Listeria Monocytogenes: Attributes and Prevention of Transmission by Food
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Volume 10 No 1 March 1989 Publlstl ed as a service to mic robiology by Oxold Limited Oxold IS a registered trade mark. Listeria monocytogenes: attributes and prevention of transmission by food EH Kampelmacher, DVM PhD, Professor-Emeritus, Food Microbiology and Hygiene, Agricultural University, Wageningen and OM Mossel, 8M, MA, PhD, Chair of Medical Food Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of the Science of Food of Animal Origin, Neth. Gov!. University, Utrecht, The Netherl ands. Pathogenic properties, clinical attributes of L, monocytogenes' always rely on the strictly quantitative prevalence and ecology Table 1: Lag times (days} of Listeria monocytogenes in comparison (i) the aUeged elevated heat resis· approach known as Holistic Risk 4oAI Listeria monocytogenes was discover to other psychrotrophic pathogens and spoilage agents, at tance,37 a point which we will Analysis. The essentials of the ed as a pathogen of animals and man temperatures ranging from 0 - 10 °C. discuss later: procedure will be summarlsed In the in the 1930'5,1 .2 As far as humans (Ii) the ability for relatively rapid next section. The result s allow an are concerned the organism was Temperature, °C growth at refrigeration tempera unbiased approach to the often initially Identified as a cause of tures, as Illustrated by the data in emotive subject of food·borne abortion In early pregnancy, stillbirth listeriOSIS, Orgamsms 0-1 2-3 5 7-8 9-10 Tables 1 and 2; Of a sepbCaeml(l (granulomatOSIS ~IO a marked tolerance of reduced Infanbsepuca) aher an unevenrful pH-values;38 Food transmitted listeriosis: blnh J ~ A hydrophila >22 6 -10 3-4 2 <I (iv) growth In the presence of over risk assessment Later, meningitis and flncephalitis In L. monocylogenes 3-33 2-8 1 -3 <1-2 < 1.5 5% sodium chloride.38 The consumption of every food. [ike Y enterocolitlca 3 2.4 <0,1 the newborn and pregnant women - - A rational approach to a clarification virtually aU other activities of man, appeared also 10 be caused by of the real hazard must take account entails a fisk, however sma!1. Hence, L. monocytogenes. M ore recently It Psychrotrophic spotlers 2.5 - 15 - 05 of two fundamental conSiderations:&! the often pursued target of 'zero fisk' was demonstrated that listerlal Infec 1. Many species of Listefla, closely IS, scientifically speaking. an unreal· 118 119 tions may occur In adults of both Data from Walker and Stnnger 1987 and Elliott and Michener 1965. related to L. monocytogenes, occur istic situation. ObViously In any sexes. The maJonty of patients were as Innocuous saprophytes ln the particular Instance the fisk Incurred IS debilitated when they contracted the environment. This makes It essential to be kept as low as is reasonably disease. This was caused by either character. This is illustrated by the cause. the risk of infection by to base all epidemiological studies on attainable and maintainable, ThiS immuno-incompetence or pre-existing data for lag time and growth rate, the L. monocytogenes should be L. monocytogenes sensu strictu , as leads to a 'low-risk' situation, which of conditions. e.g. diabetes, alcohol latter expressed In the reciprocal reduced to the lowest possible defined in Table 3. An occasional course, is not identical with a 'no-risk ' 64 abuse, drug addiction. Patients with parameter generation lime, shown in extenl. report in the literature describes position; details of this unbiased cardiac lesions or valve replace Tables 1 and 2. Epidemiological rather than circum L. seeligerii as a cause of human approach are summari sed In Table 4. 39 ments- an increasing part of the stantial evidence for a possible asso purulent meningitis and th is Assessment and subsequent manage population- are particularly at risk Transmission ciation between the ingestion of exception should be kept in mind. In ment of each accurately defined S from listerial endocarditis However, In the 1950's, circumstantial evid particular foods and listeriosis started contrast however, segregation of health hazard relies on the following 26 listeriosis is also observed in pre ence made it likely that ruminants to be published in the middle particular serotypes of L. monocyto steps: (i) identification of the risk of 6 viously healthy individuals. - 10 may acquire listeriosis from 80'S.33 - 36 These reports have led to genes, especially 1/2a and 4b, as transmission of L. monocyrogenes The reported incidence in the US contaminated feed, including silage speculations about the aetiological being of major pathological signifi caused by /he ingestion of a particular amounts to about 800 patients per mentioned above. Hence, it seems role of food generally. This has cance seems unjustified at present. 35 food; (ii) assessment of the size of the annum or under 4 cases per likely that the route of absorption in become a point of concern parti 2. Assessment of the health hazard of hazard by appropriate computations minion. I I This is not unlike the situa man is also through the intestinal cularly in view of the following four a given food commodity should of a holistic nature, i.e, taking into 27 tion in Britain where in 1987 about tract. Th is assumption is sub account al/ instances of contamination 260 patients were reported ,'2 or stantiated by the observation that up and proliferation that can occur roughly 4 per million.'3 The true to 20% of healthy individuals harbour Table 2: Growth rate of Listeria monocytogenes in comparison to throughout the fragile food chain, disease rate is, however. estimated at L monocytogenes or other species of thermotrophic, mesophilic, other psychrotrophic and psychrophific targeting at the food as ingested: (iii) 22 28 :s: 50 per million and the case fa tality the genus in their enteric tract . bacteria. evaluation whether the risk thus rate at about 30%. " .12 and. because listeriosis is also calculated is acceptable, when Ecological surveys have demon frequently observed in urban Generation times" in hours at measured against hazards generally strated that listeriae in general, and dwellers, 29 foods must in principle be considered acceptably low, as in L. monocytogenes in particular. are considered a source of infection. This Figure 1: (iv) intervention with naturally occurring in a wide variety mode of transmission of listeriosis had Organisms 10 - 13°C 4 -5°C 0 - 1° e necessary changes in design and of domestic and wild animals, parti been much debated up 10 1980, with other measures which will reduce the cularly sheep, goat, cow, alpaca, and European epidemiologists being con y, enterocolitica 20 25 risk to an acceptable level; (v) valida various birds. II. - 16 In these animals vinced much earlier of this possibility L. monocytogenes 5-9 13 - 25 62- 131 tion whether the risk reduction target 26 28 the bacterium leads to a particular than others. ,30.31 A. hydrophila 4 -6 9 - 14 >49 has been attained. type of encephalitis, e.g. 'circling The alimentary route of infection does True psychrophiles 2-3 6 12 Acceptable risks in medical food disease' in sheep2 as well as mastitis not mean that ingestion of L. mono microbiology are- in a first order n ,a Psychrotrophic in cattle. Upon recovery. affected cytogenes will always result in clinical approach- expressed in 'safe' cfu Enterobacteriaceae 2-4 8-12 16-20 animals often continue to void disease but as indicated above, and spoilers levels in the commodity as consumed. L. monocytogenes in faeces and milk. pregnant women and other groups of For instance. a risk level of 10- 7 is It is therelore not surprising that the the public whose antimicrobial generally accepted for Salmonella Salmonella spp. <8 >30 ~ bacterium is often isolated from soil, defence is decreased, are particularly species in milk products to be con mud, surface water and vegeta at risk. When previously completely sumed by heallhy adulls. On Ihe olher Data from Rosenow and Marth 1987,120 Walker and Stringer 1987,1 18 Mossel tion. 1619 - 22 It also occurs in healthy individuals contract listeriosis, hand only a level below 10 - 12 is, as 23 25 ~988 . 44 silage. - in which lactic acid it has been theorised that they have •. Generation times of 1, 6, 10, 30 and 90h correspond to times to attain a rule, considered sufficiently safe for 6 7 fermentation has been impeded. The been exposed either to excessive populations of 10 - 10 cfu of approximately 1, 5, 8, 24 and 72 days, a much more dangerous organism predominance of L. monocytogenes numbers 01 viable cells of L. mono when lag times are virtually nil. like Clostridium botulinum. Such first in these environmental habitats is cytogenes or to strains of unusually =: unknown. 9 32 favoured by its psychrotrophic high virulence. Whatever thee CONTI NUED OVERLEAF 0.01 0.1 10 100 1000 Automobile ace ide nl 22 ~ Liver biop sy 200 Escherichia coli 0157 Latex Test Child beari ng 100 Having a fall 71 I Surgical anaesthes ia 40 I Drowni ng 38 Poisonl ng 30 I Fir es 29 Aeroplane trav el 8 Striking by falling obJe cl ... ,,,. Railway aeeiden ls 3 Cold shoc k 2 ElectrocutIOn at hom e 1 Vaccinatio n 1 A latex agglutination test for the identification of Escherichia. coli Serogroup 0 157. (Ordering Code: Suffocation in cradle or b ed 1 DR 620 - 100 Tests) . Lightnin 9 0.6 Tornado, flood, earthqua ke 0.5 Venomous insects. snak es 0.2 Botulis m :J 002\ - Salmonellas is 0.01 0.1 10 100 1000 <' " Figure 1: Risk of death associated with accidents and medical procedures_ Data for the USA and UK assessed in the decades 1960 - 1980 and expressed on log scale per 106 cases.