Great Depression FDR And The 1St And 2Nd New Deal

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Great Depression FDR And The 1St And 2Nd New Deal

Great Depression: FDR and the 1st and 2nd New Deal

1. Background of Twenties leading to Depression causes: (use handout reading Background and Causes of the Depression)

2. Describe how Herbert Hoover tried to handle the Depression but failed. Tried to rally people but was a bad communicator, Had a hands off - free market Lazier Faire philosophy

3. How did Hoover see the role of government? Strong Conservative philosophy of free markets will solve problems. State Gov and charity should help those in need. Not the Federal Government.

4. What was meant by Trickle Down Theory? Give incentives (usually in the form of tax breaks to the wealthy or business and they will create investment, expansion and jobs for those at the lower end., Jobs, can be taxed increasing government Revenue.

5. What were Hoovervilles? Make shift towns of the new homeless.

6. When Hoover did tried government works projects why was he unsuccessful? Too little too late. People had already lost confidence in him as a president. Due to his hands off policies.

7. Why did people trust Franklin Delatorre Roosevelt right away? Franklin pledged government action right away!!! His 100 Day pledge!

8. What was the First New Deal? A list of new government programs designed to quickly fix the Depression economy and get the people back to work! (Banking, industry, people, Farming) 9. Banking – Stabilize the Bank Industry Eight Day Bank Holiday – Closed banks to make reforms and restore confidence in failed banks. People started to 10. Industrial National Recovery Act (INRA) – Stabilize Industry from complete closure Set price, wage and production rates of industry 11 . Agriculture Adjustment Administration (AAA) – Save farmers and their farms Paid farmers go grow less to increase prices. (Subsidies.) 11. What problems did farmers face? Too much supply, Price too low. Few ways to get food to market Loss of farms to foreclosure. 12. Federal Employment Relief Act - Put People to work Programs created to put people to work in public work projects, dams, streets, even writing and art. 14. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) The Government employing people to make paths, thin forests, build parks mostly employing young people.

12. Describe the Dust Bowl and its impact on farms Through the mid west drought and wind kicked up dust storms killing livestock, crops and setting a mood for the depression in weather form.

15. What was the Fire Side Chat and its importance to Americans during the depression FDR’s use of radio to connect with people on almost a personal level letting people know of progress being made. Or just to let people know we were in this together.

16. What was the importance of Eleanor Roosevelt ( FDR’s Wife the First Lady?) She championed minority rights and the poor. She further sought to help those in need. She had a radio show twice a week that was hugely popular.

17. What was the Black Cabinet? At E.R. request FDR instated black advisers to his administration.

18. How did Black civil rights fare under FDR? Not well!!! Programs to help such as the National Recovery Act ( NRA) was referred to by African Americans as the Negro Removal Act. These programs often ended up hurting or neglecting African Americans. Also Roosevelt failed to sign anti lynching legislation like Wilson stating state rights.

19. What were the Blue Eagle Codes? Laws where blacks could be replaced with white workers.

20. What was the Commerce Clause? Congress could legislate between the states but not within The Supreme Court would use this to find FDRs New Deal Programs such as the AAA, and INRA as unconstitutional.

21. Explain opposition to the New Deal. Who was against Roosevelt and why? 1. The Supreme Court opposed his New Deal Programs such as the AAA and INRA as being unconstitutional on the basis of the violating the Commerce Clause and using the presidency to expand constitutional powers of the President. 2. Big business saw him as a tyrant interfering in private business and the market place.

22. Why did the Communist Party gain in popularity during the Depression when in the 20 anything considered communist was vilified under the Red Scare? Capitalism was failing, People had no jobs, and The American Dream seemed dead and to starving people a government with the promise of work and food and equality seemed very good, even it meant giving up American Freedoms.

23. What was the Second New Deal? These were programs after the first New Deal less immediate but far reaching. Programs designed to help the individual during and after the depression. These programs 24. Social Security Act- * Retirement benefits * Unemployment insurance * Child Protection 25. Wagner Act – Made it illegal to fire workers for being in a union 27. Fair Labor Standard Act – Created a Minimum Wage

26. Why did Roosevelt want to pack the Supreme Court “Court Packing” What were some of the New Deal programs the court sought to strike down? FDR used a loophole in Constitution. There has always been a 9 member court, FDR Planned to add (appoint) 6 new judges thus packing the court with judges that would not find his policies unconstitutional.

27. What was the public reaction to Roosevelt’s Court Packing plan? Almost all were angered and feared any leader changing the Constitution for their own ends. Even Hitler started with what appeared as positive motives.

28 What is the legacy of the New Deal? How did the New Deal change government to this day:

Perceived by many as Positive ( could also be viewed as negative) Increased the size of government programs that benefit people, communities and the nation. Government now is expected to take action to help in time of economic downturns to stimulate the economy (Your Parents Economic Stimulus checks) Social Security Government created laws and Agencies to look after people in retirement or unemployment and children’s welfare 9 to 5 workday Minimum Wage

Perceived as negative ( May also be seen as positive) Expansion of Government far beyond what founders intended. Higher taxes less to pay for Government programs Less money for personal spending (today we work 5 months of the year to pay all taxes!!) Government agencies not always efficient in solving problems and usually over spending Deficit Spending – Running up deficits and debt A reliance on government for help or even sense of entitlement.

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