Tenant's Rules and Responsibilities

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Tenant's Rules and Responsibilities


1. ABANDONMENT-property: Landlord is attempting to exercise 12. CRIMES/FIRES NOTIFICATION: To notify: fire department if diligence regarding tenant's property. All tenant's personal fire is suspected; police department if you believe a crime is being belongings must be removed from unit when tenancy terminates for committed or has occurred. any reason including end of lease, by notice, eviction, or 13. CRIMINAL ACTIVITY: Tenant, any members of Tenant's abandonment; any property remaining becomes property of household, or a guest or other person under Tenant's control shall Landlord and Tenant forfeits all possession rights. Any not engage in nor permit: arrangement to the contrary must be a prior written agreement a. Criminal Activity, including drug-related criminal activity, on or between Landlord and Tenant. near the premises. "Drug-related criminal activity" means the illegal ABANDONMENT-signs of: Generally occurs during time rent is due manufacture, sale, distribution, use or possession with the intent to and is unpaid: Absence from unit 4+ days; removal of substantial manufacture, sell, distribute, or use of a controlled substance (as portion of personal possessions, especially clothes, TV's/other defined in section 102 of Controlled Substance Act (21 USC 802) electronics, small easy-to-move items; phone removed and/or b. Any act intended to facilitate criminal activity, including drug- disconnected; utilities shut off for non-pay and/or final utility related criminal activity on/near premises; requests without Landlord's knowledge; refrigerator nearly empty. c. Dwelling unit to be used for or to facilitate criminal activity Vehicle[s] gone. Appearance of neglect inside as well as outside - including drug-related criminal activity. lawn, leaves, snow; mail/papers piling up. Unit may be left open - d. The manufacture, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs at any unlocked. location whether on/near location. 2. ABSENCES: To notify Landlord on or before first day of any e. In acts of violence, or threats of violence, including but not extended absences 3 days [72 hours] from unit. limited to unlawful discharge of firearms on/near premises. 3. ALTERATIONS: Not to do any painting nor make any other 14. DESTRUCTION: Not to deliberately/negligently destroy, alterations/changes without prior written approval from Landlord. deface, damage, abuse, impair or remove any part of unit, common Not to use nails, tape, gum-based adhesives, nor fasteners other areas, building, exteriors, grounds, appliances, fixtures, or than picture-hanging hooks with small nails. Not to remove at any equipment nor knowingly permit another person to do so. This also time items permanently installed by Tenant without Landlord's includes gutters, down spouts, extensions outside and written permission. curtain/drapery rods/blinds inside. 4. BAD CHECKS: To pay returned check charge of $15.00 plus 15. DOORS LOCKED: To keep all locked nightly: deadbolts, door late fees. If a check bounces, future rent payment will be cash, locks, and outside entrance doors. cashier's check/money order. Landlord may sue for bad rent checks 16. ELECTRICAL WIRING/FIXTURES: To use no temporary under Iowa's THEFT STATUTE. wiring; to use only those extension cords which run directly from 5. BEHAVIOR: Minors under age of twelve [12] are never to be left portable electric fixtures to convenience outlets & which do not lie unattended on premises. beneath floor coverings or extend through doorways, transoms, or 6. No one is to climb trees; in multi-family housing no one is to: similar structural elements or attached thereto. Tenant shall not play/loiter in halls, stairways, entrances, porches, laundries; disturb knowingly overload circuitry of dwelling unit. To keep clean: all other residents or neighbors. fixtures/globes; ceiling fan blades. 7. CARPET: To regularly vacuum carpet [2-3 times weekly]. To 17. EQUIPMENT: To use all facilities, appliances, fixtures, treat spills immediately. To pay for damage to carpet caused by: equipment only for purposes intended; [i.e. ovens are not for any unauthorized cleaning firm or person; smoking/tobacco heating except in emergencies]; to keep them in clean, and materials; stains of any kind, cuts, holes, tears, etc. Carpet is: sanitary condition; to be responsible for reasonable care, proper cleaned prior to move-in; to be cleaned at least every 12 months use, and proper operation of such. during occupancy and at move-out; to be cleaned at Tenant's 18. EVICTION: To understand that present written rules may be expense and Only by approved or authorized firms; copy of receipt amended and other written rules may be adopted concerning for cleaning is to be provided to Landlord. Tenant's use/occupancy of premises. To be bound by such rules; 8. CLEANLINESS/LITTER: To keep that part of the premises that breaking those rules or violating any other part of the Rental Tenant occupies and uses, safe, sanitary, and clean as possible; Agreement including nonpayment of rent, sufficient grounds would not to litter hallways, entrances, laundries, parking areas or exist for termination of lease by eviction. Normally any/all charges grounds. To keep papers, other debris, bikes, toys, lawn/garden resulting from eviction are responsibility of tenant. tools/equipment picked up and stored properly. To keep walls, 19. EXTERMINATION OF PESTS: To be responsible for ceilings, doors, and woodwork reasonably clean and free of dirt and extermination of any insects, rodents, or other pests on premises if grease, especially the kitchen. To follow "How To Clean..." as a Tenant is occupant of a single-family dwelling unit. If Tenant is housekeeping guide. occupant of a duplex, Tenant shall be responsible for such 9. CONDUCT: To see that the conduct of: Tenant, family, guests extermination within the unit occupied by him/her if that is only unit is never unlawful, disorderly or boisterous and does not interfere infested. with rights, comfort, or convenience of other persons on or near 20.FLAMMABLES/FIRES: To store no gasoline, kerosene nor any premises. other flammable within unit. To allow no hazardous act which might 10. To control noises and keep down at all times the volume of cause fire or cause increase in fire insurance rates. To observe music and/or any broadcast programs from: within the unit, outside local burning codes when burning leaves, etc. If unit becomes on the premises, and from Tenant's and/or guests vehicles parked uninhabitable because of fire, rent shall be suspended until unit has on premises and/or on street so as not to disturb other people's been restored to habitable condition unless tenant's [including peace and quiet; no loud/disturbing noises should be heard in halls tenant's family/guests] actions caused or contributed to fire. nor outside dwelling unit, especially between 9:00 pm - 8:00 am. 21. FLOORS: To keep vinyl and wooden floors clean and sanitary; 11. COUNTERTOPS: Countertops are not cutting boards nor for To use proper cleaners/waxes on no-wax and/or regular vinyl placement of hot utensils. floors. To use only a sponge mop on vinyl tile floors rather than a TENANT'S RULES page 2 string mop which allows excess water to stand on tile and seep whenever needed to ensure a neat appearance - generally every 7 under edges & loosen tile. On wooden floors to use only to 10 days in summer. To rake leaves and pick up twigs, branches, cleaners/waxes intended for such use. vines, grass cuttings, and other debris. To properly dispose of all 22. FURNITURE: To check chairs, tables, beds, and other furniture yard waste. To observe City's Weed/Snow Ordinances; to be legs/bases for protective slides/wheels, tips, etc. in proper working responsible for any violations of such. To water grass, flowers, condition; to pay for any damage to floors and floor coverings trees, and shrubs when needed. To remove snow/ice from steps, resulting from furniture with lack of proper protection; to walks, and driveways promptly after a snowfall. To promptly pay immediately cease using such furniture; To check sofas, chairs, Landlord/City, etc for such lawn/snow services if Tenant has failed and other furniture to prevent rubbing or bumping on/into walls to properly follow/observe rules and ordinances. and/or causing cracks/holes in walls. To be careful anytime when 34. LIGHT BULBS: Light bulbs shall be furnished at time of moving furniture not to damage walls, doors, and woodwork. occupancy; thereafter, Tenant will promptly replace all bulbs at 23. GARBAGE: To dispose promptly and in clean/safe manner Tenant's expense; not to "borrow" the Landlord's bulbs in the halls, from dwelling unit all garbage, rubbish & other waste which must all basement, laundry rooms, and porches, etc.; at check-out, Tenant be in PLASTIC GARBAGE BAGS placed in garbage receptacles- will be responsible for all bulbs to be working and to be same watt cans/dumpsters. To place garbage cans on the day and location as originally provided. required for garbage pickup; after such pickup to promptly replace 35. LOCKS: Not to change locks nor rekey any door/mailbox cans where they belong. To dispose of items/garbage in proper without first obtaining Landlord's written permission. Having manner as required by health/city ordinances; to pay Landlord's obtained permission, Tenant will pay for locks/rekeying and expenses when necessary to hire someone to pick up any litter, installation of such and provide Landlord within 24 hours with one trash, spilled garbage and general debris which Tenant has duplicate key per lock. If Tenant changes locks without permission, neglected for one week or more; to observe recycling policies. all of the above conditions also apply. Landlord must have access 24. GUESTS: To limit the stay of any guests/visitors to seven [7] to unit for emergencies and repairs. To pay relocking charges if days in any twelve-months or whatever period of time the law anytime during tenancy keys are lost or all copies of keys are not allows; to give prior written notice to Landlord. returned at move-out. 25. GUTTERS/DOWN SPOUTS/ EXTENSIONS: In houses or 36. LOCKOUT: In the event of a "lockout," each unit may receive duplexes to be responsible for clearing gutters of twigs, leaves, and one free service call by Landlord during regular weekday working other debris. To be responsible for keeping any down hours only for TENANTS of dwelling. Tenant agrees not to break-in spouts/extensions connected to protect foundation and allow water nor force entry and if so to pay for any damages resulting. Service to be diverted away from foundation. To pay for damages caused charges are due and payable at time service is provided: $15 by negligence in not keeping gutters, down spouts, extensions during regular weekday working hours of 9 am to 5 pm; $25.00 properly connected. To pay a service fee if landlord has to connect during evenings, holidays, weekends. If Tenant calls locksmith, gutters, down spouts, or extensions. At time of move-in, all gutters, Tenant is responsible for such charge. down spouts, extensions will be either free of damage or damage 37. MAIL/NEWSPAPERS: Anyone receiving mail at this address noted in writing. If during tenancy any gutters, down spouts, or using this for an address is considered a resident. To promptly extensions are damaged, further damaged or missing, Tenant pick up mail and newspapers and dispose of unwanted mail in trash agrees to pay for replacements. or paper recycling bin.. 26. HALLWAYS/STAIRWAYS/LANDINGS/ENTRIES AND 38. MALFUNCTIONS: To give Landlord immediate and prompt LAUNDRIES: In multi-family housing to cooperate to keep all notice: of any defects in plumbing, electrical, or heating systems; of areas clear and clean at all times. Not to store items in these areas problems with any appliances, fixtures, equipment, or any other including lawn/garden tools/equipment, toys, playpens, bikes, part of premises, including water spots on ceiling or any sign that trikes, strollers, etc. To see that person responsible cleans up spills roof may leak, tilting porch, cracks in plaster or stucco, moisture in right away. Not to litter areas with gum/candy wrappers nor any ceiling, buckling sheet rock/siding, spongy floor, leaky water heater, other papers nor debris; not to eat in these areas. Not to allow termite activity, etc. Notification should be during normal business anyone to play/loiter in these areas nor to disturb others. hours unless emergency; Tenant should allow reasonable amount 27. HEALTH/SAFETY: To comply with requirements of building, of time to correct the problem. If problem with refrigerator's not housing, health codes relating to health/safety. cooling, Tenant agrees to take prudent steps and remove 28. HEATING EQUIPMENT: To install new furnace filters monthly perishables and store in cooler or in refrigerator or freezer of friend, during heating season; regularly clean permanent filters. This aids relative, etc. in energy efficiency, a more efficient-operating furnace, lower If Tenant has left message on an answering machine and no one utilities, and safety. responds within a short time, Tenant should call other numbers 29. INSPECTIONS: Landlord reserves right to make periodic provided, especially during times other than normal business hours. inspections to insure that desired standards of maintenance and To be responsible for extensive damages caused by delay in cleanliness are observed. notification - either to tenant's or Landlord's property. 30. INSURANCE: Landlord is not insurer of Tenant's person or 39. MOVE-IN: Prior to move-in the Tenant agrees to: sign all rental possessions and is not liable for personal injury or death of Tenant, forms; pay in full the required amounts for Security Deposit and his family or guests or damage or loss of Tenant's personal rent; sign up and pay for all utilities and services as of desired property for any cause Landlord strongly recommends tenant move-in date; conform to all other provisions of Rental Agreement. obtain renter's insurance. Early move-in may be available if unit is ready for occupancy and is 31. KEROSENE HEATERS: Not to use kerosene heaters. vacant. Additional rent may be charged. Tenant must also have met 32. LAUNDRIES: Laundries are provided for Tenants only; to the above requirements. promptly remove all laundry from machines; to clean machines and 40. OCCUPANTS: To allow no more than one family to occupy lint filters after each use; to keep laundry areas clean; not to loiter the dwelling without written permission from Landlord. Not to not nor allow unsupervised minors in these areas; Landlord not allow occupancy to exceed occupancy standards of City Code; to responsible for lost laundry. allow no persons except those specifically listed on 33. LAWN/SNOW: In single-family homes/duplexes: to pull/trim Application/Rental Agreement to occupy dwelling even temporarily weeds, vines, saplings, etc. from yard, fences, foundations, without written consent of Landlord. Any occupant 18 years of age sidewalks, driveways, etc.; to weed/trim/prune or older must complete Application and be approved by Landlord. flowers/plants/shrubbery and to mow/trim fences and yard If Tenant fails to inform Landlord of additional people occupying TENANT'S RULES page 3 premises, Landlord may charge a fee and/or terminate the lease. may be sufficient grounds for termination of lease. Landlord may "Occupant" is anyone whose mailing address and/or declared adopt further or amended written rules concerning Tenant's use address is that of unit. and occupancy of premises. Such changes will not become 41. PARKING/STORING VEHICLES: Off-street parking: Usually effective without notice of at least two weeks. only ONE space for ONE vehicle per dwelling unit and only for 50. SECURITY DEPOSIT: To pay security deposit in full prior to Tenant's vehicle; may require parking fee and/or identification occupancy; To sign Deposit Agreement. In the case of multiple stickers and/or assigned parking; not provided for guest's vehicle. Tenants, any Tenant[s] who leaves prior to lease termination Not to store cars, trailers, boats, etc. anyplace on premises nor in relinquishes claim to Security Deposit held by Landlord unless parking area without prior written permission from Landlord. Landlord determines that the out-going Tenant is responsible for Inoperable vehicles are to be repaired or removed within 72 hours damages exceeding his/her interest in deposit; remaining Tenants & must be in compliance with city's "junk car" ordinance. No major may be requested to pay amount necessary to bring deposit up to repairs on premises unless vehicle is kept in enclosed garage. required amount. New Rental Agreement will probably be drawn up Vehicles are NOT to be washed on premises if Landlord is at this time. furnishing water. Parking allowed only in designated parking areas 51. SIGNS: Not to post any signs, notices, or visual displays on & not on grass! Owners of vehicles in violation will be responsible doors, windows, nor exterior walls. for towing charges. To keep only vehicles listed on Application and 52. SMOKE DETECTORS/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS/ to notify Landlord whenever different one is obtained. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, etc: To test detectors at least monthly; to 42. PAYMENT POLICY: Any payment will always be first applied to report any problems to Landlord in writing; to replace batteries as outstanding balances, late fees or other charges, with balance of necessary. Not to tamper with detectors, disable detectors nor payment applied to rent due. remove batteries. Not to deliberately discharge fire extinguishers; to 43. PETS: To allow NO fish, birds, reptiles, animals nor pets of use all only for purpose intended; to notify Landlord if extinguisher any kind [except for seeing/hearing dogs for handicapped] needs to be recharged or replaced; to pay for detectors or anywhere on premises at any time. To report to Landlord/Manager extinguishers which are damaged/missing at move-out. any pets seen anywhere on premises. May not keep pets even 53. SMOKING/TOBACCO USE: Tenant[s] and guests who smoke temporarily belonging to another person at any time for any reason. or use any other form of tobacco products are responsible for any 44. PLUMBING/DRAINS/FIXTURES: As of lease date Landlord damages and special cleaning caused by such. These damages warrants unit's sewage drains to be in good working order to accept are not considered as normal wear and tear and may include but normal household water for which they were designed. Tenant are not limited to: walls, ceilings to be professionally cleaned and/or agrees to be responsible for proper care of all drains, toilets, and repainted; carpets, drapes, or blinds to be deodorized and/or waste pipes in unit and cost of clearing/cleaning of any partial or cleaned; repair or replacement of carpet with burns; and other complete stoppage of toilets and/or drains within 48 hours of smoking-tobacco related damages, etc. stoppage. To use no caustic drain cleaners nor Liquid Plumber-type 54. STORING ITEMS: Not to store in the unit nor anyplace on the products. premises any items belonging to somebody else without Landlord's To be careful of what is poured or flushed down the toilet or drains: written permission. i.e. Furniture, appliances, boxes of "stuff", no diapers, diaper liners, Pampers, Cadets, tampons, grease, table vehicles, boats, bikes, etc. scraps/food, clothing, towels, paper towels, newspapers, papers, 55. SUBLET/LOAN: Not to sublet nor assign the lease or unit or washcloths, rags, children's toys, plastic items, coins, sand, dirt, any part thereof without Landlord's prior written permission. rocks, balls of hair, wads of toilet paper, etc. Landlord is 56. SWIMMING/WADING POOLS: Not to permit swimming nor responsible only for stoppages which a qualified plumber or drain- wading pools of any kind on premises. These are an attractive cleaner attests in writing were caused by defective plumbing, tree nuisance and also kill the grass. roots, or acts of God. 57. TELEPHONE: To furnish Landlord with number or new 45. PRIVATE RESIDENCE ONLY: To use as a private residence number within 5 calendar days. Inform Landlord if number is only for those named as residents and not to conduct any unlisted. Landlord is not responsible for integrity of phone lines. business/acts not in keeping with law/zoning regulations; No Tenant is advised to pay phone company monthly for inside line businesses of any kind [baby-sitting, day-care, car-repairs, etc] not service - line blocker. approved prior in writing! 58. TENANT STATUS: To furnish Landlord with information 46. RENT: To pay rent IN PERSON OR BY MAIL on first day of regarding any change in tenant employment, income, assistance or month in advance to Landlord at address at top of this form or at other information given at time of application. Such information is to 502 Pine, Waterloo, between 1:30 pm-4:30 pm on the 1st, 2nd, & be in writing no less than seven (7) days from date of change. Not 3rd of each month (unless those days fall on Sunday or Holiday). doing so can be considered violation of rental agreement and Initial payment of 1st month's rent & security deposit must be made reason for eviction. in cash, certified check or money order. Tenant can expect to *59. TERMINATION OF TENANCY: Rental Agreement is legal, receive a 3 DAY NOTICE TO PAY UNPAID RENT if rent is not paid binding contract not to be entered into lightly. At least thirty [30] on time and a $25.00 service fee may be charged for each 3-DAY days prior to lease expiration to give Landlord written notice prior to NOTICE. For rent unpaid by 9:00 a.m. on 4th of month, Tenant moving-out except for lease expiring in months of December, agrees to pay late fees of $10.00 per day for days 1-4 with a $40.00 January, February and March where sixty [60] days prior notice maximum for the month as per Iowa Code 535.2(7). shall be required. Notice: is due on or before 1st of month and Never to mail cash nor to leave cash in mailboxes. Tenant must be moved out by last day of month of termination; 47. REPAIRS: Repairs to dwelling, furnishings, or appliances are shall give a specific date [usually last day of month] and time for to be done only by Landlord or a professional approved in writing moving out and give forwarding address or instructions for return of by Landlord. Landlord will undertake repairs as soon as possible. deposit. Notice given on the 15th will be a 6 week notice. Any repairs billed to Tenant should be paid to Landlord Holding over - In the event that less than required notice is given or immediately. if Tenant "holds-over" past expiration of lease, Tenant agrees to 48. REPAINTING: Upon vacating to be responsible for cost of pay $75.00 daily to cover notice or hold-over period. If new tenant repainting if needed within 3 years after unit was last painted. is expecting to move in on the 1st and you have not vacated, you 49. RULES: Tenant has read/signed/received copy of all existing will be responsible for new tenant’s lodging expenses, etc. rules concerning use/occupancy of premises. Rules are part of After move-out Return all keys, arrange with Landlord a time for Rental Agreement. To be bound by such rules; violation of such final inspection, and provide written forwarding address. TENANT'S RULES page 4

60. UTILITIES: To transfer utilities for which Tenant is responsible PRIOR to occupancy. Utilities not switched after 3rd day of occupancy will be disconnected. To have utility accounts in Tenant's name and to be responsible for those accounts throughout term of lease or occupancy term, which-ever is longer. To use utilities provided by Landlord in reasonable and not wasteful manner; not to install additional appliances or equipment which would materially affect or increase energy consumption; to pay Landlord for charges of above-average usage if Tenant has more than designated occupants. To be responsible for any/all damages resulting from shut-off of utilities for non-pay or shut-offs requested by Tenant [unknown to Landlord]. To sign the most recent versions of all utility contracts and pay most recent required deposits. Waterloo tenants responsible for water, sewer, garbage agree to sign-up for monthly billing and to pay deposit of $105.00. Both Tenant/Landlord agree to pay respective utilities promptly. 61. WATER/SNOW/ICE DAMAGES: To quickly shut off water when necessary to prevent further damage. To be responsible for all water damages to equipment, plumbing, ceilings, walls, floors, floor coverings, etc. resulting from but not limited to: over-flowing sinks, toilets, showers, tubs; plugged basement drains; defrosting refrigerators; rain, wind, snow, sleet, hail or other elements from leaving windows open; broken, ruptured or burst pipes, hot water heaters, faucets, etc. resulting from no heat with utilities shut-off for non-pay or final shut-offs requested by tenant and unknown to landlord or tenant's not maintaining cold weather temperature of at least 60 degrees. 62.WATERBEDS/OTHER LIQUID-FILLED FURNITURE: Not to keep any liquid-filled furniture without obtaining landlord's written permission; To allow waterbeds only with prior written permission and copy of waterbed insurance policy. 63. WINDOWS/DOORS/STORM-DOORS: Except for windows noted in writing as being cracked, broken, damaged or missing at move-in, Tenant is responsible for any windows/storms/screens cracked, broken, damaged or missing while tenant lives there. Tenant may repair windows, storms, screens if Tenant can do work in professional manner; otherwise Tenant must hire professional or submit maintenance request to Landlord. To pay for any windows [including glass/screen/frame] broken or missing in dwelling regardless of fault while Tenant lives there. Such damages should be immediately reported to Landlord so that repairs can be made; to keep screens in place at all times for health and security reasons. Not to allow broken windows to go unrepaired for over 48 hours. Window coverings: All windows must be properly covered with blinds, or curtains or drapes properly hung. No newspapers, blankets, sheets, flags, or other substances may be used for window coverings after the first seven (7) days. 64. YARD/GARAGE/BASEMENT SALES: To conduct yard, garage, or basement sales or auctions only with Landlord's written prior permission. 65. PARAGRAPH HEADINGS: To understand that headings have been inserted for purpose of convenience and ready reference only. They do not purport to and shall not be deemed to define, limit, or extend the scope or intent of the paragraphs to which they appertain. 66. ILLEGAL PROVISIONS NOT AFFECTING LEGAL PROVISIONS: Whatever item in these rules is found to be contrary to any local, state, or federal law shall be considered null and void, just as if it had never appeared; it shall not affect the validity of any other item in rules. TENANT'S RULES page 5

*These paragraphs may require Landlord to insert information or check preferred responses.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. WE HOPE YOUR STAY WITH US WILL BE A PLEASANT ONE! ****************************************************************************************************************************** MANAGEMENT/DISCLOSURE: ______are authorized to act in any and all capacities for the Landlord

I/We have read/received a copy of these rules, understand them, and agree to abide by them.

______Signature/Tenant #1 Date Signature/Co-Signer #1 Date

______Signature/Tenant #2 Date Signature/Co-Signer #2 Date

______Signature/Tenant #3 Date Signature/Co-Signer #3 Date

______Signature/Tenant #4 Date Signature/Co-Signer #4 Date

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