Course Discipline and s10

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Course Discipline and s10



Date: 8/26/15 Prepared & Submitted by: Ricardo Espinosa Department: Kinesiology and Course Discipline and Number: KIN 125A Athletics Course Title: Soccer - Beginning Short title: SOCCER - BEG Units: Lecture: Lab: Number of weeks: LEH Factor: .5 - 1 0 1.5 - 3 18 .65 Credit Status: Credit - Degree Applicable Credit - Non Degree Applicable Non Credit TOP Code: Classification: Non Credit Category: Occupational Code (SAM): 0000.00 Y Credit Course Y Credit Course E Non-Occupational

Course Numbering System: 0-99 Transfer & Degree Appropriate 99, 199, 299 Emergency, One Term, Special Topics Course 100-198 Degree Appropriate & Potential Transfer 200-298 Associate Degree Appropriate & Non Transfer 300s Not Degree Applicable, Non Transfer Occupational 400s Developmental courses 500s Special Populations (see College Catalog for complete descriptions) 600s Adult Education 700s Non Credit

DEPARTMENT CHAIR AND AREA DEAN: Obtain signatures from your Department Chair and Area Dean prior to submitting to the curriculum committee. ______Date Print Name Department Chair ______Date Print Name Area Dean ______Date Print Name Distance Education Coordinator (if needed)

CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTIONAL ADMINISTRATION: The course(s) has/have been approved by the curriculum committee and instructional administration, and satisfy all applicable requirements of the California Code of Regulations, Title 5.

______Date Print Name Signature, Curriculum Chair ______Date Print Name Signature, VP of Instruction

DISTRICT: On ______(date), the governing board of the Gavilan College District approved the course proposal(s) attached to this request. ______Date Print Name President

1. Anticipated first term of offering: Fall Spring Summer Year: 2016-17

2. Course Description: Coeducational activity designed for beginning soccer students. Includes the basic skills and rules. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Courses should be taken in sequential order.

3. Has the course content been compared to the equivalent C-ID descriptor? Yes No n/a C-ID code: If yes, see the Articulation Officer for assistance with C-ID descriptors.

4. Will course be cross-listed? Yes No If yes, which department is responsible for scheduling, updating, and assessing the course?

Reason for cross-listing:

5. Justification of recommendation for new course: (e.g. requirement for major’s sequence, general education, trends in field or scholarship, etc. List agencies, groups, resources consulted to determine need: State Boards, advisory committees, surveys, other colleges’ offerings, etc.) Under the repeatability rule implemented by the Chancellor's office all sport specific activity classes were moved to the ATH TOP Code in order for student athletes to train in the off season. There is a need for team sport activity classes for the general student population and therefore we are developing a family (beginning, intermediate, and advanced) of courses for them. In addition, we realized that our KIN majors completing the AA-T degree were affected, as their options to complete their activity class requirements were seriously affected.

6. Course Requisites: List all prerequisites separated by AND/OR, as needed. Also fill out and submit the Prerequisite/Advisory form. Prerequisite: Co-requisite: Advisory:

7. Proposed Grading System: Standard Letter Grade Option of a standard letter grade or pass/no pass Pass/no pass only Non Credit

8. Will course be Repeatable? No Yes Additional skills that will be acquired by repeating this course must be included in the course outline. If yes, how many times? 1 2 3 Unlimited (DRC/Non credit only) Reason for Repeating: Intercollegiate Athletics Active Participatory course in Physical Education, Visual Arts or Performing Arts related in content to one or more other courses. Occupational Work Experience/General Work Experience Special class for students with disabilities Non Credit

051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 2 9. Is this a stand-alone course? Yes (Course is NOT included in a degree or certificate program) No (Course IS included in a degree or certificate program)

10. Does this course focus on basic skills in English, ESL or Math? No Yes If yes, Proposed 6 Digit TOP code Prior to College Code (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Y)

11. Will this course be offered via Distance Education? Yes No If yes, include the Distance Education - Form D when you submit the second reading. Select all that apply. Internet-based: Course development software, such as Moodle Other Hybrid Other

12. Does this course meet the cultural diversity requirement? Yes No n/a If Yes, please indicate which criteria apply. At least two criteria must be selected and evidenced in the course content section and at least one Student Learning Outcome must apply to cultural diversity.

This course promotes understanding of: Cultures and subcultures Cultural awareness Cultural inclusiveness Mutual respect among diverse peoples Familiarity with cultural developments and their complexities Student Learning Outcome:

13. What resources will be needed in order to offer this class at Gavilan? a. Staffing: Current part-time instructor/coach. b. Facility Usage: Soccer facility. c. Supplies and equipment (include cost estimates): Already available/no additional cost. d. Tutoring Center resources, if applicable: N/A e. Can existing library resources at Gavilan accommodate student needs for this class? Yes No Verified by: Dolores Wiemers (Verbal verification of Librarian is adequate.) If no, list additional resources necessary & budget estimate.

f. Can existing computer software, hardware, and other technological resources at Gavilan accommodate student’s needs for this class? Yes No N/A If no, list additional resources necessary & budget estimate.

14. If degree applicable, is a similar course offered at community colleges or 4 year colleges & universities? Yes No Upper or Lower Div Units/Sem/Qtr (if yes, list exa mple 051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 3 s belo w. If your are reco mme ndin g that this class trans fer to UC or CSU cam pus, be sure to list simil ar cour se from those syste ms.) KIN 50A Beginning Soccer Cabrillo College U L .5-2 Discipline & No Title College or Univ. PE 8.08 Soccer - Beginning, Men West Valley College U L 1 Discipline & No Title College or Univ. KINE 148M/V Beginning Soccer: CSU Chico U L 1 Men/Women Discipline & No Title College or Univ.

15. If degree applicable, please complete the following information on articulation recommendations. See College Articulation Officer for assistance.

15A. Transfer: Would you recommend that this be a course that transfers to:

State Universities and Colleges Yes No University of California Yes No

Will the course satisfy a major requirement at CSU or UC? If so, complete the following: at Required for Course Title & No. CSUC or UC Campus Program or Major at Required for Course Title & No. CSUC or UC Campus Program or Major at Required for Course Title & No. CSUC or UC Campus Program or Major

051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 4 15B. General Education: Would you recommend that this be a course that satisfies the GE requirement in the following:

Natural Social Humanities Lifelong Cmun Math/ American Cultural Science Science /Art Learning Quantitative Institutions Diversity AA/AS/GE Degree CSU G.E. UC Transfer/GE IGETC (Note that definitions of areas that can be counted in UC or CSU vary. Be sure to ask for assistance if needed.)

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RECOMMENDED/REQUIRED TEXTBOOK/S: (Must complete) Textbook must be no more than 5 years old.

The following information must be provided: Author, Title, Publisher, Year of Publication, Reading level and Reading level verification. Required: Recommended: n/a Author: . Title: . Place of Publication: : Publisher: , Year of Publication: . Or other appropriate college level text. ISBN: (if available) Reading level of text, Grade: Verified by: Other textbooks or materials to be purchased by the student: No textbook required.

PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES: If the course will be program applicable, copy and paste the appropriate Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) and number them. Indicate which PLO(s) are being addressed in the Student Learning Outcomes below. After completing the Kinesiology major a student will be able to: 1. List and describe five career options available in the field of kinesiology. 2. Describe and critically analyze the role of physical activity and its impact on health, society and quality of life. 3. Discuss the history and broad content within the discipline of kinesiology and develop skills to enable the synthesis of concepts across disciplines. 4. Identify critical elements of motor skill performance, combine motor skills into appropriate sequences for the purpose of improving skill learning, and demonstrate competent motor skill performance in a variety of physical activities. 5. Identify the skeletal and muscular structures of the human body. 6. Utilize measurement concepts (qualitative and quantitative) to assess student/client performance and program effectiveness. 7. Describe and demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: (Must complete) 1. Complete this section in a manner that demonstrates student’s use of critical thinking and reasoning skills. These include the ability to formulate and analyze problems and to employ rational processes to achieve increased understanding. Reference Bloom's Taxonomy of action verbs. 2. List the Type of Measures that will be used to measure the student learning outcomes, such as written exam, oral exam, oral report, role playing, project, performance, demonstration, etc. 3. Identify which Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) are aligned with this course. List them by number in order of emphasis. 4. Identify which Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO) are aligned with this course. List them, by number in order of emphasis. For example: "2, 1" would indicate Cognition and Communication. (1) Communication, (2) Cognition, (3) Information Competency, (4) Social Interaction, (5) Aesthetic Responsiveness, (6) Personal Development & Responsibility, (7) Content Specific. 5. For GE courses, enter the GE Learning Outcomes for this course. For example "A1, A2". GE Learning Outcomes are listed below. 6. Indicate when the course will be assessed.

Have you consulted the Rubric in developing the SLOs? Yes No

1. Demonstrate dribbling, passing and shooting using the inside side of the foot with both the right and the left foot. Measure: demonstration PLO: 4 ILO: 7,2 GE-LO: E1 Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2016-17 2. Utilize the correct techniques when trapping, juggling and heading. Measure: demonstration PLO: 4 ILO: 7,2 GE-LO: E1 Anticipated Year of Assessment: 2016-17 3. Explain and apply the rules of soccer.

051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 6 Measure: written PLO: 7 ILO: 2,7,1 GE-LO: A1,A2 Anticipated Year of exam, oral quiz, Assessment: 2016-17 demonstration 4. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment: 5. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment: 6. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment: 7. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment: 8. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment: 9. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment: 10. Measure: PLO: ILO: GE-LO: Anticipated Year of Assessment:

General Education Learning Outcomes

AREA A Communications in the English Language After completing courses in Area A, students will be able to do the following: A1. Receive, analyze, and effectively respond to verbal communication. A2. Formulate, organize and logically present verbal information. A3. Write clear and effective prose using forms, methods, modes and conventions of English grammar that best achieve the writing’s purpose. A4. Advocate effectively for a position using persuasive strategies, argumentative support, and logical reasoning. A5. Employ the methods of research to find information, analyze its content, and appropriately incorporate it into written work. A6. Read college course texts and summarize the information presented. A7. Analyze the ideas presented in college course materials and be able to discuss them or present them in writing. A8. Communicate conclusions based on sound inferences drawn from unambiguous statements of knowledge and belief. A9. Explain and apply elementary inductive and deductive processes, describe formal and informal fallacies of language and thought, and compare effectively matters of fact and issues of judgment and opinion.

AREA B Physical Universe and its Life Forms After completing courses in Area B, students will be able to do the following: B1. Explain concepts and theories related to physical and biological phenomena. B2. Identify structures of selected living organisms and relate structure to biological function. B3. Recognize and utilize appropriate mathematical techniques to solve both abstract and practical problems. B4. Utilize safe and effectives laboratory techniques to investigate scientific problems. B5. Discuss the use and limitations of the scientific process in the solution of problems. B6. Make critical judgments about the validity of scientific evidence and the applicability of scientific theories. B7. Utilize appropriate technology for scientific and mathematical investigations and recognize the advantages and disadvantages of that technology. B8. Work collaboratively with others on labs, projects, and presentations. B9. Describe the influence of scientific knowledge on the development of world’s civilizations as recorded in the past as well as in present times.

AREA C Arts, Foreign Language, Literature and Philosophy After completing courses in Area C, students will be able to do the following:

051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 7 C1. Demonstrate knowledge of the language and content of one or more artistic forms: visual arts, music, theater, film/television, writing, digital arts. C2. Analyze an artistic work on both its emotional and intellectual levels. C3. Demonstrate awareness of the thinking, practices and unique perspectives offered by a culture or cultures other than one’s own. C4. Recognize the universality of the human experience in its various manifestations across cultures. C5. Express objective and subjective responses to experiences and describe the integrity of emotional and intellectual response. C6. Analyze and explain the interrelationship between self, the creative arts, and the humanities, and be exposed to both non-Western and Western cultures. C7. Contextually describe the contributions and perspectives of women and of ethnic and other minorities.

AREA D Social, Political, and Economic Institutions After completing courses in Area D, students will be able to do the following: D1. Identify and analyze key concepts and theories about human and/or societal development. D2. Critique generalizations and popular opinion about human behavior and society, distinguishing opinion and values from scientific observation and study. D3. Demonstrate an understanding of the use of research and scientific methodologies in the study of human behavior and societal change. D4. Analyze different cultures and their influence on human development or society, including how issues relate to race, class and gender. D5. Describe and analyze cultural and social organizations, including similarities and differences between various societies. AREA E Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development After completing courses in Area E, students will be able to do the following: E1. Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of personal development. E2. Examine the integration of one’s self as a psychological, social, and physiological being. E3. Analyze human behavior, perception, and physiology and their interrelationships including sexuality, nutrition, health, stress, the social and physical environment, and the implications of death and dying.

AREA F Cultural Diversity After completing courses in Area F, students will be able to do the following: F1. Connect knowledge of self and society to larger cultural contexts. F2. Articulate the differences and similarities between and within cultures.

Hours CONTENT, STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES, OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS  Hours: Total number of hours should be based on an 18 week semester, even though we are on a compressed 16 week calendar. For example, a 3 unit course should have 54 hours, less 2 for the final.  Out of Class Assignments: essays, library research, problems, projects required outside of class on a 2 to 1 basis for Lecture units granted. Include specific examples of reading and writing assignments. 3 - 6 Hours Content: Course overview, including learning outcomes, course requirements and grading. Introduce stretching and warm-up exercises appropriate for soccer. Information including field markings and equipment required, will be provided. Students will become comfortable with the soccer ball and know what it feels like by moving the ball in different ways - side to side/front to back, one foot to the other. The fundamental soccer skill of dribbling will be described and demonstrated, including moves such as stop and go, pull back, step over and scissors. Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Demonstrate stretching and warm-up exercises utilized f or soccer. Identify the field markings used in class. Demonstrate the soccer skill of dribbling by touching the ball using the inside side of the foot, with both the right and left foot. Practice a variety of dribbling moves. Out-of-Class Assignments: 6 - 12 Hours Content: Warm-up running, stretching and ball handling drills. Review dribbling with both the strong and weak foot. Introduce passing - using the inside side of the foot and practicing with both the strong and weak foot and trapping - with the chest and with the thigh. Presentation on the rules that relate to dribbling, passing and trapping. The Figure 8 Slalom drill could be used for practice purposes as well as increasing the distance of passes from 5 yards to 10 yards to 20 yards.. Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Demonstrate the correct passing techniques with both the strong and weak foot. Demonstrate trapping with both the chest and the thigh. Discuss the rules

051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 8 that relate to the skills of dribbling, passing and trapping. Out-of-Class Assignments: 4.5 - 9 Content: Warm-up running, stretching and ball handling drills. Review and practice skills Hours previously introduced and teach shooting, utilizing the inside of the foot. Present the rules related to this skill. Increase the difficulty by combining dribbling and shooting, dribbling passing and shooting and then dribbling, trapping, passing and shooting into small goals. Work on developing all skills with both the strong and weak foot. Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Demonstrate shooting a soccer ball with both the strong and weak foot. Discuss and practice the rules related to soccer that have been learned to date. Participate in class activities. Out-of-Class Assignments: 4.5 - 9 Content: Warm-up running, stretching and ball handling drills. Review skills learned in previous Hours classes. Demonstrate the techniques of juggling and heading. Presentation on the rules related to these skills. Practice all skills using a variety of drills, such as presenting a grid using cones which mimic the field shape where dribbling, partner passing/trapping (example: right foot pass/left foot trap or left foot pass/right foot trap) and shooting can be used. Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Demonstrate the correct techniques for juggling and hea ding. Perform 3 - 5 juggling skills in a row. Discuss the rules related to juggling and heading. Participate in class activities. Out-of-Class Assignments: 7.5 - 15 Content: Warm-up running, stretching and ball handling drills. Review juggling and heading. Hours Introduction to throw-ins, corner kicks and free kicks including the rules. Continue to work on skill building by practicing the fundamental soccer skills in a variety of drill and 1 v 1 and 2 v 2 activities. Practice the correct rules during all class activities. Skill testing. Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Utilize the correct techniques when performing all socce r skills. Discuss the rules related to throw-ins, corner kicks and free kicks and apply all rules during class activities. Participate in class, including skill testing. Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content:

051571fd8540b37f560d37ecebff78e9.doc Revised: 5/23/2018 Page 9 Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: Hours Content: Student Performance Objectives (SPO): Out-of-Class Assignments: 2 Hours Final

METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: guided practice, demonstration, discussion

METHODS OF EVALUATION: Category 1 - The types of writing assignments required: Percent range of total grade: % to % Written Homework Reading Reports Lab Reports Essay Exams Term or Other Papers Other: If this is a degree applicable course, but substantial writing assignments are NOT appropriate, indicate reason: Course is primarily computational Course primarily involves skill demonstration or problem solving Category 2 - The problem-solving assignments required: Percent range of total grade: % to % Homework Problems Field Work Lab Reports Quizzes Exams Other: Category 3 - The types of skill demonstrations required: Percent range of total grade: 35 % to 60 % Class Performance/s Field Work Performance Exams Category 4 - The types of objective examinations used in the course: Percent range of total grade: 10 % to 20 % Multiple Choice True/False Matching Items Completion Other: Short Answer Category 5 - Any other methods of evaluation: Class Participation Percent range of total grade: 35 % to 60 %

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