Vision, Mission, Philosophy, Standards, Expectations

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Vision, Mission, Philosophy, Standards, Expectations

Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School


1.1 Vision

Eclectic Middle School will be a community of stakeholders that nurtures academic excellence and demonstrates leadership in character development for all students.

In collaboration with the school’s entire learning community, the Eclectic Middle School library media programs will be the center of teaching and learning by providing access to quality collections and technologies and by extending services beyond the library’s four walls and the school day.

1.2 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Eclectic Middle School Library Media Center is to provide a fair and balanced collection of student reading materials and teacher resources. If students and staff are effective users of information, they must be able to access, analyze, assimilate, and present it. Equipping them with the skills and information they need is the primary purpose of the school library media program. Implicit in this mission is the charge to ensure students learn these skills and to provide inservice training opportunities for teachers as they are needed.

1.3 STANDARDS The Eclectic Middle School Library Media Center reflects the foundational beliefs of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards for the 21st Century Learner. Knowing that students live in a global community and will compete in a global marketplace, the role of the school library media program is changing in this context. As stated in the standards, students will use resources and tools to 1. inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge;

2. draw conclusions, make informed decision, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge;

3. share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society;

4. pursue personal and aesthetic growth. The Alabama State Department of Education has adopted these standards as stated in “Alabama’s School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner.”


1 Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School

The Eclectic Middle School Library Media Center is committed to the basic foundations of intellectual freedom. As stated in the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read documents, “The freedom to read is essential to our democracy.” The library media specialist will help ensure that students have access to information covering a wide range of issues and viewpoints.


 Provide equitable access to information for students and staff  Collaborate with teachers so every student learns to access, evaluate, and use information through classroom instructional objectives  Encourage every student to read, view, and listen for information and enjoyment  Equip students to become life-long users of media centers beyond EMS  Administer a planned program in a welcoming environment


 Every student will use resources for learning or enjoyment in an efficient and effective manner  Every student will participate effectively in the Accelerated Reader program as a motivational tool for recreational reading  Library media specialist will continue to develop a relevant and adequate collection of reading and learning resources  Library media specialist will plan collaboratively with teachers to provide activities that engage students in accessing, evaluating, and using different types of information  Library media specialist will provide regularly scheduled lessons related to digital citizenship and information literacy.  Library staff will support classroom instruction by providing related resources for students and teachers

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II.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF A 21ST CENTURY LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM Eclectic Middle School exhibits the characteristics of a 21st Century Library Media Program as related to the program, the professional and the facility.

Program  Patrons have open, flexible access.  Comprehensive program offers skills instruction, information access and program management.  Resources are available to support the curriculum.  Materials are available for pleasure reading.  Follett’s Destiny automated system is used for circulation & collection search. Destiny is available in classrooms/labs as well as the library.  Materials are organized in four basic sections: fiction, non-fiction, biography & reference. Fiction books are organized by authors’ last names. Non-fiction and Reference books are arranged according the Dewey Decimal system. Biographies are alphabetical by subject. We have a featured series section and a special area for our severely challenged readers.  Students are taught to seek diverse information and to use it responsibly.

2.1 Characteristics of a 21st Century Library Media Program (continued)

Professional Library Media Specialist (LMS)  Amy Harrell is the current LMS at Eclectic Middle School as of August 2016. She is certified in Educational Media and evaluated annually.  The LMS collaborates with staff to determine collection needs.  The LMS adheres to local board policies for collection development, reconsideration and all matters related to the library.

Facility  The library media facility is easily accessible, appropriately furnished and lighted. The infrastructure sustains existing technologies but may not be adequate for expanding to emerging technologies.

3 Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School

II.2 ADMINISTRATORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES The current administration team at Eclectic Middle School includes principal Blair Andress and assistant principal LaTresia Robinson. Both are engaged in the library media program on a regular basis and supportive in all areas of responsibility.

II.3 TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES The majority of teachers actively participate in the library media program. There is effective collaboration and communication about curriculum, materials, student needs, reading initiatives, research units, material requests, special programs and library technology.

II.4 LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST’S RESPONSIBILITIES The LMS collaborates with teachers to integrate 21st Century learning standards into the instructional program. She is an advocate for the library as a vital learning center for the school, communicating often with the school community about resources and programs. Some specific tasks are as follows:  Participates in grade level curriculum meetings  Coordinates Reading Renaissance reading initiative  Schedules and assists with STAR Testing to establish reading levels  Conducts student orientation to library media center  Presents bi-weekly skills lessons in whole group instruction  Documents library usage statistics  Manages parent volunteers  Ensures that state and local funds are expended appropriately and maintains accurate records  Updates the library section of the school website

II.5 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The library media specialist has participated in professional development programs offered at the state, local, and regional level. She is a member of the Alabama Library Media Association. She regularly uses and promotes the Alabama Virtual Library and APT Plus (Alabama Public Television). She has completed numerous online courses offered by eLearning Alabama. Subscribing to professional journals is limited due to budget constraints, but School library Journal, Library Media Connection, School Library Media Activities Monthly, and Books Links are examples of resources used by the LMS. The librarian receives helpful updates from the Alabama Library Media Specialists (ALMS) list serve regularly.

4 Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School

II.6 NATIONAL BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHING STANDARDS While the LMS respects the rigorous standards set forth by the NBPTS program, she is not interested in becoming a candidate for this additional, voluntary certification at this time.

APPENDICES FOR SECTION II (Available but not included) 1. Request for Media Center Purchase Form (blank) 2. Library Collaboration Planning Form (blank) 3. STAR Reading Test Summary Report 4. EMS Library Cumulative Stats

See Section IV Appendices for Elmore County Library Selection Policy

5 Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School


3.1 UNDERSTANDING THE LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST’S ROLE IN CORE CURRICULUM The LMS works as part of the team to implement reading development across the curriculum, cooperating to offer students an integrated approach to learning. She plays an important role in the school reading program, but is not used as a core subject teacher. The LMS studies all curricula and searches for resources and activities to correlate with each one. Teachers and the LMS share responsibility for reading and information literacy instruction. The LMS manages the media center with flexible scheduling so learners, teachers, and parents have open access to a wide range of materials.

3.2 CREATING A READING ENVIRONMENT The media center at Eclectic Middle School is the heart of the school. Most students enjoy visiting the library and love to check out books for pleasure reading. The program seeks to make middle school students life-long library patrons. A warm, welcoming environment is offered here. We use video book commercials, book clubs, bulletin boards, book talks, author visits, read-alouds, challenges, and book fairs to promote the love of reading.

3.3 NATIONAL READING PROGRAMS Eclectic Middle School uses Accelerated Reader as a supplementary reading program. Students are required to participate and work within the appropriate ATOS reading level as determined by STAR Reading test.

3.4 UNDERSTANDING COLLABORATION Based on the standards in the AASL Collaboration Brochure (Appendix C in “Alabama’s School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner”) the Eclectic Middle School library program has not reached full collaboration. More efforts would be considered “coordination” and very few are at the “cooperation” level. High intensity and comprehensive planning are often missing in collaboration efforts. Although the staff and LMS understand collaboration, it has been difficult to fully implement. This is an area for improvement.

3.5 PROMOTING FLEXIBLE, OPEN ACCESS The LMC at Eclectic Middle School operates with flexible scheduling and open access. Schedules are posted in the library office area. There is no paid library assistant.

3.6 ENCOURAGING ADVOCACY The LMS has used the AASL advocacy toolkit, especially the “@ your library” campaign. The library website is part of the school’s website:


6 Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School

Eclectic Middle School promotes National Library Week, Read Across America, Teen Read Week and Children’s Book Week. We also promote the AEA Be a Champion and Read Challenge plus Six Flags Read to Succeed incentives. We also have at least one Book Fair each year to promote reading and generate funding for the library.

3.8 COLLABORATING WITH PUBLIC & ACADEMIC LIBRARIES The EMS library cooperates with the Eclectic Town Library. We share donated resources, ideas, and volunteers. In 2011, we promoted the Town Library’s membership drive and will do so again when requested. The LMC has also collaborated with the all area public libraries to promote their Summer Reading Programs and websites.

3.9 ESTABLISHING A LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Each of the five resource types for the Eclectic Middle School library learning environment was evaluated according to the bulleted list in “Alabama’s School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner” (pgs. 17-19). All five resource types meet the Basic criteria, with most reaching the Advanced and some Exemplary standards achieved.

APPENDICES FOR SECTION III (Available but not included) 1. Collaboration Planning Form (Genre unit) 2. Schedules to show flexible, open access a. Library Hours & Staff Schedule b. EMS Staff Duty Schedules c. Bell Schedule d. Grade Level, Data & other meeting schedules 3. Notebooks of Curriculum Resources Lists are available for inspection.


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4.1 UNDERSTANDING COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT The Eclectic Middle opening day collection in 2001 was limited to $20,000 with purchasing decisions aided by a customized opening day list provided from Perma-bound Books library services. Staff has added to the collection based on STAR Reading level needs, student/teacher requests, and changing curriculum needs. Before purchasing audio-visual materials, the library media specialist surveys every teacher asking for specific areas of need. Students may requests titles at any time and they are asked for suggestions in end of year survey ( The Library Advisory Committee helps prioritize purchasing needs. Most purchasing decisions are based upon staff and student requests within the guidelines of the Elmore County Board of Education selection policy.

4.2 SELECTION TOOLS The Library Advisory Committee, reviews in journals, magazines, reviewing sources and online sources are helpful selection tools the LMS uses in the ongoing selection process for new library materials.

4.3 HONOR AND AWARD BOOKS The LMS stays up to date on honor and award book lists, purchasing the majority of these titles when they are age-appropriate and when funding is available. As more award lists appear every year, we focus first on the Emphasis on Reading, Caldecott, Newbery, and King awards as many of the other lists feature the same titles.

4.4 COLLECTION GUIDELINES According to guidelines in “Alabama’s School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner” (pgs. 22-23), the EMS collection rates as follows:  Advanced - Automated Management System (Exemplary not achieved since online access is not available in remote locations)  Basic – General Collection – quantity of books is good but 5% are NOT new purchases as needed for Advanced or Exemplary  Basic (only option) – Reference – appropriate quantities  Advanced – Internet Resources  Exemplary – Electronic Resources  Basic – Professional Collection – less than 5 professional magazines

4.5 DESELECTION OF RESOURCES Guidelines similar to the MUSTIE list and date chart are used to weed materials when needed, with special attention paid to these criteria at the end of each school year. Collection analysis reports from book vendors such as Titlewave, Capstone and Perma-bound also help determine books to be weeded due to aging.


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The Elmore County Board of Education has a policy for challenged materials similar to that suggested by the American Association of School Librarians.

APPENDICES for SECTION IV. (Available but not included) 1. Elmore County Board of Education Library Selection Policies 2. Collection Analysis documents from Capstone & Perma-bound


5.1 ROLE OF THE LMS IN THE LOCAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM The LMS is a member of the Technology Planning Committee. She helps teachers develop technology instruction and models the correct use of electronic resources. She presents bi-weekly lessons about information skills and digital citizenship through whole group instruction in the library setting. She uses, promotes and leads classes about Alabama Virtual Library. A weakness in this area is that technology coordinators at our school are offered more training and play a more active role than the LMS in driving the technology program.

5.2 CREATING A TECHNOLOGY-RICH ENVIRONMENT Based on the Joyce Valenza’s list of characteristics for a 21st Century librarian, our library media program will need improvements to create a technology-rich environment. We do have access to relevant databases and websites. We have online book reviews and references services. We teach documentation for media in all formats. However, we are still a place for books, not so much about creative productions and experience sharing. Our computer labs are used for creating projects on a large group scale. Individuals and small groups use the media center for continuing projects when extra time is needed beyond the lab time. We have recently updated our computers and added an iPad and digital reading devices.

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5.3 TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES The LMS has compiled a list of curriculum resources available to teachers. Our program also uses the following suggested resources to meet emerging 21st century skills: ALMO webpage Alabama library media specialists Technology standards based on NETS from the ALSDE website Alabama Technology Course of Study from the ALEX website Alabama Virtual Library APTPLUS American Library Association website – many helpful resources

APPENDICES for SECTION V. (Available but not included) 1. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) 2. Alabama Technology Course of Study 3. Information Literacy Course of Study 4. Curriculum Website Lists 5. Elmore County Board of Education Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)


6.1 PERSONNEL The Eclectic Middle School has one certified library media professional. The Elmore County School District liaison for media programs is Glenda VanErmen.

6.2 BUDGETS AND FUNDING The LMS maintains accurate financial records of state and local funds. These files are available for inspection dating back to 2003. A collection analysis is performed at least yearly to assess the collection and determine areas in which spending is needed. The Alabama Code and budgeting procedures are followed for library enhancement funds. 2008-09 library enhancement fund records are available for inspection. These are the most recent records due to proration of state funds for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Due to lack of state funding, very few new titles or equipment have been purchased. For 2016-17, we will earn $21.26 per teacher unit. This amount will be delegated

10 Library Media Plan 2016-2017 Eclectic Middle School back to the central office to partially cover the cost of the search and circulation software, Follett’s Destiny Library Manager.

6.3 LIBRARY MEDIA ADVISORY COMMITTEE The committee serves in an advisory role for all aspects of the library media program. The committee members listed below represent all grade levels. Angela Floyd, 5th grade/Social studies Debbie Kendrick, 6th grade/Language Donna Pilgrim, 6th grade/Reading Gaye Knight, 5th grade/Reading LaBrandon Tyre, 7th grade/English Juanita Lyles, 8th grade/Language Arts Zuleima Sanchez, student Sara Barlet, parent/community member

6.4 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Fair use and copyright guidelines are posted in the media center and throughout the school. The media specialist instructs students on copyright and fair use.

6.5 INFORMATION ACCESS The library media program provides intellectual access to information and ideas to meet the needs of the 21st century learner to encourage pleasure reading, research, curriculum connections and individual needs. The program is physically accessible throughout the school day as an extension of the classroom. Flexible access to information, ideas and resources is offered to the learning community at Eclectic Middle School. Our library resources catalog is not accessible online.

6.6 ASSESSMENT Library media services have been evaluated annually by the District Curriculum department. An updated written program plan is presented each year. The LMS is evaluated with the Educate Alabama assessment tool.  The LMS is certified, has a professional learning plan and is evaluated according to district guidelines.  The LMS has used Follett’s Destiny electronic management system since 2007.  Policies are easily accessed in the Elmore County Policy Manual.  Forty percent management time is NOT allotted for the LMS due to reduction in staff. LMS spends over 50% time with circulation and about 25% time with whole group instruction, while also running a full flex schedule with as few interruptions in service as possible.

6.6 Assessment, continued

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 The LMC collection meets the multiple and diverse needs of the school community.  The LMC online access catalog is available on six student work stations in the media center and on all networked computers in the building. However, the catalog is NOT available outside the school network  Patron library records are kept confidential.

6.7 ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP) The LMS participates in educating students about the AUP and adheres to the policies set by the District Technology Office.

6.8 LIBRARY MEDIA PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION EVALUATION FORM This evaluation form will be used for formal and informal assessments of the media program administration. The most recent informal evaluation ranks the administration as “Advanced” in most categories also finding basic and exemplary status in a few areas. The weakest areas found with this evaluation form are in the areas of funding and staffing, two areas over which the LMS has no control.

6.9 LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER FACILITY RECOMMENDATION A recent informal assessment finds that the media facility meets most of the recommendations for services, design and technology infrastructure.

6.10 SUGGESTED LIBRARY MEDIA FACILITIES EVALUATION FORM The suggested evaluation form will be used for formal and informal assessments of the library media facilities. A recent informal check found the facility ranking in the “Advanced” range in the most areas surveyed.

6.11 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL The Elmore County school system has board-approved policies, procedures and practices for the library media programs that reflect legal and professional ethics. The policy documents are found in the Elmore County Policy Manual.

6.12 IMPORTANT LINKS FOR LMS The staff at Eclectic Middle School uses many of the helpful links found in Appendix F of “Alabama’s School Library Media Handbook for the 21st Century Learner.” Lists of curriculum websites are available for teachers.

APPENDICES for SECTION VI. (Available but not included) 1. Fiscal Activity Report 2. All financial records are available for inspection 3. Elmore County Board of Education Library Policies are in Appendices for Section VI.

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