunteer to work for a person who is force hired, including off duty actors. Notable is that the person that is working will be given regular overtime-scheduled, or overtime-callback in accordance with the code the original force hire person would have received. FOTS or FOTC will only be credited to the person who was originally forced if they work 10.5 or more hours of the shift, if not there will be no FOTS or FOTC given to either person. If the person is forced for less than 10.5 originally and works the entire Time, they will also receive credit for a force-hire.

3). The morning of the Forced Overtime Callback FOTC, calls will be made to personnel that are on their four-day that are on duty. Then, calls will be made to personnel on the in-between shift from the force hire list that is on duty.

5. If one has accepted any overtime position, and later cancels, will be assessed the (3x) penalty. This includes force-hired positions. See sick leave for exception to this rule. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 17 of 23

6. Personnel who are on-duty when called for overtime callback, will be assumed accepting the overtime position if signed up. TeleStaff will call the station where the employee is located first, and then one alternate number. TeleStaff will assume they have accepted the overtime position and place them into the open position. The Battalion Chief, or their designee, should do a manual confirmation as soon as possible. Furthermore, personnel who have signed up for overtime on the shift following a working shift will be responsible for checking the TeleStaff roster for assignment before leaving.

L. Fatigue rule:

1. All employees shall have 12 continuous hours off in an 84- hour period (except in emergencies).

2. Trades worked will be calculated into the fatigue rule.

M. Sick calls:

1. Sick calls made by 0615 will not need to be approved by a BC.

2. Sick calls made after 0615 must be called in to the assigned employees’ BC to be approved.

3. All sick calls shall be made at least 45 minutes (0645) before the shift start.

4. TeleStaff will cease to make calls automatically at 0615. At this time, the BC will fill overtime positions using TeleStaff lists LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 18 of 23

5. When a member uses a non-worked sick shift, or is on disciplinary leave, the member will not be eligible for regular overtime for a period of 72 hours following the end of their sick shift or disciplinary leave. The member will be eligible for regular overtime if the member uses 8.5 hours or less of sick leave. Personnel will remain on the Force Hire list. If a member was previously scheduled for regular overtime for the 72-hour period following a member calling in sick, the overtime will be removed and no penalty will apply. The overtime will not be removed if the member uses 8.5 hours or less of sick leave. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 19 of 23


A. The Haz Mat station (Station 3) will be staffed with a minimum of 7 Haz Mat Technicians. Within this seven will be one captain, one engineer, one firefighter, and one paramedic assigned to Engine 3. The remaining three Haz Mat Technicians will be assigned to any position. The technicians will be assigned for minimum staffing purposes only. Staff may be switched within the Haz Mat station by the BC’s or their designee. The following process will apply:

1. Engine 3 will be staffed with a technician in each position (4).

2. Fill vacancies with on-duty Haz Mat technicians from other stations that are:

a. On overtime and assigned (HMA)

b. On trades and assigned (HMA)

c. On overtime and unassigned (HMu)

d. Unassigned (HMu)

e. On trades and unassigned only when required to meet service level minimums of 7(HMu)

3. Backfill open positions after switching personnel into the Haz Mat station.

4. Fill vacancies by rank using callback/scheduled overtime rules for the Haz Mat specialty until the minimum of 7 (as stated above) is achieved.

5. BC’s will monitor the locations of other technicians throughout the city to fill the Haz Mat team to maximum capacity with other technicians.

B. The CBRNE Unit (Station 8) will be staffed with a minimum of 4 Haz Mat Technicians (One captain, one engineer, one firefighter, and one LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 20 of 23

paramedic). The following process will apply to staff this unit with 4 Haz Mat Technicians:

1. Fill vacancies with on-duty Haz Mat technicians from other stations that are:

a. On overtime and assigned (HMA)

b. On trades and assigned (HMA)

c. On overtime and unassigned (HMu)

d. Unassigned (HMu)

e. On trades and unassigned only when required to meet service level minimums of 4. (HMu)

f. Personnel from station 3 (station 3 must maintain a minimum of 7 Haz Mat Technicians.

2. Backfill open positions after switching personnel into the CBRNE station.

3. Fill vacancies by rank using callback/scheduled overtime rules for the Haz Mat specialty until there are a minimum of 4 personnel on the CBRNE Unit and a minimum of 7 personnel at station 3 (as stated above) is achieved.

4. BC’s will monitor the locations of other technicians throughout the city to fill the CBRNE and Haz Mat team to maximum capacity with other technicians.

C. The Technical Rescue station (Station 44) will be staffed with a minimum of 6 Technical Rescue technicians. Within these six technicians will be one captain, one engineer, one paramedic, and one firefighter. The following staffing and callback rules will apply: 1. HR44 will be staffed with a technician in each position (4). (Note exception in C.6) LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 21 of 23

2. Fill vacancies with on-duty Technical Rescue Technicians from other stations that are:

a. On overtime and assigned (TRA)

b. On trades and assigned (TRA)

c. On overtime and unassigned (TRu)

d. Unassigned (TRu)

e. On trades and unassigned only when required to meet service level minimums of 6. (TRu)

3. Backfill open positions after switching personnel into the TRT station.

4. Fill vacancies by rank using callback/scheduled overtime rules for the TRT specialty.

5. BC’s will monitor locations of other technicians throughout the city to fill TRT team to maximum capacity with other technicians.

6. In the event that all efforts to fill the technician vacancies are not successful, one non-technician can be substituted in the rank of Firefighter, Paramedic, or Engineer.

D. Specialty certifications will automatically renew. Personnel must be manually removed from their specialty if their certification should lapse.

E. EMS-1 will be manually filled by the BC’s using the following rules:

1. First, offer the vacancy to the callback EMSC on four days off.

2. Next, offer the vacancy to the EMSC in between shifts for 12 hours.

3. Paramedics from the EMSC promotional list on duty will be offered the position and the new vacancy filled. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 22 of 23

4. Paramedics from the EMSC promotional list off-duty will be offered the position. First, the four-day shift, then the middle shift.

5. Paramedic captains from the four-day shift will be offered the callback next, followed by the middle shift paramedic captains.

6. If no replacements are found using these rules, the unit will be taken out of service.


A. Annual leave will be granted via the Telestaff system following the rules below:

1. After the initial bid, according to the labor contract, employees will be scheduled with their awarded vacations by the BC or his/her designee (usually the vacation coordinator). Standby employees will be added using the same process.

2. After the awarded vacations and standbys have been placed and finalized (prior to January 1), all future requests will use “first come, first serve rules.” The vacation coordinator, working with a Battalion Chief, will input the vacations for the year ahead. The final draft of the vacation bids will be input after December 22. After December 22nd, the vacation coordinator will accept no other requests. Beginning 0001hrs on January 1st, the requests for vacation will be done through the Telestaff system on a “first come first serve” basis.

3. The number and rank of employees allowed leave each day will be limited as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

4. Paramedic students assigned to work in suppression must request leave. Request must be made at least 13 hours prior to the beginning of the suppression shift (not the student shift). These requests will be omitted from the total count of employees on leave. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 23 of 23

5. A maximum of two employees (or as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement) will be allowed off for birthday leave on each shift.

6. Personnel requesting annual leave must use a minimum of 8 hours for annual leave.

7. Personnel requesting leave shall enter the request into the Telestaff system by 1830 the day before the affected shift. Personnel requesting annual leave less than 13 hours before the beginning of the shift will not be approved.

8. Employees on standby for leave will be sorted using “first sign up criteria only.”

9. Once a position is filled, personnel canceling annual leave for that position must do so manually by calling an on-duty BC. The BC or designee will remove the employee from annual leave in the calendar or roster, thus beginning the process for Telestaff to offer the leave position to the next employee in standby order. The Battalion Chief will assure that the employee scheduled to replace the canceling employee is notified not to report to work.

10. Once a position has been filled and an employee cancels annual leave, a penalty will be assessed to that employee’s overtime hours for the amount of time cancelled. Example: canceling 24 hours annual leave results in 24-hour penalty to overtime hours. The penalty can be verified through the on duty BC or designee.

11. If the position has not been filled, employees will cancel annual leave using the Telestaff system. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPRESSION Reviewed Date: 12/22/2010 Effective Date: 1/1/2011 Supersedes: 7/04/2009 SOP 130.06.01 Page 24 of 23


A. Battalion Chief

1. Only employees on the acting list from the last test may act at this rank.

2. Equivalent ranks include the following:

a. Drillmaster

b. Special Operations Chief

c. EMS Battalion Chief

d. Fire Training Chief

e. Support Services Chief

B. Captain

1. Employees on the acting list from the last test may act at this rank.

2. Employees with an equivalent rank may assume this position.

3. Equivalent ranks include the following:

a. BC aide (shift hours as an Aide are 0630 to 0630)

C. EMS Coordinator

1. Employees who have passed the promotional test are eligible to act in this position.

2. This position cannot act in the captain’s rank.

3. Paramedic Captains may act in this position.


1. Employees on the acting list from the last test will act in this position.

2. Employees in the Truck Tiller position will have this rank.

E. Paramedic/Firefighter

1. Only paramedic certified employees may fill this position.

2. Other callback rules pertaining to shifts available will also apply in this section.

F. Firefighter

1. This generally includes all other suppression employees assigned to the normal (3 shifts on, 4 shifts off) suppression shift.


A. Telestaff will cease to auto fill at 0615 each morning.

B. At this point, the Captain Aide, or BC who is staffing, will run the system manually.

C. All three BC’s may run the system simultaneously.


A. BC- Just below Super User. BC’s will have agency security level.

B. Captains - Assigned station security level. Captains in the BC Aide position will have Agency level approval while in the Aide position.

C. All Other - will have basic individual security level. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 1 of 13


A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the callback of personnel is consistent with the needs of the Department, is accomplished with speed and efficiency, and is as fair and equitable, on an annual basis, to all employees as possible.

B. SCOPE: These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous Rules and Regulations, bulletins, and/or memorandums issued prior to this date.

C. AUTHOR: The Fire Chief or designee will be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of these rules and regulations, and will ensure that they are consistent with any valid and applicable bargaining agreements.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff list. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to track total callback overtime hours and establish a callback list based on total hours worked. The employee with the lowest total callback hours worked shall be placed at the top of the list followed by the next lowest total and so on.

B. All personnel are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff Database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: (1) Telephone, (2) Webstaff, (3) Station Computers. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned in to the employee’s assigned supervisor. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 2 of 13


A. The Supervisor of Fire Investigations shall be responsible for the staffing of units.

B. The Supervisor will ensure that overtime and/or callbacks comply with the staffing schedules as established and maintained by the Fire Chief. The Department staffing concept shows the general staffing concept that is used by the department and which will be altered as daily conditions or emergencies require.

C. It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue to callback to duty those employees necessary to maintain an adequate level of staffing or to supplement on-duty forces for emergency operations.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff System. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to schedule Annual (VAC), Birthday (BDAY) and Sick Leave (SICK) as well as Overtime Scheduled (OTS), Overtime Callback (OTC) and Administrative Leave (ADMN). It will also be utilized to track total callback hours and establish a callback pick list based on policy criteria. Beginning with the commencement of the FY05 budget, TeleStaff will provide Overtime Scheduled for Minimum Staffing for the Bureau.

B. All Bureau employees are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: 1.Telephone, 2. Webstaff, 3. Work location PC’s. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned to the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad or designee. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 3 of 13

C. Emergency and Non-Emergency Callouts

1. The Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad or designee shall make the necessary scheduled overtime and or callbacks for Bureau personnel. Overtime that is scheduled 12 hours in advance will be recorded as “Overtime Scheduled.” Overtime requested within 12 hours notice will be recorded as “Overtime Callback.”

2. When it is necessary to utilize overtime to maintain adequate service levels, the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad or his designee shall utilize the following guidelines. Minimum staffing for the Bureau of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad will entail three (3) person Teams on duty at all times to include at least two (2) FBI certified bomb technicians. Does not include the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad.

a. Service Level Minimums: Bureau of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad

1). Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad: The Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad works Monday through Friday excluding Holidays from 0800-1700 hours and is subject to after hours call out overtime. Actors who qualify to Act from a certified List will be given every opportunity to fill any vacancies. Failure to fill these vacancies will not prevent Leave for this Classification.

2). Senior Fire Investigator: Each Bureau Team shall have one (1) Senior Fire Investigator or Acting Senior Fire Investigator on duty at all times.

3). Fire Investigator II: Each Team shall have a minimum of one (1) Fire Investigator II assigned at all times. There are no Acting positions for Fire Investigator II except for Senior Fire Investigators Acting down. When possible, it is replaced rank for rank when leave is authorized. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 4 of 13

4). Fire Investigator I: Fire Investigator I is an entry level Classification that entails1-2 years of intense Field Training. Leave for the Fire Investigator I will begin with rank for rank until 50% of the Classification has promoted to Fire Investigator II status, where at such time all Fire Investigator II rank may fill this vacancy in addition to the remaining fire Investigator I personnel.

Additional Overtime Staffing Requirements that require OTS so these deployments will not be interrupted by on-duty calls for service.

5). Instructor: Must be an FBI certified Bomb Technician under the following Classifications; Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad, Senior Fire Investigator or Fire Investigator II. Fire Investigator I’s can teach non-explosive related instruction.

6). VIP: VIP details will entail a minimum of two (2) personnel that are certified as Bomb Technicians by the FBI. These Classifications may entail the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad, Senior Fire Investigator or Fire Investigator II. Additional personnel beyond the minimum two (2) as described above may be required based on dignitary protection needs and Bureau Leave status.

D. Overtime Scheduled or Overtime Callbacks

1. Overtime Scheduled or Overtime Callbacks will be based on the following criteria: LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 5 of 13

a. Those personnel desiring to work overtime will need to sign up via TeleStaff on the days they want to work overtime. Signed up personnel will be considered first pick in scheduling OTS by TeleStaff.

b. Personnel who have not signed up for overtime will be assumed not wanting to work overtime. They may still be called if all of the signed up personnel under (a) above are not available.

c. There will be a penalty assessed for personnel who have signed up for overtime, but do not accept the overtime when contacted. Should this occur, personnel will be penalized three times (3x) the hours offered.

d. Special Detail Overtime such as “Instructor” and “VIP”, will require either an “Accept” or “Reject” when personnel are notified by TeleStaff. These types of overtime require immediate notice of intent and commitment on the part of Bureau Staff. Acceptance of Instructor or VIP overtime that is canceled once accepted will result in a three (3) times the requested time as a penalty and will be added to the total overtime hours.

e. Personnel may remove themselves from the sign up list anytime prior to a call from TeleStaff seeking an overtime commitment.

f. The sort criteria in the beginning of TeleStaff will be based on the current card file system to determine calling order. Personnel who have signed up with the lowest hour totals will be called first. In the event of a tie in hours, the lowest total hours from last year will be used. And if needed, the last sort criteria will be last opportunity offered date/time stamp.

g. When callback/scheduled overtime is utilized for daily staffing needs, the following procedures will apply: LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 6 of 13

1). First, attempt to fill the overtime position, rank specific with a signed up employee.

2). Next, rank specific with employees not signed up for overtime beginning with the lowest hours of recorded overtime.

3). Next, qualified Actors for the rank that is requesting Leave.

4). Sorting Criteria will be as follows:

a). Lowest hours this year.

b). Lowest hours last year.

c). Last opportunity date and time.

5). If for some reason the position still cannot be filled within 72 hours of the vacancy, the force hire mode will be used in the following manner:

a). Vacancies with persons on “skip” will not be considered vacancies, but persons on “skip” may still be force hired.

b). Personnel on their first 3 days of a 4 day off will be called first.

c). Other personnel and those in between shifts will be called next.

6). The force hire list will be created in the following manner:

a). Last opportunity date and time worked in that work code of FOPTC/OTC. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 7 of 13

b). Lowest hours for current year.

c). Lowest hours for previous year.

d). Seniority of personnel.

h. TeleStaff will call for 6 minutes for an overtime opportunity rotating between two listed phone numbers. The request is reserved for 6 minutes, but will remain open for 30 minutes. TeleStaff will then move on to other personnel. After 30 minutes, the penalty goes into effect.

i. Personnel who have accepted scheduled or callback overtime, but cannot work, will be penalized three (3x) the hours offered if the OTS shift is cancelled by them at anytime prior to the start time of the awarded shift. OJI is an exception.

j. AUTO-ASSIGN: Persons wishing to work overtime will “sign-up” in the TeleStaff system. When a vacancy exists, the system will fill it seven days out or less. The first person chosen by rule will be automatically assigned to an opening. This TeleStaff assignment in the roster will be the official notification of service. Phone calls may be made intermittently, automated or manually, until the assignment has been acknowledged on TeleStaff (i.e. No question mark on roster). 12 hours before the beginning of the shift (1930 hrs) the offer will expire if not acknowledged, and penalties will apply. All assignments of scheduled overtime will be acknowledged by 1930 hours the day before the shift. Offers not acknowledged will be considered vacancies at this time. The person who failed to acknowledge the assignment previously will be removed from the roster and penalized 3x the offer. Callback procedures will be started for these positions. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 8 of 13

k. Personnel receiving scheduled overtime to attend Bureau committee meetings, Instructing classes, VIP Details, or annual physicals will consider themselves scheduled to work. When personnel have scheduled overtime for the above reasons, they will not be eligible for scheduled overtime/callbacks for staffing purposes during the same time period and should not sign-up for overtime callbacks in the TeleStaff System.

l. When personnel are on Administrative Leave for department business they will be responsible for not signing up for overtime during this time. If these employees inadvertently sign up for overtime, penalties will apply utilizing the TeleStaff rules.

m. Bureau personnel will be eligible to work up to but not longer than seventy two (72) continuous hours between regular straight time and/or overtime shifts combined.

n. For short periods of time (less than two (2) hours), individual Teams may be staffed differently than shown on the Fire Investigations staffing schedule. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 9 of 13

E. Annual and Birthday Leave

1. After the initial bid, the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad will schedule personnel with their awarded VAC & BDAY Leave.

2. The Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad will input the results into the TeleStaff system after the awarded VAC and BDAY Leave has been placed and finalized prior to December 15 of the calendar year. All future requests will use “First come, First serve rules” rank for rank. Beginning 0001 hours on January 1st, the requests for VAC Leave will be through the TeleStaff system.

3. Annual and Birthday Leave will be based on the following criteria:

a. All applications for VAC and BDAY Leave must be approved by the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad prior to taking Leave.

b. Members of the Bureau of the Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad must submit their VAC and BDAY requests for the upcoming calendar year prior to November 15 of the existing calendar year.

c. Approval of selected dates for VAC and BDAY will be based on departmental seniority, with the employee having the highest departmental seniority on their respective Team and Rank given preference over those with lower seniority.

d. Employees with enough accrued time may elect to take up to four (4) normal work cycles at one time or split their VAC into two (2) work cycles at different times throughout the year. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 10 of 13

e. During the months of June, July and August, no more than two (2) work cycles of VAC Leave may be used at one time.

f. Vacation schedules will be developed by using three (3) rounds of requests:

1). All employees may select the work cycles for either a full month vacation or the first portion of their split vacation, then;

2). Employees may then select the second portion of their split vacation, then;

3). Employees may select additional time beyond a single month or split vacation to the extent positions available on a first come, first serve basis as designated under S.O.P. 130.06.02 Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad TeleStaff rules.

g. The number of employees allowed on VAC at any one time will be limited to:

1). One (1) Senior Fire Investigator during a twenty-four hour (24)-hour period.

2). One (1) Fire Investigator I or Fire Investigator II during a twenty-four (24)-hour period.

3). One (1) person regardless of Rank on BDAY during a twenty-four (24)-hour period.

4). Additional requests for VAC beyond this may be approved by the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad depending upon SICK and ADMN Leave that is being used by other personnel. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 11 of 13

h. B-DAY Leave should be requested at the same time as scheduled VAC Leave prior to November 15 of the calendar year.

i. Personnel requesting leave (VAC or BDAY, outside of the bid process), shall enter the request into the TeleStaff system for approval 13 hours before the affected shift.

j. All Leave requires Supervisor approval.

k. For those personnel granted ADMN Leave for Seminar or out of town training, the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad will manually place those personnel on ADMN Leave in TeleStaff if approved by the Fire Chief or his designee.

l. Once a vacation slot has been filled, personnel canceling VAC Leave for that slot must do so manually by notifying the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad or designee, who will then remove the employee from VAC Leave, thus beginning the process for TeleStaff to offer the Leave to the next person signed up.

m. Personnel on standby for VAC Leave will be sorted using “First sign up criteria only.”

n. Personnel that cancel any Leave (VAC or BDAY) using the TeleStaff system will be penalized one times (1x) the amount of hours canceled if the position has been filled. Those hours will be added to their overtime hours.

o. The following holidays will not be counted towards the total hours rule: (July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day.) LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 12 of 13

p. In order to sustain and enhance minimum staffing, VAC will be for a minimum of four (4) hours and such Leave will be replaced with the appropriate rank through automated or manual callbacks. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – INVESTIGATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 09/15/08 SOP 130.06.02 Page 13 of 13

F. Sick Leave

1. Sick Leave will automatically be approved using the TeleStaff system if requested 1.25 hours prior to the start of assigned shift.

2. If within the 1.25 hours, the Sick Leave request must be done manually by calling the Supervisor of Fire Investigations – Bomb Squad or designee.

G. Specialty Assignments

1. Specialty assignments are additional assignments outside of covering for Minimum Manning and may require special certifications, knowledge, or commitments to a Bureau cause.

2. Specialty may include:

a. VIP Detail

b. Instructor



A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the callback of personnel is consistent with the needs of the Department, is accomplished with speed and efficiency, and is as fair and equitable, on an annual basis, to all employees as possible.

B. SCOPE: These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous Rules and Regulations, bulletins, and/or memorandums issued prior to this date.

C. AUTHOR: The Fire Chief or designee will be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of these rules and regulations, and will ensure that they are consistent with any valid and applicable bargaining agreements.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff list. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to track total callback overtime hours and establish a callback list based on total hours worked. The employee with the lowest total callback hours worked shall be placed at the top of the list followed by the next lowest total and so on.

B. All personnel are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff Database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: (1) Telephone, (2) Webstaff, (3) Station Computers. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned in to the employee’s assigned supervisor. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 2 of 11


A. The Supervisors shall be responsible for staffing strength under their jurisdiction.

B. Supervisors shall make necessary scheduled overtime and/or callbacks in order to comply with the staffing schedules as established and maintained by the Fire Chief. The Department staffing concept shows the general staffing concept that is used by the department and which will be altered as daily conditions or emergencies require.

C. It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue to callback to duty those employees necessary to maintain an adequate level of staffing or to supplement on-duty forces for emergency operations.


A. Emergency & Non Emergency Callbacks

1. Voluntary Overtime

a. Employees must be signed-up in the TeleStaff system to be considered for overtime assignments. TeleStaff allows maximum of two phone numbers for contact by the system. Employees who have not signed-up will be assumed not wanting to work overtime. They still may be called if all signed up employees are not available. If no one accepts the overtime assignment, a force hire will be implemented.

b. Voluntary overtime will be made seven (7) days in advance, when possible, using the following guidelines:

1). Qualified If:

a). Full shifts rank for rank signed up.

b). Partial shifts rank for rank signed up. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 3 of 11

c). Full or partial shifts that have not been filled rank for rank will be offered to actors 72 hours in advance that are signed up.

2). Sort Criteria:

a). Total overtime hours, lowest to highest.

b). Total overtime hours, previous year.

c). The last opportunity date and time worked.

c. If a vacancy is to be filled and persons are signed-up, the TeleStaff system will automatically assign the first person that qualifies for the overtime position to the vacancy. This auto-assignment constitutes notification of accepted overtime. The system may attempt to notify you again by phone or login. Persons who cancel overtime after being auto-assigned will be assessed a fourteen (14) day penalty. The employee will remain on the force hire list.

d. Personnel who have been scheduled for overtime are subject to cancellation if the employee they are replacing cancels leave or becomes available to work for any other reason.

e. An employee may not use leave on a regular duty shift and return to work overtime for the same shift.

f. Voluntary overtime that has been accepted and then given back, (not worked), will result in a fourteen (14) day penalty, wherein the employee cannot sign up or work voluntary overtime during this 14 day period. Voluntary overtime that was accepted prior to this 14-day penalty will be worked by the employee. The employee will remain on the force hire list. On Job Injury (OJI) is the only exception to this penalty rule. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 4 of 11

g. There will be a 16-hour fatigue rule in communications. This means that under normal situations no employee will be allowed to work more than 16 continuous hours. An employee must have eight (8) continuous hours off, in a 24-hour period, not cumulative. (Except in an emergency).

h. All overtime where the employee receives at least twelve hours notification is considered scheduled overtime. Overtime with less than twelve hours prior notification except for work-over overtime is considered callback overtime.

i. Call back overtime will be offered to persons who are signed up in TeleStaff. The first person chosen by rule will be auto-assigned to the opening. Acceptance of overtime can be verified (i.e. No Question mark (?) on roster).

j. Persons who sign up will have a reserved time of 6 minutes and an expiration time of 30 minutes. A three (3) times penalty will be assessed to the employee that was auto-assigned and does not work the overtime.

2. Force-Hires:

a. The Senior on-duty will force-hire face to face, up to 72 hours out, based on the TeleStaff force hire list. The Senior will force-hire full shifts preferably to partial shifts, however, there are times when partial shifts will be mandated.

b. The force-hire list will be based on the following criteria:

1). Last date and time worked in the force-hire work code. For example, if the employee is at the top of the force-hire list beginning on 11-15-04. After working any hours in the force-hire work code, they will drop to the bottom of the force-hire list. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 5 of 11

c. The initial force-hire list will be created in the following manner:

1). Based on the lowest overtime hours worked.

2). If there is a tie, the last year’s total hours will be used from 12-17-05.

3). If there is still a tie, seniority will be used.

4). Sort Criteria:

a). Total overtime hours, lowest to highest.

b). Total overtime hours, previous year.

d. Force hires are mandatory. Employees not accepting a force hire must provide a written statement with supporting documentation of why it was refused; examples would be airline tickets, gas receipts, a written statement from a Doctor, etc. Failure of an employee to report to assigned location within one and one half (1.5) hours shall be cause for disciplinary action.

e. Other personnel can volunteer to work for a person who is forced hired. Notable is that the person that is working will be given regular overtime-scheduled or overtime-callback in accordance with the code the original force hire person would have received. If someone works your forced hire, you will not get credit for your forced hire.

f. All overtime hours will be reset to zero annually on September 15th.

g. Overtime worked on the following holidays will not be added to the total overtime worked with the TeleStaff system:


2). Christmas Day

3). New Years Eve

4). New Years Day

5). 4th of July

6). Thanksgiving

B. Personal Leave

1. Personal Leave will be approved based on minimum staffing levels in fire communications. Minimum staffing for the dispatch center will be set at nine (9). Staffing will be one Senior Communications Specialist or Acting Senior Communications Specialist and eight (8) Communication Specialists.

C. Annual Vacation & Birthday Leave Picks

1. The Chief Communications Specialist or his/her designee will enter vacation picks into the TeleStaff system no later than the 15th of December each year before the start of the new shift schedule. The system will be “locked out” for a two (2) week period during the period in which the annual leave schedules are being input.

2. Vacation and birthday requests not scheduled by December 15th must be submitted for approval 24 hours in advance. These will be granted on a first come, first serve basis after the beginning of the year. Requests for vacation/birthday leave between December 16 and January 1 will be granted under the provisions below by seniority.

3. When requesting less than a complete shift for vacation time the following must be followed. There is no minimum if the request is made starting the first hour or that includes the last hour of your shift. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 7 of 11

4. Only three (3) people will be allowed off (including the Senior Communications Specialist) within a single hour on any given day. A fourth position will be optional and may be approved by the Fire Communications Supervisor or the Chief Communications Specialist depending on day, date and time. Four positions may be available based on the following:

a. Monday morning at 0800 hrs. through Friday 1800 hrs. provided there are no holidays during the week. If a holiday does fall during the week, only three positions will be available from 1800 hrs. the day before the holiday, to 0800 hrs. the day after the holiday.

b. Three positions will be available starting on Friday at 1800 hrs. through Monday at 0800 hrs.

5. Employees shall have the option of choosing a four-week single vacation or a split vacation on the first choice. A split vacation will consist of two (2) separate weeks consisting of at least one week or two work weeks within the calendar year. Only one split can be chosen at one time.

6. The months of June, July and August shall be for split vacations only.

7. Employees shall have a second choice using the same procedure as #5.

8. Employees shall have a third choice using the same procedure as #5.

9. Birthday holidays shall be scheduled at the same time as annual leave, on the employee’s birthday if possible. Only one employee per shift shall be allowed the opportunity to have their birthday off. If more than one employee requests their birthday holiday during the same day, no off hours can be overlapping into another shift. If an employee is requesting their actual birthday off, this request over-rides department seniority. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 8 of 11

10. If the employee is unable to have their birthday off, or who wish to schedule their birthday holiday on a day other than their birthday, shall schedule the use of their birthday holiday in accordance with the annual leave scheduling procedures. Employees may also take their birthday holiday as cash on an hour per hour basis, during the pay period on which their birthday falls.

11. Vacations and birthday holidays shall be picked according to seniority. If an employee will be on regular days off or on annual leave, their annual leave picks shall be left with a senior and Chief Communications Specialist.

12. A Telephone Notification Form located at the senior position will be completed by all employees. The list will include the name of employee, all contact telephone numbers provided by the employee, and the date and times the employee was notified of their vacation pick. The senior will make vacation notification calls between the hours of 0800 and 2000. Employees will be given an exclusive one-time offer of 48 hours to pick their vacation, commencing from the documented time they were notified.

13. An employee on duty shall be notified by the senior of their vacation pick. The senior will document the date and time the employee was notified on the Telephone Notification Form. This will initiate the 48 hours time clock for the employee to complete their vacation pick.

14. An employee off duty shall be notified by the senior of their vacation pick. The senior will call all telephone numbers provided by the employee listed on the Telephone Notification Form. The senior will leave messages on those numbers that have voice mail or answering machines. The date and time those calls were made, and the results of the calls will be documented on the Telephone Notification Form. Once the senior calls all the numbers listed for the employee, the time clock begins, allowing the employee 48 hours to complete their pick. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 9 of 11

15. If the employee fails to complete their vacation pick within their exclusive 48 hours time frame, they will be passed over to the next employee in seniority. The employee will continue to be passed over in seniority for that round, until the employee completes their vacation pick.

16. Once a position is filled, personnel canceling annual leave for that position must do so manually by calling an on-duty Senior. The Senior or his/her designee will remove the employee from annual leave in the calendar or roster, thus beginning the process for TeleStaff to offer the leave position to the next employee in standby order. The Senior will ensure that the employee scheduled to replace the canceling employee is notified not to report to work.

17. Once any portion of the position has been filled and an employee cancels annual leave, a penalty will be assessed to that employee’s overtime hours for the amount of time cancelled. Example: canceling 10 hours annual leave results in a 10-hour penalty to overtime hours. The penalty can be verified through the on-duty Senior or designee. No penalty will be assessed if the position was not filled.

18. If the position has not been filled, employees will contact the on-duty Senior to cancel annual leave. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATIONS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.03 Page 10 of 11

D. Sick Leave

1. Sick leave will automatically be approved using the TeleStaff system if requested no later than 10 hours prior to the start of assigned shift. Sick leave requested less than 10 hours from the start of the shift must be requested by call-in to the on-duty Senior, no later than 45 minutes prior to the start of the shift. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPORT Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.04 Page 1 of 6


A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the callback of personnel is consistent with the needs of the Department, is accomplished with speed and efficiency, and is as fair and equitable, on an annual basis, to all employees as possible.

B. SCOPE: These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous Rules and Regulations, bulletins, and/or memorandums issued prior to this date.

C. AUTHOR: The Fire Chief or designee will be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of these rules and regulations, and will ensure that they are consistent with any valid and applicable bargaining agreements.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff list. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to track total callback overtime hours and establish a callback list based on total hours worked. The employee with the lowest total callback hours worked shall be placed at the top of the list followed by the next lowest total and so on.

B. All personnel are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff Database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: (1) Telephone, (2) Webstaff, (3) Station Computers. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned in to the employee’s assigned supervisor. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPORT Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.04 Page 2 of 6


A. The Supervisors shall be responsible for staffing under their jurisdiction. .

B. Supervisors shall make necessary scheduled overtime and/or callbacks in order to comply with the staffing schedules as established and maintained by the Fire Chief. The Department staffing concept shows the general staffing concept that is used by the department and which will be altered as daily conditions or emergencies require.

C. It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue to callback to duty those employees necessary to maintain an adequate level of staffing or to supplement on-duty forces for emergency operations.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff System. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to schedule annual, birthday, and sick leave. It will also be utilized to track total callback hours and establish a callback list based on total logged.

B. All employees are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: 1) Telephone, 2) Webstaff, 3) Work location PC’s. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned to the Support Services BC or designee. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPORT Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.04 Page 3 of 6

C. Emergency and Non-Emergency Callouts

1. The Support Services BC or designee shall make the necessary scheduled overtime and or callbacks for the Support Services personnel. When possible overtime will be scheduled 12 hours in advance and recorded as “Overtime Scheduled.” Overtime requested with less than 12 hours notice will be recorded as “Overtime Callback.”

2. Overtime Scheduled or Overtime Callbacks will be based on the following criteria for the Fire Mechanics:

a. Personnel will need to sign up via TeleStaff on the days they want to work overtime.

b. Personnel who have not signed up for overtime will be assumed not wanting to work overtime. They may still be called if all of the signed up personnel are not available.

c. There will be a penalty assessed for personnel who have signed up for overtime, but do not accept the overtime when contacted. A penalty of 12 hours or 3 times the amount offered would be added to the total overtime hours logged.

d. Personnel may remove themselves from the sign up list anytime prior to a call.

e. The sort criteria in the beginning of TeleStaff will be based on the current card file system to determine calling order, after which the personnel who have signed to determine calling order, after which the personnel who have signed up with the lowest hour totals will be called first. In the event of a tie in hours, the lowest total hours from last year will be used. And if needed, the last sort criteria will be last opportunity offered date/time stamp. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPORT Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.04 Page 4 of 6

f. TeleStaff will call for 6 minutes for an overtime opportunity rotating between two listed phone numbers. The request is reserved for 6 minutes, but will remain open for 30 minutes, TeleStaff will move on to other personnel. After 30 minutes, the penalty goes into effect.

g. Personnel who have accepted scheduled or callback overtime, but cannot work, will be penalized 12 hours or 3 times the hours offered if not cancelled 48 hours or more from the start of the overtime. Sick employees are not an exception to this rule.

h. Once personnel are notified by the TeleStaff system they will need to contact the on duty Battalion Chief who originated the overtime request.

D. Annual and Birthday Leave

1. Annual and Birthday leave will be based on the following criteria:

a. After the initial bid, the Support Services BC or designee will schedule personnel with their awarded annual/birthday leave. Standby employees will be added using the same process.

b. After the awarded annual/birthday leave and standbys have been placed and finalized (prior to January 1), all future requests will use “first come, first serve rules”. The Support Services BC or designee will input the results into the TeleStaff system. Beginning 0001 hours on January 1st, the requests for annual/birthday leave will be through TeleStaff system.

c. No more than 2 personnel will be allowed automated annual/birthday leave at the same time during a given shift. Additional leave may be granted based on workload, staffing needs and sick leave usage. (MECHANICS ONLY). LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – SUPPORT Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.04 Page 5 of 6

d. Personnel requesting annual/birthday leave shall enter the request into the TeleStaff system for auto approval 72 hours before the affected shift providing the 2-person rule was not met. If the request is within the 72-hour period, Supervisor approval is required. (MECHANICS ONLY).

e. Personnel on standby will be sorted using “first sign up criteria only.”

f. Once a position is filled, personnel canceling annual/birthday leave must do so manually by calling the Support Services BC or designee. The Support Services BC or designee will remove the employee from annual/birthday leave in the calendar, thus beginning the process for TeleStaff to offer the position to the next employee.

g. Personnel must cancel annual/birthday leave using the TeleStaff system 20 hours prior to the affected shift.

E. Sick Leave

1. Sick leave will automatically be approved using the TeleStaff system if requested 1.25 hours prior to the start of assigned shift.

2. If within the 1.25 hours, the sick leave request must be done manually by calling the Support Services BC or designee. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.05 Page 1 of 5


A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the callback of personnel is consistent with the needs of the Department, is accomplished with speed and efficiency, and is as fair and equitable, on an annual basis, to all employees as possible.

B. SCOPE: These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous Rules and Regulations, bulletins, and/or memorandums issued prior to this date.

C. AUTHOR: The Fire Chief or designee will be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of these rules and regulations, and will ensure that they are consistent with any valid and applicable bargaining agreements.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff list. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to track total callback overtime hours and establish a callback list based on total hours worked. The employee with the lowest total callback hours worked shall be placed at the top of the list followed by the next lowest total and so on.

B. All personnel are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff Database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: (1) Telephone, (2) Webstaff, (3) Station Computers. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned in to the employee’s assigned supervisor. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.05 Page 2 of 5


A. The Supervisors shall be responsible for the staffing under their jurisdiction. .

B. Supervisors shall make necessary scheduled overtime and/or callbacks in order to comply with the staffing schedules as established and maintained by the Fire Chief. The Department staffing concept shows the general staffing concept that is used by the department and which will be altered as daily conditions or emergencies require.

C. .

D. It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue to callback to duty those employees necessary to maintain an adequate level of staffing or to supplement on-duty forces for emergency operations.


A. Emergency and Non Emergency Callbacks

1. Overtime Sort Criteria

a. Qualified if:

1). Appropriate rank for rank

2). Off duty

b. Sort Criteria:

1). Appropriate rank for rank and signed up

2). Total overtime hours, lowest to highest

3). Total overtime hours, previous year

4). The last opportunity date and time worked LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – COMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.05 Page 3 of 5

2. On-call Schedule

a. A one-week rotating schedule – hours defined as Friday 4 p.m. to Friday 7 a.m. If a holiday falls on a Friday, then the on-call hours would be extended from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The technician on-call for the week must sign up for overtime in TeleStaff. This forces the TeleStaff system to call the on-call technician first. There is a maximum of two (2) people on-call, per pay period.

b. The TeleStaff system will allow the on-call technician an exclusive offer for 30 minutes to respond to the call back. If no response is made with-in this 30-minute window, the system will begin sorting for the next available technician.

c. In the case of a trade, the on-call technician and his trade must update TeleStaff to reflect the changes.

d. In the event the on-call technician or his trade does not respond to the emergency, an investigation will occur and possible discipline will take place.

e. All overtime hours will be reset to zero annually on September 15th.

3. Overtime worked on the four following holidays will not be added to the total overtime worked with the TeleStaff System:

a. Christmas Eve

b. Christmas Day

c. New Year’s Eve

d. New Years Day


f. Thanksgiving

g. All overtime hours will be reset to zero annually on September 15th.

B. Vacation and Birthday Leave

1. Vacation and birthday leave will be requested 24 hours in advance. Two vacation slots and one birthday slot are available per day for automated approval. Additional slots must be approved and entered by a supervisor.

C. Sick Leave

1. Sick leave will automatically be approved using the TeleStaff system if requested no later than 10 hours prior to the start of assigned shift. Sick leave requested less than 10 hours from the start of the shift must be requested by call-in to the on-duty Senior, no later than 45 minutes prior to the start of the shift. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – PREVENTION Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.06 Page 1 of 6


A. PURPOSE: It is the purpose of these guidelines to ensure that the callback of personnel is consistent with the needs of the Department, is accomplished with speed and efficiency, and is as fair and equitable, on an annual basis, to all employees as possible.

B. SCOPE: These Rules and Regulations supersede all previous Rules and Regulations, bulletins, and/or memorandums issued prior to this date.

C. AUTHOR: The Fire Chief, or designee will be responsible for the content, revision, and annual review of these rules and regulations, and will ensure that they are consistent with any valid and applicable bargaining agreements.


A. The employee shall be responsible for periodic inquiries about their individual status on the TeleStaff list. The TeleStaff staffing system shall be used to track total callback overtime hours and establish a callback list based on total hours worked. The employee with the lowest total callback hours worked shall be placed at the top of the list followed by the next lowest total and so on.

B. All personnel are required to have a current telephone number listed in the Las Vegas Fire & Rescue TeleStaff System. Phone numbers in TeleStaff are to be considered confidential and therefore not to be used for any purpose beyond staffing, and only by personnel with staffing responsibilities. Personnel will use the Employee Change of Address form to update this information in addition to updating their personal information in the “Staff Management” section of the TeleStaff Database. The TeleStaff system will maintain three modes of entry: (1) Telephone, (2) Webstaff, (3) Station Computers. The telephone number for the TeleStaff system is 229-1252. In the event of a TeleStaff system malfunction, or busy status, all work status changes should be telephoned in to the employee’s assigned Battalion Chief. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – PREVENTION Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.06 Page 2 of 6


A. The Supervisors shall be responsible for the staffing under their jurisdiction.

B. Supervisors shall make necessary scheduled overtime and/or callbacks in order to comply with the staffing schedules as established and maintained by the Fire Chief. The Department staffing concept shows the general staffing concept that is used by the department and which will be altered as daily conditions or emergencies require.

C. It is the policy of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue to callback to duty those employees necessary to maintain an adequate level of staffing or to supplement on-duty forces for emergency operations.


A. Scheduled Overtime/Non-Emergency Callbacks

1. The Deputy Fire Marshal or his/her designee shall make the scheduled overtime, callbacks, or force hires for the Fire Prevention Inspection Staff and the Public Fire Education Section staff. The Fire Protection Engineer shall make the necessary scheduled overtime, force hires or callbacks for the Fire Protection Engineering Section staff.

2. Within TeleStaff, the names and telephone numbers (up to two) of all Fire Prevention staff members will be placed on a pick- list, rank for rank, by divisional seniority. It is the responsibility of each Fire Prevention staff member to keep his/her contact numbers updated.

3. Employees must be signed-up in the TeleStaff system to be considered for overtime assignments. Employees who have not signed-up will be assumed not wanting to work overtime. They still may be called if all signed-up employees are not available. If no one accepts the overtime assignment, at the discretion of the Fire Marshal, a forced hire will be implemented. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – PREVENTION Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.06 Page 3 of 6

4. Overtime Sort Criteria:

a. Appropriate rank for rank and signed up

b. Total overtime hours, lowest to highest

c. Total overtime hours, previous year

d. The last opportunity date and time worked

5. Newly hired fire prevention staff, upon completion of their preceptor sign-offs, will be eligible for scheduled overtime/non- emergency callbacks in those signed-off areas. The highest five (5) fire prevention staff in logged overtime hours will be evaluated and the new hires will be assessed the average hours of the top five (5) fire prevention staff. This procedure should place the newly hired fire prevention staff near the bottom of the overtime list.

6. Staff on vacation leave, sick leave or other leave will remain on their appropriate list and called accordingly. An employee will not use leave on a regular duty shift and return to work overtime for the same shift.

7. The following holidays will not count towards the total hour rule:

a. July 4th

b. Thanksgiving

c. Christmas Eve

d. Christmas Day

e. New Year’s Eve


8. Making calls for voluntary “signed-up” overtime:

a. Whenever possible, an email shall be sent to all Fire Prevention staff advising of a future overtime/work-over assignment. This will allow an interested party to sign-up for that overtime/work-over assignment. The email notification shall state how the overtime activity will be paid. (Workover/OTS)

b. Calls to begin as soon as possible once the overtime is posted.

c. If a vacancy is to be filled and persons are signed-up, the TeleStaff system will automatically assign the first person that qualifies for the overtime position to the vacancy. This auto-assignment constitutes notification of accepted overtime. The system may attempt to notify you again by phone or login. The employee must call a staffer in order to cancel accepted overtime. Persons who cancel overtime after being auto-assigned will be assessed a three (3) times penalty.

d. In the event of a last minute early in or after-hours work-over assignment, staff will be notified via telephone utilizing the TeleStaff pick list to fill the position.

B. Specialty Assignments

1. Specialty Assignments are as follows:

a. Fire Safety House overtime assignments require at least one employee listed on the tow driver operator list.

b. Youth Firesetter overtime assignment requires employees who actively participate in this program and have assignments within this Program. LAS VEGAS FIRE & RESCUE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES RULES & REGULATIONS MANPOWER CALLBACKS EMERGENCY & NONEMERGENCY CALLBACKS – PREVENTION Reviewed Date: 9/15/08 Effective Date: 7/04/09 Supersedes: 9/15/08 SOP 130.06.06 Page 5 of 6

c. NFPA Risk Watch overtime assignments require employees who actively participate in this Program and have assignments within this Program.

d. Engineering plan review/special project engineering assignment.

e. Supervisor only assignments.

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