The Revd W Sloan Tel: 01257 453665; E-Mail

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The Revd W Sloan Tel: 01257 453665; E-Mail

Church Officers The Revd W Sloan – Tel: 01257 453665; E-mail:[email protected] The Churchwardens Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite – Tel: 612952. Mr John Clarkson – Tel: 612855; E-mail: [email protected] Licensed Lay Reader Mr Stan Pickles – Tel: 615708; E-mail: [email protected] PCC Secretary Mrs Margaret Clark – Tel: 616990; E-mail: [email protected] PCC Treasurer Mrs Barbara Wood – Tel: 617679: E-mail: [email protected] Deanery Synod Representatives Mr Bill Prescott, Mrs Avril Wright. Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary Mrs Pearl Read. Magazine Secretary Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832. Flower Secretaries Mrs Althea Slater – Tel: 614966, and Mrs Marion Clarkson – Tel: 612855 Electoral Roll Secretary Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: 612992 Verger: Mrs Val Simpson – Tel: 614458. Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.

Organisations Sunday School – meets 10.30am in School. Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612196. Youth Club for 9-13year olds – currently closed. Leader: Mrs Mandy Hughes, MBE – Tel 611647. E-mail: [email protected] Hoole Church Ladies’ Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School. Leader: Mrs Joan Wilson – Tel 613063; E-mail: [email protected] St Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday in School. Secretary: Mr Ted Hopkins – Tel: 617002. Hoole St Michael C E Primary School Head Teacher: Mrs Kathryn Melling – Tel: 613219. 1st St. Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups Group Scout Leader: Julie Fenton 01772 451467. Friends of St. Michael’s – Caring for the fabric of our ancient church. Chairman: Eric Barker – Tel 614385. Secretary: David Turner – Tel 614192. Church Web Site: and

1 Calendar for June & July Sunday June 6th Trinity 1

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.45am Parish Communion (CW) 3.00pm Evening Prayer. 4.00pm Holy Communion (Old Mill Court). Sunday 13th Trinity 2 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.45am Parish Praise (CW) Sunday 20th Trinity 3

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.45am Family Communion (CW)

3.00pm Evening Prayer th Sunday 27 Trinity 4 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.45am Civic Service To celebrate the commencement of the year of office of the New Mayor of South Ribble – Councillor David Suthers. Sunday July 4th Trinity 5

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.45am Parish Communion (CW) 3.00pm Evening Prayer. 4.00pm Holy Communion (Old Mill Court). th Sunday 11 Trinity 6 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.45am Parish Praise (CW) Sunday 18th Trinity 7 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.45am Parish Communion (CW) 3.00pm Annual Walk of Witness

5.30pm Songs of Praise (Hoole Village Hall) Sunday 25th Trinity 8 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.45am Family Communion (CW)

Please also that following the Civic Service on June 27th light refreshments will be served in the school hall, and weather permitting, the band booked for the occasion will be playing for our entertainment on the school playing field. Magazine material to Honey Penrose or Stan Pickles by June 20th. 2 From The Rector

We are fast approaching a new season in our church calendar and this begins with Trinity Sunday. Of course we have already enjoyed Easter and occasionally reflect back to Good Friday and perhaps you are like me when I frequently wonder how the day ever became know as Good. Of course Good Friday is very quickly followed by Easter Sunday and then approximately forty days later we have Ascension Day which is quickly followed by Pentecost Sunday. In a very short space of time we reflect on the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I am writing this article, Pentecost Sunday is just around the corner and this will be quickly followed by Trinity Sunday. But Pentecost – what does that mean for you and for me and for our Church in Hoole? In Acts chapter 2 we read about the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus, came with mighty power on all the disciples and in such a wonderful way that everyone could understand what the disciples were saying. This is very strange indeed as in that place where the disciples were preaching there were people from many different nationalities and languages but it is what through the work of the Holy Spirit that everyone could understand and we are told it was because the disciples spoke in languages the Spirit let them speak. I wonder how many young people taking their GCSEs this year long to be able to speak in different languages and here in Acts we discover the Holy Spirit enabled the uneducated disciples to do just that. What a gift, what a powerful and gracious gift from God. But Pentecost isn’t just about speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance; it is also the time which many call the birthday of the Christian Church. Because this was the time when the long awaited and promised Holy Spirit came to the earth to be with us human beings as we endeavour to do what God wants us to do. The important point here, of course, is that everything we do for God we do it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Not in our own power or strength but through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Whatever God wants you to do the very thought of it may be terrifying you, but Acts 2 teaches us, we don’t need to be terrified as the Holy Spirit is with us to guide, lead and teach. I wonder how our Politicians feel as they set out on a new Parliament. Of course I don’t just mean the Government but all Politicians. We have so much to be grateful for through the tireless work of our Politicians and perhaps we need to remember they are people like us; people who get tired and worn out, who have lovely families, who laugh and smile a lot and enjoy what they do. Of course the press would have us believe otherwise and regretfully we do read some terrible untruths in our press. In the Bible Jesus frequently said; love others as I have loved you. (continued on page 4) 3 Not much evidence of that in our national press. Perhaps things will improve now but we shall just have to wait and see. Even Jesus had to suffer bad press; just read the Gospels and you will discover more. Trinity Sunday and the start of our next Church season: During this season in the Church, the colours change to green. Green is a very relaxing colour and one we can enjoy for quite a time until the 1st November. Trinity is that time of year when we once again reflect on the God head. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we believe they are equal and eternal. The Christian churches are Trinitarian, which is they all believe in the Holy Trinity as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The long awaited warm weather is now with us and hopefully it will be with us for quite a while. To everyone going on holiday, I hope and pray you have a peaceful and relaxing time and feel totally refreshed on your return. My youngest grandson is convinced we are having the good weather now because planes are not allowed to fly. If that is the case, long may the volcano continue, but I doubt it!! Yours in Christ, Bill

Ladies Group: By kind permission of the resident Priest, Father Paul, the Group enjoyed a visit to St. Walburge’s Church in Preston for our May trip evening. It was a fascinating visit, learning about the build, design and architecture of the church, from their own maintenance man of 20 years, which included stories of Fred Dibnah’s work carried out there. We also watched outside and from a video live-link screen inside, the pair of Peregrine Falcons and chicks, who have ‘resided’ on the tower below the steeple for 5 years now. Following a very informative history by Dr. David Hunt, we enjoyed delicious refreshments kindly provided by Sylvia and Les, who will also be busy at our meeting in school on Tuesday 15th June at 7.30pm, with a presentation entitled ‘A South African Journey’. Prior to that evening of course, on Saturday 12th June from 2.00pm to 4.00pm, our Annual Garden Party takes place at school. Donations of cakes, both small and large are kindly requested, plus gifts for Tombola and Raffle prizes; there is a box for the collection of these in the font area of the church. We do hope that as many people as possible will support our event, as all funds raised are donated at the year end to local youth groups and charities. 4

News from the Day School Dear Parishioners, I am delighted to once again have been asked to contribute to the Church magazine. It seems these days that time flies by and change happens quickly. Indeed it’s much the same for life in our Church school. We were delighted to welcome Rev Bill Sloan to our school community and have enjoyed having his talks during our Thursday morning worship. We are also in the process of seeing the school hall transform from a rather worn out tribute to the sixties to a new waterproof and more environmentally friendly insulated building. Hopefully during your many visits to our school hall for your Church events, you too will be able to see this change. I also need at this point to thank Mr Stan Pickles for not only donating a new cross but for making it as well! We are now proud to have a new focal point for our worship celebrations and it does make our school hall befit its Church School status. Our school grounds have also undergone some transformation due to a splendid team effort of local businesses, the PTFA and a charity called Midstream who offer skills training for adults with learning difficulties. It is amazing what can be achieved when everyone pulls together. Our children are enjoying a new pond area and a ‘boardwalk’ that will allow all weather and wheelchair access to our outdoor classroom. We have had a busy and interesting term that began with our second annual St George’s Day celebration where many of our retired community members enjoyed ‘A Celebration of Britain’ Concert complete with cream tea! Our parish council donated maypole from last year was yet again put to good use and some of those old wartime favourites songs were performed with enthusiasm if not always pitch perfect! Immediate future plans include preparations to say yet another goodbye to our Y6 pupils who leave us to continue their education at Bishop Rawsthorne, Hutton, Tarleton High and Priory High. We have many exciting things on the horizon especially play rehearsals for ‘Ye Ha!’ – a wild west musical. So if you are around and about and hear our children working their American accents – you now know what it is all about! Can I finish by issuing an open invitation for you to come along to join us on our Thursday morning worship in the School Hall. We generally start at around 9.10am and finish around 9.30am. I am sure Rev Bill (as the children call him), the staff and the children would be pleased to see you. Kindest Regards, Mrs Kathryn Melling Head-Teacher Hoole St Michael C of E Primary School. 5 FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family” 2nd May BETHANY ROSE CUTLER daughter of Kristoffer and Emma Cutler of Leyland. 16th May LAYLA GRACE GOODMAN GREEN daughter of Colin Goodman and Victoria Helen Green of Fulwood, Preston. Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together” The Departed “Rest eternal grant unto them” 23rd April SAMUEL STANLEY KIRKPATRICK of New Longton. Interment followed in the churchyard.

FROM THE REGISTER OF SERVICES Attendance Communicants Collections th April 25 (Easter 4) 135 97 £ 1263.95 nd May 2 (Easter 5) 124 103 £ 517.55 th May 9 (Easter 6) 111 39 £ 476.35 th May 16 (Easter 7) 135 90 £ 487.75

Church Flowers (June/July) Arrangers Donor th 6 B Wignall & A Dalton Mrs K Ball 13th H Johnson Mrs Bowker th 20 M Clarkson & J Smallwood Mrs J Gleave & Family th 27 J Greenwood Mrs J Greenwood th 4 J Martland & J Wilson Mrs J Lee th 11 M Clarkson & J Smallwood The Clarkson Family

Social Committee Parish Amble - Wednesday 2nd June: 6.00pm onwards. Just a final reminder of this enjoyable evening which falls right at the beginning of the month. The walk this year is in the Rufford area, however if you wish to round the evening off with refreshments, please add your name to the list in the church porch, where further details may be found.

United Churches’ Garden Party – Saturday 15th June, 2.00pm: We thank everyone who supported this event, and are pleased to report that the sum of £777.73 was raised, to be shared between the two churches and for the funding of our Joint Walking Day. In addition to this an additional amount was raised on two stalls, which supported St. Catherine’s Hospice and the RSPCA, resulting in an overall total for the event of over £1000.00. Well done to all who organised the event or supported it by their attendance. 6 Sides-persons’ Rota (June/July) 6th 9.00am. Jeremy Leigh 10.45am. Eric Barker John Aughton & Janet Tugman 3.00pm. Sylvia Douglas th 13 9.00am. Val Van Holsbeke 10.45am. Bill Prescott Elizabeth Hedley & Philip Wilson

th 20 9.00am. Rob McMurray 10.45am. Paul Johnson Richard McIlwaine & Jean Aughton (Assisted by newly confirmed members) 3.00pm. Clifford Orritt 27th 9.00am. Brian Taylor 10.45am. Bill Carr David Turner & Olivia Graham 4th 9.00am. Henry Redshaw 10.45am. Eric Barker John Aughton & Janet Tugman 3.00pm. Peter Smallwood 11th 9.00am. Jeremy Leigh 10.45am. Gill Slinger Norman Skellorn & Tom Wignall

Readers’ Rota (June/July) 9.00am. 10.45am. 6th ******* E Hopkins 1 Kings Ch 17 vv 8-end. J Wilson B Wood Galations Ch 1 vv 11-end. th 13 ******* J Dewhurst 1 Kings Ch 21 vv 1-10 & 15-21a. H Redshaw Newly Confirmed Galatians Ch 2 vv 15-end. th 20 ******* Newly Confirmed 1 Kings Ch 19 vv 1-4 & 18-15a.

M Redshaw Newly Confirmed Galatians Ch 3 vv 23-end. 27th ******* Civic Service 2 Kings Ch 2 vv 1-2 & 6-14.

V Van Holsbecke Civic Officials Galatians Ch 5 vv 1 & 13-25.

th 4 ******* D Turner 2 Kings Ch 5 vv 1-14.

S Tighe C Bamber Galatians Ch 6 vv 1-16.

11th ******* E Gilkes Amos Ch 7 vv 7-end. L Sloan Newly Confirmed Colossians Ch 1 vv 1-14. Please note the slight change in the pattern of the Reader’s rota this month due to the Service of Family Communion being brought forward to the third Sunday in June in order to accommodate the Civic Sunday on the fourth Sunday in June. We are also currently collecting names of those wishing to lead the prayers at our two morning services, when this is complete it will be published in similar form to the readers’ rota.. 7 Come along to the Ladies’ Group GARDEN PARTY On Saturday 12th June at 2.00pm At St Michael’s School, Liverpool Old Rd, Much Hoole Tombola – Raffles – Strawberries & Ice Cream – Refreshments - Fresh Veg – Music – Sideshows – Dancers – Hot Dogs and much more!

Walking Day – Sunday July 18th at 3.00pm: This year the event takes place in Much Hoole, and final details will appear in next month’s magazine. However, we would like as soon as possible, to put together a list of hymns to be sung at the Songs of Praise which takes place shortly after the tea at approximately 5.30pm in Hoole Village Hall. So please, if you would like your favourite hymn played, please let us know, and if you are prepared to say a few words as to why you have chosen that particular hymn, even better; but do not be put off, we will find someone to introduce it if you prefer not to.

Men’s Fellowship: We now have a few months off during the Summer, and recommence with our opening meeting for next season on Tuesday September 14th. However in the meantime we thank everyone who supported our recent race night, and are pleased to report that approximately £730.00 was raised, which will largely be used for the maintenance of our churchyard.

Diary Dates for June and early July Wed. June 2nd : Social Committee Parish Amble from 6.00pm. Mon. June 7th: Ladies Group Committee Meeting at 7.30pm. Tue. June 8th: Pastoral Committee Meeting in school at 7.30pm. Sat. June 12th: Ladies Group Garden Party at school from 2.00pm. Tue. June 15th: Ladies Group Monthly Meeting in school at 7.30pm “A South African Journey” (see page 4) Mon. June 28th: Friends and Development committee Meeting at Carr House at 7.30pm. Mon. July 12th: PCC meeting in school at 7.30pm. Sun. July 18th: United Churches Walking Day (see article above) (Please note No Ladies Group meeting during July) 8

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