The Biblical Predictions in the Order of Their Fulfillments

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The Biblical Predictions in the Order of Their Fulfillments

The Biblical Predictions in the Order of Their Fulfillments

J. Barton Payne1

The number at the left (Col. 1) indicates sequence, the order of actual fulfillment. Next comes a brief state- ment of the prediction (Col. 2), followed by the Biblical book or books in which it occurs, together with its assigned number (based on the order of appearance) as a prophecy in each book. If an asterisk (*) is added after a given book and number, it designates that reference as containing the primary discussion, to which cross reference is made in the listings that appear in the other, generally later books. Then come the total number of Biblical books in which the prophecy appears (Col. 3) and the total number of full verses devoted to it (Col. 4). As an example, the Bible’s second prophesied event (2.) to attain fulfillment was Noah’s deluge (the flood). The forecasts of it are described in the preceding pages at three points: in Genesis (Gen), as the eleventh prophecy (No. 11) of that book, in Hebrews as its forty-second prophecy (Heb 42), and in Jude as its fifth (Jude 5). In these three (3) books, it occupies eight (8) full verses. [Known dates appear highlighted in yellow.]

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1. Primeval-Patriarchal

Prediction, Book, Books, Full verses2

1. Death will become the “normal” lot of man, Gen 4 1 1 2. After a twice-stated interval of time, the flood will destroy all life, Gen 11, Heb 42, Jude 5 3 8 3. It will be effectuated by God’s coming with many holy angels, Jude 6 1 - 4. But Noah, even according to his name, will be a source of comforting preservation, Gen 10 1 1 5. The Lord will establish His testament with Noah, Gen 12 1 1 6. God will become particularly associated with the Semites, Gen 18 1 1 7. He will show Abram the land of Canaan, 2058 B.C.,3 Gen 20 1 1 8. He will bless Abram, Gen 22, Heb 18 2 3 9. He will make Abram’s name (= his fame) great, Gen 23 1 - 10. Hagar will bear a son, Gen 39 1 1 11. After a one-year interval, Abraham will have a son by Sarah, 2033, Gen 29, Rom 13, Gal 4, Heb 44 4 8 12. Ishmael will grow up to a nomadic life, Gen 40 1 1 13. God will provide the offering for a sacrifice on Mount Moriah, Gen 44 I 1 14. A bride will be obtained for Isaac, 1993, Gen 48 1 2 15. Abraham’s death will come at a good old age, 1958, Gen 35 1 1 16. God will establish His testament with Isaac, Gen 43 1 1 17. Jacob will supplant his twin brother Esau, Gen 51 1 1 18. Esau will settle in Edom, away from the more fertile land of Canaan, Gen 53 1 1 19. God will bring Jacob back to Canaan in safety, 1876, Gen 55 1 4

1 Payne, J. Barton, Encyclopedia of biblical Prophecy: The complete guide to Scriptural predictions and their fulfillment (NY: Harper & Row, 1973), Summary A, 631.

2 Since a few of these predictions (listed on p. 136, above) are marked by a developmental fulfillment and are therefore listed under more than one period, the total of all the predictive verses of Scripture is noted separately under the Statistical Appendix.

3 See above, p. xix. 20. Pharaoh’s butler will be restored after a 3-day interval, 1852, Gen 57 l 3 21. But at the same time his baker will be hanged, Gen 58 1 2 22. Egypt will experience 7 years of plenty, followed by 7 years of famine, to 1838, Gen 59 1 17 23. Joseph will rise in status, and his family will bow down to him, Gen 56 1 4 24. Job will come out of his trials like gold, Job 9 1 1 25. Joseph will perform the last rites for his father Jacob, 1826, Gen 60 1 1 Total: 5 vv.

2. Egyptian

26. Israel will sojourn in Egypt for 400 years, serving and being afflicted, Gen 31, Acts 30 2 2 27. The Ishmaelites will multiply greatly, Gen 38 1 4 28. Israel will increase into a great nation, *Gen 21, Ex 68, Rom 8, Heb 19 4 25 29. Israel and Edom will develop as two separate nations, Gen 49 1 1 30. A multitude of nations will develop from Abraham, some with kings, Gen 41 1 5 31. Aaron will meet Moses on his return to Egypt, 1447, Ex 13 1 1 32. God will empower Moses and Aaron to speak and to lead Israel, Ex 5 1 4 33. The Israelites will obey Moses, Ex 7 1 2 34. Pharaoh will refuse Moses’ request for Israel’s release, Ex 9 1 5 35. He will go out to the water on a stated morning, Ex 19 1 1 36. God will judge Egypt with His plagues, Gen 32, Ex 10, Acts 31 3 4 37. In the 1st plague, God will turn the waters into blood, Ex 20 l 3 38. The 2nd plague will consist of frogs, Ex 21 1 3 39. Pharaoh will again go out to the water, Ex 22 1 1 40. The 4th plague will bring flies, but not on Goshen, Ex 23 1 3 41. The 5 th plague will affect the cattle of Egypt (except for Israel’s) with a murrain, Ex 24 1 3 42. The 6 th plague will bring boils on man and beast, Ex 25 1 1 43. The 7 th plague will bring hail, but not on Goshen, Ex 26 1 2 44. The hail will cease, Ex 27 1 1 45. The 8 th plague will consist of locusts, Ex 28 1 3 46. In the 10 th plague, God will slay the firstborn of Egypt, Ex 14 1 8 47. Pharaoh will release Israel, Ex 11 1 2 48. In 1446, after the 400 years, Israel will come out of Egypt, *Gen 33, Ex 2, Acts 32 3 4 49. The Egyptians, accordingly, will acknowledge Yahweh, Ex 18 1 1 50. Israel will depart with great substance, *Gen 34, Ex 12 2 2 Total: 91 vv.

3. Wildcmess

51. Pharaoh will pursue Israel, and yet fail, Ex 34 1 6 52. Israel will pass through the Red Sea on dry ground, Ex 35 1 1 53. God’s glory will appear, along with quail and manna, Ex 40 1 4 54. Yahweh will grant His testament to Israel, Ex 17 1 1 55. Israel will worship God on Mount Sinai, Ex 6 1 1 56. The Canaanites will “melt” upon learning of Israel’s crossing the Red Sea, Ex 38, Dt 8 2 5 57. The Angel of Yahweh will guard Israel and guide them through the wilderness, Ex 47 1 7 58. God will provide Israel with flesh to eat, Num 18 1 6 59. In its disobedience, the nation will be beaten by the Canaanites at Hormah, 1445, Num 23 1 1 60. Korah and his followers will be punished for claiming God’s ministry, Num 25 1 3 61. The earth will open, and Dathan and Abiram go down alive into hell, Num 26 1 1 62. For 40 years the Israelites will wander, and all those over 20 die in the wilderness, *Num 19, Dt 2, Ps 43, Heb 10 4 15 63. Aaron will die on Mount Hor, 1407, Num 29 1 1 64. God will deliver Sihon into the hand of Moses, Dt 7 1 2 65. He will also deliver up Og into his power, Num 31, Dt 9 2 2 66. Moses will die, 1406, after viewing the promised land, Num 44, Dt 12 2 5 Total: H vv.

4. Conquest

67. In 1406 the people of Israel will reenter Canaan, *Ge11 36, Ex 3, Lev 21, Num 21, Dt 6, Acts 33, Heb 49 7 32 68. Joshua will be privileged to enter the land, *Num 22, Dt 4 2 2 69. The men of Gad will march at the head of their brethren, Dt 54 1 2 70. The waters of the Jordan will be cut off, for Israel to cross its channel, Josh 5 1 4 71. The Canaanites will be rendered subservient, *Gen 17, Dt 58, Josh 21 3 4 72. They will be overthrown in battle and driven out, *Ex 48, Lev 22, Dt 10, Josh 3 4 42 73. Jericho will fall to Joshua, as its walls collapse, Josh 10 1 5 74. Ai and its king will be given up to him, Josh 14 1 3 75. The sun will delay its visible setting, to aid Joshua in the battle of Aijalon, Josh 20 1 1 76. The Jerusalem confederacy of southern Canaanites will be overcome, Josh 19 1 2 77. The Hazor confederacy of northern Canaan will be delivered up to Joshua, Josh 22 1 1 78. God will grant the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham, *Gen 24, Ex 16, Num 16, Dt 1, Josh 1, Ps 49 (I Chron 11), Jer 27, Acts 29, Heb 43 10 80 79. Israel will thus inherit a fertile land, *Gen 52, Ex 4, Num 33, Heb 51 4 4 80. Joshua will be the leader to execute this, 1400, Dt 5, Josh 4 2 8 81. W. Canaan, with specified borders, will be allocated to the 9½ tribes, Num 49 1 12 82. God will bring Caleb into Canaan and grant him a possession in the very land he spied out, *Num 20, Dt 3 2 2 83. Ephraim and Manasseh will constitute a multitude in the midst of the land, Gen 62, Heb 48 2 5 84. Though attacked, they will maintain their strength through God, Gen 76 1 2 85. Judah will prosper, with wine and milk, Gen 69 1 2 86. Simeon (in dishonor) and Levi (in honor) will be scattered among the other tribes, Gen 64 1 1 87. Reuben will be isolated and lose its preeminence, Gen 63 1 1 88. Zebulun will lie on the route toward Canaan’s coastal harbors, Gen 70 1 1 89. Issachar will toil and serve, Gen 71 1 1 90. Both Zebulun and Issachar are to enjoy abundance, Dt 53 1 2 91. Asher will produce excellent food, *Gen 74, Dt 57 2 3 92. Naphtali will possess Galilee and somewhat to the south, Dt 56 1 1 93. The Israelites’ lands will not be coveted while they observe their pilgrimage feasts, Ex 69 1 1 Total: 224 vv.

5. Judges

94. The Canaanites will be rendered subservient, Gen 17 (2nd stage) 1 1 95. Judah will assume possession of its tribal lands, Jd 1 1 1 96. The tribe of Dan will be dangerous, like a snake, *Gen 72, Dt 55, Jd 16 3 5 97. Benjamin will devour like a wolf, Gen 77 1 1 98. But they will be delivered up to the other united tribes, Jd 20 1 1 99. Intermarriage with the Canaanites will lead Israel into apostasy, Dt 20 1 14 100. Eglon’s Moabite forces will be delivered up to Israel, 1316, Jd 5 1 1 101. The Canaanites left in the land will bring suffering to Israel, especially under Jabin, 1236-1216, *Num 47, John 26, Jd 3 3 4 102. The men of Naphtali will advance swiftly, like deer, under Barak, 1216, Gen 75 1 1 103. Iabin’s army, under Sisera, will fall by the river Kishon, Jd 6 1 2 104. Sisera himself will be given into the hand of a woman, Jd 7 1 1 105. There will be a gradual driving out of the Canaanites, *Ex 53, Dt 23 2 3 106. The sword of Gideon will overturn Midian like a tent, 1169, Jd 11 1 2 107. Gideon will strike down the Midianites and capture their two kings, Jd 8 1 6 108. Abimelech and the Shechemites will devour each other, 1126, Jd 12 1 2 109. Manoah’s wife will bear a son, Samson, Jd 13 1 3 110. Samson will begin to save Israel from the Philistines, judge ca. 1090-1070, Jd 14 1 1 111. Gad will strike back when attacked, i.e. through Jephthah, 1085, Gen 73 1 1 112. E1i’s house will be punished, as his two sons are slain, 1080, I Sam 6 1 7 113. God’s own temple at Shiloh will suffer destruction, I Sam 7 1 1 114. Samuel will deliver Israel from the Philistines, 1063, I Sam 13 1 1 115. God will send Saul to visit Samuel, 1043, on the following day, I Sam 14 1 1 116. The asses of Kish will be found, I Sam 16 1 2 117. Three described groups of men will meet Saul after he leaves Samuel, I Sam 17 1 6 118. Saul will be found at Mizpah, hiding among the baggage, I Sam 18 1 1 Total: 69 vv.

6. United Kingdom

119. God will send an untimely thunder storm as a warning to the new kingdom, I Sam 19 1 1 120. Israel will find exaltation in its king, *Num 34, Dt 33 2 7 121. Jonathan will overcome a Philistine garrison in front of Michmash, I Sam 22 1 1 122. Saul will there save Israel from the Philistines, 1041, Sam 15 1 - 123. Jonathan will be revealed as the violator of Saul’s interdict against eating during that day, I Sam 24 1 2 124. God will cause David to triumph over Goliath, I Sam 25 1 3 125. He will deliver up the Philistines to him at Keilah, I Sam 27 1 1 126. Nabal will come to a sad end, I Sam 29 1 1 127. David will be divinely protected against capture by Saul, I Sam 28 1 1 128. He will overtake the Amalekites who raided Ziklag and re-cover the spoil, I Sam 31 1 1 129. Saul and his people will be consumed at Mount Gilboa, 1010, I Sam 20 1 1 130. His dynasty will not continue over Israel, *1 Sam 21, II Sam 1, I Chron 5 3 12 131. In David, Judah will receive the sovereignty over the other tribes, 1003, Gen 65 1 1 132. David, the tribe’s representative, will win victories, *Gen 66, Num 32, Dt 49 3 5 133. He will save Israel from the Philistines (especially in 1003) and from others, II Sam 2 (I Chron 6) 2 5 134. The Canaanites will be rendered subservient, Gen 17 (3rd stage), Josh 24 2 2 135. David will strike down the Moabites, Num 35 1 1 136. The Edomites will serve their brother-nation Israel, *Gen 50, Num 37, Rom 14 3 3 137. The child conceived through David’s sin with Bath-sheba will die, II Sam 17 1 1 138. For David’s sin over the census, the nation will suffer 3 days of pestilence, II Sam 21 (I Chron 21) 2 9 139. God will choose a mountain for His dwelling place, *Dt 26, Josh 18 1 18 140. The sword will not depart from David’s house, and his wives will be humbled, II Sam 16 1 3 141. God will establish David’s son as king after him, 970, II Sam 9 (I Chron 15), Ps 58 3 6 142. The priestly line of Eli (in Abiathar) will be replaced by Zadok, I Sam 9 1 2 143. Abraham’s seed will possess their enemies on all sides, *Gen 45, Dt 19, Heb 45 3 10 144. Their borders will extend from the Nile to the Euphrates, *Gen 37, Ex 54, Dt 25, Josh 2 4 4 145. Joab and his house will suffer for his murder of Abner, II Sam 3 1 2 146. Solomon will be the wisest of men, I K 7 (II Chron 5) 2 1 147. His reign will be quiet and prosperous, I Chron 23 1 2 148. He will excel other kings in riches and honor, I K 8 (Chron 6) 2 2 149. Solomon will build the temple, *II Sam 10 (I Chron 16), I K 10 (II Chron 14) 4 5 150. David’s seed will be chastened for its sin, commencing with Solomon, II Sam 13, Ps 42 2 4 Total: 117 vv. 7. Divided Kingdom

151. Except for one tribe, the kingdom will be taken away from Solomon’s son, 930 B.C., I K 17 1 6 152. Ephraim will assume leadership in the N., particularly over Manasseh, Gen 61, Heb 47 2 5 153. Ten of the Hebrew tribes will be given to Jeroboam, I K 18 1 2 154. Jeroboam’s altar will be rent and its ashes poured out, I K 20 1 1 155. The prophet who predicted this but then disobeyed God will not return alive to Judah to be buried there, I K 21 1 1 156. The wife of Jeroboam will come disguised to see Ahijah, I K 22 1 1 157. Upon her return to Tirzah, Jeroboam’s son Abijah will die, I K 24 1 1 158. The dynasty of Jeroboam will be destroyed, 909, I K 23 1 1 159. Asa will be rewarded for having sought God, II Chron 23 1 2 160. But his unworthy alliance with Damascus will cause wars, II Chron 24 1 1 161. The dynasty of Baasha will be swept away, I K 26 1 2 162. By the word of Elijah, Ahab’s land will suffer a 3-year drought, I K 27 1 1 163. The ravens will feed Elijah until the brook Cherith dries up, I K 28 1 1 164. A widow in Zarephath will sustain him, I K 29 1 1 165. Her meal and oil will continue miraculously to be supplied during the drought, I K 30 1 1 166. There will then come an abundance of rain, I K 31 1 2 167. The man who rebuilds Jericho will do so at the cost of 2 sons, Josh 12 1 1 168. Ahab will win a victory over Ben-hadad II of Syria, 857, I K 35 1 2 169. Ben-hadad will attack again in the following year, I K 36 1 1 170. Ahab will win a second, decisive victory, 856, I K 37 1 1 171. After this battle, a lion will slay the man who disobeyed the prophet, I K 38 1 1 172. Ahab will fall and Israel suffer a major reverse at Ramoth-gilead, 853, I K 39 (II Chron 25) 2 9 173. The dogs will lick up Ahab’s blood, at Samaria, I K 40 1 1 174. For falsely predicting victory, Zedekiah will go into hiding, I K 44 (II Chron 26) 2 2 175. Jehoshaphat will suffer setbacks because of his alliance with N. Israel, II Chron 27 1 2 176. But he will experience God’s salvation against invaders, II Chron 28 1 4 177. Ahaziah of Israel will not recover from a fall but will die, 852, II K 1 1 3 178. Yahweh will take away Elijah from Elisha on the day of this revelation, II K 2 1 3 179. But Elisha will be given a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, II K 3 1 1 180. Jehoram of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah will find needed water in Edom, II K 4 1 1 181. Moab will be delivered up to the coalition, II K 5 1 1 182. A Shunammite woman will have a son, the next year, II K 7 1 1 183. A small supply of food will feed 100 of Elisha’s people, II K 9 1 1 184. A 7-year famine will come upon Israel, II K 19 1 1 185. After 848, Edom will shake off the yoke of Judah under Jehoram, Gen 54, Heb 46 2 1 186. Naaman the Syrian will be cleansed of his leprosy, II K 10 1 3 187. His disease will be transferred to Gehazi and his family, II K 12 1 1 188. The Syrians will come down to specified places seeking Jehoram, II K 14 1 1 189. In the steps of his own messenger, Jehoram will come to Elisha, II K 15 1 1 190. Samaria will be delivered from its desperate siege by the Syrians, II K 16 1 1 191. On the next day, food will be sold at reduced prices, II K 17 1 1 192. The captain at the city gate will see it but not share in it, II K 18 1 1 193. Ben-hadad II of Syria will not recover from his illness but will die, II K 20 1 1 194. Hazael will become king of Syria, ca. 843, I1 K 22 1 1 195. He will then slay many in Israel, *1 K 32, II K 21 2 3 196. Jehoram of Judah will have his household struck down, II Chron 29 1 1 197. He will suffer a serious disease of the bowels, 843-841, I1 Chron 30 1 1 198. The body of Ahab’s son Jehoram will fall in the field of Naboth, whom his father murdered, *1 K 43, II K 26 2 2 199. The dogs will eat the body of Jezebel by the ramparts of Jezreel, *1 K 42, 11 K 25 2 2 200. Ahab’s dynasty will be wiped out and their bodies left un-buried, 841, *1 K 41, II K 24 2 5 201. In taking Israel’s throne, Jehu will slay many people I K 33 1 - 202. Elisha too will cause the deaths of many, 1 K 34 1 -- 203. Reuben will diminish in numbers, Dt 48 1 1 204. Ephraim will enjoy military success, starting especially with Jehoash, 798, Dt 52 1 5 205. This monarch will win a great victory over Syria at Aphek, I1 K 33 1 3 206. He will smite the Syrians on 3 occasions, I1 K 34 1 2 207. The Edomites will serve the Hebrews, especially Amaziah, 796, Gen 50 (2nd stage) 1 1 208. Yet Amaziah will be destroyed for his idolatry: losing power in 790 and dying in 767, II Chron 31 1 1 209. Jeroboam II, 793-753, will restore the borders of Israel, from Lebo-hamath to the Dead Sea, II K 36 1 1 210. When Jonah is cast into the sea, it will become calm, Jonah 1 1 1 211. Though inside a fish, he will yet worship at God’s temple, Jonah 3 1 1 212. Jehu‘s dynasty will continue over Israel for 4 more generations, until 752, I1 K 27 1 2 213. But his bloodshed will then be avenged upon his house, Hos 1, Amos 17 2 2 214. There will be a great locust plague in Judah, ca. 735, Joel 5 1 12 215. But God will then remove it, Joel 6 1 8 216. Gaza will be burned by Tiglath-pileser III of Assyria, 734, Amos 3 1 2 217. The ruler of Ashkelon will be cut off: either Mitinti in 733, or Sidqia in 701, Amos 5 1 - 218. The 3½ northern tribes of Galilee and Transjordan will form an initial deportation of Israel, 733, Hos 23 1 1 219. The Kenites will then also be carried captive by Assyria, Num 40 1 1 220. Civil strife will mark the last days of N. Israel, Isa 36 1 3 221. The Syro-Ephraimitic alliance will be broken by Assyria; and Damascus will fall, 732, Isa 21, *Amos 2 2 17 222. Yet Ahaz will suffer calamities, even from his Assyrian allies, Isa 23 1 1 223. Because of Jeroboam’s sins, N. Israel will be rooted up, 722, *I K 25, II K 39, Isa 27, Hos 2, Amos 1, Mi 1 6 132 224. The family of Amariah priest of Bethel will suffer disgrace, loss of property, and death, Amos 18 1 2 225. Ephraim will go captive into Assyria and beyond, *Hos 16, Amos 13, Mi 2, Acts 36 4 17 226. Amaziah himself will die on foreign soil, Amos 19 1 - 227. Some gleanings of N. Israel will join with Hezekiah in his reforms, Isa 55 1 4 228. Moab will be devastated by Sargon’s sweep through that land in 715, Isa 53, *Amos 10 2 20 229. Also to suffer will be the Arabs of Kedar, Isa 61 1 5c 230. God will finally blot out the Amalekites, *Ex 43, Num 39 2 3 231. A shadow in Jerusalem will move backwards to confirm the word of Isaiah, Isa 89 (II K 45) 2 4 232. In 712 Hezekiah will be healed and granted 15 additional years of life, Isa 88 (II K 44) 2 6 233. Ashdod will be struck down by Sargon, 711, Isa 52, *Amos 4 2 4 234. The remnant of Moab will suffer even further through this campaign, Isa 54 1 2 235. Edom will undergo Assyrian attack, 711 and 701, Isa 69, *Amos 8, Obad 1 3 8 236. Shebna will lose his office over Hezekiah’s palace and later die in exile, Isa 62 1 3 237. Eliakim will receive the post and prosper, but later be cast down, Isa 63 238. Sennacherib will advance to overthrow Judah, 701, *Isa 18, Mi 3 2 58 239. Sidon will suffer, with some fleeing to Cyprus, only to fall there, Isa 65 1 1 240. One Assyrian army will follow a route down Pa1estine’s central ridge, Isa 38 1 5 241. Egypt too will advance into Palestine, Isa 28 1 - 242. But Pharaoh Shabaka will be routed at Eltekeh, 701, Isa 82 1 2 243. Sennacherib will accomplish widespread desolations in Judah, Isa 29 1 15 244. He will carry many into an Assyrian captivity, Mi 4 1 2 245. God will preserve Judah by destroying the invaders, *Isa 37 (II K 41, II Chron 36), Hos 3, Mi 35, I Cor 2 6 72 246. Sennacherib will return to Assyria, Isa 86 (II K 42) 2 6 247. Judah will enjoy peace, reformation, and recovery, Isa 81 (II K 47) 2 36 248. Sennacherib will fall by the sword in his own land, 681, Isa 87 (II K 43) 2 - 249, By 669 B.C., or 65 years after Ahaz, the Ephraimite people will have ceased, having become Samaritan, Isa 22 1 - 250. Tyre will be wasted and lose its (mainland) fortresses, to Ashurbanipal, 663, Isa 64, *Amos 7 2 13 251. At this same time Assyria will take Egypt captive, Isa 59 1 6 252. Barbaric Scythian horsemen will spread terror in Judah, 628-626, Jer 12 1 27 253. But as Assyria withdraws, Josiah will expand into Galilee, Nah 2 1 1 254. Remnants of N. Israel will be restored to God’s people, II Chron 34 1 1 255. Josiah (cited by name, 308 years in advance) will defile Jeroboam’s altar at Bethel, 622, I K 19 1 2 256. Ashdod will fall to Psamatik I of Egypt (663-609) after a 29-year siege, Zeph 4 1 - 257. Nineveh will be destroyed, 612, Ezek 42, *Nah 1, Zeph 12 3 39 258. Judah and Josiah will be broken by Necho II of Egypt at Megiddo, 609, Jer 3 1 5 259. Josiah will die in 609, prior to Babylon’s advance into the land, II K 49 (II Chron 37) 2 2 260. Jehoahaz (609) will never return to Judah but will die in Egyptian captivity, Jer 41 1 3 261. The Egyptians will fall before Babylon at Carchemish, 605, Jer 83 1 5 262. Gaza will be struck down by Necho, 605, Jer 85, *Zeph 2 2 - 263. Babylon will expand, after Carchemish, Hab 1 1 7 264. Nebuchadnezzar will destroy Ashkelon and take other Philistine cities, Jer 53 1 7 265. He will plunder and destroy among the Arab tribes, 598, Jer 25 1 8 266. Jehoiakim’s corpse will be left in unburied disgrace outside Jerusalem, 598, Jer 42 1 2 267. Judah will be defeated, lose its leaders, and be left in the hands of “children,” 597, *Isa 13, Jer 34 2 33 268. Jehoiachin will be given into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar and die in Babylon, Jer 33 1 6 269. He will be childless in respect to human descendants on the throne, Jer 43 1 3 270. The priest Pashhur and his family will go captive to Babylon and die there, Jer 39 1 1 271. The false prophet Hananiah will die during the year 593, Jer 60 1 1 272. The idolatrous leader Peletiah will experience sudden death, 592, Ezek 10 1 1 273. Nebuchadnezzar will select Judah for attack, over Ammon, Ezek 26 1 6 274. He will commence Jerusalem’s siege on a given date: Jan 15, 588, Ezek 30 1 2 275. Despite their temporary withdrawal in 588, the Babylonians will return to take the city, Jer 77 1 4 276. A year before the calamity, Jeremiah’s cousin will offer to sell him a field, Jer 71 1 2 277. God will guard Jeremiah and bring his enemies to him in supplication, Jer 2 1 8 278. Judah’s allies, especially Egypt, will desert her in her need, *Jer 63, Ezek 21 2 2 279. Jeremiah’s persecutors from Anathoth will fall by famine and the sword, Jer 28 1 4 280. Juda will fall to Babylon, 586, in corrective judgment, *Lev 33, Dt 13, Josh 27, I K 15, II K 48 (II Chron 19), Isa 5, Jer 1, Ezek 1, Hos 17, Amos 11, Mi 8, Hab 2, Zeph 1, Rom 16, Heb 39, I Pet 5 17 608 281. Zedekiah will seek to escape by breaking out of Jerusalem, Ezek 15 1 4 282. But he will be captured, blinded, and exiled by Nebuchadnezzar, *Jer 40, Ezek 16 2 20 283. As his household surrenders to the Chaldeans, they will blame the misguided king, Jer 79 1 2 284. Ebed-melech will escape with his life from those he fears, Jer 80 1 2 285. The godly as a whole will be protected from being slain, Ezek 8 1 2 286. For the others, Jerusalem will afford no protection, and they will be judged at Israel’s border, Ezek 9 1 3 287. God will destroy the temple, putting it out of His sight, *1 K 16 (II Chron 20), Jer 20, Ezek 31, Mi 9 5 9 288. The temple vessels will be carried to Babylon, Jer 58 1 - 289. At the close of 586, a refugee will bring word to Ezekiel in Babylon, who would then once again be able to speak unhindered, Ezek 32 1 3 Total: 1 1421 vv.

8. Exilic

290. As a member of the first group of exiles (taken in 605), Daniel will tell Nebuchadnezzar the interpretation of his dream, Dan 2 1 5 291. The bulk of Judah will go into captivity in 586, *Lev 34, Num 48, Dt 14, Isa 17 (II K 46), Jer 15, Ezek 3, Mi 21, Zech 17 9 55 292. A group will flee to Egypt, only to sell themselves into bondage, Dt 42 1 1 293. The Jews will be fearful, suffer calamities, and pine away in their exile, *Lev 35, Dt 41, Ezek 4, Amos 21 4 14 294. Jeremiah’s scribe Baruch will escape with his life, wherever he may flee. Jer 82 1 - 295. Judah’s civil rulers will cease during this period, Ezek 44 1 10 296. The false prophets Ahab and Zedekiah will be executed by Nebuchadnezzar for adultery, Jer 61 1 2 297. Many of the exiled Jews will lapse into idolatry, *Dt 15, Jer 36 2 1 298. The remnant still in Judah will experience further deportation, down to 582, Jer 16 1 1 299. The land of Israel will come to be desolate and essentially vacant, Ezek 43 1 3 300. Damascus will suffer a military setback, Jer 89 1 1 301. Tyre will suffer siege by the Chaldeans and be eclipsed for 70 years, 585-515, *Isa 66, Jer 54, Ezek 36 3 27 302. The Ammonites will fall to Babylon and go into captivity, 582, Jer 23, Ezek 28, *Amos 9 3 11 303. Moab will be overpowered as well, 582-581, Jer 24 1 42 304. Pharaoh Hophra will be given into the hands of those seeking his life, 569, Jer 81 1 1 305. Nebuchadnezzar will invade and pillage Egypt, 568-567, Jer 21, Ezek 41 2 35 306. The Jews who sought to escape him in Egypt will face extermination, Jer 49 1 20 307. But the land will recover from the invasion and continue as before, Jer 84 1 - 308. Nebuchadnezzar will suffer madness, for a period of 7 “times,” until he acknowledges God, Dan 12 1 17 309. In remembrance of His testament, God will preserve exiled Israel, *Lev 37, Jer 14, Ezek 11, Hos 26, Amos 22 5 7 310. Zedekiah will die in peace and receive honorable burial, Jer 76 1 2 311. A godly remnant will continue to exist, Isa 19 1 2 312. Others will seek to return to God and will find Him, *Dt 16, Jer 68, Ezek 6, Hos 7, Mi 34 5 29 313. The Edomites will be diminished by attack, probably from Nabunaid, 552, *Jer 22, Lam 4 2 9 314. The nations of the W. Fertile Crescent will serve Babylon for 70 years, or through 3 generations, starting from shortly before the oracle’s utterance in 604, up to 539, *Jer 29, Ezek 48 2 25 315. The Jewish exile will extend through a similar 70-year period, Jer 50, Dan 32 2 2 316. The family of the false prophet Shemaiah will not return from the captivity, Jer 62 1 1 317. The Hebrews’ exile will terminate approximately 390 years after the division of the kingdom in 930, after lasting for some 40 years after the final collapse, Ezek 2 1 3 318. Babylon will fall to Cyrus, 539, *Dt 46, Isa 47, Jer 51, Dan 13, Mi 38, Hab 3, Rom 27 7 145 Total: 471 vv.

9. Persian

319. Within the joint Medo-Persian empire, the Persian element will arise later but prove stronger, Dan 3 1 22 320. There will come a ruler named Cyrus to authorize Judah’s restoration, 538, Isa 98 1 9 321. Survivors of Judah will return from the Babylonian exile, 537, *Dt 43, Isa 20, Jer 37, Ezek 12, Hos 22, Obad 3, Mi 22, Nah 2, Zeph 6, Rom 15, II Cor 6, Heb 40 12 91 322. Zerubbabel will be present, as an offshoot of Jehoiachin, Ezek 22 1 1 323. Benjamin will be prominent, in God’s favor, Dt 51 1 1 324. A remnant of N. Israel will join with the southern tribes, II Chron 35, Jer 4, Ezek 19, *Hos 9, Obad 5, Mi 5 6 30 325. The temple vessels will be restored to Jerusalem, Jer 59 1 1 326. Other nations, such as Edom, will return from their Babylonian exile too, Jer 30 1 1 327. The Moabites will experience a restoration, Jer 86, 1 1 328. as will also the Ammonites, Jer 88, 1 1 329. and the Elamites, Jer 90 1 1 330. Jews that had been sold into slavery by Greek traders will return, Joel 17 1 1 331. Judah will progress because of faithful leaders, *Isa 6, Jer 5 2 3 332. It will abandon idolatry and dedicate itself afresh to God, Ezek 13 1 11 333. Regeneration will occur, and divine reconciliation, *Jer 48, Ezek 14 2 10 334. Elam will be assimilated into the empire of Cyrus, Jer 55 1 7 335. Proselytes will increasingly seek to join Judaism, Isa 50 1 - 336. Tyre will furnish materials for Judah’s reconstruction, Isa 67 1 1 337. Moab will be destroyed like Sodom, Ezek 33, *Zeph 7 2 3 338. After Cyrus-Cambyses II, Smerdis, and Darius I will arise in Persia, 529-485, Dan 40 1 1 339. Egypt will suffer from civil disorder and in 525 will fall before a cruel lord, Cambyses, *Isa 56, Ezek 40 2 72 340. He will raid into Ethiopia (Cush), Zeph 11 1 1 341. The temple will be reconstructed in Jerusalem, 520-515, Obad 4, Zech 1 2 16 342. Wealth from distant nations will assist the rebuilding, Hag 5, Zech 16 2 2 343. God will bestow general blessings of prosperity and joy, Jer 67, Ezek 39 2 33 344. The land of Edom will be taken over by the Nabatean Arabs, ca. 500, and the Edomites permanently driven out, Isa 83, Jer 32, Ezek 47, *Obad 2 4 46 345. Xerxes will stir up all the Persian empire against Greece, 480-479, Dan 41 1 1 346. Haman will fall before Mordecai, 473, Est 1 1 1 347. Ezra will begin to rebuild Jerusalem in troublous times, 458, aided by a Persian decree, though this process will extend over a full 49 years, Dan 37 1 2 348. Jerusalem’s restoration will be assured through its refortification by Nehemiah in 444, Neh 3, Jer 64, *Mi 37, Zech 2 4 4 349. After Artaxerxes III’s capture of Sidon in 345, some of its people will be sold by Jews into slavery in Arabia, Ezek 38, Joel 15, Zech 27 3 5 Total: 379 vv.

10. Greek

350. Damascus and other Syrian cities will fall to Alexander after the battle of Issus, 333, Zech 25 1 2 351. Tyre will be destroyed by Alexander, 332, *Ezek 37, Zech 26 2 24 352. Tyrians will be sold by Jews into slavery in Arabia, Joel 14 1 1 353. Philistia will submit to Alexander, and to Greek culture, Zech 28 1 2 354. The Greeks will storm Gaza, Nov., 332, Zech 29 1 - 355. Ashkelon will become depopulated, Zech 30 1 - 356. Accordingly, Philistines will be sold by Jews into slavery in Arabia, Joel 16 1 1 357. Alexander will protect the Jews and end Persian oppression, Zech 32 1 1 358. He will conquer Persia, 331, *Dan 4, Zech 3 2 17 359. At his death in 323, his empire will be seized by leading generals and divided into 4 major areas, Dan 23 1 3 360. Ptolemy I will be strong in Egypt, but his general Seleucus will become greater in Syria, Dan 42 1 1 361. The marriage alliance of Ptolemy II’s daughter to Antiochus II of Syria will fail, 247, Dan 43 1 1 362. Her brother Ptolemy III will invade northward, Dan 44 1 2 363. Seleucus II will be driven back from Egypt, ca. 240, Dan 45 1 1 364. Seleucus III and his brother Antiochus III will attack Egypt, Dan 46 1 1 365. Ptolemy IV will defeat Antiochus III at Raphia, 217, but fail to follow up his victory, Dan 47 1 1 366. Antiochus will reattack in 202; and though Scopas will recapture Palestine in 200, he will surrender to Antiochus in 198, and the land will be wasted by their conflicts, *Dan 48, Zech 47 2 6 367. Antiochus will be defeated by Rome in Asia Minor, 190, and afterwards die, Dan 49 1 2 368. Seleucus IV will attempt to rob the Jerusalem temple, Dan 50 1 1 369. Antiochus IV will usurp the Seleucid throne in Syria and attack surrounding lands, but he will be checked by Rome, Dan 24 1 11 370. Serious apostasy will arise among certain Hellenizing Jews, Dan 28 1 - 371. The sanctuary will be profaned for 2,300 days, beginning with the thefts by Lysimachus in 171, Dan 29 1 3 372. The corrupt, Hellenizing priests of Judah—Jason, Menelaus, and Lysimachus—will be cut off, Zech 49 1 1 373. Antiochus will attempt to stamp out Judaism and will defile the temple with his “abomination,” 168, Dan 26 1 10 374. By oppression, captivity, and martyrdom he will destroy faithful Jews, Dan 25, *Mi 23 2 7 Total: 104 vv.

11. Maccabean

375. Judas Maccabeus will defeat the Greeks of Antiochus, Dan 51, *Mi 24, Zech 40 3 11 376. He will devote their spoils to the Lord, Mi 25 1 - 377. In Dec., 165, he will cleanse the temple of its idolatrous Greek defilement, Dan 30 1 - 378. Antiochus will be “broken without hand” (die of sickness), 164, Dan 31 1 1 379. Judaism will prosper in Egypt, with even a temple (of Onias IV) in Heliopolis, 160, Isa 57 1 5 380. Philistia will be overcome by Simon, 148-146, *Amos 6, Obad 7, Zeph 3 3 4 381. The remnant of Judah will occupy it, Zeph 5 1 1 382. Philistia will then be incorporated into Israel, Zech 31 1 1 383. Judah will achieve a recognized independence, 143, Zech 41 1 3 384. Samaria will be occupied by John Hyrcanus, 128, Obad 8 1 1 385. Idumaea will be conquered by John Hyrcanus and incorporated into Israel, *Gen 50 (3rd stage), Num 38, Jer 31, Ezek 34, Obad 6, Mal 1 6 11 386. Ammon will be eliminated by the Nabatean Arabs, “children of the East,” Ezek 29 1 7 387. Parts of Transjordan will also be occupied by John Hyrcanus, Jer 87, *Obad 9, Zeph 8 3 2 388. The Jews will assume control of the territories around Sodom, S. of the Dead Sea, Ezek 18 1 2 Total: 49 vv.

12. Roman

389. From the west, Rome will afflict the Semitic Near East, *Num 41, Dan 5 2 6 390. God will bring an end to Jewish independence by means of the Romans, 63 B.C., *Mi 26, Zech 51 2 3 391. The last descendants of the Canaanites will be rendered sub-servient to outsiders, Gen 17 (4th stage) 1 1 392. Jewish factions, e.g. those of Antigonus II vs. Hyrcanus II, will devour each other, Zech 52 1 - 393. The Jewish parties will depart from God, Zech 50 1 - 394. The city of Babylon will be deserted, *Isa 49, Jer 52 2 34 395. God will give up Israel to degradation under Herod, preceding Christ’s birth, Mi 29 1 - Total: 44 vv.

13. Life of Christ

396. The virgin Mary will conceive a child through the Holy Spirit, *Isa 24, Mt 3, Lk 10 3 4 397. Elizabeth will bear a son, who will be called John (the Baptist), Lk 2 1 1 398. He will be filled with the Spirit, while yet unborn, Lk 6 1 1 399. Zachariah will be dumb until the birth of his son John, Lk 9 1 1 400. Mary will bear a son, Jesus, Mt 1, *Lk 11 2 - 401. He will be God, participating in the divine nature, *Ps 53, Isa 25, Zech 64, Mt 4, Lk 15 (Mk 26), Acts 16 7 12 402. Mary’s child will be the Son of God, *II Sam 12 (I Chron 18), Ps 41, Lk 12, Heb 1 5 2 403. His incarnation will bring the presence of God to men (type: tabernacle-temple), *Ex 55, Lev 1, Num 1, Dt 36, Josh 11, Jd 17, I Sam 2, II Sam 6, I K 1, II K 28, I Chron 1, II Chron 1, Ezra 1, Neh 5, Ps 7, Eccl 2, Isa 3, Jer 19, Lam 1, Ezek 5, Dan 1, Hos 25, Joel 2, Jonah 4, Zeph 13, Hag 1, Zech 7, Lk 1 (Mt 30, Mk 8), Acts 37, Heb 25 32 936 404. Yet He will have been with the Father from all eternity, Mi 28 1 - 405. He will come from heaven, as the bread of life (type: manna), *Ex 39, Num 17, Josh 9, John 14, I Cor 11 5 33 406. But He will be man, springing from the seed of woman, Gen 7, Mi 30 2 - 407. His deity will be veiled in flesh (type: veil of the tabernacle), *Ex 58, Lev 15, Num 5, II Chron 8, Mt 81, Heb 20 6 14 408. He will come from the Semitic branch of humanity, Gen 18 (2nd stage) 1 1 409. Within this branch, His descent will be from the family of Abraham, Gen 46 1 - 410. His family will be non-Levitical (type: Melchizedek), Gen 26, Heb 21 2 2 411. He will come rather from the royal tribe of Judah, Gen 67 1 1 412. He will be a shoot springing from the household of David, establishing his house forever, I Sam 30, *II Sam 11, I K 3, II K 23, I Chron 17, II Chron 15, Ps 40, Isa 39, Jer 45, Ezek 51, Amos 23, Zech 10, John 20, Acts 14, Heb 5 15 56 413. He will be a sprout from the specific Davidic offshoots of Jehoiachin and Zerubbabel, Ezek 23 1 3 414. He will be born in Bethlehem, *Mi 27, Mt 5, John 21 3 3 415. The angels of God will worship Him at His birth, *Dt 47, Heb 2 2 1 416. Simeon will not die until he has seen the Christ, Lk 21 1 1 417. Herod will seek the child to destroy Him, Mt 6 1 1 418. Jesus will be a néser, “branch,” from Nazareth, “branch town,” Isa 39 (2nd stage), Mt 7 2 2 419. He will grow up in lowly circumstances, *Isa 26, Zech 14 2 1 420. But He will trust in God from the time of his birth onward, Ps 16 1 1 421. Many will rejoice over John the Baptist, Lk 3 1 - 422. He will be great, Lk 4 1 - 423. As a Nazirite he will drink no alcohol, Lk 5 1 - 424. He will turn many to the Lord, *Mal 19, Lk 7 2 4 425. He will be a forerunner to Christ, the Elijah sent of God, *Isa 90, Mal 19, Mt 8 (Mk 1), Lk 8 (John 2) 6 26 426. Jesus, coming after John, will be greater than he, John 1 (Mt 11, Mk 3, Lk 29), Acts 51 5 9 427. He will be anointed by God’s Spirit for His ministry, *Ps 3, Isa 40, Dan 36, Mt 32, Lk 32, Heb 3 6 10 428. This will occur in A.D. 26, 483 years after the decree of Artaxerxes to Ezra, under which Jerusalem began to be rebuilt, Dan 34 1 - 429. John the Baptist will see the Spirit descending upon Christ, John 6 1 1 430. Jesus will be a man of purity (type: priests’ garments), *Ex 60, Lev 10, Num 28, I Sam 26, II Chron 13, Ezra 2, Neh 6, Ezek 59, Zech 6 9 36 431. He will be a man of holiness (type: miter-plate), *Ex 61, Lev 11 2 7 432. He will fulfill the righteous requirements of the law (type: meal offering), Ex 64, *Lev 4, Num 6, Josh 25, Jd 15, I K 14, II K 37, I Chron 22, II Chron 18, Ezra 9, Neh 10, Ps 12, Isa 95, Jer 35, Ezek 58, Joel 1, Amos 15, Heb 33 18 113 433. His life will be wholly surrendered to God (type: burnt offering), Ex 30, *Lev 3, Num 10, Dt 27, Josh 16, Jd 10, I Sam 11, II Sam 7, I K 6, II K 11, I Chron 8, II Chron 4, Ezra 4, Neh 11, Ps 13, Isa 2, Jer 17, Ezek 54, Dan 27, Hos 20, Amos 14, Mi 36, Mk 24, Heb 35 24 166 434. He will delight to do the Father’s will, Ps 27, Heb 34 2 6 435. He will be sinless (type: Paschal lamb), Ex 32 1 1 436. He will live under the Father’s protection, Zech 34 1 - 437. He will fulfill the role of the “Servant,” laboring in humility, *Isa 91, Zech 9, Mt 31, John 28, Rom 18 5 15 438. His ministry will be unpretentious, *Isa 92, Mt 33 2 4 439. He will be a prophet, like Moses, *Dt 35, John 3, Acts 20 3 8 440. He will proclaim deliverance to men held in their servitude (type: Year of Jubilee), *Lev 27, Num 50 2 28 441. He will bring light to those living in darkness in Galilee, *Isa 32, Mt 14 2 4 442. He will confront men with the decision of faith or disbelief in Himself, Lk 25 1 1 443. Under the Roman empire, God will set up His kingdom, which will be eternal, Dan 7 1 - 444. This kingdom will be one of justice, Zech 33 1 - 445. Christ’s ministry will include the healing of diseases, *Isa 101, Mt 23 2 2 446. By His ministry He will give men rest (type: sabbath), Gen 2, 41, Lev 23,Num 24, Dt 18, II K 8, I Chron 4, II Chron 7, Neh 9, Isa 4, Jer 38, Lam 2, Ezek 25, Hos 8, Amos 20, Col 3, Heb 11 17 88 447. Men will call Mary blessed, Lk 16 1 1 448. Peter will take a great catch of fish, Lk 33 1 1 449. He will later find a fish with a coin in its mouth, to pay the temple tax, Mt 46 1 1 450. Jesus will raise Lazarus from the dead, John 23 1 4 451. On Palm Sunday two of His disciples will find a donkey and its colt for Him to ride, Mk 20 (Mt 49, Lk 62) 3 6 452. The man who questions the disciples will yet send the donkey back to Jesus, Mk 21 (Mt 50) 2 2 453. Jesus will thus enter Jerusalem in triumph, *Zech 35, Mt 51, John 25 3 5 454. By His coming, He will constitute the glory of God within the temple, *Hag 6, Zech 5, Mal 10 3 7 455. To find the room for the Last Supper, Peter and John will meet a man with a water jar, Mk 43 (Lk 68) 2 4 456. Judas will arrive at the Garden of Gethsemane at a time stated by Christ, Mk 50 (Mt 79) 2 2 457. Jesus the Good Shepherd will be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver, Zech 53 1 1 458. At such a ransom price, He will repurchase men to God (type: Gomer’s redemption), Hos 14 1 1 459. The man who betrays Him will be one of the 12 disciples, Judas, John 17 (Mt 73, Mk 44, Lk 70) 4 20 460. The Lord’s disciples will be scattered, *Zech 66, Mk 47 (Mt 76, John 37) 4 3 461. The fate of Judas will make it better for him not to have been born, *Ps 51, Mk 45 (Mt 74, Lk 71, John 38) 5 16 462. His property will become desolate, *Ps 32, Acts 9 2 3 463. His money will go for the potter’s field, *Zech 34, Mt 80 2 3 464. Peter will deny Jesus 3 times before the cock crows twice, Mk 49 (Mt 78, Lk 74, John 32) 4 7 465. Gentile rulers will unite with the Jewish king and people in the Lord’s trial, *Ps 2, Isa 30, Acts 24 3 11 466. He will be lifted up in crucifixion that all who truly see may live (type: brazen serpent), *Num 30, II K 40 2 3 467. He will suffer from thirst and pierced limbs as men gamble for His clothes, *Ps 17, John 39 2 9 468. Men will wag their heads in mockery at His crucifixion, Ps 15 1 3 469. He will devote Himself to the work of priestly atonement (type: priests’ consecration), *Ex 63, Lev 8 2 24 470. He will be forsaken by God, while bearing men’s sins on the cross, Ps 14 1 2 471. His rejection by men will climax in His being slain, *Isa 99, Mk 7, *Lk 24 (Mt 25), John 11, Acts 19, I Pet 3 7 80 472. He will thus give up His life for men (type: blood), *Lev 20, Dt 29, I Sam 23, Heb 30 4 23 473. This will occur in A.D. 30, 3½ years after the commencement of His ministry, Dan 35 1 l 474. His life will be offered to God (type: altar), Gen 25, ’*‘Ex 44, Lev 12, Num 3, Dt 38, Josh 15, Jd 9, I Sam 8, Il Sam 22, I K 2, ll K 29, I Chron 3, II Chron 3, Ezra 3, Neh 13, Ps 25, Isa 85, Lam 3, Ezek 7, Joel 4, Mal 4, Mt 18 (Lk 45), Heb 24 24 117 475. He will execute the ultimately atoning sacrifice (type: priests), *Ex 59, Lev 24, Num 2, Dt 34, I Sam 5, ll Chron 16, Ps 59, Ezek 60, Joel 3, Zech 8, Mal 2, Heb 12 12 105 476. He will do so like Melchizedek (type: Me1chizedek’s priesthood), *Gen 27, Heb 22 2 1 477. He will be a priest “after the order [= manner] of Melchizedek,” *Ps 55, Heb 14 2 8 478. This will be a greater priesthood than the Levitical (type: Melchizedek’s greatness), *Gen 28, Heb 23 2 7 479. Christ will unite the offices of priest and king, with the priest coming first (type: Joshua’s crowns), Zech 13 1 2 480. He will bear the penalty of men’s sins (type: sin offering), Ex 63, “°Lev 6, Num 9, ll Sam 15, Il K 32, 11 Chron 32, Ezra 7, Neh 12, Ps 28, Ezek 55, Heb 36 11 157 481. He will actively redress the claims of God upon sinful men (type: trespass offering), *Lev 7, Num 7, II K 31, Ezra 10, Prov 2, Ezek 56 6 43 482. By performing His atoning ministry toward God, He will remove iniquity, *Job 4, Ps 9, Prov 4, Jer 66, Mi 40, Zech 11 6 20 483. He will thus fulfill the central concept of sacrifice (type: sacrifice), Gen 9, Ex 8, *Lev 2, Num 11, Dt 30, Josh 23, Jd 4, I Sam 1, II Sam 5, I K 5, II K 6, I Chron 7, II Chron 11, Ezra 6, Neh 4, Job 1, Ps 6, Prov 3, Eccl 3, Isa 1, Ezek 49, Hos 24, Amos 16, Jonah 2, Mal 3, Mt 17, Lk 20 (Mk 6), Acts 35 29 151 484. He will serve as an “atoning cover” between God and sinful men (type: mercy seat), *Ex 57, Lev 16, Num 12, I Chron 24, Heb 29 5 13 485. He will atone for the soul of each member of His people (type: the atonement money), Ex 66 1 6 r 486. He will return sin to its author, Satan, and break his hold over men (type: scapegoat), Lev 18 1 5 487. His death will constitute an atoning sacrifice and ransom before God, *Isa 100, Mt 2 (Mk 19), John 5, Acts 38, I Cor 16 6 22 488. He will be a redemptive substitute for sinful men (type: Passover), *Ex 31, Lev 25, Num 14, Dt 31, II K 50, II Chron 33, Ezra 8, Ezek 61, I Cor 5, Heb 50 10 72 489. He will make reconciliation for men to God, Gen 6 1 1 490. His divine presence will achieve testamentary reconciliation (type: the ark of the covenant), *Ex 56, Lev 17, Num 4, Dt 24, Josh 6, Jd 19, I Sam 10, II Sam 4, I K 4, I Chron 2, II Chron 2, Ps 57, Prov 1, Heb 28 14 160 491. He will justify men (type: the contrasting fall of Adam), *Gen 5, Rom 10, I Cor 23 3 12 492. He will wash men of their sins (type: laver), *Ex 67, Lev 9, Num 13, I K 11, II K 38, I Chron 20, II Chron 9, Jer 57 8 44 493. He will replace human unfitness with new life (type: circumcision), *Gen 42, Ex 15, Lev 13, Josh 7, Lk 18, John 19, Acts 34, Rom 5, Phil 3, Col 2 10 45 494. He will provide a new, cleansed life (type: pre-Calvary baptism), *Lk 27 (Mt 9, Mk 2, John 4), Acts 50 5 30 495. He will remove the illness of sin (type: the freed bird at the cleansing of lepers), Lev 14 1 9 496. The blood of Christ will cleanse the conscience (type: ashes of the red heifer), Num 27 1 23 497. He will bequeath men a testamentary inheritance of reconciliation with God (type: Edenic testament), II Cor 24,4 1 1 498. through the preservation of the seed of the woman (type: Noachian testament), Gen 16, 1 10 499. and by forfeiting His own life (type: Abrahamic testament), *Gen 30, Ex 1, Lev 36, Dt 17, II K 35, Neh 8, Ps 48 (1 Chron 10), Lk 19, Acts 22, Gal 3, 11 28 500. and through the elect nation of Israel (type: Sinaitic testament), *Ex 45, Lev 32, Dt 11, Josh 13, Jd 2, I K 13, II K 30, I1 Chron 12, Neh 1, Ps 24, Isa 68, Jer 26, Ezek 17, Dan 33,Hos 21, Hag 2, Zech 39, Mal 8, Rom 12, Gal 5, Eph 5, Heb 27, 22 98 501. and by priestly atonement (type: Levitical testament), *Num 43, Neh 14, Ps 50, Mal 7, 4 7 502. and through the seed of David (type: Davidic testament), II Sam 19, II Chron 22, Ps 39, Isa 105, Jer 74 5 7 503. Christ will embody in His Person the entire concept of the testament, *Isa 93, Dan 39, II Cor 4 3 4 504. He will bring His saving help to Israel, *Lk 17, Acts 62 2 16 505. He will restore men’s communion with God (type: peace offering), Ex 29, *Lev 5, Num 8, Dt 28, Josh 17, Jd 18, I Sam 12, II Sam 8, I K 9, II K 12, I Chron 9, II Chron 17, Ps 26, Isa 94, Jer 18, Ezek 57, Hos 19, Amos 12, Mk 25, Heb 32 20 114 506. He will provide men the water of eternal life (type: water from the rock in Horeb), Ex 42, I Cor 12 2 2 507. Christ’s body will suffer no broken bone (type: Paschal lamb), *Ex 33, Num 15, John 40 3 5 508. But it will be pierced on the cross, *Zech 65, John 41 2 2 509. God will answer Him and receive Him after His sufferings, Ps 18 1 3 510. He will present His work of full atonement to His Father in heaven (type: Day of Atonement), Ex 65, *Lev 19, Num 45 3 23

4 Cf. Gen 6 (No. 88, above), though at that point the revelation of the Edenic testament is not in typical form. There its structure is that of a simple, though figurative prophecy. One finds neither the term b’rīth (as in the Noachian testament) nor the typifying of Christ’s death through the use of dismembered animals (as in the Abrahamic). 511. The repentant thief on the cross will be with Him in paradise, Lk 75 1 1 512. Christ’s body will be anointed in preparation for burial, Mk 41 (Mt 71, John 24) 3 19 513. In honor of His sinlessness, it will be placed in the tomb of a rich man, Joseph of Arimathea, *Isa 102, I Cor 17, I Pet 7 3 2 514. He will be buried for 3 days, paralleling the experience of Jonah, Mt 35 (Lk 40) 2 4 515. On the third day He will rise again from the dead, Ps 11, Isa 103, Hos 18, Mt 43 (Mk 11),Lk 35, John 8, Acts 13, I Cor 18, Heb 15, I Pet 4 11 33 516. He will breathe the Spirit upon His disciples, to quicken and to instruct them, John 30 1 13 517. He will regather them in Galilee, *Zech 67, Mk 48 (Mt 77), John 34 4 7 518. The disciples will make a miraculous catch of fish, John 44 1 1 519. Peter will repent of his denial of Christ and be restored, Lk 73 1 1 520. Jesus will ascend into heaven, *Ps 8, Lk 46 (Mt 29, Mk 27), John 16, Acts 15, I Cor 22, Heb 6 8 40 521. He will crush Satan by casting him down from his place of power, *Gen 8, Job 10, John 26 3 3 522. At His ascension, He will achieve mankind’s lost dominion by being crowned with glory (type: Adam’s status), Gen 1 1 2 Total 3348 vv. (Nontypical, 574; typical, 2774)

14. Church

524. After His passion, He will honor the name of God in the midst of the church, *Ps 19, Heb 8 2 5 525. Through Christian baptism, God will wash away guilt and mediate salvation (type: the ark of Noah), Gen 13, I Pet 8 2 9 526. Its observance will mark release from the enemy and protection in a new life (type: the cloud at the Red Sea), *Ex 36, I Cor 9 2 4 527. It will symbolize death to former bondage and the way to God’s heritage (type: crossing through the Sea), *Ex 37, I Cor 10 2 1 528. The Christian communion service will mediate life that comes from Christ’s flesh and blood, *Ps 20, John 15 2 7 529. The apostolic office of Judas will be taken by another, *Ps 52, Acts 10 2 3 530. The fullness of God’s Spirit will be poured out at Pentecost, Isa 96, *Joel 8, Lk 30 (Mt 12, Mk 4), John 7, Acts 1, Gal 2, Eph 1 9 20 531. Pentecost will fulfill Christ’s earlier, symbolical act by which He bestowed power (type: His breathing on the disciples), John 42 1 1 532. Peter and Andrew will become fishers of men: e.g., 3,000 at Pentecost, Mk 5 (Mt 15, Lk 34) 3 3 533. Christ will send His apostles to the Jewish people, Lk 43 (Mt 54) 2 1 534. His followers will be witnesses to Him in Jerusalem, Acts 4 1 - 535. Through Peter the church will be built, Mt 41 1 1 536. By their preaching, leaders of the Christian church will hold the keys to heaven, Mt 42 (John 43) 2 3 537. For her falsehood, Sapphira will meet the same fate as her husband, Acts 25 1 1 538. The Jews will persecute and kill some of the apostles and other church leaders, Lk 44 (Mt 27, Mk 32), John 36 4 39 539. Christ’s followers will be witnesses for Him in all Judea, Acts 5, 1 - 540. and in Samaria, Acts 6 1 - 541. The church will be sown among the nations, Zech 42 1 1 542. A believing remnant will continue in Palestine, Zech 48 1 2 543. In Damascus Saul will be told God’s plans for his life, Acts 39 1 2 544. Ananias will restore his sight, Acts 40 1 1 545. The Lord will show him how much he must suffer for Him, Acts 44 1 - 546. And he will thereafter suffer for the name of Jesus, Acts 45 1 1 547. But the Lord will deliver him from the Jewish people, Acts 60 1 1 548. Christ will continue to appear to Paul, with revelations about which he is to witness, Acts 59 l 1 549. In Jerusalem the Jews will not accept his testimony but force him to flee, Acts 55 1 1 550. Peter will preach words by which Cornelius and his household will be saved, Acts 46 1 3 551. Gentiles will be included in the church as part of the true Israel of God, *Gen 19 (and 41, 2nd stage), Dt 44, Ps 38, Isa 97, Jer 6, Hos 4, Joel 12, Amos 24, Mi 31, Zech 4, Mal 5, John 22, Acts 21, Rom 7, II Cor 7, Gal 1, I Pet 6 17 49 552. A great famine will occur under Claudius (A.D. 41-54), Acts 48 1 1 553. James and John will suffer death and sorrow, as did Jesus, Mk 18 (Mt 48) 2 1 554. Elymas the magician will suffer temporary blindness, Acts 49 1 1 555. Paul will be Christ’s special apostle to the Gentiles, Acts 41 1 3 556. But he will also witness to the Jews, Acts 43 1 - 557. Gentiles will come to replace the Jews as God’s people, Lk 63 (Mt 52, Mk 22) 3 4 558. In time, the gospel will cause the customs of Moses to be set aside, Acts 28 1 - 559. The church will proclaim Christ’s message of peace to the nations before his return, *Isa 69, Zech 37, Mk 33 (Mt 59), Lk 22, Acts 7, Rom 21, Gal 6 8 17 560. The church will experience a remarkable growth, *Ezek 24, Mt 40, Mk 9 (Lk 50), John 33, Acts 26 6 17 561. Satan will be crushed under their feet, *Gen 8 (2nd stage), Rom 29 2 1 562. Christ will deliver Paul from Gentile persecution, Acts 61 1 - 563. He will shield him from harm in Corinth, A.D. 50-51, Acts 52 1 1 564. But bonds and imprisonment will await him in Judea, 56-58, Acts 53 1 7 565. Paul will witness to Christ before kings, Acts 42 1 - 566. In the storm on his way to Rome, the ship will be wrecked on an island but all on board will be saved, Acts 63 1 7 567. Paul will witness in Rome itself, Acts 57 1 1 568. After his departure, wolflike false teachers will draw away disciples in Ephesus, Acts 54 (cf. I John 1) 1 2 569. Peter will suffer execution in his old age, AD. 64, John 31 1 1 570. Shortly before this he was told: It will come soon, II Pet 1 1 2 571. In the same period, the church at Smyrna will undergo a limited tribulation, Rev 5 1 1 572. God will keep the church at Philadelphia during this hour of trial, Rev l1 1 1 573. The false prophetess Jezebel will succumb to sickness at Thyatira, Rev 8 1 1 574. The Jews will suffer from factional strife up until A.D. 70, Zech 55 1 1 575. The high priest Ananias will be assassinated, Acts 56 1 1 576. False christs will arise, Lk 56 (Mt 57, Mk 30) 3 13 577. During the 3½ years of the Jewish war with Rome, 66-70, the church in Jerusalem will be protected, Rev 31 1 3 578. There will be wars, earthquakes, and famines, Mk 31 (Mt 58, Lk 65) 3 8 579. Nero’s successor Galba will remain a little while, 68-69, Rev 37 1 3 580. Jerusalem will fall to the Romans, 70, Dan 38, *Mi 39, Zech 36 (and 66, 2nd stage), Mal 6, *Mt 28 (Mk 15), Lk 23, I Thess 2 8 62 581. The temple will be destroyed, *Mt 55 (Mk 29, Lk 64), Acts 27 4 12 582. The Jewish people will be scattered and suffer affliction, *Mi 18, Zeph 15, Zech 68 3 - 583. They will long abide without king or sacrifice, or idolatry (type: Gomer’s seclusion), Hos 15 1 2 584. The future Messianic kingdom will not appear immediately, Lk 60 (Mt 67) 2 1 585. The church will witness from generation to generation of Calvary love, Ps 23 1 3 586. In the 4th century Rome will suffer decay and be divided into the E. and W. empires, Dan 6 1 3 587. The city of Rome will fall, officially A.D. 476, *Num 42, Zech 56, Rev 40 3 31 588. It will be succeeded by a balance of power, *Dan 10, Rev 36 2 5 589. Egypt will be a leading Christian nation, 3rd-7th centuries, one with Israel and Assyria, Isa 58 1 3 590. The Ephesian church will come to an end, 1308, Rev 3 1 1 591. Good and bad together will grow up in this age, Mt 38 1 9 592. Its course will be marked by acts of aggression, Rev 15 1 2 593. Following upon such acts will come warfare, Rev 16 1 2 594. The result of war will be famine, Rev 17 1 2 595. The final result will be an extraordinary death rate, Rev 18 1 2 596. Mary’s act of anointing Jesus will be remembered, Mk 42 (Mt 72) 2 2 597. Rechabites will survive to worship God, Jer 78 1 2 598. Apostasy will characterize the time preceding Christ’s return, *Lk 59, II Thess 7, I Tim 1, II Tim 8, II Pet 4, 5 9 599. and a corresponding moral decline, *II Tim 4, Jude 7 2 12 600. Particularly, mockers will deny the promise of Christ’s coming II Pet 8 1 5 601. Yet believers may “hasten the day” through acts of consecration, II Pet 10 1 - 602. Antichrist will arise to power, by overthrowing 3 states, *Dan 14, II Thess 8, I John 1, II John 1, Rev 45 5 14 603. He will speak blasphemies against the Most High, Dan 15 1 - 604. He will seek to change seasons and laws ordained by God, Dan 21 1 - 605. Yet he will have support from organized religion, the “false prophet,” Rev 50 1 1 606. The restraint of lawlessness by responsible government will be set aside, II Thess 9 1 2 607. The great tribulation will occur preceding Christ’s coming, Isa 70, *Dan 20, Zech 43, Mk 34 (Mt 60), Rev 20 6 13 608. It will last for an indefinite amount of “times,” Dan 22 1 4 609. The archangel Michael will protect God’s people during this tribulation by the Antichrist, Dan 53 1 - 610. There will be a community of unconverted Jews in Jerusalem at the time of Christ’s return, Zech 63 1 - Total: 481 vv. (Nontypical, 464; typical, 17)

15. Christ’s Second Coming

611. The return of Christ will occur at any time; it is imminent, Mt 66, *Lk 47 (Mk 39), Rom 25, Phil 5, James 4, I Pet 10, Rev 1 8 49 612. It will be announced by “the wrath of God,” including a great earthquake and divine punishments upon the world, *Isa 48, Jer 13, II Thess 1, Rev 19 4 35 613. There will be particular, heavenly phenomena, *Joel 9, Zech 72, Mk 35 (Mt 61, Lk 66), Acts 11, Rev 21 7 18 614. Hail, fire, and a blood-red rain will destroy a third of the earth, Rev 24 1 1 615. A malignant sore will come upon those who serve the Antichrist-beast, Rev 44 1 3 616. The sea will become blood, so that all life in it will die, Rev 25 1 3 617. The world’s fresh-water springs and rivers will become bitter; and the remainder, blood, causing death for a large number, Rev 26 1 6 618. Because of false security, many will be overwhelmed by this wrath of God, *Lk 57 (Mt 65), I Thess 8 3 15 619. Yet God will protect His church from harm, as they pass through its initial stages, *1 Thess 9, Rev 22 2 14 620. They will rather experience joy in their hearts, II Pet 3 1 1 621. Christ will return, visibly, Job 6, *Ps 45 (I Chron 13), Isa 77, Dan 19, Mi 6, Zech 18, Mal 11, Mt 44 (Mk 13), Lk 37, John 45, Acts 8, Rom 23, I Cor 1, Eph 6, Phil 1, Col 4, I Thess 1, II Thess 3, I Tim 2, II Tim 6, Titus 1, Heb 31, James 3, I Pet 2, II Pet 2, I John 2, Rev 2 29 63 622. His appearing will cause a temporary suspension to the wrath of God, Rev 23 1 1 623. A mighty army of angels will accompany Him, *Joel 18, Zech 71, Mt 45 (Mk 14, Lk 38), II Thess 4 6 - 624. Creation will rejoice at His return and be released from its curse, *Ps 44 (I Chron 12), Isa 43, Hos 11, Hab 4, Rom 11 6 19 625. Christ will send angels with a great trumpet to assemble His own, *Isa 79, Mt 63, I Cor 25, I Thess 5 4 - 626. The archangel Michael will utter his voice, I Thess 4 1 - 627. The souls of the righteous dead, accompanying Christ on His return, will experience “the first resurrection” and be reunited with their bodies, Job 7, Ps 10, *Isa 76, Dan 55, Hos 28, Lk 55 (Mt 43, Mk 23), John 13, Acts 23, Rom 19, I Cor 8, II Cor 3, Phil 4, I Thess 3, Rev 32 16 54 628. Their resurrected bodies will be imperishable, marked by power and life, I Cor 15 1 23 629. The prophet Daniel will share in this resurrection, Dan 58 1 1 630. The living church will be caught up, “raptured” to meet Christ in the clouds, Isa 78, Dan 54, *Hos 27, Joel 10, Zech 22, Lk 58 (Mt 62, Mk 36), Acts 12, Rom 17, I Thess 6, II Thess 2, Rev 41 13 21 631. In His presence our bodies will be changed, conformed to the body of His glory, *Rom 9, I Cor 24, Eph 2, Col 1, II Thess 12, I John 3 6 20 632. The time is known only to the Father, *Zech 73, Mk 38 (Mt 64), Acts 3 4 3 633. The Jews will repent, in mourning, and accept Christ, *Isa 31, Hos 5, Zech 62, Lk 53 (Mt 56), Rom 20, Heb 9, Rev 33 8 23 634. This includes the nation as a whole, though perhaps not every individual, Rom 22 1 - 635. The wrath of God will resume, with “the three woes,” Rev 27 1 3 636. Misled by Satan, the world will take up military preparation against Christ, Rev 28 1 13 637. The first wave of forces opposing Him will gather to a valley designated “Jehoshaphat,” near Jerusalem, Joel 13 1 7 638. The city will be ravaged and half the population captured, Zech 57 1 2 639. Jesus’ feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Zech 69 1 - 640. The raptured church will return with Him to the Holy Land, Isa 80, *Joel 11, Mi 7, Zech 23, I Thess 7, Rev 38 6 3 641. The converted Jews will be rescued from Jerusalem by a special valley leading to Olivet, Zech 70 1 2 642. God will strengthen Christ, His “anointed,” the Messiah, I Sam 4 1 1 643. The Jews will become allies of the church against the foe, Zech 59 1 1 644. Christ will make Jerusalem victorious over the siege and disastrous to its attackers, Ps 46, *Zech 58 2 13 645. From Jerusalem He will attack and overpower the besieging pagans in the valley of Jehoshaphat, *Joel 19, Rev 42 2 4 646. But there will be discrimination, so that some are left, Zech 61 1 1 647. Jerusalem will be resettled and restored, Zech 60 1 1 648. The Messianic marriage feast of the Lamb will be observed on Mount Zion, *Ps 22, Isa 75, Lk 48 (Mt 75, Mk 46), Eph 7, Rev 49 7 10 649. Gentiles from all quarters will sit at the banquet with Abraham, Lk 51 (Mt 21) 2 6 650. The church’s former act of eating around “the Lord’s table” will be fulfilled in this feast (type: Lord’s Supper), *Lk 69, Acts 18, I Cor 13 3 20 651. The agapé, or love feast, will have a similar accomplishment (type: love feast), Jude 3 1 1 652. A flying angel will proclaim the eternal gospel, appealing to men on earth, Rev 39 1 2 653. The Euphrates and Nile will be dried up, *Isa 45, Zech 44 2 1 654. The world’s armies will assemble against Christ, those from the east crossing the dry bed of the Euphrates, Rev 29 1 13 655. When opposed by Egypt, the Antichrist will attack there but will spare Transjordan before advancing to the area of Armageddon, Dan 52 1 5 656. Young believers will willingly offer themselves to Christ for His Armageddon campaign, Ps 54 1 1 657. A group of “principal men” will serve as particular leaders, Mi 33 1 - 658. The church will follow her Lord into battle, Rev 48 1 1 659. The armies led by the Antichrist will be destroyed by Jesus at Armageddon, *Num 36, Dt 40, I Sam 3, Ps 4, Isa 34, Jer 65, Dan 8, Zeph 9, Zech 45, II Thess 11, Heb 38, Rev 47 12 46 660. In the process, the land of Assyria will be wasted by the sword, Mi 32 1 2 661. The Messiah will strike through the head of the Antichrist over a wide land, *Ps 56, Isa 42, II Thess 10 3 2 662. The Antichrist, or “beast,” will be cast into the lake of fire, *Dan 17, Rev 46 2 1 Total: 535 vv. (Nontypical, 514; typical 21)

16. Millennium

663. Satan will be overcome by Christ and bound during the millennial period, *Gen 8 (3rd stage), Isa 71, Dan 18, Rev 51 4 6 664. Jesus will rule the earth as Messiah, *Gen 68, I Sam 4, Ps 5 (I Chron 14), Isa 11, Ezek 27, Dan 9, Obad 10, Mi 14, Zech 15, Mt 34, Lk 13 (Mk 28), Acts 17, Rom 26, I Cor 21, Eph 4, II Tim 7, Heb 7, Rev 30 20 63 665. His kingdom will be worldwide, *Ps 35, Zech 38 2 1 666. God’s true Israel will permanently repossess the land of Canaan, Gen 24 (2nd stage) 1 12 667. Unrepentant Jews will be removed, Zeph 17 1 - 668. Repentant Jews will return to Palestine, assisted by Gentiles, Isa 44, Jer 10, *Hos 6, Mi 17, Zeph 16 5 19 669. God will establish His ultimate Testament of Peace, Lev 31, Isa 104, *Ezek 45, Rom 24, II Cor 5 5 15 670. There will be peace, as all violence is restrained by God’s presence, *Lev 29, Isa 12, Jer 47, Hos 12, Joel 7, Mi 15, Zeph 18, Zech 12 8 21 671. His rule will be in righteousness and goodness, *lI Sam 18, Ps 31,Isa 35,Jer 46 4 11 672. He will proclaim deliverance from servitude (type: Year of Jubilee, 2nd stage), *Lev 27, Num 50 2 28 673. Crops will be abundant and prosperity general, *Ex 49, Lev 28, Dt 39, Ps 34, Isa 14, Ezek 46, Hos 13, Joel 21, Amos 25, Eph 3, Heb 41, I Pet 1 12 31 674. Those not in resurrection bodies will attain to a full length of life, *Ex 52, Zech 21 2 1 675. They will enjoy supernatural life spans, Isa 107 1 4 676. There will be a healing of infirmities and a freedom from disease, *Ex 50, Dt 22, Isa 84 3 4 677. There will be an absence of barrenness or miscarriages, with a resulting multiplication, *Ex 51, Lev 30, Dt 21, Isa 33 4 6 678. God’s people will be characterized by a Spirit-given holiness and obedience, to do His commandments, *Dt 45, Isa 15 Jer 11, Zeph 14, Zech 20, Mal 12 6 25 679. There will be joy and praise, *Isa 46, Zeph 19, Jude 8 3 22 680. The overall purpose is that Christ may be glorified in His people, II Thess 6 1 1 681. The saints will enjoy communion with God (type: peace offerings, 2nd stage); see No. 505, above 20 114 682. Christ will have a particular concern for the poor, *Ps 36, Isa 41 2 3 683. The land of Israel will possess enlarged borders and be divided into E-W strips for the 12 tribes, Ezek 63 1 31 684. The territory of Judah will be leveled, but Jerusalem will be elevated, *1sa 7 (Mi 10), Zech 75 3 3 685. The city will have specified borders and surrounding lands, Ezek 65 1 11 686. There will be a temple and sacrifice in Jerusalem, *Isa 8 (Mi 11), Ezek 52, Jer 73, Zech 78, Mal 13 6 9 687. Levites will continue to serve in the sanctuary, *Dt 50, Jer 72 2 2 688. The kingdom will center in Jerusalem and its temple, where the Shekinah (glory cloud) of Yahweh will reside, *Isa 16, Jer 8, Ezek 66, Joel 20, Zeph 20, Zech 19 6 5 689. The presence of God’s Holy Spirit will be assured, Isa 106 1 1 690. A stream will proceed from the temple to bring water to surrounding areas, Ezek 62, *Joel 22, Zech 74 3 12 691. God’s people will be reestablished as a permanent political entity, Jer 69 1 3 692. The apostles will sit on thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel, Mt 47 (Mk 17, Lk 72) 3 6 693. Certain undershepherds, from the church, will assist in the Messiah’s rule, Jer 44 1 3 694. God’s people will enjoy a privileged status of power, Dt 37, *Isa 51, Dan 16, Mi 19, Zech 46, Lk 49, Acts 2, Rom 6, I Cor 6, II Tim 2, Rev 9 11 62 695. Former Jews will come to worship at their feet, Rev 10 1 1 696. Christians will even preside over angels, I Cor 7 1 1 697. All nations will worship God and the Messiah, *Gen 47, Ps 21, Isa 9 (Mi 12), Jer 9, Zeph 10, Zech 24, Rom 28, Rev 43 9 30 698. This will constitute their true “ingathering” (type: Feast of Tabernacles), *Ex 46, Lev 26, Num 46, Dt 32, I K 12 (II Chron 10), Ezra 5, Neh 7, John 18 9 34 699. The Feast of Tabernacles will be observed annually, Zech 76 1 - 700. Yet the world will not see a total conversion, Mi 16 1 1 701. A national group that fails to go up to worship will have no rain, Zech 77 1 3 702. Egypt will be desolate because of its former acts of violence Joel 23, 1 1 703. as will also the land of Edom, Joel 24 1 1 704. Those who escape from Armageddon will evangelize the nations, Isa 108 1 1 705. Nations will experience conversion and be incorporated into Israel, *Ps 29, Jer 75, Ezek 64 3 4 706. God’s truth will be universally taught, *Isa 10 (Mi 13), Rev 54 3 1 707. God will take some of the Gentiles for priests and Levites, Isa 109 1 1 708. Christ’s rule, while Satan is bound, will last 1,000 years, Rev 52 1 - Total: 614 vv. (Nontypical, 438; typical, 176)

17. Final Judgment

709. Satan will be released and deceive the nations, but Gog and his allied nations will be overthrown in their postmillennial revolt, *Jer 56, Ezek 53, Hag 4, Rev 34 4 60 710. Christ will finally destroy Satan, casting him into the lake of fire, *Gen 8 (4th stage), Isa 72, Rev 55 3 7 711. Heaven and earth will pass away, *Gen 14, Job 3, Ps 47, Isa 73, Hag 3, Mt 16 (Mk 37, Lk 67), Heb 4, II Pet 9, Rev 56 11 20 712. At the voice of Christ, all those who are yet dead will rise from their graves in a general resurrection, *Job 2, Dan 56, Lk 41 (Mt 36), John 12, Acts 58, I Cor 19, I1 Tim 3, Heb 16, Rev 53 10 22 713. There will be a final judgment to determine the eternal destiny of all men, *Eccl 1, Mt 68 (Lk 61), Acts 47, Rom 2, Phil 2, II Tim 5, Heb 17, Rev 35 9 28 714. The righteous will be justified (by faith) to eternal life in the New Jerusalem, though also judged for reward according to their works, *Job 5, Mal 16, Mt 20, Mk 10, Lk 54, Rom 3, I Cor 3, II Cor 1, Gal 7, II Tim 1, James 1, I Pet 11, I John 4, II John 2, Rev 12 15 46 715. A saved man may yet suffer loss of reward, if his works are found to be unworthy, I Cor 4 1 3 716. Demons will be condemned, *Mt 24, Jude 2 (II Pet 6) 3 3 717. The ungodly will be sentenced to the ultimate hell of the lake of fire, Job 8, *Ps 1, Mal 14, Mt 19 (Mk 12, Lk 36), John 29, Rom 1, I Cor 14, James 2, I Pet 9, II Pet 5, Jude 1 13 65 718. Jews, though once chosen people, will be among the condemned, Lk 52 (Mt 22) 2 7 719. Gentiles will serve to condemn them, *Lk 42 (Mt 37), Rom 4 3 5 720. There will be differences in the punishments measured out, depending upon degrees of enlightenment, Lk 39 (Mt 26) 2 8 721. Angels will be employed to execute the sentences, Mt 39 1 4 722. Christ will finally offer up His mediatorial kingship to God the Father, I Cor 20 1 1 Total: 279 vv.

18. New Jerusalem

723. God will rule over Israel forever, *II Sam 14 (I Chron 19), II Chron 21, Ezek 50, Dan 11, Amos 26, Mi 20, Lk 14 8 8 724. The Messiah will be eternal, *Ps 37, John 27, Heb 5 3 3 725. There will be shining rewards for those who are faithful to the Lord, Dan 57 1 - 726. Zerubbabel will be particularly rewarded, with closeness to God, Hag 7 1 1 727. Jerusalem will abide forever, *Ps 30, Jer 70, Joel 25 3 2 728. Specifically, there will descend from heaven to a transformed world the New Jerusalem, characterized by the glory of God, Rev 14 1 8 729. The righteous will be gathered in to the blessedness of this New Jerusalem of God, *Isa 74, Mt 13 (Lk 31), Heb 52, II Pet 11, Rev 13 6 35 730. There they will experience final life, a “healing” of the nations, *Mal 17, Rev 4 2 14 731. All will appear to worship God on the new moons and sabbaths, Isa 110 1 1 732. The redeemed will enjoy unimpaired fellowship with God (type: the millennial temple), as in No. 686 above—*Isa 8 (Mi 11), Ezek 52, Jer 73, Zech 78, Mal 13 6 9 733. They will share in a perfected life (type: tree of life), Gen 3 1 3 734. There will be a lake of fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, Mt 69 1 - 735, The wicked will suffer the torments of this hell fire, *II Sam 20, Isa 111, Mal 18, Mt 10 (Mk 16, Lk 28), John 35, II Thess 5, Heb 37, Jude 4 (II Pet 7), Rev 7 12 42 736. But the righteous will not be harmed by such “second death,” Rev 6 1 1 737. Men will reverence God forever, Ps 33 1 1 Total: 128 vv. (Nontypical, 116; typical, 12)

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