Santa Fe Community College President S Conference Room 108

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Santa Fe Community College President S Conference Room 108

Governing Council Meeting

August 8, 2017 5:00 – 7:00 P.M.

Santa Fe Community College – President’s Conference Room 108

Santa Fe, New Mexico


I. Roll Call 5:07 p.m.

Governing Council members attending: Monique Anair, Scott Hauenstein (Faculty Rep), Amber Espinosa-Trujillo, Bernadette Jacobs, Anne Salzmann (Head of School), Jennifer Sanchez, Kelly Smith

Governing Council members and staff not attending: John Bishop

Guests, Faculty, and Staff: Lisa Lucas (Business Manager); Gary Clendenen; John Triolo

Recording Secretary: Monique Anair, Carol Witter

II. Discuss and vote to approve this agenda

Motion to approve by Jennifer Sanchez, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.

III. Discuss and vote to approve June 21, 2017 regular GC meeting minutes

Motion to approve by Kelly Smith, second by Jennifer Sanchez, passed unanimously.

IV. Discuss and vote to approve April 18, 2017 special GC meeting minutes

Motion to approve by Jennifer Sanchez, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.

V. Public Comments (Up to 2 minutes per person)

8-8-2017 TMP GC Meeting Minutes GC President (initial): ______Introductions of guests and members

VI. Discuss and vote to elect new Governing Council members

Amber Espinosa-Trujillo was previously elected to the GC Council effective July 1, 2017. Bernadette Jacobs moved to elect Gary Clendenen and John Triolo as new GC members, second by Jennifer Sanchez, passed unanimously.

VII. Discuss current open Governing Council officer positions and vote (if feasible)

Anne Salzmann reviewed the recently announced PED training requirement of ten hours for new board members. John, Gary and Amber will coordinate a date to complete their required training.

Bernadette Jacobs reviewed the current GC roster of open officer positions and discussed term guidelines for the officers, which have two year maximum limits. Currently open are President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Kelly Smith volunteered to serve as treasurer for the next year. Jennifer Sanchez moved to approve, second by Bernadette Jacobs, passed unanimously. Jennifer Sanchez volunteered to serve as secretary for the next year. Monique Anair moved to approve, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.

Jennifer Sanchez nominated Bernadette Jacobs to serve a second year as VP for the next academic year, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously. The GC President position will remain open until new member training is completed.

VIII. Discuss and vote to add Governing Council member as signatory on TMP checking account

Jennifer Sanchez moved to assign Kelly Smith as check signer, second by Bernadette Jacobs, passed unanimously.

IX. Discuss and vote to approve Annual Resolution for meeting notice per the Open Meetings Act

Lisa Lucas reviewed the document that was previously distributed to GC members for their review. Jennifer Sanchez moved to approve the resolution, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.

8-8-2017 TMP GC Meeting Minutes GC President (initial): ______

X. Report of the Head of School

Anne Salzmann provided highlights of PARCC scores compared to statewide schools and a general discussion followed regarding TMP students’ efforts to do well on the tests and the various factors to influence results. Anne reviewed again some of the bureaucratic burdens we are faced with from the PED, i.e. background check guidelines. Students begin return in the next week and classes start the following week.

XI. Report of the Faculty Representative

Scott Hauenstein reported that a new faculty representative for the upcoming school year will be identified prior to the September GC meeting. He also reported that he and Beth Roop collected $1,135 during their initial fund raising efforts over the summer for a possible student trip to Cuba. After in-depth discussion about the proposed trip, all agreed on the need to clarify policy prior to moving forward. Bernadette Jacobs will provide existing policies from other sources (SFCC and Travel Consortium) for a small group to review and draft as appropriate for TMP. GC members expressed concern about budget over-runs considering their previous decision not to cover funding gaps. Recommendation was made to delay the proposed trip until spring break to allow more fund-raising time. GC members asked to be advised of all fund raising events.

Whether to fund the trip above the budgeted $20,000 was identified as an agenda topic for the September GC meeting.

XII. Report of the Student Representative

No report; a new representative for the school term will be identified prior to September meeting.

XIII. Report of the STEM Committee

No report; need to meet again with faculty. Our initial discussion centered around the founder’s initial vision for true STEM vs. a majority who support a broader learning approach through building on engagement and compassion with students, thereby fostering soft skills as a foundation for all other learning.

XIV. Report of the Finance Committee

a. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of June and July 2017 disbursements

8-8-2017 TMP GC Meeting Minutes GC President (initial): ______Lisa Lucas reported that the committee met in a prior work session and reviewed June and July disbursements. Based on the committee’s recommendation, Kelly Smith moved to approve disbursements as presented, second by Jennifer Sanchez, passed unanimously.

b. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of BARs

Based on the committee’s recommendation, Jennifer Sanchez moved to approve as presented BARs 519-000-1718-0001-I: $1,000; 519-000-1718-0002-I: $36,710; 519-000-1718-0003-I: $17,457; 519-000-1718-0004-I: $34,809; 519- 000-1718-0005-D: $29,133, second by Kelly Smith, passed unanimously.

c. review in advance and recommend approval or disapproval of Purchase Orders over $20,000

Lisa Lucas reviewed the four outstanding purchase orders. Kelly Smith moved to approve POs 2018-006: $37,442; 2018-007: $130,527; 2018-008: $75,000; and 2018-038: $34,051 as presented, second by Jennifer Sanchez, passed unanimously.

XV. Report of the Business Manager

For benefit of new GC members, Lisa Lucas provided highlights and key elements of the June and July Executive Summary reports, as well as the funding sources, and clarified specific questions. Lisa also reported on a new procedure for TMP’s president to initial and sign the prior month approved minutes.

8-8-2017 TMP GC Meeting Minutes GC President (initial): ______

XVI. Open discussion of additional topics or issues from GC members None

XVII. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

2017/2018 Meeting Dates (2nd Tuesday)

 July - no meeting  1/9/2018  8/8  2/13  9/12  3/13  4/10  10/10  5/8  11/14  6/12  12/12

Minutes approved by The MASTERS Program Governance Council on 12 September 2017.


Governing Council President

8-8-2017 TMP GC Meeting Minutes GC President (initial): ______

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