Pledge of Allegiance and Alma Mater Lead by President Beer

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Pledge of Allegiance and Alma Mater Lead by President Beer

SENATE 8.21.14

Meeting called to order 6:05

Pledge of allegiance and Alma Mater lead by President Beer


 Beer acknowledges…

 Boggs acknowledges…

Geirheart moves to approve minutes to july, no vote just approved

Griggs Report

 Project portal ready to release next Wednesday

 Pronouns—to use pronouns that are inclusive and desired by each member, goal for body of Senate to go thru both Ally training and Trans trainings

 Senate Committees Retreat—Sunday sept. 7, 12pm-2pm, AACRC ice cream social 2-3

o Will break up for more informal meeting of year expectations

 Binders—organization same

o Interest sheet—use as resource for finding people with similar interest to your goal

o Notes for Bills—ALL DUE MON. @ 4PM! Submitted to website, emailing griggs does not count, if rules not followed bill will not be introduced

o Co-sponsorship must be approved by campus life committee, meets every other Monday, get there first

o All appropriation bills must be sent to Gracie BEFORE Mon. 4pm deadline, send at 8am.

 Goldenberg—Q: Can I submit bill without Campus Life approval? A: No. This is in the bylaws If you do not agree with changes made by Campus Life, may friendly amend at Senate Meeting

 May email Griggs questions about bill, but email is not submission

o Calendar in binder—use it

o Finance—instructions on how to fill out financial documents

 Academic issues and community life meeting 1st day of school

 Goldenberg—Q: Can you invite committee members not part of senate to meeting? A: Yes Beer Report

 Partnered with athletics for “Bearcats at the Banks”

o Feat. Stage w/ dj, wristbands for beer, section for underaged students with cornhole and facepainting

o Busses will drop off 2500 students .5 blocks away

o Lots A-D first-come-first-serve for tailgating

. Will be occupied until 5 by workers

. Recommends Bearcats at the Banks

 Be Smart Be Safe

o Efforts more engaging, asking students questions

o Collateral piece: card to be passed out on first day and passed out to al season ticket holders

o Safety tables in Res. Halls, UCPD officers there as well

 NightRide App coming, launce in late September

o Free

o Can track van location coming to get you

 Transportation guide to go in all convocation packets

o Board of trustees meeting next Tues

. News on Sioto and Med campus, very important things on agenda

 Needs help with Homecomming Event

o Bought 50 t-shirts, only 20 so students signed up

Q: T-shirts, can drop off t-shirts in office? A: Yes

Q:Lots A-D for student organizations to set up? A: Bearcat on bank connecting with larger organizations, but not room to line up along banks. Frat. And Sor. Cannot set up at Bearcat on Banks. Lots A-D first-time-first-serve, locations will vary

Q:How far are the lots? A: Right next to Brown

Comment: Reccomends student organizations sponsor a bus. Q:Charge for parking? A: $20

Shah Report

 Exec. Staff—if searching for their help in anything, contact them. “keep the flow”

o FYLP—students love it, applications online through campus link, timeline by end of Sept. hope to be interviewing, get the word out

o Have some projects you want to get working on, work with me and Christina we are excited to be back

Senator Smith

 Tribunal leadership council

o Dates: Sept. 4 4pm TUC 425

o Red and Black Bash—tribunals be there

St. John

 Cabinet retraeat 10-3

o All Directors strategic plans not in yet, waiting for those who have been out of town, so far all approved

o Every week will update Senate on one of Director’s projects

. Transportation guide

. Student diversity council being established, looking for representation

. UC to join with community engagement improvement

. Final decision coming this week on who new ____ is.

. SG hats ordered. 8.95

. Learning management systems, adm group for blackboard and canopy

Waters Finance Report

 Section in Resources and Info in binder

 A11 form for reimbursments, needs copy of bank statement and list of food and who ate food, will not refund for taxes,

o Purchase order—for university to pay vender directly, contact Waters  For Flyers—communication form in SG Office

 Budget—33958 in programming, more info in binder

Executive Nominations—

Brian for Cabinet

 Brian Back


o 3rdyr marketing and finance

o Dircetor of health and fitness assistant

o Works for Brandery

o Wants Open Kitchen Policy

. Wants to recruit unlimited meal plan students for feedback and reviews

. Make a real difference in dining halls

o Speaker Series

. Each or every other month

. Speakers connected to health world

o Create more welcoming and friendly environment to Rec Center

. For students who do not work out often or have different methods of working out

o Passionate about Health

o No Questions

o Beer moves to approve as Director of Health and Welness

. No objections

. Vote: 18-0-1

Committee Report

Meetings start next week Board Report

Student Activities

 Campus activities Fair this sat. 3-5pm, please vol.

 Campus relaunch party in Atrium—spread the word

 “Apple Clink” Dr. mayo came up with it

o She denies

o 11-4 Thursday, multifloor

 Dr. Hurtle resigned, at Mt. St. Joe

Safety Board

 President stepped down, new President

Tribunal Reports


 1 or 2 DAAP chairs may be opening

Many other open seats in branch coll


 Meeting 5:30 in Zimmer next week

 Giving out breakfast 1st day of class Q: Where? A: Baldwin


 Retreat 2 Sundays ago, name still S.A.T.

Comments from (peanut) gallery

Dr. Mayo: Welcome back,

 Dr. hurdle at Mt. St. Joes, Dr. O___ now in charge of her old job

 Rebbecca Laymen submitted resignation, hoping for Peace Corp.

 Women’s Center Director Retired, interim has been placed

 Comment Beer: Ashley B. Sexual Assalt contact has resigned as well OLD BUSINESS none


Beer motions to open first bill-

First bill

 Miami ft.ball game, team to be transported by bus, not time yet

 Spencer: Price per ticket: $150

o Round-trip transportation, two nights stay at hotel, ticket to game

o Leaving wed. night 8pm

o Arrive Thursday afternoon

o Attempting to meet alumni in area and do walk-through with team

o Tailgate on beach on Friday

o Return to Cincinnati depending on timing of game

o Football team and coaching staff appreciates support

 Asking to cover hotel and tickets, will be grated all but 5000 back

o 5000 is max. may move to 4500 b/c tickets half-price

o asking to come out of programming budget

o is big move to support athletics

o no money going towards tailgating for athletics, money provided through Prez. Office

 Geirheart

o No problem sponsoring

o Concern that 100 student tickets will sell out quickly

o A: 3 busses was not possible, limited to 2 busses with chaperone

o 30,000 gas money? A: most of cost is for busses

o Opportunity to get another bus? A: no opportunity for transportation expansion  Nab

o Was RallyCats given early access to tickets? A: yes, 10 were taken

o Concern that SG is given early access to tickets for student body

. Move to friendly amen to strike out early offer to SG

. Beer: SG only has 5, given because it’s a large sponsorship from SG

. Continues motion

. Avant: what about those who have paid already? A: none have paid

. Vote to friendly amend: 9.9.1

. Revote: 7.11.1

 Goldenberg:

o money in our budget given to us by students, looks like bribery

o motion to change 20 to 5 tickets offered

o Q: Early Registration cut off? A: tomorrow

o Resubmits motion to change 20 to 5

o Vote to friendly amend: 15.3.1

 St. John

o Supports bill

o Moves to close discussion

 Discussion

Move to new bill

Vote will be on poll online

Vote 19.1.0 passes


Nab- missed it sorry

Beer- Public Safety Director Search update-interviews on campus coming, all are “phenomenal” Title 9 Coordinator search going well, interviews coming next week

Welcome Weekend Foam Party 10:30-2am, set up at 8, t-shirts can be picked up there

Tomorrow is SALD block party 4-7


Good and Welfare

Beer to Roberts, yay for presentation to international students thank you for saving the day

Shah to Griggs for Report

Goldenberg to former student body prez. who did something cool

Phelps to Waters for help with welcome week stuff

Beer to everyone for awesome and great discussion

To Griggs for pronouns

Goldenberg to Mayo for saving on glasses

Griggs adjourned 7:25pm.

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