HVCB Standards Status

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HVCB Standards Status

IEEE Switchgear - HVCB Standards Status 2005-10-03

Chair Bill Bergman [email protected] Secretary Rich York [email protected] Number Title Status WG Chair Actions underway C37.04- IEEE Standard Rating requires Jeff Jeff Nelson will initiate a PAR for 1999 Structure for AC High- reaffirmation Nelson a corrigendum to eliminate the Voltage Circuit problem of ongoing distribution of Breakers Rated on a incorrect version of C37.04. An Symmetrical Current extension will be requested for Basis C37.04 to extend its validity. Jeff Nelson will conduct a reaffirmation ballot The ballot letter will include the corrigenda as a list of know deficiencies. Since the standard cannot be reaffirmed if the corrigenda changes are made. Later when the “a” and “b” series of C37.04 and C37.09 are complete and C37.06 has been balloted, HVCB will start the complete revision of C37.04 and C37.09. We will likely combine C37.04, C37.04a, C37.04b and C37.06 into one document and C37.09, C37.09a and C37.09b into another separate document. NEMA SG-4 will be incorporated into the relevant C37.04 and C37.09 sections. C37.04a- IEEE Standard Rating approved Roy valid 2003 Structure for AC High- Alexander Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis---Amendment 1: Capacitance Current Switching C37.04b IEEE Standard Rating ready for ballot Kirk Smith K. Smith working on the (P2005?) Structure for AC High- PC37.04b document for TRV Voltage Circuit revisions. Breakers Rated on a Draft submitted to IEEE for pre- Symmetrical Current ballot editorial approval in Basis---Amendment 2 February 2005 and received Required TRV Values: comments from IEEE in March 2005. Comments appeared to be mainly editorial. However, the document must now use the newest version of the style guide. Kirk hopes to get that done within the next few weeks so the ballot can start. PAR has been extended to December 2006. C37.06- American National PAR issued Georges As discussed in Spring 2005 2000 Standard for 2003; ready for Montillet Florida, C37.06 requires a Switchgear--AC High- ballot of change of PAR due to title Voltage Circuit modified draft change, the comments of IEEE

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Number Title Status WG Chair Actions underway Breakers Rated on a meeting, and also to extend the Symmetrical Current date that was end of 2005. PAR Basis---Preferred revision waiting approval by Ratings and Related Dean Sigmon Required Capabilities C37.06.1- American National ready for ballot Georges C37.06.1-2000 will require 2000 Standard Guide for Montillet combination with C37.06 High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis---Designated "Definite Purpose for Fast Transient Recovery Voltage Rise Times" C37.09- IEEE Standard Test requires PAR Georges Georges Montillet will initiate a 1999 Procedure for AC High- for revision Montillet PAR for a corrigendum to Voltage Circuit eliminate the problem of ongoing Breakers Rated on a distribution of incorrect version of Symmetrical Current C37.04. An extension will be Basis requested for C37.04 to extend its validity. Georges Montillet has started the reaffirmation process. The ballot letter will include the corrigenda as a list of know deficiencies. Since the standard cannot be reaffirmed if the corrigenda changes are made. Later when the “a” and “b” series of C37.04 and C37.09 are complete and C37.06 is balloted, HVCB will start the complete revision of C37.04 and C37.09. We will likely combine C37.04, C37.04a, C37.04b and C37.06 into one document and C37.09, C37.09a and C37.09b into another separate document. NEMA SG-4 will be incorporated into the relevant C37.04 and C37.09 sections. C37.09a- Standard Test ballot approved Roy published Sept 2005 2005 Procedure for AC High- Alexander Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis---Amendment 1: Capacitance Current Switching C37.09b Draft Standard Test requires PAR Kirk Smith Kirk Smith will submit a PAR for (P2005?) Procedure for AC High- for revision PC37.09b so that it will conform Voltage Circuit with the TRV revisions in Breakers Rated on a C37.04b. Symmetrical Current

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Number Title Status WG Chair Actions underway Basis---Amendment 2 Required TRV Values: C37.010- IEEE Application Guide ballot approved Yasin approved – awaiting publication 1999 for AC High-Voltage Musa Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis C37.011- IEEE Application Guide successful Denis approved by RevCom September 2005 for Transient Recovery ballot in April Dufournet 2005. Voltage for AC High- 2005 Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis C37.012- IEEE Application Guide ballot approved Anne ballot approved – awaiting 1979 for Capacitance Bosma publication (R2000) Current Switching for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis C37.013- IEEE Standard for AC requires Bill Long ??? 1997 High-Voltage reaffirmation Generator Circuit Breaker Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis PC37.013.1 IEEE Standard for AC pending ballot Bill Long ??? (P2005?) High-Voltage Generator Circuit Breaker Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis---Supplement for generators 10 to 100 MVA C37.015- IEEE Application Guide requires Ken Reaffirmation underway by Ken 1993 for Shunt Reactor reaffirmation Edwards Edwards (R2000) Switching A revision of this standard will start after the reaffirmation. C37.016 Draft Standard for AC recirculation Randy This may be the last recirculation High Voltage Circuit ballot in Dotson for PC37.016; finalize editorial Switchers rated 15kV process comments in Montreal; and send through 245kV to the Board. The PAR expires at the end of the year so an extension is likely required. Potential issues/objections with:  Format to new Style Guide since this document intentionally uses IEC format.  References to IEC 62271-1 (60694) rather than PC37.100.1 common clauses (which is still in balloting stage)

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Number Title Status WG Chair Actions underway C37.081- IEEE Guide for still used by at Mel Smith Reaffirmation as an individual 1981 Synthetic Fault Testing least 1 USA document. Waiting for Mel Smith (R1988) of AC High-Voltage laboratory - to be appointed balloting Circuit Breakers Rated requires “designee” on a Symmetrical reaffirmation Current basis C37.081a- Supplement to still used by at Mel Smith Reaffirmation as an individual 1997 C37.081-1981 least 1 USA document. Waiting for Mel Smith laboratory - to be appointed balloting requires “designee” reaffirmation C37.082- IEEE Standard requires Anne Reaffirmation ballot initiated 1982 Methods for the reaffirmation Bosma (R2000) Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels of AC Power Circuit Breakers C37.083- IEEE Guide to still used by at Mel Smith C37.083 is still be used by one 1999 Synthetic Capacitor least 1 laboratory, but in the coming Current Switching Test laboratory - revision of IEC 60427 (synthetic of AC High-Voltage requires testing), a whole annex is Circuit Breakers reaffirmation dedicated to synthetic test circuits for capacitive current switching. With installations increasing in size and voltage, laboratories run into problems with their capacity and have to use synthetic testing. C37.10- IEEE Guide for valid Devki valid 1995 Diagnostics and Failure Sharma (R2002) Investigation of Power Circuit Breakers C37.10.1- IEEE Guide for the requires Bill balloting initiated, then “reset” to 2000 Selection of Monitoring reaffirmation Bergman allow additional members to for Circuit Breakers become part of balloting pool. Balloting pool now formed Balloting opened Sept 27, 2005. C37.11- IEEE Standard inherited from Bill Long ??? 1997 Requirements for NEMA Electrical Control for High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on A Symmetrical Current Basis C37.12- American National inherited from Ken C37.12 will be out for ballot by 1991 Standard for AC High- NEMA Edwards Fall 2005 meeting and not ready Voltage Circuit for discussion by the meeting. Breakers Rated on a The style templates were not Symmetrical Current available until August to allow Basis formatting and submittal C37.12.1 Draft IEEE Guide for Editorial Bill Awaiting closing of Balloting Pool High Voltage (>1000V) changes to Bergman and initiation of Ballot. Circuit Breaker new style Instruction Manual format after Content mandatory pre-

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Number Title Status WG Chair Actions underway ballot editorial review. Std 1325- IEEE Recommended valid Bill IEEE have advised that 1996 Practice for Reporting Bergman reaffirmation conducted in 2002 Field Failure Data for so IEEE 1325 is valid until 2007 Power Circuit Breakers (IEEE website and IEEExplore list 1996 as last issue).

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