Cucst Netball Partnership

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Cucst Netball Partnership


Annual General Meeting Thursday 10th July 2014 at 7.30 pm Essex University

Minutes of Meeting

Teams Present:


Committee Members Present: Donna Adlem, Elaine Mckeown, Gill Rumney, Angie Syrett, Amy Longhurst, Becky Dorey, Nic Rees, Cherry McKean, Carolyn Isom

Retiring Committee Members: Angie, Becky, Donna A, Doris

1. Apologies for Absence Committee: Doris Falconer, Alex Leach, Donna Parker, Lorraine Adams Teams: University A, University B

2. Minutes of Last Annual General Meeting The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in 2013 were agreed by Jo Willsher (Zodiac Panthers) and Seconded by Emma Challis (Tiptree)

3. Matters Arising There were no matters arising from the minutes.

4. Committee Report There were no matters arising from the Committees Reports.

5. Treasurer’s Report Elaine confirmed the Treasurers report. There was a query asking if the league was ‘profit making’ in relation to the amount of money left in the league account. The treasurer confirmed that the league is non-profit making and that monies would be carried forward to next season and used appropriately. There was also a query about the player fee increase which was explained by the treasurer.

6. Amendments to Constitution and Rules of Senior League CONSTITUTION All changes in green agreed For-All, Against 0


The Organisation shall be called the Colchester Netball League (hereinafter referred to as the Organisation).


Currently: The players, umpires, coaches, committee members and officials participating in Senior League netball must be affiliated to the England Netball and to East Essex County Netball Association. Proposed: The players, umpires, coaches, Executive Committee members and officials participating in Senior League netball must be affiliated to the England Netball and to East Essex County Netball Association.


The purpose of the Organisation shall be to provide netball leagues at youth and senior levels as per 4.8, providing equal opportunities for all to participate in the game of netball in a competitive and friendly manner.


4.1. The Organisation shall consist of the officers and the members.

4.2. Membership of the Organisation shall be open, and not unreasonably restricted on the grounds of sex, race or of political, religious or other opinions, to any person in the area who is prepared to accept and support the purpose of the Organisation.

4.2.1. In accordance with 4.1 of Official Netball Rules England Netball, the game is designed for single sex competition.

4.3. a. Players, umpires, coaches, Executive Committee members and others with a specific role in the Organisation shall be considered as “Members”. For voting procedures see 9.

b. “Associate Members” shall consist of others willing to offer support and encouragement to the Organisation in any way.

4.4. A formal partnership has been established between the Organisation and Colchester Borough Council (CBC), Highwoods Sports Centre, in accordance with 4.3.b.

2 4.5. In accepting membership a person agrees to abide to the constitution of the Organisation and the rulings of the Organisation’s Executive Committee.

4.6. Currently: Members from years 5-11 will be eligible for the youth league with year-5 only playing “high fives”. All members from school age of year-10 and above can be considered senior players. Proposed: Members from school years 5-11 will be eligible for the youth league with year-5 only playing “high fives”. All members from school age of year 10 and above can be considered senior players.

4.7. All player members shall compete in their appropriate age groups except in the following circumstances:

i) Currently: a player in school year-5 must play only “high fives”; Proposed: a player in school year 5 must only play “high fives”; ii) an exceptionally skilful player aged 13 years who, by Executive Committee agreement, will be permitted to play in a higher age-group from youth to senior league;

4.8. Currently: A Senior and Youth League will be provided by the ‘Organisation’. The Junior League will be provided by the Colchester Junior Schools Netball League in association with CUCST, in accordance with 4.3.b. Proposed: A Senior and Youth League will be provided by the ‘Organisation’. The Junior League will be provided by the Colchester Junior Schools Netball League in association with CUCST, in accordance with 4.3.b.

Suggestion taken from the floor regarding wording… 4.6 Members from school years 3-11 will be eligible for the youth league with years3 to 6 recommended to play ‘High Fives’. All members from school age of year 10 and above can be considered senior players.

4.7. All player members shall compete in their appropriate age groups except in the following circumstances:

ii) A player in school years 3 to 6 is recommended to play ‘High Fives’.

ii) an exceptionally skilful player aged 13 years who, by Executive Committee agreement, will be permitted to play in a higher age-group from youth to senior league;

4.8 A Senior and Youth League will be provided by the ‘Organisation’. (Both ‘High Fives’ and 7 a side competition.

Revised wording agreed by all


5.1. Annual membership fees shall be set by the Executive Committee. They are payable to the Organisation’s Treasurer by way of cheque (A/C payee only) or by BACS.

3 5.2. Payment by “members” shall be stipulated in the rules of the respective leagues.


6.1. The management of the Organisation shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

6.2. The Executive Committee shall act for the members. Liabilities incurred shall fall upon the membership (provided they act in accordance with the constitution, in honesty and good faith).

6.3. Currently: The Executive Committee shall comprise of Chair, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and such officers and Committee members as determined by the AGM. Proposed: The Executive Committee shall comprise of Chair, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and such officers and Executive Committee members as determined by the AGM.

6.4. All members of the Executive Committee (6.2) shall be elected annually by a vote at the AGM.

6.5. Currently: The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee and the Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year, with dates of future meetings being arranged at the previous meeting. Proposed: The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year, with dates of future meetings being arranged at the previous meeting.

6.6. The quorum for the transaction of business at Executive Committee meetings shall be 50% of Executive Committee members.

6.7. At an Executive Committee Meeting, all appropriate matters shall be determined by a majority with every member having one vote. In the event of a tie the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

6.8. The interpretation of the Organisation constitution shall be vested in the Executive Committee, who shall decide all questions relating to the Organisation.

6.9. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for considering any application for membership and shall decide if this application should be accepted. This decision shall be in accordance with a non-discriminatory policy specified in 4.2.

6.10. In the event of a resignation from the Executive Committee for both a named officer or general committee member “officers named or otherwise” the Executive Committee are empowered to appoint from within the Executive Committee or co-opt from the general membership.”

6.11. Currently: Only three members of the same club allowed on the Executive Committee during a year to ensure balance and equity. Proposed: Only three members of the same club allowed on the Executive Committee during a year to ensure balance and equality.

4 6.12. The Executive Committee will be copied in on all correspondence that is sent by the Executive Committee to all the teams.


7.1. All monies raised by or on behalf of the Organisation shall be applied to further the objects of the Organisation and for no other purpose.

7.2. The Organisation’s Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the Organisation.

7.3. The financial year of the Organisation ends on 30th April each year.

7.4. Proper accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and paid out by the Organisation.

7.5. An audited statement of accounts up to and including this date (7.2) shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Organisation.

7.6. The funds of the Organisation shall be lodged at a bank or building society in an account in the name of the Organisation, and all cheques, drafts etc. drawn on these accounts shall be signed by any two of the three nominated members of the Executive Committee.


8.1. Every member is entitled to attend all General Meetings of the Organisation.

8.2. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Organisation shall be held every year after the end of the winter league when the annual report of the Executive Committee and the audited statement of accounts, up to the end of the financial year, will be presented.

8.3. Not less than 6 weeks’ written notice of the date of the AGM shall be given to all members by the Secretary.

8.4. The AGM shall elect such officers of the Organisation as it may determine in accordance with 6.2.

8.5. The Secretary shall receive written nominations for officers, not less than 4 weeks prior to the AGM. Nominations can only be accepted from persons eligible to vote at the AGM and shall require a minimum of 2 named nominees. No nominations shall be accepted from the floor of the meeting.

8.6. This constitution shall be reviewed on an annual basis.

8.7. Currently: Amendments to the constitution shall only be agreed at an AGM or at an EGM. Proposed: Amendments to the constitution shall only be agreed at an AGM or at an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting).

8.8. Additions to, or alterations of, the constitution or league rules shall be submitted to the Secretary up to 4 weeks before the date of the AGM, or with a request for an EGM of

5 Organisation members. No resolution involving an amendment to the constitution or league may be proposed or amended from the floor of a meeting.

8.9. In the event of a proposal for amending the constitution being submitted, the Secretary shall inform the membership of the proposed motion not less than 3 weeks before the AGM.

8.10. Any alteration to the constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of members present and voting.

8.11. In the event of any question or matter arising, which is not provided in the constitution, such question or matter shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final.

8.12. The Chair will call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) upon the written request of at least 50% of members of the Executive Committee to discuss and vote, if necessary, on major decisions concerning the league.

8.13. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) can also be called by an application in writing to the Secretary signed by not less than 25% of members.

8.14. The quorum for all General Meetings (AGM and EGM) shall be 50% of the existing membership.


9.1. For voting procedures on the constitution: at each level of membership all teams within the Organisation shall appoint, when affiliating, an adult individual to represent their team. This nominated person shall be entitled to one vote and shall have equal voting rights.

9.2. For voting procedures on rules and regulations: the nominated person in 9.1. can only vote on changes relevant to their respective youth or senior level.

9.3. A motion shall be carried by a simple majority of those present and voting, except when the motion is a constitutional amendment, which shall require a two-thirds majority.

9.4. The Chair shall have a casting vote.


10.1. Responsibility for all property owned or leased by the Organisation and for the employment of paid staff and volunteers rests with the Organisation.


11.1. All correspondence to the Executive Committee should be submitted to the League Secretary, in letter or email form. 6 11.2. The Executive Committee will not recognise anonymous correspondence and will therefore immediately dispose of any received.


12.1. The Executive Committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member and shall have the authority to terminate the membership of any member guilty of conduct deemed to be to the detriment of the Organisation.

12.2. There shall be the right of appeal to the Executive Committee, against any decision made by an officer of that Executive Committee of the Organisation.

12.3. The appeal should normally be considered within 14 days of it being received by the Secretary, by a specific appointed appeals committee, which shall not contain any representative individual of the team appealing.


13.1. Currently: Complaints should be submitted to the League Secretary in letter or email form, within one week of the “incident” or the complaint will not be considered by the Executive Committee.


 Letter or email received from team within 1 week of incident.  Acknowledgement sent within 1 week of receipt of letter.  Send letter asking for other team, umpires and/or others comments  Discuss at next Committee Meeting  Write to all concerned within 1 week of Committee Meeting with outcome

Proposed: Any complaints should be submitted to the League Secretary in letter or email form, within one week of the “incident”; failure to comply with this criteria will result in the complaint not being considered by the Executive Committee.

PROCEDURE  Complaint letter or email to be received by the League Secretary within 1 week of the incident  The League Secretary to send acknowledgement of complaint letter or email within 7 days of receipt  The League Secretary will investigate the complaint which may involve contacting other teams, umpires, etc  The complaint and the investigations findings will be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting, unless it is too serious to wait until then. In this instance, the Executive Committee will convene an extraordinary meeting, either face-to-face or by email/telephone.  The League Secretary will write to all concerned with 1 week of the Executive Committee’s decision to advise the outcome.


14.1. The Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.


15.1. The Code of Conduct will be reviewed on an annual basis.


16.1. A proposal for the dissolution of the League must come from a unanimous vote of the members. In the event of the Organisation ceasing to exist, the Executive Committee would remain in place until debts, liabilities and assets are discharged. Any such assets shall then be transferred to an Organisation for netball development within North East Essex, as agreed and voted by the Executive Committee.

16.2. The Organisation may be wound up on a resolution of the members, passed by a two-thirds majority at a special meeting convened for that purpose upon the request of the Executive Committee. At least 21 days’ notice of the meeting shall have been sent to all members of the Organisation.

16.3. In the event of the passing of the resolution to wind up the Organisation see paragraph 16.1 for the distribution of assets.

All changes to constitution agreed by all members present.



1.1 Currently: Every player and official must be affiliated to England Netball and East Essex Netball Association by the 1st September of each year. All teams must provide a copy of the England Netball Club Membership Receipt, with all members listed, by the beginning of the season and send it to the League’s EN Affiliations Secretary. Proposed: Every player, umpire, coach, Executive Committee member and official must be affiliated to England Netball and East Essex Netball Association by the 1 st September of each year. All teams must provide a copy of the England Netball Club Membership Receipt, with all members listed, by the beginning of the season and send it to the League’s EN Affiliations Secretary.

1.2. At present all those members affiliated to England Netball are covered by Personal Accident and Civil Liability insurance BUT ONLY IF:

 The club is affiliated.  All members are affiliated.  Currently: The League is only insured if all clubs and their players are affiliated. Proposed: The League is only insured if all clubs and their players are affiliated.  Currently: New players who are not affiliated are not insured but allowed 3 trial sessions and then MUST affiliate. After 3 trial sessions, if a new person does not become affiliated, the insurance of the affiliated people will be affected. Club members’ insurance is not affected during this time as long as they are affiliated and if all their members are affiliated (excluding the ‘new’ ones on trial) and leagues are only insured if all their clubs and all members are affiliated.  Proposed: New players who are not affiliated, and therefore not insured, are however allowed 3 trial sessions. If after 3 trial sessions they wish to continue playing, they MUST affiliate otherwise the insurance of the other players in the team is affected. (Insurance is not affected during these trial sessions provided that the remainder of the players in the team are affiliated). and leagues are only insured if all their clubs and all members are affiliated.

 The period of affiliation and therefore insurance, is 1st September to 31st August, so if players are not affiliated you are in effect uninsured.

1.3. a. All fees and dates for payment will be set by the Executive Committee.

b. The fee for membership to ensure a place in the League will be set annually by the Executive Committee and must be paid at the AGM.

Penalty Failure to comply with rules 1.1 to 1.3 will result in: Currently: The offending team to pay a fine of £10 to the Executive Committee Proposed: The offending team to pay a fine of £15 to the Executive Committee, upon request by the Treasurer.

9 If a game is played, the offending team will forfeit it and points will be awarded to the non- offending team.

For – 28 Against – 2 Abstentions - 0

1.4. a. Currently: A deposit payment of 50% of the court fees must be sent to the Treasurer on presentation of invoice. Proposed: Any request for league fees must be paid on presentation of a CNL invoice.

b. Currently: Remainder to be paid to League Treasurer on receipt of invoice. Proposed: Remainder to be paid to League Treasurer on receipt of invoice. For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

1.5. a. Currently: Each individual team or club will register at least 7 of their members with the Fixture and Membership Secretary by 31st August and pay the registration fee set by the Executive Committee. Proposed: Each individual team or club will register at least 7 of their members with the Fixture and Membership Secretary by 31st August and pay the registration fee set by the Executive Committee.

b. Currently: All teams should state on their League application form an appropriate umpire suitably qualified for their division as per the leagues umpiring rules. Proposed: All teams should state on their Team Registration Form an appropriate umpire suitably qualified for their division as per the leagues’ umpiring rules.


Failure to comply with rules 1.1 - 1.5 may result in the offending team being excluded from the League.

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

1.6. Currently: A team is classified as one team. A club is classified as either one team or more. If your team is part of a club you must state whether the teams are A, B, or C etc teams. Proposed: A team is classified as one team. A club is classified as either one team or more. If your team is part of a club you must state whether the teams are A, B, or C etc. teams.

1.7. A player may only play for their registered team/club in a League or Cup Match.

1.8. Currently: A new player must be registered with any member of the Executive Committee before the start of the match. A supplementary player registration form must be completed and sent to the Fixture and Membership Secretary within 48 hours of the fixture. Registration 10 fees to be paid to the treasurer on receipt of invoice. (Note no “scrap” pieces of paper/backs of envelopes etc will be accepted.) An updated participant list must be forwarded to the League EN Affiliation Secretary each time a new player is affiliated to a Club. Proposed: A new player must be registered with any member of the Executive Committee before the start of the match. A Supplementary Player Registration Form must be completed and sent to the Fixtures and Membership Secretary within 48 hours of the fixture. Supplementary Player Registration fees to be paid to the Treasurer on receipt of invoice. (Note no “scrap” pieces of paper/backs of envelopes etc will be accepted.) An updated EN participant list must be forwarded to the League EN Affiliation Secretary each time a new player is affiliated to a team/Club.

1.9. Currently: Once a player has commenced a game (i.e. at 7.00 pm) with one team, she cannot then leave that game to play for another team within that same time period. However, a player would play at 7.00 pm for one team and then play up at 8.30 pm for another team, within their registered Club. Proposed: Once a player has commenced a game (i.e. at 7.00 pm) with one team, she cannot then leave that game to play for another team within that same time period. However, a player would be able to play at 7.00 pm for one team and then “play up” at 8.30 pm for another team, within her registered Club.

1.10. Within a club a player may only “play up” to any of their club teams twice, regardless of which Division they normally play in. On the third occasion the player will become a member of that team and must remain in that team for the remainder of the season.

1.11. Within a club, no player may play for a lower placed team.

1.12. Currently: A player may transfer teams only once in a season. Written application, with notice of release from the team they are leaving, must be given to the Executive Committee for their consideration and decision. Proposed: A player may apply to transfer between teams only once in a season. Written application, with notice of release from the team they are leaving, must be given to the Executive Committee for their consideration and decision.

1.13. Currently : If a youth player aged 13 wishes to play in the senior league the following actions must take place before that person is allowed to play: a. The parent/guardian must request permission from the league in writing for their daughter to play in the senior league. b. The Executive Committee to confirm eligibility before the player may participate.

Proposed: If a youth player (from age 13) wishes to play in the senior league the following actions must take place before the youth player is allowed to play: a. The parent/guardian of the youth player must write to the League Secretary giving permission for the youth player to play in the senior league. b. The Executive Committee will consider the matter and then write to both team and parent/guardian to advise them of the Executive Committee’s decision.

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

11 1.14. Currently: In accordance with England Netball, no player more than twelve weeks pregnant may play in the League. Proposed: In accordance with England Netball, no player more than twelve weeks pregnant may play in the League. Health & Safety. In the interest of fair play/sportsmanship, a player who appears to be at a later stage of gestation may be requested by the Executive Committee to refrain from playing any remaining fixtures.

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

1.15. Currently: A player that was registered with a club/team withdrawing from the League may request a transfer to another team/club. This must be put in writing to the Executive Committee whose consideration and decision will be final.

Proposed: A player that was registered with a club/team withdrawing from the League may request a transfer to another team/club. This must be put in writing to the Executive Committee whose consideration and decision will be final.


Currently: Failure to comply with rules 1.6 – 1.15 will result in: a) offending team (i) no goals or points awarded for that match

b) non-offending team (i) awarded five points (ii) goals for added to the league table Proposed: Failure to comply with rules 1.6 – 1.15 will result in: a) the offending team (i) having no goals or points awarded for that match

b) the non-offending team (i) being awarded five points (ii) having their “goals for” added to the league table

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0


2.1. All matches will be played in accordance with the Official Netball Rules England Netball with the exception of:

a) Rule 1. Registered Playing Uniform – All players must wear kit, including a bib, in their registered club colours. Kit may comprise of dresses, shorts, skorts, skirts, trousers and 12 tops. Appropriate securely fastened trainers must be worn. Neck scarves, hooded tops and bobble hats shall not be worn. Jewellery, except for a taped wedding ring, must not be worn. Fingernails must be cut short and smoothed. Gloves must not be worn unless a medical certificate recommending their use is provided. If a leg brace is to be worn, it must be covered by appropriate material. (Players wearing appropriate gloves and leg braces are advised to have personal liability insurance.)

b) Rule 3. Officials (except umpires – also see Section 7). Others as appropriate.

c) Currently: Rule 20. Discipline of Players – If the discipline necessitates sending a player or players off for any period of playing time, the umpire must send in a written report to the Fixtures & Membership Secretary stating the circumstance of the disciplinary action. The offending player(s) can continue in subsequent matches until the matter is discussed at the next Committee Meeting when a decision will be made which may result in suspension and/or a fine. Proposed: Rule 20. Discipline of Players – If the discipline necessitates sending a player or players off for any period of playing time, the umpire must send in a written report to the Fixtures & Membership Secretary stating the circumstance of the disciplinary action. The offending player(s) can continue in subsequent matches until the matter is discussed at the next Executive Committee Meeting when a decision will be made which may result in suspension and/or a fine.

2.2. Currently: Each team will play all other teams within their division on a home and away basis at the central venue notified by the Executive Committee. In the event these arrangements become unavailable the Committee may substitute other venues. Proposed: Each team will play all other teams within their division on a home and away basis at the central venue notified by the Executive Committee. In the event these arrangements become unavailable the Executive Committee may substitute other venues.

2.3. Any teams withdrawing from the League before the end of the season will have all their match results expunged. All outstanding fees must be paid in full.

2.4. Any team failing to fulfil a total of three consecutive League matches or five matches throughout the season will be expelled from the League. All results will be expunged. All outstanding fees must be paid in full.

2.5. If a team contravenes more than one rule within a fixture, the Executive Committee, at their discretion, will decide the appropriate penalty.

2.6. The Fixture and Membership Secretary will write within a week of an offence to the offending and non-offending teams.


3.1. a. Currently: Duration of the match will be 4 x 15 minutes for all divisions. It is the responsibility of both umpires to ensure that the full 4 x 15 minutes are played. A match that is not played in full will be deemed null and void and will not be replayed and no points or goals awarded. Proposed: Duration of the match will be 4 x 15 minutes for all divisions. It is the responsibility of both umpires to ensure that the full 4 x 15 minutes are played. A match 13 that is not played in full will be deemed null and void and will not be replayed and no points or goals will be awarded to either team.

b. There will be a 3-minute interval after the first and third quarters and a 5-minute interval after the second quarter.

c. Teams shall change ends after each quarter.

3.2. Matches must commence not later than 5 minutes from the stated time of the fixture where a team has 5 players present and a suitably qualified umpire.


Currently: Failure to comply with rule 3.2 may result in forfeiture of the points and a fine and the points awarded to the non-offending team, at the discretion of the Executive Committee after all events have been considered, as follows:

a) offending team (i) pay a fine of £10.00 to the Executive Committee

b) non-offending team (i) five points awarded (ii) awarded the fine paid in a) (ii) Proposed: Failure to comply with rule 3.2 may result in forfeiture of the points and a fine and the points awarded to the non-offending team, at the discretion of the Executive Committee after all events have been considered, as follows:

a) the offending team (i) will pay a fine of £15.00 to the Executive Committee

c) the non-offending team (i) will have five points awarded (ii) will be awarded the fine paid in a) (i) For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0


4.1. Matches will be cancelled or postponed only under the direction of the Executive Committee for extenuating circumstances. The Executive Committee will rearrange and confirm in writing.

4.2. Notification of a cancellation for any other reason must be telephoned through immediately to the Fixture and Membership Secretary. In their absence one of the Executive Committee must be contacted. The other team as well as your umpires must also be phoned and notified of the cancellation immediately.

4.3. Currently: If for any reason any team refuses to complete a fixture after play has started, a report must be submitted to the league secretary by both team captains and both umpires. A decision regarding the outcome of the fixture will be at the discretion of the committee after all events have been considered. 14 Proposed: If for any reason any team refuses to complete a fixture after play has started, a report must be submitted to the league secretary by both team captains and both umpires. A decision regarding the outcome of the fixture will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee after all events have been considered.

4.4. Both teams must also send in a result card stating the reason for the cancellation and the offending team can appeal if there are extenuating circumstances. These must be received by the FixtureS and Membership Secretary no later than 5 days after the fixture.


Currently: Failure to comply with rules 4.1 – 4.3 may result in forfeiture of the points and a fine and the points awarded to the non-offending team, at the discretion of the Committee after all events have been considered, as follows: a) offending team (i) pay a fine of £10.00 to the Executive Committee

b) non-offending team (i) five points awarded (ii) awarded the fine paid in a) (i) Proposed: Failure to comply with rules 4.1 – 4.4 may result in forfeiture of the points and a fine and the points awarded to the non-offending team, at the discretion of the Executive Committee after all events have been considered, as follows: a) the offending team (i) will pay a fine of £15.00 to the Executive Committee

b) the non-offending team (i) will have five points awarded (iii) will be awarded the fine paid in a) (i)

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4.5 Any game played as a friendly match, due to the inability to comply with League rules, will not be included as an official fixture and will not incur a fine.


5.1. The Decision to abandon a game in extenuating circumstances will be made by the officiating UMPIRES who must then inform the Team Captains.

5.2. Currently: A report must be submitted by the Officiating Umpires to the Committee via the League Secretary within 5 days of the abandonment. A decision regarding replaying the abandoned fixture will be at the discretion of the Committee after all events have been considered. Proposed: A report must be submitted by the officiating umpires to the Executive Committee via the League Secretary within 5 days of the abandonment. A decision regarding replaying the abandoned fixture will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee after all events have been considered.


6.1. Currently: Each team will provide a result card for all matches. These must be completed and handed to the umpires before the start of the match with the registered players, and their numbers, named for that match. On completion of the match, the scores must be recorded on the result card; any non-players deleted from that card and must be signed by the captain and umpire. Each team is responsible for returning the result card to the Fixtures and Membership Secretary, which must be received no later than 5 days after the fixture.

Penalty Failure to comply with rule 6.1 will result in:

a) offending team (i) no goals or points awarded for that match

b) non-offending team (i) awarded five points (ii) goals for added to the league table

Proposed: Both teams will provide a result card for ALL matches. These must be completed IN FULL and handed to the umpires before the start of the match. The cards must detail the following:  Team name (PRINTED)  CNL Team number  Player names (registered to play the match)  CNL Player numbers (PRINTED)  Either “home” or away fixture, as per the fixtures list. On completion of the match, the captain MUST cross-through any non-players’ names on the card. The card should then be passed to the umpire to record the scores and then both umpire and captain to sign and print their names on the card to verify the score. The umpire should also complete the back of the card, when appropriate. Each team is responsible for returning the completed result card to the Fixtures and Membership Secretary, by either placing it in the CNL post-box on the night or by post, to be received no later than 5 days after the fixture. Any incorrect/incomplete cards will not be accepted.

Penalty Failure to comply with rule 6.1 will result in:

a) the offending team (i) having no goals or points awarded for that match

b) the non-offending team (i) being awarded five points (ii) having their “goals for” added to the league table

16 For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0

6.2. Points will be awarded as follows:

 5 for a win  3 for a draw  2 if the losing team loses by 5 or less goals  1 for a loss with 50% or more goals  0 for a loss of less than 50%


7.1. The top two teams in each division (with the exception of division one) will be promoted to the next higher division.

7.2. The two teams occupying the bottom two places will be relegated to the next lower division (with the exception of the bottom division).

7.3. Should two or more teams finish on equal points at the end of the season goal difference will determine the winner of that division.

7.4. Depending on the number of teams in each division the Executive Committee shall decide whether additional teams will be promoted or relegated.


8.1. Currently: All umpires must be affiliated to England Netball and Colchester Netball League via the umpire registration form for administrative purposes only.

Proposed: All umpires MUST be affiliated to England Netball for the current season before they can officiate in the Colchester Netball League. Any umpire not registered as a player with a team in the Colchester Netball League must notify the EN Affiliation Secretary and the Umpiring Secretary of their EN registration number and whether they are affiliated independently or through a club, and if so, the name of the club. For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

8.2. a) First & Second Division Each team within the first and second divisions will provide a qualified umpire of at least EN “C” Award standard for their home and away fixtures.

b) Third Division Home fixtures - Each team within the third division will provide a qualified umpire of at least EN “C” Award standard.

17 Away fixtures – Each team within the third division will provide an umpire who has either passed a Beginner’s Umpires Test or completed a C award course and is working towards their EN C Award test. For the C Award course only (route 2) proof of attendance of the course and intent to take test should be sent to the Executive Committee who will thereafter assess the competence of the umpire to officiate at Third Division away fixtures.

Recommended Procedure for Umpires: Route 1 - start here Route 2 – or start here Attend Beginner’s Course Attend C Award Course Umpire in Youth League Umpire Third Division away fixtures whilst working towards C test Take and Pass Beginner’s Test Take and Pass EN C Award Test Umpire Third Division away Umpire Third Division home and away fixtures fixtures Progress to C Award Umpire Second Division home and away fixtures Umpire First Division home and away fixtures

c) Fourth Division Home and away fixtures – Each team within the fourth division will provide a qualified umpire of at least gained their EN Beginner Award standard OR will provide an umpire who has been assessed and deemed “competent” by the Umpiring Secretary.

8.3. In accordance with England Netball, no umpire more than twenty weeks pregnant may officiate in the League.

Currently: Health & Safety. In the interest of fair play/sportsmanship, an umpire who appears to be at a later stage of gestation may be requested by the committee to refrain from umpiring any remaining fixtures


Failure to comply with the above rules will result in: a) offending team (i) no goals or points awarded for that match

b) non-offending team (i) awarded five points (ii) goals for added to the league table

Proposed: Health & Safety. In the interest of fair play/sportsmanship, an umpire who appears to be at a later stage of gestation may be requested by the Executive Committee to refrain from umpiring any remaining fixtures Penalty

Failure to comply with rules 8.1 - 8.3 will result in: a) the offending team (i) having no goals or points awarded for that match


b) the non-offending team (i) being awarded five points (ii) having their “goals for” added to the league table

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

8.4. In accordance with England Netball rule 3.1.5 umpires and scorers shall wear suitable clothing, including appropriate footwear.

8.5. All teams must offer their umpire a minimum of £15.00

8.6. Wherever and whenever possible, with the agreement of the opposing team and both umpires, umpires should be allowed to use scorers on the games they are umpiring.

8.7. Currently: The Executive Committee may wish to request a nominated fixture to test two unqualified umpires. Should either umpire fail to qualify the teams may request a replay. Proposed: The Executive Committee will nominate fixtures for assessment and testing of unqualified umpires. Teams participating in any assessment or testing fixtures are responsible for paying “their” umpire. For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0


9.1. Any person may act as the scorer for an umpire providing the scorer is affiliated to EN.

9.2. Scorers may be replaced during the game, i.e. if a substitute player starts as the scorer but is then required to play, another scorer may take their place.

9.3. Scorers will stand at a place designated by both umpires.

9.4. Scorers will record each goal scored on their score-pad.

9.5. Both scorers will work together and one will “call” the score after each goal is scored; the “caller” will be agreed prior to each quarter.

9.6. At quarter and half times, the scorers will advise the umpires which team has the first centre- pass of the next quarter.

9.7. At the end of the match, the scorers will advise the umpires of the final score; the umpires will then complete the official score-card.


10.1. Any senior team not represented at any meeting convened by the Executive Committee (eg, AGM, EGM) will be fined £15.00, a minimum of one person to represent each team.

19 10.2. Any club/team with outstanding monies at the end of a season will be refused entry into the League for the following season.

10.3. Currently: New and/or redefined teams entering the League may be assessed and shall be placed in a division at the discretion of the Committee. Proposed: New and/or redefined teams entering the League may be assessed and shall be placed in a division at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

10.4. The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse entry into the League of any team/club.

10.5. If a player receives a cut, the two-minute injury rule will apply, so that the wound can be dressed.

10.6. A breach of the rules not covered by a specific penalty will be dealt with at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

10.7. All requests to the Executive Committee are to be made in writing to the league secretary.

10.8. In the event of a colour clash the away team is responsible for a change of bibs.

10.9. If there is a conflict of interest, e.g. you are an Executive Committee member and your team is involved, another of the Executive Committee members will be asked to mediate.

10.10. Teams must not call the central venue facility regarding a netball query, as the Netball League only hires out their facilities. A member of the Executive Committee should be contacted.

10.11. Where there is no ruling, item 8.11 of the constitution shall prevail.

10.12. Any person wishing to use video or photographic materials must have permission from the umpires and teams concerned.

10.13. All teams must carry a first aid kit, including ice packs, and should only contact the Sports Centre in the event of an emergency. In the case of an accident an accident form should be completed and sent to the League Secretary (accident forms can be found on the website)

10.14. All team members to remove their litter from the courts, including bottles.

10.15. Currently: Teams should not congregate in the Sports Centre corridor. Please use the upstairs bar facility. Proposed: Teams should not congregate in the Sports Centre corridor. Please use the upstairs bar facility.

10.16. Spectators are not permitted to enter the court area during play. Any spectators not moving to outside the court area will incur a penalty to the team.

Currently: Penalty Failure to comply with rule 10.16 will result in:

a) offending team (i) pay a fine of £10.00 to the Executive Committee

20 b) non-offending team (ii) awarded the fine paid in a) (i) Proposed: Penalty Failure to comply with rule 10.16 will result in:

b) the offending team (i) paying a fine of £15.00 to the Executive Committee

b) the non-offending team (ii) being awarded the fine paid in a) (i)

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0

10.17. Currently: Smoking is not permitted on any part of the Central Venue Premises. Proposed: Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes, etc) is not permitted on any part of the Central Venue Premises. For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0

10.18. In accordance with the central venues policy, dogs are not permitted on any part of the premises.

10.19. If a Summer League is to be run, the format will be bibs out of a bag (at the start and at half time) and played in divisional pools.

10.20. If there are only two summer league sessions, matches to be played at 7.30pm and 8.30 pm.


All teams registered in the Winter League will be entered into the Knockout Competition; teams in the 1st and 2nd divisions will take part in the Cup Competition, and teams in the 3rd and 4th divisions, the Plate Competition.

1. Matches will be played in accordance with the Official Netball Rules England Netball with the exception of:

a) Rule 1: Registered Playing Uniform

All players must wear kit, including a bib, in their registered club colours. Kit may comprise of dresses, shorts, skorts, skirts, trousers and tops. Appropriate securely fastened trainers must be worn. Neck scarves, hooded tops and bobble hats shall not be worn. Jewellery, except for a taped wedding ring, must not be worn. Fingernails must be cut short and smoothed. Gloves must not be worn unless a medical certificate recommending their use is provided. If a leg brace is to be worn, it must be covered by appropriate material. (Players wearing appropriate gloves and leg braces are advised to have personal liability insurance.)

b) Rule 3: Officials

First & Second Division Each team in the first and second division will provide a qualified umpire of at least EN “C” Award standard for their home and away fixtures.

Third Division Home fixtures - Each team within the third division will provide a qualified umpire of at least EN “C” Award standard. Away fixtures – Each team within the third division will provide an umpire who has either gained their Beginner Umpires Award or completed a “C” award course and is working towards their EN “C” Award test. (See section 7 in handbook for further information).

Fourth Division Each team within the fourth division will provide a qualified umpire who has gained their EN Beginner Umpire Award OR will provide an umpire who has been assessed and deemed “competent” by the Umpiring Secretary.

c) Rule 20: Discipline of Players

Currently: If the discipline necessitates sending a player or players off for any period of playing time, the umpire must send in a written report to the Knockout Competition Secretary stating the circumstance of the disciplinary action. The offending player(s) can continue in subsequent matches until the matter is discussed at the next committee meeting when a decision will be made which may result in suspension and/or a fine.

Proposed: If the discipline necessitates sending a player or players off for any period of playing time, the umpire must send in a written report to the Knockout Competition Secretary stating the circumstance of the disciplinary action. The offending player(s) can continue in 22 subsequent matches until the matter is discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting when a decision will be made which may result in suspension and/or a fine.

2. The first named team is the home side.

3. Matches will be played as per competition fixture list. Duration of the match will be 4 x 15 minutes. It is the responsibility of both umpires to ensure that the full 4 x 15 minutes are played. A game that is not played in full will be deemed null and void. Knockout penalty will be applied.

4. Players must only play for their registered League team. A transferred player is cup-tied to the first team played for within the competition.

5. Currently: Cancellation will only be as a result of adverse conditions. The Knockout Competition Secretary, or in her absence an appointed Executive Committee member, will notify the teams.

Proposed: Cancellation or postponement will only be as a result of adverse conditions. The Knockout Competition Secretary, or in her absence an appointed Executive Committee member, will notify the teams.

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

6. Any team unable to fulfil a fixture must notify the opposing team, umpires and also the Knockout Competition Secretary. The game will be awarded to the non-offending team who will progress to the next round.


Currently: Failure to comply with may result in a fine, at the discretion of the Committee after all events have been considered, as follows: Offending team to pay a fine of £10.00 to the Executive Committee. Proposed: Failure to comply with may result in a fine, at the discretion of the Executive Committee after all events have been considered, as follows: Offending team to pay a fine of £15.00 to the Executive Committee. For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0

7. In the event of a draw at full-time an extra five minutes each way will be played, with one minute break between. If the result is still the same then the captains will toss for centre pass and play will continue until a goal is scored. The winning side will progress to the next round.

8. Result cards must be provided by both teams and handed to the umpires before the start of the game. Once completed it is the team’s responsibility to send it (or put it in box on the night) to reach the Knockout Competition Secretary within 48 hours of the fixture.

9. The semi-final and final matches will be arranged by the Executive Committee. Umpires of at

23 least EN “C Award” standard and scorers for those games will be nominated by the Umpiring Secretary. Umpires and scorers fees will be paid for by the league.

10. Currently: The semi-finals and finals of cup matches will take place on a separate night from league fixtures.

Proposed: When at all possible, the semi-finals and finals of cup matches will take place on a separate night from league fixtures.

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

11. Handicap points will be awarded as follows:

1st Division teams 0

2nd Division teams 15

3rd Division teams 0

4th Division teams 10

12. All teams must offer their umpire a minimum of £15.00.

13. A player must have played at least 2 League or cup matches for a team before they can play in the semi-finals or finals.

14. All teams should state on their League application form an appropriate umpire suitably qualified for their division as per the rules above.

15. If a player receives a cut, the two-minute injury rule will apply so that the wound can be dressed.

16. A breach of rules not covered by a specific penalty will be dealt with at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

17. All requests to the Executive Committee are to be made in writing to the League Secretary.

18. In the event of a colour clash the away team is responsible for a change of bibs.

19. Currently: If there is a conflict of interest, egg you are an Executive Committee member and your team is involved, another of the Executive Committee members will be asked to mediate.

Proposed: If there is a conflict of interest, i.e you are an Executive Committee member and your team is involved, other Executive Committee members will be asked to mediate.

20. Teams must not call the central venue facility regarding a netball query as the Netball League only hires out their facilities. A member of the Executive Committee should be contacted.

24 21. Where there is no ruling, item 8.11 of the constitution shall prevail.

22. Any person wishing to use video or photographic materials must have permission from the umpires and teams concerned.

23. All teams must carry a first aid kit, including ice packs, and should only contact the Sports Centre in the event of an emergency.

24. All team members to remove their litter from the courts, including bottles.

25. Currently: Teams should not congregate in the Sports Centre corridor. Please use upstairs facility.

Proposed: Teams should not congregate in the Sports Centre corridor. Please use upstairs facility.

26. The decision of the Executive Committee will be final.

27. Currently: Teams, officials and spectators are not permitted to smoke at the central venue.

Proposed: Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes, etc) is not permitted on any part of the Central Venue Premises. For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions - 0

28. In accordance with the central venue's policy, dogs are not permitted on any part of the premises.


Any infringement of the Knockout Cup and Plate Rules (i.e. 4, 6, 8) will result in the offending team taking no further part in the competition.



1. The club/team shall be responsible for the behaviour of their officials, players and spectators both on and off the court and via social media sites.

2. The highest standards both on and off the court will be observed in keeping with the dignity and best traditions of the game.

3. Intimidation, aggressive behaviour and deliberate distraction of opponents are unacceptable by officials, players and spectators.

4. Dissent at an umpire’s decision is unacceptable.

5. It is the responsibility of each club to acquaint their officials, players and spectators of the appropriate Codes of Conduct.

6. Clubs must exercise the strictest control over their team(s), officials and spectators.

7. Players should thank other players and the umpires after the game.

8. Please respect the facilities and staff.

Rule change suggestion from KATS Netball Club regarding Summer League

Kats Netball Club would like to propose that the Rules for Summer League for 2015 and beyond is included in the Colchester Netball League Constitution and Handbook so it becomes a formal part of then league and rules.

They would also like to propose that as well as remaining that teams pick positions at the start of the game and again at half time format, that:

There are two pools of teams made up of a mixture of 1st and 2nd division teams and another two pools made up of a mixture of 3rd and 4th division teams from those entered from the winter league, (new teams entering will automatically go in the 3rd/4th division pools). This will mean that teams do not play all the same teams as in the winter league and because of the bibs in a bag format will give an even chance to all teams.

Players should not be restricted to playing for the same team or division as they played in for the winter league, as they may be changing teams, recovering from injury, or need to help out a team that needs more player. 26 Games should be from 7pm and 8pm (reason is it takes teams so long to sort out the picking of position the start of the game is well past 7pm.)

For – 30 Against – 0 Abstentions – 0

7. Vote on Executive Committee

All those standing were voted in.

Members retiring: Angie Syrett, Becky Dorey, Donna Adlem, Doris Falconer All retiring members were thanked for their contributions to the league and committee.

8. Any Other Business


9. Presentation of Trophies


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