Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District s2
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Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District District Board Room 12623 Avenue 416 Orosi, CA 93647
Special 5:00 p.m. Thursday July 31, 2014 Type of Meeting Time Day Date
Trustees Present Trustees Absent District Office Staff Joshua Franks, Board President Mary Helen Espino, Trustee Yolanda Valdez Eddie Valero, Board Vice President Craig Drennan Sarah Herrera, Board Clerk Tanya Goosev Marisol Rubalcaba, Trustee Micaela Macareno Patricia Marquez, Trustee Lloyd McClard, Trustee CALL TO ORDER Board President Josh Franks called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Patricia Marquez.
Others Present Others present were: Lisa Castillo, Jenny Eams, Marina Rangel, Rebecca Jimenez and Dr. Guadalupe Solis.
No comments were presented. Public Comments
Superintendents Report Superintendent Valdez presented an article published in the Dinuba Sentinel regarding the Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) and recognized Board Vice President Valero for his work with this organization.
Vice President Valero informed the Board that the group would be featured in the Visalia Times Delta. He said the organization would also be on channel CBS 47. He informed the Board that a group of YMI students were working hard with Peñas Disposal to help distribute 10,000 recycle bins throughout the area. He stated that the organization would be receiving a stipend for their work.
Superintendent Valdez provided a flyer to the Board regarding a fundraising event for Veterans Wall. She informed the Board that former Board member Romelia Castillo was coordinating a fundraiser run to help raise funds for the Veterans Wall event. She informed the Board that several thousands of dollars needed to be raised for the event. Board Vice President Valero informed that this replica was the only replica in the area west of Washington D.C. Trustee Patricia Marquez stated that when the wall came many veterans from around the area come to Cutler.
Consent Item: No further comments were presented.
1 Board Study Session – Review Superintendent Yolanda Valdez introduced Dr. Guadalupe Solis Deputy and Update of District Mission Superintendent of Instructional Services at the Tulare County Office of Education and Statement and Goals Board member at Lemoore Union High School District. She informed the Board Dr. Solis would be facilitating the Board Study Session.
Dr. Solis thanked the Board for allowing him the opportunity to present at the session. He stated as a Superintendent and Board member he felt many school districts share the common goal of educating the next generation of citizens. He shared an anecdote about his attendance to a Google conference and an impressive presentation he attended that highlighted a drive-less car. He stated he was very impressed by this vehicle however they informed at the workshop the car could not yet be released to the public due to policies and laws that have not been written. He stated as a Board, they face this issue as well. There are many laws and policies that control what is done to run a district. He said the work done by the Board is critical for the district to keep up with society and technology. He said each Board member runs for board for different reasons. He informed the Board the reason he ran for Board was to; continue to support activities for students, improve the appearance of the schools and lastly to make sure that the district had sufficient resources to accomplish his first and second reason.
Dr. Solis shared with the Board that he had attended many LCAP meetings and workshops to help him prepare for the approval processing of all LCAP plans in Tulare County. He then asked the Board to individually make note of why they ran for School Board. He informed the Board that as he read the many LCAP plans throughout the county, he found the following commonalities in the plans: Provide programs for students to succeed including extra-curricular programs Safe environment for students Balanced budget and recourses
Minutes of the Special Board MeetingHe held informed on July the 31,Board 2014 that every individual Board member brings different goals2 and priorities to the table however all are still very important to the common goal. He informed the Board that in their study session they will be revisiting the current vision statement and goals. He said the work of the Board is very important and seeing results is also important. He stated they are able to see results in graduating students however; now, it was not just about graduations. It was also about preparing students to be college and career ready.
Superintendent Valdez thanked Dr. Solis for his presentation and acknowledged to the