Delaware Deparement of Correction s2

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Delaware Deparement of Correction s2



Committee Members Present: Carl C. Danberg, Commissioner; Noreen Renard, Chief Bureau of Community Corrections; Ed Synoski, Deputy Principal Assistant, Management Services; Alan Machtinger, Director, H.R. & Development; Kathy Mickle-Askin, Director of Training; Janet Durkee, Deputy H.R. Director; Rich Seifert, Deputy Principal Assistant, Bureau of Prisons; Debbi Craig, Planner V; Aaron Goldstein, Deputy Attorney General; Jim Welch, Medical Director; Gail Stallings-Minor, Chief Community Relations; Ron Drake, IA Director; Joyce Talley, Chief Bureau of Management Services; Rick Kearney, Chief Bureau of Prisons; Linda Riddagh, Comptroller; Karl Hines, Deputy Principal Assistant, Bureau of Community Corrections; Tom Carroll, Deputy Commissioner; Dan Cox, Director, Emergency Preparedness; Joe Dudlek; Chief of Inspections; John Painter, Chief Media Relations, Jerry Platt, Maintenance;

Guests: Karen Candeloro Dr. Janet Kramer Bob and Lynn Sadusky Mary Wood Len Beck Jim Cordie

CALL TO ORDER Carl C. Danberg, Commissioner, called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.

Motion to accept the last month’s minutes by Rich Seifert, 2nd by Joe Dudlek. Unanimous, Approved

STATUS OF THE DEPARTMENT (Commissioner’s Comments)  Budget continues to be one of the biggest issues and focuses of the Department. Another budget meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, April 2nd, 9 a.m. Commissioner expressed that budget managers along with the Bureau Chiefs should be included in this meeting as changes affect all bureaus. Commissioner Danberg expressed that even with the cuts we have made we still have a long way to go and everyone needs to work together to accomplish this task.  We need re-evaluate some of the institutional programs and confirm their usefulness. This is the ideal time to make cuts and changes, however, we need to make sure these changes are for the best and that we have supporting documentation for the changes.  Employee suggestions: HR has received over 400 suggestions on possible cost saving ideas. Closing date for suggestions is April 2nd. Commissioner Danberg has asked HR to cull through the suggestions and consolidate like suggestions.  Commissioner Danberg mentioned the memo on Department Expenditures he sent out and reminded everyone of key points that need to be followed.  Splitting a requisition in order to slide past the PO limit by will a not be tolerated.

DEPUTY COMMISSIONER  Thanks to all budget managers for the hard work they have contributed thus far.  Quarterly overtime report due by end of week (former Jim Vaughn report)  Additional epilogue reports are also due.  Legislation is back in session. Tom has asked that any conversation with Evelyn Nestlerode be directed back to him.  Seven-year Accomplishments Report, thanks to Debbi, Brenda and all who contributed to the report.


Bureau of Community Corrections, Bureau Chief Noreen Renard:  Home Confinement numbers are up today (431) over the last couple weeks of 400  Safe Streets met last week to discuss grant money running out. Safe Streets is running as normal with hopes of money coming available in May.  Bill Oettel has accepted the Warden’s position at SCCC.  Elizabeth Neal is still Acting Warden at PCCC/WWRC/Webb  Darren Carter Acting Deputy Warden at PCCC/WWRC/Webb  April 14th, 2-4 p.m. open house for Cherry Lane  April 11th is the next BOTC Graduation.

Bureau of Management Services, Bureau Chief Joyce Talley:  Encumber adjustments are being closely monitored by OMB, please make sure all supporting documents are submitted with the request.  A meeting has been scheduled with the building owners to discuss issues/concerns throughout the building. Commissioner Danberg directed Joyce to make the owners aware that some of these issues have gone on for close to seven years now and if they do not correct we will take actionsdeduct the cost from the rent payments.  Plan for next week’s small budget meeting to be more organized. Bureau Chiefs need to be prepared to present the surplus/deficits for each budget unit so that TA’s can be completed.  Meeting today 2-4 on centralization of records.  Meeting with the Union and Alan Machtinger on Thursday, April 3rd to discuss staffing and days off. (records) Commissioner stressed that OMB needs to be kept informed of what we are doing and that we monitor the changes so that none of the institutions are crippled with the moving of personnel.  Travel-should be limited to absolute necessary travel or is being paid for by another source than DOC. Travel that has already been paid for to be evaluated based on business need.  Employee Recognitions: 1. Tailgate cancelled 2. Employee Recognition Ceremony April 23rd, down sized. 3. Bureau Chiefs need to meet to discuss how each bureau wants to handle their recognitions. Commissioner Danberg noted that the recognitions should still be held but monitored to the cost.  Acquired free shelving and filing system for the records area.

Bureau of Prisons, Bureau Chief Rick Kearney  Counts: BWCI is at 360 down from 400s DCC and SCI are holding steady HRYCI is on an upward trend from the norm at this time  Reluctant to make any bed changes at this time, will wait to see what if any cuts to programs need to be made.  BWCI multi-purpose room is nearing completion, hope to have the contractor finished and completely out by mid-April. Commissioner suggested that the first event be an ecumenical service.  Budget unit managers have been made aware that they need to tighten the belts and to cut unnecessary spending.  Delaware Correctional Industries has extended hours in garment shop and garage, moving to a 2nd shift. Kudos to DCI OLD BUSINESS: Aaron Goldstein: no

Debbi Craig:  PREA: training is scheduled for April 17th and 18th, here at the DOC Admin Bldg, at no cost to DOC. Training is mandatory per Commissioner Danberg. Approx 45-50 to the class  Moss group will be here on April 17 & 18th for PREA training with Wardens, DW, P&P Directors, P&P Managers, Food Service and Maintenance Managers.  Meeting with KMA, Louise and Ron to discuss the availability of PREA grant money to develop and provide PREA training to staff throughout DOC.  Sending a letter of support to Steve Martin from the Center for Drug and Alcohol Studies, U of D regarding grant proposal to conduct an evaluation of a drug treatment program.  CJC re-entry grant money  Mental health grant money/ working with Valarie Tickle and DHSS about grant money  Ed Zabowski and Debbi to attend 2-day training in Baltimore with ASCA.  Tess/Harold: CJC money/retention of DOC employees Jim Welch  Monitors are here for 3 weeks this month: NCC KC SC  DOJ recommended changes for medical space: HRYCI-booking and receiving area complete, shelves ordered for medical space and exam area SCI-plans are complete and construction RFP is ready to be sent out BWCI-po established for administrative area changes DCC-new exam area plans are being drawn up  Hep A-B shots are scheduled for April, uniform staff 1st then non-uniform staff

Ed Synoski: no

Linda Riddagh: no

Kathy Mickle-Askin:  PREA/thank you to Aaron for reviewing and approving PREA lesson plans.  EDC is exploring delivery methods PREA training. We would like to deliver modules in 20-minute segments.  KMA/EDC has met with Jim Welch regarding the suicide prevention refresher training. Developing a lesson plan.  MFD had their first test session yesterday with Webx.  Range: we are heavy into the range training at this time. EDC has notified contacts (locals) of training at the range as well as posting the training on the website.

Jerry Platt:  Medical space: SCI medical space had a few problems but we are working them out.  Continue to work on heating/cooling system at HRYCI

Rich Seifert: no

Janet Durkee:  Two high profile positions within the Bureau of Community Corrections have been posted on DEL. They are the Wilmington Regional Manager and Operations Administrator. They both close at midnight on April 2.

Ron Drake:  Screening process of applicants  Background of applicants

John Painter: no Alan Machtinger:  Open enrollment: Karen Candeloro: enrollment starts May 5th through May 21st, enrollment is on line (changes only), spousal coverage requires spousal form to be re-done every year and must be done to cover spouse.  Staff to travel to HRYCI, SCI and DCC to help employees who need help with enrollment, HR at the Admin Bldg are also available for any help or questions.  There is no increase to the employee again this year.  Hiring review request: no response to our request at this time.  As of last week we have 111 C/O vacancies  Britta Strop is leaving DOC  Unit 11 negotiations: We are progressing with negotiations with Unit 11 (CO series supervisors represented by AFSCME). The lack of financial resources makes it difficult to bargain compensation.  Statewide classification committee- Joe Paesani was DOC representative along with two other DOC employees who have also left state service. Janet Durkee has been asked to replace Joe on the committee.  List for Dep Warden I and Warden III will be out by the end of the week.

Gail Stalling-Minor:  Furniture delivery for the Redding Museum has been delayed due to floors at the museum not being finished.  Kingwoods Academy touring Cherry Lane tomorrow and start teaching classes next week approx 3 hours per day twice a week.  Hazel Plant- was hospitalized no news; will follow up.

Karl Hines: no

Joe Dudlek: no


PUBLIC COMMENTS: Guest: Dr. Janet Kramer, DE Medical Society:  Prison Health Committee meeting tonight with Medical Examiner

Len Beck/Threshold Teacher:  Express concerns about the program being cut

Bob Sadusky:  Medical issues  Programs being cut  Better communications between DOC, I/M and volunteer groups Lynn Sadusky:  What is being done to help I/M with re-entry  Hot water in DCC  Would like to see each institution have an I/M spokesperson  Grievance process at the institutions  Phone system  Visiting room

Mary Wood/ Non profit faith based organization  Work release clients at Webb

Next Executive meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 6th

Meeting Adjourn: Carl C. Danberg, Commissioner 11:38 a.m.

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