8Th Grade Social Studies s1

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8Th Grade Social Studies s1

8th Grade Social Studies Student Name______EQT Study Guide: 1st Q 2011-2012 World History

Test will be 50 multiple choice questions consisting of fact based, charts, timelines, reading selections, and map questions. Teachers are highly encouraged to review all Exam View charts, maps, graphs, timelines, and reading passages

Essential Content Information:

 Ice Age-times of extreme cold when great sheets of ice covered parts of the earth  Archaeologist-study artifacts and fossils to help them understand the past  Historians- people who study and write about the human past  Domestication-taming an animal or plant for use by humans  Artisans-skilled workers who made metal products, cloth, or pottery  Hammurabi-wrote a legal code that covered most areas of daily life  The Inuit live in present day Alaska  Columbus landed in the Americas in 1492  The Mayans sought captives in war to offer as human sacrifice to gods  Adobe-sun dried mud bricks  The Mayan civilization came to a mysterious end  Scientists believe people crossed from Asia to North America on a land bridge  The Mayan civilization was located in a dense forest  Dynasty-a line of rulers that passes from father to son  Book of the Dead-a collection of spells and prayers studied to help obtain the afterlife  Mummy-embalmed body wrapped in cloth strips  Synagogue-Jewish religious building where they meet on Sabbath to pray and discuss their religion  Kosher-food prepared according to Jewish dietary laws  Prophet-a person who claims to be instructed by God to share God’s word  Moses-led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Sinai desert  Rabbis-Jewish religious teachers  Jacob-raised 12 sons, who became the 12 tribes of Israel  Judaism-the faith of the Israelites  Nile River-flooding could be described as gentle and dependable  Embalming-Egyptian invention to prevent the pharaoh’s body from decomposing  Anthropologist-studies physical characteristics and cultures of humans and their ancestors  Ziggurat-a rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians  Cuneiform-Sumerian system of writing made up of wedge shaped markings  City-State-independent state made up of a city and the surrounding land and villages  Epic-long poem that tells about legendary or heroic deeds  Exile-a period of forced absence from one’s country or homeland  Conquistador-Spanish conqueror or soldier in the Americas

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