Kindergarten Report Card Comments

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Kindergarten Report Card Comments

Kindergarten Report Card Comments

Note 1 – Comments are organized around terms as guidelines only in order to assist new Kindergarten teachers. Note 2 – Many comments are sentence starters only, and require an example of how the student demonstrates understanding, or a suggestion to support learning. Note 3 – In the Approaching Expectations area, you may prefer to use the terms, “with direct support”, or “with guided support”. For example, - identifies his name with direct support, such as when a limited number of names are presented

Term 1 Language Arts Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations Reading and Viewing - is learning to identify his name through daily - identifies his name, as demonstrated… routines such as … - identifies some letters of the alphabet. He - is learning to identify some letters of the knows… alphabet. He knows … - identifies some letter sounds. He knows… - is learning to identify some letter sounds. He - identifies all letters of the alphabet knows … - identifies all letter sounds - demonstrates understanding of concepts about - is beginning to understand concepts about print and books (e.g. there is a direction to print and books (e.g.. there is a direction to print; books are for reading) print; books are for reading) - engages in reading or reading-like behavior - is beginning to engage in reading or reading- (e.g. looks at books independently for a short like behavior with support from… period of time Writing and Representing - is beginning to print his own name (e.g. - prints his own name in … tracing, copying - prints some letters of the alphabet - is beginning to print some letters of the - recognizes that writing can be “talk written alphabet (e.g. tracing, copying) down” and that print carries a constant - is beginning to recognize that writing can be message “talk written down” and that print carries a constant message Speaking and Listening - is beginning to use speaking and listening - uses speaking and listening during centres to during (….. ) to express ideas and ask for express ideas and ask for assistance assistance - demonstrates use of social language to - is beginning to use social language to interact interact co-operatively with others and to co-operatively with others and to solve solve problems (e.g. “Can I have turn?”, “I’m problems (e.g. “Can I have turn?”, “I’m frustrated because…”) frustrated because…”) - demonstrates being a good listener for a - is learning to be a good listener for a sustained period of time by … sustained period of time, particularly when… - uses oral language to explain, inquire and - is beginning to ask questions to construct and compare, evident during… clarify meaning - asks questions to help construct ideas and - uses simple or incorrect sentence structure clarify meaning when speaking (e.g. “I hungry.”; “I goed - uses correct sentence structure when speaking outside.” (e.g. “I am hungry.”; I went outside.”) Term 2 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations Language Arts Reading and Viewing - is beginning to identify some letters of the - identifies many letters of the alphabet and alphabet. He knows… their sounds, evident during… - is beginning to identify some letter sounds. - identifies all the letters of the alphabet and He knows… their sounds, evident during… - is beginning to be aware of the connection - demonstrates awareness of the connection between reading, writing and oral language between reading, writing and oral language, (e.g. reads back journal writing) seen when he … - is beginning to respond to literature through a - responds to literature through a variety of variety of activities such as role-play, art, activities such as role-play, art, music, choral music, choral reading, talking reading, talking

Writing and Representing - is beginning to create simple messages using - creates simple messages using a combination a combination of pictures, symbols, letters, of pictures, symbols, letters, and words and words - shows an interest in, and a positive attitude - is beginning to show an interest in, and a towards, writing and representing, positive attitude towards, writing and demonstrated in… representing, especially when … - engages in discussions before writing and - is beginning to engage in discussions before representing to generate ideas writing and representing to generate ideas - expresses meaning during writing and - is beginning to express meaning during representing by using invented spelling writing and representing by using invented (printing the sounds heard in a word) and spelling (printing some of the sounds heard in copying words from… a word) and copying words from… - reflects on his writing by … and shares his - is beginning to reflect on his writing and work with others share work with others - prints a few simple words like… - is beginning to print a few simple words - records more than one sound in a word like… when… - is learning to record a beginning sound in a - records most or all sounds in a word when … word when … Speaking and Listening - is beginning to use speaking and listening - uses speaking and listening during (…) to during (….) to exchange ideas and exchange ideas and experiment with new experiment with new ideas or materials ideas or material - is beginning to engage in speaking and - engages in speaking and listening activities to listening activities to share ideas about share ideas about pictures stories, information pictures, stories, information text, and text, and experiences (e.g. during literacy experiences (e.g. during literacy centres) centres) - is learning to ask questions to construct and - asks questions to help construct and clarify clarify meaning during … meaning during … - is learning to use proper sentence structure - uses proper sentence structure when speaking when speaking (e.g. include a subject and (e.g. include a verb and subject, and simple verb, and simple connecting words when connecting words when needed) needed) - identifies words that rhyme, like … - is beginning to identify words that rhyme - produces a word that rhymes with another. - is beginning to produce a word that rhymes For example, … with another Term 3 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations Language Arts Reading and Viewing - before reading activities, he is beginning to - before reading activities, he uses strategies use strategies such as predicting, connecting such as predicting, connecting to prior to prior knowledge, and asking questions to knowledge and asking questions to enhance enhance comprehension his comprehension - during reading activities, he is beginning to - during reading activities, he uses strategies use strategies such as predicting, visualizing, such as predicting, visualizing, language language patterns, and picture clues to patterns, and picture clues to monitor his monitor comprehension comprehension of what he reads - after reading, he is beginning to demonstrate - after reading, he demonstrates understanding understanding through discussions, role-play through discussions, role-play and drawings and drawings - is able to identify some high-frequency - is learning some high-frequency words, such words, such as … as … - is able to identify many high-frequency words such as … Writing and Representing - tries to express meaning during writing and - expresses meaning during writing and representing by using invented spelling representing by using invented spelling (printing the sounds heard in the word) and (printing the sounds heard in the word) and copying existing words from … copying words from … - is learning to reflect on his writing and share - reflects on his writing by … and enjoys work with others sharing work with others - is learning to print a few simple words, like - prints some simple words, like … … - records the beginning, middle, and ending - is trying to record a prominent sound heard in sounds heard in a word a word (for example, the first or last sound) - records most sounds heard in words Speaking and Listening - is beginning to connect what is already - connects what is already known with new known with new experiences (for example, experiences (for example, …) …) - asks questions to construct ideas and clarify - is learning to ask questions to clarify meaning meaning, demonstrated during… - tries to use proper sentence structure when - uses proper sentence structure when speaking speaking (e.g. includes a subject and verb, (e.g. includes a subject and verb, and simple and simple connecting words when needed) connecting words as needed) - is learning to identify words that rhyme - identifies words that rhyme with each other - is learning to produce a word that rhymes - produces words that rhyme (e.g. orally, in with another writing) - is beginning to orally blend two words into a - orally blends two words into a compound compound word (e.g., butter and fly makes word (e.g., butter and fly makes butterfly) butterfly) - orally blends two or three separate sounds - is beginning to orally blend two or three into a one-syllable word (e.g. m-e: me; s-a-t: separate sounds into a one-syllable word (e.g. sat) m-e: me; s-a-t: sat) - identifies the first sound and ending sound in - is beginning to identify the first sound and a one-syllable word ending sound in a one-syllable word - can break apart a one-syllable word into its - is beginning to break apart a one-syllable individual sounds (e.g., run: r-u-n) word into its individual sounds (e.g., run: r-u- - speaks clearly enough to be understood by n) peers and adults in a variety of situations, - is beginning to speak clearly enough to be such as … understood by peers and adults Mathematics Term 1 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is learning to count to 10; counts accurately to - can count by ones to 10, demonstrated … during… - is learning to identify the numerals to 10; he knows … - can identify the numerals to 10 - is beginning to sort 3-D objects using colour, shape or size - sorts 3-D objects using colour, shape or size - is beginning to identify and reproduce patterns using 2 to 3 objects, sounds, or - identifies and reproduces patterns using 2 to 3 actions objects, sounds, or actions, demonstrated during…

Mathematics Term 2 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is learning to count backwards from 10 to 1; - can count backwards from 10 to 1 can accurately count to … - recognizes, and can name arrangements of 1 - is learning to recognize and name familiar to 5 objects or dots (for example, dice), arrangements of 1 to 5 objects or dots (for evident during… example, dice) - matches a numeral, 1 to 10, to a group of - is learning to match a numeral, 1 to 10, to a objects group of objects - represents and describes the numbers 0 to 10, - is learning to represent and describe the with objects and pictures, as demonstrated numbers 0 to 10, with objects and pictures in… - is learning to compare quantities, 0 to 10, - compares quantities, 0 to 10, using one-to-one using one-to-one correspondence correspondence (e.g. recognizes that one - is beginning to identify and reproduce button represents one, and that two buttons patterns using 2 to 3 objects, sounds, or represents the number two etc.) actions - identifies and reproduces patterns using 2 to 3 objects, sounds, or actions, evident in…

Mathematics Term 3 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is learning to count forward by ones starting - can count forward by ones starting anywhere anywhere from 1 to 10 from 1 to 10 - is learning to recognize and name - recognizes and names arrangements of 1 to 5 arrangements of 1 to 5 objects or dots (e.g., objects or dots (e.g., dice) dice) - matches a number to a group of objects from - is learning to match a number to a group of 1 to 10, demonstrated in … objects from 1 to 10 - represents and describes numbers from 0 to - is learning to represent and describe numbers 10, with objects and pictures, as evident in… from 0 to 10, with objects and pictures - extends and creates repeating patterns using 2 - is beginning to extend and create repeating to 3 objects, sounds, or actions patterns using 2 to 3 objects, sounds, or - uses direct comparison to compare two actions objects based on length, weight or volume - is beginning to use direct comparison to - builds and describe 3-D objects compare two objects based on length, weight or volume - is beginning to build and describe 3-D objects Social Studies Term 1 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is beginning to participate co-operatively in - participates co-operatively in groups (taking groups (taking turns, sharing) turns, sharing) - is learning to present information to a group - presents information to a group, as evident (e.g. oral: show and tell, visual: picture of during his … (e.g. oral: show and tell, visual: family) picture of family) - is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of - demonstrates an awareness of the concept of the concept of change, such as seasonal change, such as seasonal changes, as changes demonstrated by… - is beginning to demonstrate responsible - demonstrates responsible behaviour in caring behaviour in caring for his immediate for # immediate environment (for example, environment (for example, cleans up, hangs cleans up, hangs up coat and backpack) up coat and backpack)

Social Studies Term 2 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is beginning to identify the purpose of - identifies the purpose of classroom and school classroom and school expectations, such as … expectations, as evident in… - is beginning to present more information to a - can present information to a group, as evident group (e.g. oral: show and tell, visual: picture in his… (e.g. oral: show and tell, visual: of family) picture of family)

Social Studies Term 3 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is beginning to demonstrate his roles and - demonstrates his roles and responsibilities as responsibilities as a member of the classroom a member of the classroom and school and school community (keeps work space community (keeps work space tidy, puts away tidy, puts away belongs, helps others, etc.) belongs, helps others, etc.) - is more willing to make presentations to a - presents a variety of information during a group (e.g. oral: show and tell, visual: picture presentation, as evident during his … (e.g. of family) oral: show and tell, visual: picture of family) Science Term 1 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is learning to describe features of local plants - describes features of local plants (for (for example, leaves, pumpkins) example, leaves, pumpkins), as demonstrated - is learning to compare local plants in his… - is beginning to describe properties of - compares local plants, using … (pictures, materials, including colour, shape, texture, words, oral description etc.) size and weight - describes properties of materials, including colour, shape, texture, size and weight, through…

Science Term 2 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is learning to describe features of local - describes features of local animals, such as … animals, such as … - describes ways to rethink, refuse, reduce, - is beginning to describe ways to rethink, reuse, recycle, as demonstrated in his… refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle

Science Term 3 Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations - is learning to compare common animals, such - compares common animals, such as … as … - uses the five senses to make observations, as - is beginning to use the five senses to make evident in… observations - shares observations with others, demonstrated - is beginning to share observations with others during… The following comments are not organized around terms. Each outcome has a choice of two comments to better represent student learning.

Physical Education ACTIVE LIVING - is learning to identify benefits of regular physical activity (e.g., it’s fun, helps you grow stronger, keeps heart healthy) - identifies benefits of regular physical activity (e.g., it’s fun, helps you grow stronger, keeps heart healthy) - with suggestions, is able to identify physical activities he enjoys doing - identifies physical activities he enjoys doing, such as… - is learning to identify the importance of food as fuel for physical activity - identifies the importance of food as fuel for physical activity, evident in… PARTICIPATION - with encouragement and/or insistence, participates daily in moderate to vigorous physical activities such as … - participates daily in moderate to vigorous physical activities such as … MOVEMENT SKILLS - is learning to perform movements in personal space while maintaining control - performs movements in personal space while maintaining control, evident during… - is learning to use body to create shapes (for example, bending, curling, pulling, pushing, stretching, swinging, and/or twisting) - uses body to create shapes (for example, bending, curling, pulling, pushing, stretching, swinging, and/or twisting) - is learning to perform specific movement skills such as walking, running, jumping, hopping, body rolling (log rolls, shoulder rolls) - performs specific movement skills such as walking, running, jumping, hopping, body rolling (log rolls, shoulder rolls) - with assistance, is able to use a ball or other object to perform skills such as … (rolling or sliding an object toward a target, carrying an object, underhand throwing toward a target) - is able to use a ball or other object to perform skills such as … (rolling or sliding an object toward a target, carrying an object, underhand throwing toward a target) SAFETY, FAIR PLAY AND LEADERSHIP - requires reminders to follow safety guidelines when participating in physical activity, such as … (staying within boundaries, using equipment with supervision, listening to instructions) - identifies safety guidelines for participating in physical activity, such as … - requires reminders to follow rules and directions when participating in physical activities, such as stopping on a signal, listening to directions, sharing equipment - follows rules and directions when participating in physical activities, such as … - with reminders and modeling, is able to work cooperatively with classmates during physical activity (for example, respecting others’ personal space, not pushing or shoving, taking turns) - works cooperatively with classmates during physical activity (for example, respecting others’ personal space, not pushing or shoving, taking turns) Fine Arts Music - is beginning to respond to beat in music - is beginning to use movement to respond to a variety of music - is beginning to demonstrate a willing to participate in music activities, evident in… - responds to beat in music, demonstrated in… - uses movement to respond to a variety of music - demonstrates a willingness to participate in music activities - is beginning to perform rhythmic patterns from class songs - is beginning to sing melodies - is beginning to experience music from a variety of historical and cultural contexts (e.g., folk, classical, popular) - performs rhythmic patterns from class songs, for example… - can reproduce melodies, evident during… - experiences music from a variety of historical and cultural contexts (e.g., folk, classical, popular) Drama - is beginning to demonstrate a willingness to express feelings and ideas - is beginning to demonstrate respect for the contributions of others - is beginning to describe his response to a dramatic work - is beginning to demonstrate a willingness to work cooperatively - is beginning to use vocal elements (high-low, loud-soft) when developing roles - is beginning to demonstrate an awareness of a variety of movements used to express an idea, mood, or role - is beginning to retell known stories in correct sequence - is beginning to demonstrate a willingness to participate in drama activities that explore the roles of community members - is beginning to demonstrate appropriate audience skills - demonstrates a willingness to express feelings and ideas, evident during… - demonstrates respect for the contributions of others, as demonstrated by… - describes his response to a dramatic work - demonstrates a willingness to work cooperatively, evident during… - uses vocal elements (high-low, loud-soft) when developing roles - demonstrates an awareness of a variety of movements used to express an idea, mood, or role - retells known stories in correct sequence - demonstrates a willingness to participate in drama activities that explore the roles of community members - demonstrates appropriate audience skills, demonstrated during… Visual Arts - is beginning to demonstrate respect for his work and others, such as learning to give positive comments - is beginning to demonstrate a willingness to display artwork - is beginning to use a variety of materials, tools, equipment, and processes to make images, such as crayons, playdough, paint - demonstrates respect for his work and others by … - demonstrates a willingness to display artwork - uses a variety of materials, tools, equipment, and processes to make images, such as crayons, playdough, paint

Dance - is beginning to move expressively to a variety of sounds and music - is beginning to demonstrate a willingness to perform various dances - moves expressively to a variety of sounds and music - willing to perform various dances, such as… Social Responsibility - is usually friendly and, if asked, will help or include others - sometimes needs prompting to participate in and contribute to classroom and group activities - is usually welcoming, friendly, kind and helpful - is welcoming, friendly, kind and helpful - participates in and contributes to classroom and group activities - in conflict situations, he tries to state feelings and manage anger appropriately but can become frustrated without adult intervention, therefore … - can identify simple problems and with help can generate ways to solve the problem - in conflict situations, he tries to express feelings honestly and manages anger appropriately - can identify problems and generate ways to solve the problem - at times, can be respectful, therefore he is encouraged to… - may not notice when others are treated unfairly - treats others fairly and respectfully - is interested in fairness

Social and Emotional - is willing to share ideas in group discussions - is easily distracted during …, therefore he… - requires reminders to focus and pay attention and participate when …, thus he… - has shown growth in his/her development of self-confidence by … - can speak to the whole group with poise and confidence - is thoughtful of others at play - is showing responsibility for his behavior and his belongings at school, such as … - shares ideas enthusiastically - developing in self-concept areas, for example his is showing confidence in speaking to the group - cries easily when things go wrong, like …, therefore he… - is confident and secure at school - prefers to play with one or two friends - is being encouraged to develop new friendships by… - expresses him/herself easily - can communicate ideas, such as… - is learning to take turns when … - shares with others, as evident in… - can lead or follow as appropriate in group play - can independently choose activities, see them through and tidy up - has become more independent when … - has gained in confidence when … - is willing to co-operate with others during … - tries to resolve conflicts independently, such as … - enjoys socializing with classmates - developing leadership skills as he …. - is tolerant of others, as demonstrated by… Health and Career Education Goals and Decisions - identifies opportunities to make choices, like … - identifies people at school who can provide support and assistance, such as teachers, supervisors Career Development - identifies personal skills and interests, for example, things he is good at, things that he likes - identifies a variety of jobs and responsibilities at home and at school, such as cleaning up, following the rules Healthy Living - identifies habits that contribute to health, including healthy eating, regular physical activity, washing hands to stop germs Healthy Relationships - identifies thoughtful, caring behaviours in families, such as love, kindness, help - knows how to express a variety of feelings appropriately - knows the difference between positive and negative behaviours in relationships Safety and Injury Prevention - uses proper words to name female and male private body parts - understands the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching, such as … - identifies ways to respond to inappropriate touching, such as … - identifies ways to avoid dangerous situations at home, school, and in the community - knows how to access emergency services, such as fire, police, by calling 911 Substance Misuse Prevention - understands the difference between safe and unsafe substances, such as …

The following items are things to consider when discussing a student’s fine motor development. Please develop appropriate comments.

Fine Motor Development Pencil: - Proper grip - Pressure - Handedness - Finger placement (close to tip) - Uses other hand to hold paper

Scissors: - Proper grip and arm placement (elbow tucked in) - Accuracy – straight lines/curves lines - Uses other hand to hold paper and provide support - Safety

Colouring/drawing: - Motor control - Pressure - Scribbling versus colouring in lines

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