Agenda for Annual Business Meeting

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Agenda for Annual Business Meeting

Elim Church ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012


Agenda For Annual Business Meeting...... 2 Leadership...... 3 Mission Statement...... 4 Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle Inc...... 5 Annual General Meeting...... 5 November 6, 2011...... 5 Senior Pastor Annual Report 2011/2012...... 7 Discipleship Pastor’s Annual Report 2011/2012...... 9 Music Pastor’s Report 2011- 2012...... 11 Young Adult Ministry Annual Report 2011/2012...... 12 Married & Community Pastor Report 2011-2012...... 14 Elevate Student Ministries Annual Report 2011-2012...... 15 Kids Ministry Report 2011/2012...... 16 Pastoral Care and Single Adults Ministry 2011/2012...... 18 3718 - 8th Street St. E., Saskatoon, Sask. Elim Lodge 2012 Annual Report...... 19 (306) 374-1700 fax (306) 374-1785 [email protected]

1 Agenda for Annual Business Meeting Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle Inc. October 21, 2012


I. Call To Order

A. Establish voting bar B. Appointments 1. Secretary 2. Parliamentarian 3. Tellers

II. Minutes of November 6, 2011 Annual Meeting accepted as distributed

III. Membership Roster accepted as posted

IV. Board Elections

V. Reports

A. Financial B. Pastors C. Relocation

VI. Resolution of Thanks

VII. Adjournment

2 Leadership Thanks to the following leaders who served Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Marvin Wojda – Senior Pastor Pastor Blaine Eagle – Music Pastor Rev. John Morris – Community/Marrieds Pastor Rev. Shawn Chapman – Student Ministry Pastor Rev. Matthew Bombay – Jr./Sr. High Youth Pastor Rev. Murdoch Macfarlane – Discipleship Pastor Rev. Rob Clark – Children’s Pastor Pastor Angela McDonald - Children’s Pastor (part-time) Rev. Bob Tauber – Seniors, Singles & Care Ministry Pastor (part-time) Rev. Kevin Abrey – Pastor of Administration

BOARD OF DEACONS Pastor Marvin Wojda (chair) Mrs. Jan Andreae Mr. Rod Baergen Mr. David Gibson (secretary) Mrs. Glenda Kadyschuk Mr. Ron Kelly Mrs. Enid Pierce Mr. Harold Sauder Mr. Russ Stare (vice-chair) Mr. Graeme Swinnerton (treasurer)

BOARD OF ELDERS Rev. Ed Armbruster Mrs. Betty Armbruster Mr. Franklin Bolwe Mrs. Petunia Bolwe Mrs. Susanna Hingston Mr. Bill Judt Mrs. Debbie Judt Mr. Murdoch Macfarlane Mrs. Carol Macfarlane Mr. Owen McCormick Mrs. Lois McCormick Dr. Arin Olaniyi Mrs. Yomi Olaniyi Mr. Ron Sprentz Mrs. Lillian Sprentz Mr. Maynard Wiens Mrs. Sharon Wiens

3 Mission Statement The Mission of Elim Tabernacle is to honor God, to invite all people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, to encourage relationships with one another and to equip God’s people to impact their world. ELIM’S VISION includes passionately pursuing: A forward-looking church that is founded on a rich heritage of the faithfulness of God and His people A congregation whose worship is a vibrant and joyful celebration of God’s presence A welcoming, compassionate congregation that embraces all people A congregation that is vitally connected to each other for fellowship, support, care and maturing A physically/spiritually safe environment for everyone to be nurtured

As faithful stewards of the gospel and of our growing congregation we are: Equipping each person through Biblical instruction and a lifelong process of discipleship Enacting positive change in our community through releasing people to use their gifts to share God’s love Enriching the community through sharing our resources and facilities Engaging in outreach with our community and the world

CORE VALUES We value… Each person of every age, race and background as a unique creation with divine purpose Clear, relevant communication of Biblical truth Evangelism in its varied forms at home and abroad The process by which believers move to maturity in Christ Believers discovering their spiritual gifts and functioning in those gifts as they serve God Worship as a lifestyle Healthy relationships that are a result of a caring community Excellence in all we do Our place in the body of Christ as we partner with the church of Jesus in Saskatoon and other PAOC churches across Canada

4 Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle Inc. Annual General Meeting November 6, 2011

The Annual General Meeting of Elim Pentecostal Tabernacle Inc. was called for Oct. 23, 2011 but due to the lack of a quorum it was rescheduled for November 6, 2011. In the October 23rd meeting all of the reports were presented along with information on the resolution to affirm the Memorandum of Understanding between Elim Lodge and Elim Tabernacle. Pastor Marvin also presented the feedback on a possible name change for Elim Tabernacle. There were many responses to the possibility of a name change but overwhelmingly it was affirmed that the church retain “Elim” and use the title “church” instead of “tabernacle”. There will not be further work done on this in the immediate future and no formal action taken to officially change the name of the church. We will use both “church” and “tabernacle”.

Thanks was expressed to outgoing board members Murray Fredlund, Gord Pierce, and Richard Schick upon completion of their term. Further gratitude was expressed to Mansfield Mela for his service on the Board after completing two years of his term. Due to a move to the UK he stepped down from the Board. Jan Andreae presented a motion of thanks to be voted on in the upcoming annual meeting. Mansfield Mela concluded the meeting in prayer.

1. Meeting called to order by Pastor Marvin who opened in prayer.

2. Appointments: a. Gord Pierce – Teller Chairperson b. Ron Kelly – Recording Secretary

3. The voting bar was established as the whole chapel and people were directed not to vote if they were not a member – moved, seconded, carried.

4. Motion…”to approve the membership roster as posted.” – moved, seconded, carried.

5. Resolution moved and seconded: “WHEREAS Elim Tabernacle’s financial plan for relocation includes the sale of a portion of Slimmon Road land AND WHEREAS Elim Lodge has an interest in purchasing 1.8 acres of Slimmon Road land for future development, AND WHEREAS Elim Lodge requires time to develop a site plan and select either the east or the west parcel of Slimmon Road land, BE IT RESOLVED that the membership of Elim Tabernacle accept the memorandum of understanding signed by the legal representatives of Elim Tabernacle and Elim Lodge.” A vote by ballet was held. It passed with a 98% majority.

5 6. Board of Deacons Election – The following names were presented: Rod Baergen, David Gibson, Glenda Kadyschuk and Enid Pierce. It was moved, seconded and carried that the names be accepted by acclamation to fill the four positions.

7. The minutes of the October 24, 2010 Annual Meeting were moved, seconded and carried.

8. The reports presented in the annual report were moved, seconded and carried.

9. Motion to destroy the ballots was moved, seconded and carried.

10. Ron Kelly presented a resolution of thanks of behalf of the Board of Deacons:

I would like to present a motion of thanks to: Pastor Marvin and the entire pastoral staff who continue to lead our church with excellence, passion and wisdom and to their families for their incredible support; to those in the office and on the grounds who use their gifts daily to practically assist our pastors and congregation; to Mansfield Mela, Murray Fredlund, Gord Pierce and Richard Schick for serving on the board, sharing their passions and insight to enhance and develop the church; to those who so capably provide leadership and volunteer support of the varied and extensive ministries carried out through this body; to those who call Elim their church home and participate in the life of our family through sharing your abilities, finances, prayer, time and energy; and most of all, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for equipping and choosing to use us, for extending His love and forgiveness so freely, and for calling us into His presence and drawing us to Himself. Seconded, Carried.

11. Motion to adjourn – moved, seconded and carried.

6 Senior Pastor Annual Report 2011/2012

This has been a year of significant milestones as we marked our 95th year of ministry and the move out of our 8th Street location to the new (almost completed) ministry facility on Slimmon Road. What could have been a stressful relocation went much smoother as many people stepped up to volunteer in so many ways. Thank you to everyone who packed and cleaned and loaded and unloaded and hauled and set up and cleaned some more… Special thanks to the crew of volunteers under the direction of Larry Boise who worked diligently to complete the job. Further thanks to Pastors Rob and Angela as they coordinated the move of our children’s ministry to temporary quarters along with scores of children’s ministry volunteers who operated so effectively in this challenging season. Further gratitude goes to our church staff who expended extra effort in navigating this transition.

Our final service in the 8th Street location on March 18th was a wonderful celebration of God’s goodness over the 36 years at that location. We won’t soon forget the testimonies of God’s blessing. I have a feeling that the special gift to me of a jacket made of the famous pink pew material will go down as a lasting memory of that final service. Thank you Marion Boise for this SPECIAL gift of love!

Easter Sunday in our new ministry facility on Slimmon Road was a glorious celebration both of the Risen Lord and the anticipation of new ministry possibilities in the days ahead. At the writing of this report we are days from acquiring our full occupancy and moving into the rest of our facility. This is a good place to express thanks to the many people who have contributed time, finances, ideas, input, hours of planning, gifts of time…. There is no way to identify everyone who has contributed to making this dream a reality. It is fitting to acknowledge the extraordinary contribution of Gord Pierce and Harold Sauder who chaired the Building Committee and Financial Strategy Committee respectively. Harold was also a member of Building Committee and gave leadership to our recent Stewardship Campaign. This project has been a labor of love, patience and commitment and these men have led the way.

While the transition has brought some disruptions to a number of our ministries we see it as a temporary necessity that will give way to so many new opportunities that are afforded us in this new facility. Many of the things we have dreamed of for years will now be possible. For the past two years work has moved ahead under the direction of Pastor John in engaging with the community around us. Pastor John’s report reflects some of the initiatives that were undertaken as we anticipated ministry in a new neighborhood. With our move complete watch for the many ways that you can be involved as we endeavour to bring God’s love and the message of His grace to our community.

We continue to work on dialoging with younger people to help us shape ministry that will reach and touch a younger generation. Alongside of this are discussions around the meaning of membership and the shaping of a discipleship path for our church family.

As I reflect on this past year I think of significant moments: -The Block Party in September where we welcomed hundreds from both our church community and our Slimmon neighborhood for a time of food and connection.

7 -The Celebration Event where hundreds gathered at Prairieland Park to share a meal and to celebrate the commitments made in the Fall Stewardship Campaign -Our annual Christmas Presentation was another success in so many ways. This year we invited our Slimmon Road neighbors and a number of them responded to our offer of complimentary tickets. -The many transition events that led to our move into the new facility; cleaning up, the final service in the old location, the auction, the demolition of the old building, the move into an incomplete building. All of these go into our memory collection as we anticipate a new season of ministry.

In speaking with pastors of other churches that have experienced the move into a new facility I was told that in the first year we could anticipate many newcomers to our church. There is a new hospitality team being developed that will intentionally connect with newcomers. While the team will do their work, all of us can be part of welcoming guests and newcomers to Elim. This is not a program but a mindset where we see each newcomer as a guest to our home. Be on the lookout for folks you don’t know and extend a welcome and the warmth that characterizes our church family.

With the expanded facility we look forward to reducing our services from three to two. What a wonderful opportunity to connect with other members of our church family that you may not have regularly encountered on a typical Sunday morning.

No annual report would be complete without expressing sincere thanks to the team I get to work with and to Sharlaine as we serve together.

Some statistics in closing:  Our Sunday Morning service attendance = average attendance was 928 with a peak attendance of 1290. (Last year our average attendance was 913 with a peak attendance of 1400 on Easter Sunday)  Number of households= 737 representing 1850 people in our church directory ( This is up from 1559 in last year’s report)  Water Baptisms = 15 (We reported 21 last year. We were without a baptismal tank for the last 3 months of this reporting period)  Weddings = 5 (We reported 8 last year)  Babies dedicated = 20 (17 last year)  Funerals = 8  Membership = 19 new members were received this year bringing our number to: 374 on our active list and 52 who are missionaries, shut-in or in transition. This brings our membership total to 426 (last year our membership number was at 361+61 for a combined total of 422).

Respectfully submitted, Marvin Wojda

8 Discipleship Pastor’s Annual Report 2011/2012

This past year has been a time of transition, yet the work of the Lord has gone on. I am deeply grateful to all who worked so hard to make it successful. I think of the team of ushers, greeters and welcome centre staff, under the leadership of the head ushers, who managed the transition so well, from the weeks at TCU place to the temporary arrangements here at our new facility, and on behalf of all of you I offer them my sincere thanks for a job and ministry well done. They continue to make newcomers feel welcome and at home. They are being supported by a hospitality team that reaches out to newcomers to engage them appropriately and develop the initial contact that we trust will encourage them to make Elim their home.

The Board of Elders continues to minister tirelessly on your behalf, visiting in homes, praying for needs, physical and spiritual, meeting with applicants for membership, and providing a spiritual covering for our congregation and staff. We miss the godly leadership of Reverend Henry Schapansky who served with distinction on the Board for so many years, and has now gone on to be with the Lord. Doris stepped down from the Board following Henry’s passing, and we miss her quiet leadership and support, and wish her the continued reality of the presence of the Lord as she faces the future in this new season of her life. We are grateful for the faithful service and ministry of Doris over these many years. Halima Mela moved with her husband, Mansfield, on sabbatical to Wales for a year.

The Alpha ministry had another successful year under the leadership of Del and Joanne Fredlund, together with their faithful team of leaders. It was good to see some return who had been in leadership before, and others who were new to the leadership team of Alpha. There was an aggressive advertising campaign that resulted in growth in attendance, and it was gratifying to see the baptism of a member of this class, this year. Ken and Tanya Wiebe continued to offer a home based Alpha class, which again was very successful.

The Small Group ministry continues to grow and provides an opportunity for growth in spiritual maturity and a place where people can sense that they belong and experience support. There are upwards of 20 small groups that meet in various locations throughout the year. We continue to encourage participation in this aspect of the life of the church and are planning to enhance this in the year ahead.

An exciting development this year was the expansion of the Women’s Ministry. Three Bible studies were offered and were well supported, as well as the continuation of a growing and effective prayer ministry. We anticipate further growth in this ministry over the next year, under the joint leadership of Sharlaine Wojda and Carol Macfarlane, along with an enthusiastic group of committed and gifted ladies. Another exciting development was the introduction of the Bridges, Christians Connecting with Muslims class which was well-attended and received, and which will continue to be offered in the year ahead.

A major disappointment was the loss of our Parish Nursing Ministry. Bev Young Rapko who had led the ministry so tirelessly over the last number of years moved away, and so we had to put the

9 ministry in hiatus for now. We have not given up on this and are in discussions with a possible future candidate to lead the ministry.

As we look ahead to the coming year, we are preparing to launch a series of sequential discipleship classes that will help us to grow in our walk with the Lord and discover how God would have us use the gifts with which He has equipped each one of us in order to expand His Kingdom here in Saskatoon and beyond to the ends of the earth. We will be promoting these classes in the coming year.

As I look back over the past year, I recognize God’s leading and support in the different experiences of life, some painful and many enjoyable, and marvel at how quickly time seems to fly. I am grateful for the selfless support of my wife, Carol, who serves with me in all aspects of our ministry together, for the continued support, encouragement and friendship of Pastor Marvin, the staff, Board of Elders and Deacons, and so many of you who we count among our circle of friends and co-labourers in the furthering of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we look to the future, we do so with the confidence that the God who called us will continue to lead, guide and equip us for the task of the ministry by His Holy Spirit.

Respectfully submitted,

Murdoch Macfarlane, Pastor of Discipleship

10 Music Pastor’s Report 2011- 2012

Reflecting on this past year fosters a deep gratitude for all of the things God has taught us, brought to us and entrusted to us as a music and worship department. He has taught us to trust Him by walking with us in difficult situations. He has brought us into His presence when we honor Him with our songs of worship and with our lives. He has entrusted us with a recognized voice in our community, allowing us to share His love with many who don’t know Him yet. He has allowed us the privilege of leading worship to this congregation of believers. Jesus, for all of this and more, we give You thanks.

At the centre of the music ministry is our worship leading choir. This group is a congregation within itself – a body of believers that ministers upward to God, outward to each the audience they are in front of, and inward to each other. Dave Williamson came to Elim in October to minister to our choir and teach along the principles of a worship leading choir, and we had a great time learning from him.

Our Christmas musical production continues as the largest endeavor of the year. “An Elim Tabernacle Christmas” was the 16th annual Christmas presentation Anne and I have been involved with at Elim. This year saw the return of Leon Leontaridis as a special musical guest, with our own vocalists participating as well. It was encouraging to see ticket revenues rise to cover the costs of presenting this production for the very first time! Jenn Barnstable did an excellent job of overseeing ticket sales, as well as a host of other music responsibilities – thanks, Jenn! “An Elim Tabernacle Christmas” had a depth of impact that was measurable and I thank everyone involved for their over-the-top passion, effort and excellence.

Other highlights include:  Taking the choir to the Rock Church in December to present the Christmas musical to an overflowing full house for the second consecutive year. Pastor Dallas tells us this is the first time many of those people heard and saw the true Christmas story!  Seeing the prayer ministry of the choir soar to new levels.  Weekly Sunday worship.

The choir ministry was considerably shortened this year due to our move. March 18 was the last time the choir sang. It was our hope and intention to sing in the new sanctuary if we occupied it before the end of June, but that didn’t work out for us.

Thank you to the faithful people who make this ministry work so well. Thanks to the sound department of Mattias Andreae, Darcy Meier and Dale Wiebe, and the “easy worship” ministry of Ranier Clement and Buck Erickson. Dale Wiebe continues to oversee the media ministry and has been working diligently to build a capable and creative team with increasing effectiveness and expertise. We see the results of their work on a consistent basis week after week. Thank you to the talented and dedicated pool of excellent musicians that minister capably, willingly and with the anointing of God, week after week. Thank you to this great choir. Thank you to the 11 people who pour creative energy into our large productions. Thank you to my wife, Anne, who not only supports me but also ministers in her own gifting alongside of me. And thanks be to God, who is the giver of every good gift.

Respectfully submitted, Pastor Blaine Eagle

12 Young Adult Ministry Annual Report 2011/2012

My responsibility here at Elim allows me to give oversight to our Student Ministries here in the church. It allows me to be very hands on and give direction to our Young Adult area (consisting of both University students and those in professions) – which has an age range of 18-28. I also have the privilege of overseeing Pastor Matt as he gives the hands on direction to our teenagers. In both of these areas I believe we have had an excellent year on many different levels.

The theme which we entered this last school year was from Titus 1:16 and was called The Christian Atheist. Those who claim to know God, love God, but deny Him by the way they live!! This has been an incredible challenge for us to address because we all feel the pressure of the scripture. But we wanted to challenge our ministries with living for God, that our lives are the reflection of who He is, which means we have to strive to be what He has called us to be . . . Holy, Salt, Light, etc.

Pastor Matt has given report on how our youth ministry has gone this year, so now this report will give you some info on our YA group.

This has been an AWESOME year for our group; I cannot be more excited for what I am seeing with this age demographic. Every week I anticipate/look forward to our Tuesday evenings. I have seen our YA take great ownership of this night. With pre-service prayer, to worship teams all YA driven, and amazing food and fellowship. We have been challenged through the Word by different individuals and have sensed the presence of the Lord when we have opened our altars for ministry. God is so good in those moments. One of the things I instituted for our group was a peer led, LEAD TEAM. What an amazing team of people this has been. They serve tirelessly, give wisdom and insight and are motivated to see this group grow and be impactful in our world. THANK YOU team for being loyal and dedicated to God.

This past year has also brought a couple firsts to our YA ministry. In Sept/Oct of last year we did a YA Retreat. We pulled a group of 50-60 YA’s to Redberry Camp where we had a weekend of getting connected with each other, worshipping the Lord, being challenged with the Word, and of course lots of PLAY. I believe it really set the tone of our year, a definite hi-light for me.

Then in February of this year I partnered with the YA pastor from Ebenezer Baptist and we hosted in our church a YA conference. Ben Johnson was our speaker, we had about 300 in attendance and the theme was Relentless (For This City). Instructing the conference our responsibility to give back to our city, to love people!! So we partnered with social agencies/ministries here in our city and a hi-light on Saturday afternoon of releasing all the YA’s to these organizations to serve; Powerful statement. Then on the Saturday evening we took an offering to bless Aids Saskatoon. The emphasis was quit being known for what we are against as a churches, but to bless someone. And when we presented them the check, their reaction was brilliant, thank you Jesus.

13 12. Other ministry opportunities for me this year have been to speak in other churches, doing some camp ministry and of course getting to share on Sundays here at Elim – which are very valuable to me.

Lots of people to thank – first Jesus – showing me and making me the man I need to be. Family – love you Lisa, Jachin and Anaya – best gifts ever given to me. Would like to thanks Pastor Matt for leading with me as we serve Next Generation Ministries. Thanks to Pastor Marvin for stretching me and allowing me to serve here at Elim, it is an honor.

We are concluding 10 years of ministry here at Elim (you have put up with me for that long) – thanks church for being a blessing. I love God’s church and as a shepherd it is awesome to lead in Elim. Greater things are yet to come ......

Respectfully submitted, Pastor Shawn Chapman

14 Married & Community Pastor Report 2011-2012

I can’t believe another year has come and gone already. We have been here at Elim for 10 years which also amazes us. Charmaine & I feel greatly blessed in being part of a healthy Church with awesome leaders and wonderful people. It makes being a Pastor such a blessing and exciting journey.

Young Marrieds In this past season the need for these young couples to connect with each other became very evident. We had a fun time establishing leadership and gathering for social events. Now being established we desire to add more teaching and resources for these couples in order that they be equipped for the years to come.

Marriage Builders Our desire is to provide events which build strong marriage relationships. With all ages welcome, these married couples connect, support and encourage each other. This past year we have had to ramp up on our childcare and am very thankful to all the leaders in our marriage committee.

The Mix This very active and busy group continues to grow numerically and we are seeing God move powerfully and wonderfully in people’s lives. We have some great God stories to tell. We are truly established with great ownership to this community and a growing leadership team. This next year we need to further define the leadership team and the part they have in leading this group.

Community Initiatives We continued to pursue relationship with Lakewood Suburban Centre through our information brochures and seasonal events. The Big Part, Block Party, and Christmas Production are just a few of these events in which we met people. Now that we are physically here in our new location we are optimistic and excited with the opportunities and potential. We desire to understand the needs of our community and do what we can to meet these in practical ways. If this is your passion to reach people and have some ideas, please contact me, I would love to hear from you.

Respectfully submitted, Pastor John Morris

15 Elevate Student Ministries Annual Report 2011-2012

First and foremost, we would like to thank God for an amazing year! The Student Ministries Department has seen God do some amazing things in the lives of our Students. We have seen salvations, water baptisms, students filled with the Holy Spirit and many other life changing events! We are grateful for the outpouring of God’s presence in our groups and know that this is just the beginning!

This has been a very busy year. With our 2 weekly services, monthly events, 2 Sr.High Retreats, 1 Jr.High Retreat, 2 Leadership Retreats, 2 Camps at Living Waters, Banquets, Theme Nights, Summer Connection with YFC and many other events and outings, we have had a great year! I would personally like to thank our leadership teams in both Sr.High and Jr.High Ministry. You have been amazing to work with and it has been a real privilege for me. Without your help and passion these ministries would not function!

Our Sr.High Leadership team consists of Carly Morris, Denver Johnson, Becky Ardell, Brock Rutherford, Jenna Rutherford, Matt Eagle, Taylor Romancia, Callie Toth, Rylee Fairbarn and Taigan Bombay.

Our Jr.High Leadership Team is Morgan Johnson, Kiersten Andreae, Kiera Veltkamp, Brett Johnson, Ali Duecker, Jasmine Godoy, Molly Dufour, Melody Leland and Rebecca Hennes.

This past year has also been an opportunity for me to expand my personal ministry and I would like to thank Pastor Marvin for allowing me to preach to our congregation and Pastor Blaine for allowing me to lead our church in worship. I do not that these opportunities lightly and I appreciate the confidence shown in me.

I would like to express my gratefulness and thankfulness to my loving and supporting wife Taigan. I love you! Without your support and understanding I could not do this. You have been a source of strength and balance for me. I think you are going to be a FANTASTIC mom!

Finally, I would like to show my appreciation to Pastor Marvin, the church Board and Elim Church. It has been a blessing for Taigan and I to minister here and we are looking forward to many more years!

Awesomely Submitted by:

Rev. Matthew R. Bombay

16 Kids Ministry Report 2011/2012

We are partnering with you to build kids into spiritual champions. Here are some highlights:

 Kids learning memory verses  All kids singing songs and learning how to worship  Great bible teaching using First Look and Basics 252 curriculum  Kids bringing box churches to bring offering for the church building fund  Kids bringing offering every week to feed and clothe our two ERDO Childcare plus sponsor children  Kids inviting their friends to events like the Big Party and the Christmas Play  K to Gr. 5 kids stepping up and leading in worship/prayer  The kids ministering in some Sunday morning services

Some challenges we’ve adventured through together:

 Working through the transition reconfiguring rooms and events  Saying goodbye to the old building on Eight street  Patiently anticipating the opening of the kid’s rooms in the new building

Some dreams we would like to see come true:

 Volunteers from every age group serving on Sunday mornings and at all kid’s events  Loving, enthusiastic volunteers for the Superstar Kid’s Camp (August), AWANA kid’s club (Monday nights starting Sept 2012), and the Feb Winter break day camp 2013  New community initiatives (outreaches) succeed and make a great impact on the community  Indoor (and perhaps outdoor) playground to be built – this community has no playground for the kids to play on – this would have huge impact on people around us  More kids and teens taking on leadership roles and learning how to lead other kids  Greater connection through social media

17 Thank you to:

 All the volunteers who make Sundays awesome and have transitioned well to the new building – thank you to those who assisted with the move to the new building  All the volunteers who served well at special events  All the parents and kids who make Elim their church home  The Kid’s directors 2011-12 team: Rob Thode, Tera Codling, Megan Andrews, Jason Stianson, Jolene Clark, Ken Quinn, and Brendan Wall.

Transition note:

Jenn Barnstable has served with excellence in the Kid’s ministry administrative role for the last four years. She has provided thorough stewardship over the records and given valuable feedback. Jenn is transitioning out of kid’s ministry to pursue other dreams. Thanks Jenn for your dedicated service.

Pastor Angela McDonald has finished her third year of studies at Horizon College and Seminary. Pastor Angela is now full time at Elim effective June 1 st 2012. Looking forward to a great venture ahead with Pastor Angela and the volunteer team.

Thankful for a great team of people to share the journey of faith and ministry life. Thankful for the support of Pastor Marvin and the board. We want as leaders to grow like Jesus in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).

Thank you to my wife, Sherilyn, for all the weekly prep work and Sunday serving you do for the Kid’s ministry. Thank you for finding energy to be a great mother to our kids.

Praying for effective, fruitful ministry,

Rob Clark Children’s Pastor Superstar Kid’s ministry Elim Church

18 Pastoral Care and Single Adults Ministry 2011/2012

Once again we look back on a good year of pastoral ministry with the Elim family. My main areas of responsibility are associated with pastoral care and visitation mainly with our seniors. We also give pastoral covering to the Single adult ministry and plug in wherever else we are needed. I am technically on half time staff assignment –and I now have my own office!

PASTORAL CARE Our seniors comprise a growing segment of our congregation. We have approximately 30 who are considered shut in, in the various care homes of our city. Many of our seniors live in Elim Lodge. The transition to our new church facility has necessitated a few adjustments to our seniors activities and their church involvement. To accommodate this, we have now combined our Wednesday prayer and share with the Tuesday lodge study and hymn sing, to which we now give leadership. Pastor Ben and Joyce Kirkpatrick have resigned from several years of excellent leadership in this area. We make approximately 25 – 30 hospital and care home visits a month. There are others of our church family who also participate in this ministry.

NEW DIMENSIONS is our monthly (Sept. – May) seniors event, which comprises a Wednesday am program and noon meal. Our move necessitated having this event at Elim Lodge for March and April. We are addressing the necessity to provide transportation from the Lodge to our new premises. Attendance was usually around 100, which is now somewhat adversely affected by the relocation.

OUR HERITAGE SERVICE in the chapel: We have been giving leadership to the worship in this early service. Attendance is usually around 65.

SENIOR TONES: This is a choir of approximately 30 under the direction of Doreen Seeman that visits care homes on a weekly basis throughout the fall, winter and spring.. I endeavor to fill in when Doreen is not available. Although our seniors have been somewhat adversely impacted by our move, we trust that we will be able to compensate and accommodate them as much as possible.

SINGLE ADULTS Single adults ministry is alive and well. After seven years of weekly programming, Jan and I felt it was time for some adjustment to our personal involvement. A leadership team of single adults chaired by Shelley Venne, plans and promotes a variety of weekly activities which involves socials, outreach ministry, special events, birthday celebrations, etc. The monthly pot-luck is a favorite. I give pastoral oversight to the team and give leadership to periodic special teaching or video series along with being available for counsel.

These departments are not budgeted and are financially self-sustaining.

I am deeply grateful to my wife Jan, who is a constant source of assistance, wisdom and practical involvement in all that we do.

Respectfully submitted, Pastor Bob Tauber

19 ELIM LODGE Quality Independent Retirement Living

Elim Lodge 2012 Annual Report

The great partnership between Elim Church and Elim Lodge is continuing. For 30 years the Church and Lodge have stood side by side, both literally and figuratively. The Lodge Board of Directors made the decision in 2011 to purchase the 1.8 acre parcel of property to the west of the new church building on Slimmon Road. A cheque was presented to the Church by our board chair, Doug Tuomi, for $1.42 Million in December. The Elim Lodge Slimmon Road project is moving ahead and we will once again partner together on the same property.

We are excited to share this news with the congregation. We anticipate that our new building will have a combination of Life-Lease suites, Assisted Living, and Personal Care accommodation. Our mission is to provide a safe, affordable independent-living facility with a community atmosphere that upholds Christian values and enhances the quality of life for seniors. The Slimmon Road project is an expansion of our ministry to seniors. We will continue to operate the current facility of 166 suites housing more than 215 residents. We look forward to the new campus becoming part of the Lodge corporation. The Lodge mandate continues to be “providing affordable housing for seniors.” The Slimmon Road Project will focus on providing high quality housing at the best possible price. Check us out online at

MAILING LISTS We are currently in the formative stages of design; however, we are tentatively looking at a four- story building that will have fine views of the surrounding parklands. The property provides favorable exposure to sunlight and we anticipate suites will be bright and spacious. Should you be interested in information on the project, we are receiving names for our Mailing List. You will receive updates by email or regular mail as the project progresses. Send us your name by email at [email protected].

SENIOR HOUSING SURVEY Pastor Marvin has kindly agreed to allow the Lodge to gather information via a Housing Survey. This survey can be obtained at the Information Centre in the Church lobby. We are asking all 50- plus adults to fill out the survey and drop it off at the Church office or the Lodge office. Everyone filling out the survey will be added to our Mailing List. Thanks for your assistance.

20 ELIM LODGE Quality Independent Retirement Living


IMPROVEMENTS The Church’s move from 8th Street had significant implications for the Lodge. New catch basins for water runoff, major expansion of our parking and the reconfiguration of the north driveway totaled nearly $250,000 in upgrade costs.

Our board of directors thanks you for your interest and support.

OUR BOARD The Lodge has a hard-working visionary Board of Directors. They include Doug Tuomi (chair), Russ Stare (treasurer), Lorelie Barsi (secretary), Rita Coulman, Ray Jeanson, Garry Kadyschuk, John Morris, Joyce Pitzel and Graeme Swinnerton.

OUR STAFF The staff that serves the residents of Elim Lodge is a terrific group of people. We have a combination of full-time, part-time, casual, and summer staff. They include Kathleen Banman, Brad Bell, Duey Foley, Lorne Hildebrandt, Amy James, Al Lawson, Merle San Miguel, Kenton Miller, Robbyn Moffat, Denise Pearce, Heather Schaeffer, Tyson Stare, Warren & Jeanette Seed, Savannah Seed and Jean Wolbaum.

It is my sincere pleasure to serve with them.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Foley Administrator


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