County Meat Science Education Program

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County Meat Science Education Program



What The Activity Is All About:

The Meat Science Education Program involves more than meat judging and identification; it includes an in-depth study of meats. The program's purpose is to encourage young people to understand the production of meat, processing procedures, the distribution of meat products to the consumer, the proper cookery methods for meat products, and the nutritional value of meat. In addition, the activities in the program stimulate 4-H'ers to use their knowledge and skills in sharing the facts about meat with adults and other youth.

How To Participate:

1) Counties design, develop and implement an in-depth year-round meat science program. Emphasis should be given to involving as many 4-H members as possible in group efforts either as a county meat science club or as a project group within a community club. Give some emphasis to involving members who have animal projects (beef, sheep, swine, etc.). The key to success is advance planning.

2) The group conducts training sessions, demonstrations and fun activities related to important meat topics.

3) The 4-H members convey important information, procedures and techniques on meat topics to the general public, including other youth and non-farm adults, utilizing innovative teaching techniques.

4) The group obtains media (newspaper, radio and/or television) assistance in promoting and reporting the activities it conducts.

5) The group completes the report forms for each activity; prepares a scrapbook to include report forms, media articles, pictures, copies of teaching/promotion materials and other documentation; and submits the scrapbook to Dr. Fred Ray, OSU Extension Animal Products Specialist, by March 27. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc


An evaluation committee at the State level will evaluate the 4-H group entirely based on the following criteria;

30 pts. 1. Subject matter depth and education information and/or skills conveyed to the audience.

20 pts. 2. Innovative Ideas; What unique ideas did you use in delivery of educational information?

20 pts. 3. Types of activities and the involvement of 4-H members in the presentations, i.e. displays, demonstrations, talks, skits and group involvement instead of a limited number of 4-H'ers. What were the responsibilities of the 4-H'ers?

20 pts. 4. Audiences; Homemakers, adults, other youth, general public, and 4-H'ers including those in beef, sheep and swine projects. In the educational presentation by 4-H members, give special attention to reaching a general public audience, not just your 4-H members and adult leaders who are already involved in the meat science program.

10 pts. 5. Publicity; Newspaper articles and radio and T.V. coverage.


The three 4-H groups who do the best job of conducting an in-depth meat education program that includes public presentations will receive plaques at the State Meat Science and Judging Contest Awards Reception in March. The three groups will also participate in an expense-paid summer tour of the meat processing, distribution and merchandising industry in the Oklahoma City area, courtesy of the Oklahoma Beef Industry Council. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc

Special County Beef Education Activity

The Oklahoma Beef Industry Council (OBIC) has provided a cash award for those counties or clubs which have designed and implemented beef education and/or promotion activities as a part of their Meat Science Education Program. The Oklahoma Beef Industry Council has requested that certain criteria and guidelines be met in order for a group to receive the cash award.

A. Criteria and Guidelines

1. The participating 4-H group must present at least 2 public educational programs on beef at shopping malls, at public schools, at grocery stores, fairs, or to adult civic clubs or to other general audience groups.

a. Emphasis should be given to nutritional value of beef, beef’s role in diet, selection, preparation information on beef and beef promotional activities.

b. Audience - Emphasis should be given to general public including homemakers and non-agricultural audiences in addition to 4-H members, parent and leaders.

2. Provide at least one mass media news story for each beef educational program presented. Stories can be from newspapers, radio or television.

a. Article should include - Nature of the program, participants, audience, highlights of the presentation.

b. Indicate the source of the article and give an estimated number of readers.

c. Include copies of printed news releases, documentation of radio and/or television broadcasts and copies of prepared news releases that were not used by the media.

3. Prepare reports on the two or more beef programs presented. Reports should include: objectives, procedures, audience, accomplishments, photographs, and mass media articles. These reports must be included as part of the scrapbook submitted by each group as an entry for the Meat Science Education Program competition. The scrapbook including the reports are due in Fred Ray's office, 201 Animal Science, OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078, by March 27. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc


The Oklahoma Beef Industry Council will provide twelve (12) $250 Beef Education Activity awards for 4-H groups which meet all criteria and guidelines and are deemed eligible by the evaluation committee.

Putting the Scrapbook Together

-- The Meat Science Education Program scrapbook should be put together in sections with an index.

-- The "Beef Education Activities" section should be at the front.

-- It is recommended that the pictures and media stories be put with the specific section of Activities that is being reported. Include news releases that the media did not print or broadcast.

-- Following the index page, include a summary page highlighting the objectives, plans and accomplishments of your total program. Describe your audiences and indicate how many people were reached with the projects and activities and how many 4-H'ers were involved. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc

Special County Pork Education Activity

The Oklahoma Pork Council (OPC) has provided a cash award for those counties or clubs which have designed and implemented pork education and/or promotion activities as a part of their Meat Science Education Program. The Oklahoma Pork Council has requested that certain criteria and guidelines be met in order for a group to receive the cash award.

A. Criteria and Guidelines

1. The participating 4-H group must present at least 2 public educational programs on pork at shopping malls, at public schools, at grocery stores, fairs, or to adult civic clubs or to other general audience groups.

a. Emphasis should be given to nutritional value of pork, pork’s role in diet, selection, preparation information on pork and pork promotional activities.

b. Audience - Emphasis should be given to general public including homemakers and non-agricultural audiences in addition to 4-H members, parent and leaders.

2. Provide at least one mass media news story for each pork educational program presented. Stories can be from newspapers, radio or television.

a. Article should include - Nature of the program, participants, audience, highlights of the presentation.

b. Indicate the source of the article and give an estimated number of readers.

c. Include copies of printed news releases, documentation of radio and/or television broadcasts and copies of prepared news releases that were not used by the media.

3. Prepare reports on the two or more pork programs presented. Reports should include: objectives, procedures, audience, accomplishments, photographs, and mass media articles. These reports must be included as part of the scrapbook submitted by each group as an entry for the Meat Science Education Program competition. The scrapbook including the reports are due in Fred Ray's office, 201 Animal Science, OSU, Stillwater, OK 74078, by March 27. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc


The Oklahoma Pork Council will provide ten (10) $250 Pork Education Activity awards for 4-H groups which meet all criteria and guidelines and are deemed eligible by the evaluation committee.

Putting the Scrapbook Together

-- The Meat Science Education Program scrapbook should be put together in sections with an index.

-- The "Pork Education Activities" section should follow the beef section.

-- It is recommended that the pictures and media stories be put with the specific section of Activities that is being reported. Include news releases that the media did not print or broadcast.

-- Following the index page, include a summary page highlighting the objectives, plans and accomplishments of your total program. Describe your audiences and indicate how many people were reached with the projects and activities and how many 4-H'ers were involved. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc

Please complete one form for each activity related to Meat Science conducted in the county. Pictures and newspaper articles should accompany the report in the scrapbook of activities.

4-H County Meat Science Education Report Form

County______Date______Leader's Name______Leader's Signature______Title of program presented______

The audience and number present:

General Public______Homemakers______4-H______Leaders______

What were the responsibilities of the 4-H members in this activity?

What educational information was conveyed to the audience?

How did this meeting fit into the overall objectives of your county meat science program?

Publicity; What mass media contacts were used to publicize the activity and to aid in the education process through follow up stories? D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc

Please include a separate form for each Special County Beef Education activity and supporting picture and media stories in the "Beef Education Activity" section of the Meat Science Education Program scrapbook.

Special County Beef Education Activity Report Form

County______Date______Extension Agent______Signature______Title______Location______Date______

Audiences (Types and estimated number)

Brief description of objectives and educational contest.

Procedures and accomplishments.

Responsibilities of the 4-H members and the number involved. D:\Docs\2017-12-07\071148b1df8aa21da3a8fa0e2a8d6b78.doc

Please include a separate form for each Special County Pork Education activity and supporting picture and media stories in the "Pork Education Activity" section of the Meat Science Education Program scrapbook.

Special County Pork Education Activity Report Form

County______Date______Extension Agent______Signature______Title______Location______Date______

Audiences (Types and estimated number)

Brief description of objectives and educational contest.

Procedures and accomplishments.

Responsibilities of the 4-H members and the number involved.


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