Health and Safety Inspection Checklist

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Health and Safety Inspection Checklist


Health and Safety Inspection Checklist

This document must be used in conjunction with the attached guidelines.

Prioritisation of actions should be agreed using the attached 5 x 5 Risk Assessment Matrix.

 Actions with Scores between 1 and 3 will be considered low priority and should be completed within 6 months

 Actions with Scores between 4 and 6 will be considered medium priority and should be completed within 3 months

 Actions with Scores between 8 and 12 will be considered high priority and should be completed within 1 month

 Actions with Scores over 15 will be considered extreme priority and should be carried out immediately or within one week. A Risk Assessment must be carried out and steps taken to manage the risk. Identified Hazards in this category, unless they can be removed or rectified immediately must have a documented risk assessment that should be sent immediately to the Health and Safety Compliance Team

Likelihood Consequence Score & Colour

Risk Assessment with current control measures:


Is expected to Almost 5 Death / closure of the Catastrophic 5 occur in most Certain hospital / huge financial loss circumstances. > £1,000,000 >50% chance

Likely chance of Likely 4 Permanent injury / closure Major 4 occurring. of a service / major financial 21-50% chance loss > £100,000

Reasonable chance Possible 3 Major injury / adverse health Moderate 3 of occurring. outcome / long term service 6-29% chance disruption / high financial loss > £10,000

Could occur Unlikely 2 Minor injury / adverse health Minor 2 occasionally. outcome / short term 1-5% chance disruption to service / Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 6 of 34 moderate financial loss > £1000

Do not expect it to Rare 1 No injury / adverse health Insignificant 1 happen, but it is outcome / some disruption possible. to service / minor financial < 1% chance loss < £100

Site to be inspected:

Date of Inspection:

Formal Follow Up date:


TYPE AND USE OF BUILDING (information to include construction type, age, general condition and main generic use also specifying open/controlled access for staff and public and parking facilities). Please include information whether this is a LPT property? Are tenants predominantly LPT staff? Do we have staff in this building? Does landlord or majority occupier provide assurance that first aid in place we can access?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 7 of 34 MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK DOCUMENT/EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST

Please comment on availability YES NO NOT COMMENTS and whether in date APPLICABLE COSHH FOLDER / COSHH RISK ASSESSMENTS


FIRE PROCEDURE Last date of review FIRE LOG BOOK (up to date?)



LAST H &S INSPECTION REPORT (should be in last 12 months)

FIRST AID ARRANGEMENTS eg list of first aiders, location of first aid box

VISITORS REGISTER (Fire) Evidence of in/out for fire purposes (if in use)

STAFF REGISTER (Fire) Evidence of in/out for fire purposes (if in use)

CONTRACTORS INDUCTION/SIGN OFF SHEET Where is this information held?

PERSONAL ALARM TESTING LOG (where appropriate) individual and management arrangements ASBESTOS REGISTER/FILE Where identified and any areas where applicable list

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 8 of 34 RISK REGISTER & RISK ASSESSMENTS. Key risk assessments in place eg: Falls from window and heights


Manual Handling


Slips, trips and falls

Stress (not individual)

Equipment (SOPs, SSOW)


Lone worker

Violence and aggression

Hot surface temps




Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 9 of 34 What is the review date?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 10 of 34 HEALTH AND SAFETY INSPECTION CHECKLIST

Please provide further details for any “No” questions on the action report. NA= Not Applicable

NA Yes No Asbestos

Are any areas containing asbestos identified, marked and an up to date record kept? N/A Are there arrangements in place to inform contractors about the presence of asbestos? Is all asbestos in good condition/sealed in and monitored?


Are all containers clearly labelled with contents, hazard warnings and the precautions to be taken? Are there safety data sheets for all chemicals including cleaning and other materials? Are all chemicals stowed appropriately? E.g. flammable, in metal cabinet, eg locked doors, locked cupboard Is training provided in the safe use of chemicals and on what to do in an emergency (spillage, poisoning, splashing etc)? Infection Control/Cleanliness

Is there an IPC folder?

Is the environment kept tidy and cleaned regularly?

Are cleaning regimes available for public inspection?

Is personal protective equipment/clothing provided and worn?

Clinical waste – are staff aware of their responsibilities?

Are clinical waste bins provided?

Are sharps bins placed and used appropriately?

Toilet, Wash, Rest and Infant Care Facilities

Are there enough toilets and are they clean and in good repair (1 toilet to 5 staff and 2 toilets to 25 staff and 3 toilets up to 50 staff. Is there adequate hand washing facilities? Hot, cold or warm running water Are all handwashing facilities fitted with soap dispensers?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 11 of 34 Is there moisturiser available for staff to use?

Are hand washing facilities fitted with paper towel dispensers or hand dryer? Is dirty laundry stowed appropriately?

Are curtains changed in line with infection control protocols?

Are sanitary disposal facilities provided in women’s toilets?

Can staff store their belongings securely?

Is there a rest room for staff?

Is it clean, well lit and properly ventilated?

Are their suitable facilities for staff to obtain a hot drink and eat food?

Are there suitable staff facilities for pregnant women and nursing mothers to rest? Are there baby changing facilities available for use?

Display Screen Equipment

Do all workstations conform to the minimum standards?

Is there evidence of risk assessment review every 12 months?

Have all DSE USERS had risk assessments undertaken?

Is there evidence that staff trained and encouraged to make adjustments to their workstations? Electrical Safety

Is there a PAT testing regime in place and up to date?

Is there evidence of tagging in place?

Fire Precautions

Are clear fire instructions displayed throughout the workplace?

Are all fire doors and exits clearly marked?

Is there up-to-date Fire Risk Procedures in place?

Are there secure storage arrangements for flammable materials?

Are fire extinguishers appropriately marked and maintained?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 12 of 34 Are fire drills or table top exercises carried out at least once a year?

Does the area have a named fire wardens and co-ordinator?

*Are there other forms of fire alarm warning for hearing-impaired personnel?

First Aid Accidents/Illness

Is the first aid box easily accessible to staff?

Is the first aid box fully equipped and regularly checked?

Is there a trained first aider on the premises/area?

If yes, is it clear how that person can be contacted?

Domestic Gas Safety

Are gas appliances regularly checked and serviced by qualified people? Are staff aware of what to do if there is a gas leak?

Is the gas cut-off point clearly marked?


Are stairs and corridors appropriately lit?

Is internal lighting adequate to all working areas?

Is there sufficient Emergency Lighting throughout the premises?

Are external areas appropriately lit?

Are windows clean on both sides and free from obstructions?

Are all treatment lights, fixings and movable joints secure and in good working order?


Is the general background noise at an acceptable level for working?

Machinery and Equipment

Are all staff trained in the safe use of equipment that they use to undertake the duties required within their role?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 13 of 34 Is equipment on the appropriate asset registers e.g. capital, medical devices, under £5000? Is there a process for removing faulty equipment from use?

Patient Safety

Has the monthly/annual/weekly checks evidenced appropriate to service? Are all windows blind mechanism disabled to ensure child safety – potential ligatures? Are window restrictors in place? If not where, identify by room number Are all electrical sockets appropriately protected in public/child centred areas? Are clinical specimen collection boxes of rigid construction, with lid, lined with absorbent material and stored correctly? Is Safety Glass/Perspex used in appropriate areas?

Is there a current ligature risk assessment in place? (only applies where a ligature risk has been identified as being required by the Management of Ligature Policy) Patient Handling

Are patient assessments undertaken?

Are hoists or other lifting equipment used?

Is there evidence that correct colour coded tag is in place?

Are staff aware of what the colour coded tag means?


Is the drugs trolley secured and locked?

Is there a controlled drugs cupboard? If yes, is it locked?

Are medicines stowed safely?

Are medicines stored in an appropriate drugs fridge where necessary (with no other items stored there)? Medical Gases

Are staff trained?

Are medical gases stowed appropriately?

Is there a logbook in the manifold room?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 14 of 34 Are there safe systems of work in place?

Is there appropriate signage on equipment on display?

Is personal protective equipment provided and worn?

Slips, Trips and Falls

Are internal floors and stairs in good condition, free from obstructions and non-slip? Are there adequate facilities to clear up spills immediately?

Are external surfaces in good condition, free from obstructions and non-slip? Eg vegetation Are all internal stair rails/grab rails securely fixed?

Do all internal/external stair rails extend for the full flight of the stairs (Equality Act 2010)? Are all external staircases/grab rails securely fixed?

Are all trailing leads and cables secured or adequately covered?

Is there enough storage space?

Are all heavy items stored appropriately and marked as heavy?

Is there enough space for staff to work safely? Access and egress?


Are training records available for the identified training staff require eg MAPA, DSE, Fire Warden, First Aid? Waste

Are clinical waste bins kept locked and secured in a compound/ locked room/area/chained to fixed structure (if external)? Is hazardous waste kept secure? Is domestic waste kept and stowed appropriately?

Security/Staff Safety Is there a CCTV system monitoring internal/external areas?

Is the CCTV system adequately maintained?

Are CCTV recordings checked regularly for quality?

Is the picture quality on the CCTV/Tape adequate for crime detection purposes? Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 15 of 34 Is the building alarmed out of normal working hours?

Is the alarm connected to a monitoring station?

Are there window grilles or locks to all windows?

Are all external doors fitted with appropriate locks?

Is access to staff areas controlled and are access and egress controls in situ to prevent unauthorised access/egress? Where SALTO or similar is in use is there a physical deadlock in place? Are visitors to the building required to sign in?

Do any staff regularly work in isolation within the building?

Are there local arrangements in place?

Is there a panic alarm system within the building/area?

Is the panic alarm system tested in the area?

What is the frequency of test? Daily, weekly, monthly

Are staff aware of the required response to the panic alarm?

Are staff encouraged to report all incidents of assault, intimidation or verbal abuse? Are staff provided with personal panic alarms if requested or as part of PPE? Is counselling and support for victims and witnesses of violence provided? Are staff trained in how to diffuse potentially violent situations?

Are external trees and bushes kept below 1 metre to maintain to provide clear visibility?

Are all CCTV cameras kept clear / nothing obscuring their operation?

Is the site regularly maintained to remove all potential means to commit crime or vandalism?

Temperature (working indoors)

Is the temperature comfortable all year round?

Does the temperature reach at least 16oC within one hour of starting work? Is there adequate ventilation to all work areas?

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 16 of 34 * = Equality Act 2010 Health and Safety Checklist

NA Yes No Entrance

*Is the entrance easy to find from the car park?

*Is the entrance easy to find from the road?

Is the entrance well lit?

*Is the main entrance level or a ramp provided?

*If not, is there an alternative level entrance?

Are paths around the building well lit and level?

Is the signage outside of the building clear?

*Are the entrance doors automatic?

Are they in good working order (i.e. 2 service visits per year)?

*If not, are they easy to open?

*If the main doors are operated by a call bell or phone entry system is it at an accessible height for both wheelchair users and non-users? *If the main doors are operated by a call bell or phone entry system is there a Member of Staff available to assist intercom users? *Is the entrance decorated in contrasting colours to distinguish doors and steps? Do glazed doors have clear contrasting safety markings?

Car Parks

*Are there clearly marked accessible parking bays near the accessible entrance? *If not, is there a drop off point near the accessible entrance?

*Is the use of these bays monitored regularly?

Is there adequate pedestrian/vehicular access?

Is access/egress for emergency vehicles to an acceptable standard? Reception

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 17 of 34 Is there a Receptionist present?

Are reception desks clearly visible from the main doorway?

*Are reception desks at suitable heights for both sitting and standing visitors? *Is an induction loop system available?

Is the reception area free from glare?

*Can the glass screen be moved out of the way to help the hard of hearing or visually impaired? Waiting Areas

Is the waiting room a calm and welcoming environment?

*Are there various size chairs in the waiting area (with/without arm rests, higher backs)? *Are the chairs a different colour to the walls and carpets?

Is it possible to rearrange the seating?

*Is there space for wheelchairs alongside seats?

*Is the announcement system audible?

*Is the announcement system visible?

*Are the treatment/consultation rooms accessible?

*If not, are there arrangements in place for an alternative accessible location to be used? General (*throughout the building)

Is there adequate lighting?

Is the signage clear?

Is the signage well-lit?

Is the signage also in Braille?

Is the signage also in Pictogram?

Is the signage positioned so as to be visible to service users/patients?

*Are the examination beds, height adjustable?

Accessible Toilet

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 18 of 34 Does the toilet comply with BS8300? (see below):

- has grip handles and an alarm pull

- there is a contrast colour between floors, walls and doors

- there is a contrast colour between floors, walls and sanitary ware

- there is sufficient turning space for a wheelchair

- there is easy access to toilet paper, soap and hand towels for wheelchair users - the toilet seat is of a contrasting colour

- there is sufficient contrast between dispensers and ceilings

- there is a 2-way locking device fitted to the door i.e. can be unlocked from outside if access required in an emergency and locked from inside when in use Alarms

Are Fire Refuge areas clearly marked?

Is there a local evacuation procedure for disabled people?

* Have staff been trained to help disabled visitors in the event of a fire alarm? Are staff trained in the use of evacuation aids e.g. Evac Chairs?

Are these training records kept in the Fire Log Book?

Comments/Other Issues


(This summary will be reported to the Health and Safety Committee).

All areas were inspected using a prepared checklist, a plan of the building and covered the following regulations and guidelines:

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 19 of 34  Health and safety at Work etc. Act 1974  Management of Health and Safety at Work Act 1999  Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992  Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998  Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992  Display Screen Equipment Regulations (as amended in 2002)  Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (as amended in 2002)The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005  The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (as amended); Approved Code of Practice and Guidance  Electricity at Work Regulations 1989  Waste Disposal (Trust Policy)  Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

AREAS OF MAIN CONCERN (include here an overview of all identified areas of high risk together with recurrent trends throughout the building. This Summary will be reported to the Health and Safety Committee)

PROGRESS SINCE LAST INSPECTION (include here details of progress against Action Plan from last year together with details of good practice).

ACTIONS TAKEN BY INSPECTION TEAM (include here details of any actions the Inspection Team took at the time of the inspection).

Inspection Report Distribution

Name Role Date Sent

Staff Side Representative

Health and Safety Compliance Team

Health and Safety Inspection Policy Status: Final Version: 2 Page 20 of 34 HEALTH & SAFETY INSPECTION SHEET ACTION PLAN




Location Description of Problem Found n Risk Grading Action required Lead Progress Completed by a

of c whom & when i f Problem i n r e d g i Found u c o s o n

o l r e h o i o u l f C

q e t e k & n i

s e L e n r m o o s C c s S e s s a

k s i r


e r e h t

s I ? s k s i r

Draft Health and Safety Inspection Policy V2 Jan 2014 Page 21 of 18 t

Location Description of Problem Found n Risk Grading Action required Lead Progress Completed by a

of c whom & when i f Problem i n r e d g i Found u c o s o n

o l r e h o i o u l f C

q e t e k & n i

s e L e n r m o o s C c s S e s s a

k s i r


e r e h t

s I ? s k s i r

Draft Health and Safety Inspection Policy V2 Jan 2014 Page 22 of 18 Draft Health and Safety Inspection Policy V2 Jan 2014 Page 23 of 18

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