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2014-2015 Student Handbook

Sandra Hunter, Principal Brenda Clarke, Assistant Principal Michael McCarthy, Assistant Principal 2































INTERNET USE------11 4 IT’S MY CALL------11























Dear Students and Parents: Welcome to Clemmons Middle School, the home of the Cardinals. You are about to embark on an enjoyable and exhilarating journey with us. Many new experiences, challenges and opportunities await you. We have high expectations for your academic success, attendance and behavior. Our highly qualified staff will provide you with a rigorous, challenging and supportive environment. The Cardinal Handbook is your guide to Clemmons Middle School. The policies, procedures and information in this handbook are designed to ensure that our school runs smoothly, and you have a successful year at CMS. The CMS Faculty and Staff are eager to assist you as you prepare for a successful middle school experience. As you strive each day for excellence, get involved in extra- curricular activities, sports, intramurals, clubs, etc. Your success directly correlates to your efforts .We want and need our parents to be involved in these critical years of school. We encourage you to join the PTSA, volunteer and make a difference this school year at CMS.


Sandra Hunter, Principal

SCHOOL FACTS Theme: Reading and Technology Colors: Red, White and Blue Mascot: Cardinal Address: 3785 Fraternity Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27127 336-703-4217—office 336-774-4678—fax

SCHOOL MISSION It is the mission of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System to provide our students with a quality and wholesome education in order that they may become productive members of society. Therefore, providing a safe and caring learning environment for all students, we will emphasize academic excellence in all content areas through READING MASTERY and TECHNOLOGY that extends understanding, stretches minds and broadens horizons.

WSFCS STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK Clemmons Middle School adheres to all school board policies, state policies and regulations as outlined in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County 2014-15 Student-Parent Handbook. 6 PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS FOR CMS STUDENTS ACADEMIC SCALE The report card is a reflection of student performance and progress. Below is the grading system for WSFCS. LETTER DESCRIPTION POINTS A SUPERIOR 93-100 B GOOD 85-92 C SATISFACTORY 77-84 D POOR 70-76 F FAILING Below 70 Grades will be determined by performance on tests, quizzes, projects, reports, class work, and homework. To check on your child’s academic progress, you may access the PowerSchool’s ParentPortal. CMS will utilize a paperless progress report system. If you do not have access to PowerSchool, please come to the school or request a printed copy of your child’s progress report. The ParentPortal ID and password are the same as last year. Contact our data manager if you need an ID/Password.

HONOR ROLL CRITERIA Criteria for HONOR ROLL: *Must have an average of 3.0 or better. *No grade below C (no D’s or F’s) *Conduct is not factored in with grades.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Under the supervision of a staff representative, morning announcements will be broadcast live by students. Students interested in becoming a news anchor for WCMS will have an opportunity to apply for a position on the news crew. ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL Students will not be allowed in the building until 6:50am. Car riders arriving prior to 7:00am are to report to the cafeteria through the outside cafeteria doors. Bus riders will be dismissed from their buses beginning at 7:00am. Bus riders will enter the building and report immediately either to the cafeteria for breakfast or to their homeroom. Students must walk silently in a single file line as they enter the building.

Aiphone- This system requires all visitors to CMS to request entry through the front door via the AIPHONE intercom/camera system. The intercom/camera is located on the wall next to the far right main entrance door. Visitors to CMS should press the button located on the AIPHONE which will alert the main office. Visitors will then be asked over the intercom to give their name and reason for entry to CMS. Once that is confirmed, visitors will be “buzzed” in through the automatic door. A sheet with more detailed AIPHONE instructions is posted on the entry door. This system allows us to keep all entry doors locked and bring another level of security to the students and staff of CMS.

Car riders must be off campus by 2:30pm. Students who have not been picked up by 2:30pm will be taken to our ISS room, and a parent/guardian must come inside to sign out their child. A $10.00 fee will be assessed for students who are not picked up from school within one hour of dismissal.

ATHLETICS: See Middle School Athletics on page 12. ATTENDANCE/TARDY POLICY Good attendance is necessary for academic success. We expect to see you each day unless you are sick or otherwise excused. Any student who is absent from school should bring a note signed by a parent/guardian when he/she returns to school. A student’s absence will be coded unexcused until a note is brought to school from the parent/guardian. The following are considered EXCUSED ABSENCES: Illness or injury, Quarantine, Death in the immediate family, Medical/Dental appointments, Court or administrative proceedings, Religious observations, Out-of School Suspension. Parents who wish to take their child out of school for an educational trip must seek prior approval from the principal in order to get the absences excused. The student must keep a handwritten journal for the school days missed and submit it to the principal upon return to school. Students and parents are responsible for notifying each teacher well in advance of the trip in order to get assignments for their classes. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES occur with the knowledge and approval of the parent, but the reason is unacceptable under state laws. 7

EXCESSIVE ABSENCES: In accordance with the Compulsory Attendance Law, parents will be notified as follows: • If your child accumulates three (3) unexcused absences in a school year, • If your child has been absent without an acceptable excuse for six (6) cumulative school days during the school year, • If your child accumulates ten (10) unexcused absences in a school year, YOU MUST BE PRESENT UNTIL 10:45AM (1/2 day) OF THE SCHOOL DAY TO BE CODED AS PRESENT. TARDY POLICY Arriving to school after 7:25 am. is considered tardy. Parents must escort their child into the building after 7:25am to receive an admit slip from the Guidance Office. Car riders who are late due to traffic issues will be coded unexcused. CHRONIC TARDINESS When tardies become excessive, (MORE THAN 10 IN A SEMESTER,) parents/guardians shall be notified verbally or in writing of the tardies. If tardies continue after notification, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. The District Attorney’s Office may be notified that the PARENT IS IN VIOLATION OF THE COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW. 10 UNEXCUSED TARDIES COUNT AS ONE UNEXCUSED ABSENCE.

BOOKS AND READING Students should have reading materials with them in all classes. Students may be allowed to read at the beginning of a class, when class assignment(s) are completed or at other times designated throughout the day. A 25 minute reading time is built into the daily schedule.


BUS PROCEDURES: • Board and exit in an orderly manner. • Obey the bus driver. • Obey school rules on the bus. • REMAIN SEATED AT ALL TIMES. • Do not eat, drink, or use tobacco products on the bus. • Keep all parts of your body and other objects inside the bus. BUS CONSEQUENCES: 1. First offense: a conference with an administrator resulting in a warning. (This step may be waived and additional consequences given for more serious offenses.) 2. Second offense: a conference with an administrator and a bus suspension for a minimum of two days. 3. Third offense: a conference with an administrator and a bus suspension for a minimum of three days. 4. Fourth offense: a conference with an administrator and a bus suspension for a minimum of four days. 5. Fifth offense: a conference with an administrator and a bus suspension for a period of five to ten days. Any of the above listed steps may be waived by the administration when necessary. Suspensions resulting from LEVEL I OR II violations on the bus generally should result in suspension from the bus only. Suspensions for LEVEL III OR HIGHER violations committed on the bus may result in an OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION or a recommendation to an ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL ASSIGNMENT.

Good student behavior while on the bus is of great importance. When a student misbehaves on the bus, he/she is putting the lives of others in unnecessary danger. Therefore, misconduct on the bus is taken seriously. Riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right.

ACTIVITY BUS The Activity Bus provides transportation for students who participate in extracurricular activities. The activity bus is not available for students who remain after school as spectators for athletic events. The Activity Bus stops at the following locations: CLEMMONS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8 CLEMMONS YMCA PARKLAND HIGH SCHOOL GRIFFITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Bus Passes If a student wishes to ride a bus other than his/her assigned bus, a note from a parent/guardian is required, stating the student’s first and last name, where the student is going, the bus number and a phone number where the parent/guardian may be reached. The note must be given to the guidance clerk in the counseling center before 8:00am on the day of the bus change. The clerk will call to verify the bus request with a parent. Requests are only granted for child care reasons. Permission to ride another bus may be denied if it results in overcrowding.

BUYING OR SELLING NO items are to be bought or sold without the consent and approval of the principal.

CAFETERIA PROCEDURES  Teachers will walk their classes to and from the cafeteria.  You must get everything they want to eat before being seated. You are not allowed to return to cashier or lunch line.  Know your student number.  Go through the line or Outtakes quickly.  Sit in your assigned area/Stay at your assigned table.  Clean around your area when leaving.  DO NOT TAKE FOOD AND/OR DRINKS OUT OF CAFETERIA OR THE ANNEX.

BREAKFAST/LUNCH PRICES Breakfast: $2.00 Lunch: $2.70 Reduced: $.40

CARE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY Students are expected to take care of all school materials/property. Should a student lose or damage any materials, he/she will be required to pay for a replacement or pay for damages. Violators will face appropriate consequences. Everyone should take pride in the interior and exterior of our building. We ask that you do everything you can to keep the school clean and attractive. Remember, school is your home away from home!

CLASS CHANGES/MOVEMENT In order to provide a safe environment for all students at CMS, we will walk directly, without stopping in a silent single file line on the designated side of the hall to every destination in a timely manner while respecting each other’s personal space and school property with or without adult supervision.

COUNSELING SERVICES The Guidance Office is open from 7:00am – 3:00pm daily. As a student, you will experience a lot of changes in the way you look, feel, and think. The counselors want to be there to provide support and encouragement. You may see a counselor by getting permission from a teacher or scheduling an appointment before you go to class or after school. Some of the ways our counselors work with you include: • Talking with and listening to you individually or in small groups about your thoughts, plans, and concerns. • Working with your parents, teachers, and others to help you in your school progress. • Working with you in your classroom on special counseling-related subjects.

DISCIPLINE At Clemmons Middle School, discipline procedures will be applied in a fair and consistent manner according to the WSFCS Student Discipline Guidelines. Please refer to the parent handbook that is distributed by the WSFCS. Information is also available on the WSFCS website and on the CMS website. At CMS, we believe that all students can behave appropriately. We will not tolerate student behavior that hinders the teaching and learning process. Therefore, we clearly define both school wide expectations and individual rules. Broken rules will result in consequences. 9 Every effort will be made to help you understand the discipline policy and procedures of the school. Inappropriate behavior may result in the following consequences:

Conference with student – teacher and/or administrator Parent notification/conference – teacher and/or administrator, In-School-Suspension(ISS)—ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENT, Out-of-School Suspension(OSS)—ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENT, Out-of-School Suspension with a recommendation to an Alternative School – ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENT, Long-term Suspension with a recommendation for expulsion – ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIGNMENT. GUIDELINES FOR DISCIPLINE LOCATED IN PARENT HANDBOOK-AR 5131 SUMMARY.

DISPLAY OF PUBLIC AFFECTION WALKING HAND AND HAND, ARM AROUND WAIST, OR KISSING ARE NOT APPROPRIATE AT SCHOOL. DRESS CODE Cleanliness, good grooming and appropriate dress generally reduce distractions, promote good health, and enhance the learning environment. In January 2003, the WSFCS adopted a new dress policy for all students. Please understand, if your dress is not appropriate or it disrupts learning, you may be required to change your clothing.

 All shorts and skirts must not be more than the length of a $1.00 bill above the knee. Leggings may be worn, but must have a shirt/top that meets the $1.00 bill rule.  All shirts, blouses, and t-shirts must cover the upper torso completely including the stomach and shoulders. (no spaghetti straps, tank tops, halter tops, or tube tops) The width of a $1.00 bill may be used to determine if straps are wide enough.

Listed below are examples of other prohibited dress, but are not limited to the following:  Clothing that contains advertisements for tobacco, alcohol, or drugs; pictures or graphics of nudity; words that are profane, lewd, vulgar, or indecent.  Halter or bare midriff tops, or bare midriffs  Spaghetti straps or tank tops  Strapless shirts or tube tops  Bare feet  Short shorts or skirts  Pants, slacks or jeans that sag below waist  Hats, caps, or bandanas (unless the headwear is based on a sincerely held religious belief or practice)  Underwear showing or worn as outerwear  Provocative, revealing attire that exposes cleavage  Any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with gangs, intimidation, violence or violent groups about which students at a particular school have been notified,  All footwear should be appropriate and safe for school  No bedroom shoes  No pajamas  No costumes of any kind


EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES, CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Both intramural and interscholastic sports are offered at CMS. Intramural sports are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons (a monthly schedule will be issued). Activity buses are available to take the students home who remain after school to participate. All participants must have a medical exam conducted by a licensed physician prior to participation.

Other extracurricular activities include: Art, Band, Chorus, Strings, Yearbook, National Junior Honor Society, Chess, Crosby Scholars, Science Club, Cheerleading, Robotics, National Academic League, Student Council, Lit Wits, FOR (Friends of Rachel). 10

FEES The school issues school locks. If the school lock is lost, a fee of $5.00 will be charged to replace the lock. No outside locks are permitted. All WSFCS students (grades 6-8) will pay a PE fee of $4.00 that includes a $.50 lock fee. A CMS uniform may be purchased for an additional charge only after the $4.00 county PE fee is paid. These fees are assessed by the WSFCS.

Fees for damaged books will vary depending on the condition of the books when issued. Charges for lost books are assessed at full replacement cost. Students will not be allowed to participate in end of the year activities if all fees are not paid in full. FIELD TRIPS Students may be involved in field trips at CMS that are an extension of the classroom instruction. These trips are intended to enhance the academic program and to provide students with opportunities to grow personally and socially. Permission is required from the parent/guardian in order for the student to attend. Teachers will provide the guidelines for the trips prior to departure. Field trips may also include competitions associated with different clubs and organizations. These trips may be limited to the students involved with the club or organization. Students are always expected to behave and to represent our school in a positive manner in all situations when participating in any school sanctioned activity. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action according to the WSFCS Guidelines.

FIRE, TORNADO AND LOCKDOWN DRILLS Fire and tornado drills are practiced periodically throughout the school year. All students must participate and follow instructions posted in the classrooms. Fire drills will be conducted each month. Both fire and tornado drills are designed to help prevent injuries and deaths in case of an emergency. When the alarm sounds for a fire drill, students should walk in a quiet, single file line to their assigned area outside. When the announcement is made for a tornado drill, students are to move quickly and quietly to the designated area in the building, take proper position on the floor, and listen for further instructions. These plans are posted in each classroom. Lockdown drills will take place four times a year directed by administration. The staff will work with our SRO (School Resource Officer) to establish the safest environment possible during any crisis. These drills will help prepare both staff and students for any event warranting such procedures. Students are expected to follow all staff directives.

FOOD SERIVICES Reduced and free breakfast and lunch are provided to students who qualify. Forms may be picked up in the cafeteria from the school cafeteria manager. The regular cost of a breakfast varies according to which items are purchased. A full breakfast meal costs $2.00. A regular lunch is $2.70. The reduced price for lunch is $.40. Certain foods may be purchased a la carte. Students may not charge meals. Those who forget their lunch money may request a voucher for a vegetable (not french fries), milk and two rolls. Parents must reimburse the cafeteria for the value of the voucher meal. Parents are encouraged to prepay for meals and can prepay on-line also.

HALL PASSES All students in the halls during the school day must have a hall pass issued and signed by their current teacher. Students will not be allowed to move from one area of the building to another without a hall pass.

HALLWAY PROCEDURES In order to provide a safe environment for all students at CMS, we will walk directly, without stopping in a silent single file line on the designated side of the hall to every destination in a timely manner while respecting each other’s personal space and school property with or without adult supervision.

HEALTH FACTS In order for you to perform your very best in school, you need to feel your best. If you are well, we expect you to report to school every day.. FIELD TRIPS If your team is scheduled for a field trip and you generally take medication at school, a staff member will be responsible for the medication and the administering of the medication while on the trip. ILLNESS When returning to school, bring a signed note from a parent indicating the dates of your absences. 11 ILLNESS AT SCHOOL If you become ill at school, a parent will be contacted to come get you if it is determined that you are too ill to return to class. We must have the correct home, work and cell telephone numbers of your parent(s) or guardian(s). INJURED AT SCHOOL If you are injured, you need to let your teacher know immediately. You will be sent to the office, or personnel will be sent to you depending on the nature of the injury. We will contact your parent(s) or guardian(s) immediately. MEDICAL FORM/EMERGENCY ROOM A signed Medical Form must be filed in the office. If you need medical attention at the hospital, every effort will be made to contact a parent(s) or guardian(s) and have them come to the school or meet you and school personnel at the Emergency Room. MEDICATION Office personnel must administer medication. We must have a doctor’s statement on file about prescription medicine to be taken. The statement and the medicine must be kept in the office. You should not have medicine in your possession at any time or in your locker. PHYSICAL EXAM Any 7th or 8th grade student planning to participate in interscholastic athletics must have a current physical on file. Your family doctor can complete the physical. You are responsible for having the physical completed by the specified date. SCHOOL NURSE The school nurse will visit the school once a week. During the visit, the nurse will be available to counsel students at their request, about health, emotional, or home problems. Conferences are confidential. The nurse will also conduct visual and dental screenings in addition to other duties.

INTERNET USE The WSFCS offers internet access to all students. Access to the Internet enables students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and bulletin boards while exchanging messages with Internet users throughout the world. Families are warned that the Internet is a fluid environment. It is understood that access to the Internet through the WSFCS network is a privilege that is to be used for educational purposes. All students and parents will be required to sign a Student network/Internet User Agreement and Parent Permission Form before being allowed internet access.

IT’S MY CALL It’s My Call is a program sponsored by Partnership for a Drug Free America and approved by the WSFCS Board of Education. The program encourages students to remain drug-free throughout their school career. Students make a commitment to remain drug-free and also commit to random drug testing by signing the pledge. The It’s My Call program is a voluntary alcohol and drug testing program.

LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY Students should leave school early ONLY for illness or medical appointment. Please try to limit appointments to after school hours and non-school days to keep your child from missing valuable instructional time. For security purposes, only parents, legal guardians or parent-approved emergency contacts may pick up a student for early dismissal. Proper identification will be required when signing out a student. Students are signed out early in the main office.

LOCKERS AND DESKS Lockers and desks are the property of WS/FCS. Students may store their books, papers, clothing and other personal items in them. Students may not place any prohibited substance or anything that may be a fire hazard in a desk or locker. Students must keep their lockers and desks neat, clean and orderly.. The school reserves the right to inspect the contents of lockers and desks at any time.

LOST AND FOUND Lost articles should be placed in the container on your grade level wing. This container should be checked if you misplace or lose an item. If you have an instrument, make sure you have an identification tag on the case.

MAKE-UP WORK POLICY • A parent or student may request make-up assignments for an absence of TWO OR MORE CONSECUTIVE DAYS. Call the guidance office or email the teachers to request make up work. • If you must be out for a period of four (4) weeks due to an injury, illness, or other disability, contact the Counseling Center. 12 • A student will have one (1) day to complete make-up assignments for every one (1) day absent. • Make-up assignment grades will be counted in the student’s overall grade for that quarter. • Make-up work can be different from class assignments while absent.

MEDICINE Office personnel must administer medication. We must have a doctor’s statement on file about prescription medicine to be taken. The statement and the medicine must be kept in the office. You should not have medicine in your possession at any time or in your locker.

MEDIA CENTER Students may visit the Media Center before school and during the day with permission from their homeroom teacher. The center continues to expand its resources and add books and other equipment. Classes visit the Media Center to check out books and work on class assignments and projects. Student work is displayed throughout the year. You are responsible for any books checked out of the media center. If you lose a book, you must pay for it. Books may be checked out for two (2) weeks and renewed if needed.

MESSAGES Messages for students may be left with the secretary. The messages will be delivered to the student during class changes or at lunch. Classroom instruction will not be interrupted to deliver messages except in the case of an emergency. Please do not ask for students to be called out of class.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETICS To be eligible for participation in middle school athletics, a student must pass all his/her courses and earn a 1.75 grade point average (GPA). If a student does not qualify academically, the student shall be placed on academic probation the next nine-week grading period. The student shall be eligible for participation while on academic probation if the student participates weekly in a tutorial/remedial program conducted beyond the instructional day. However, if the student does not pass all courses and earn a 1.75 GPA during the nine- week grading period that he/she is on academic probation, then the student shall be ineligible in subsequent nine-week grade periods until he/she passes all his/her courses and earn a 1.75 GPA. A student who is absent more than 10 days in a semester shall be ineligible for participation in any interscholastic activity in middle or high school during the next semester unless granted a hardship waiver. The following also apply: • Be properly assigned to the school, • Not become 15 years of age on or before October 16th of that year, • RECEIVE A MEDICAL EXAM CONDUCTED BY A LICENSED PHYSICIAN, • Be an amateur, • Carry proper insurance. INTRAMURALS • Held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. • Parent permission needed. INTERSCHOLASTICS If you participated in seventh (7) or eighth (8) grade intramurals, you may also be selected to compete on the interscholastic team in volleyball, soccer, basketball, cross country and/or track. Admission to games is $3.00.

MOMENT OF SILENCE/ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In accordance with Administration Regulation 6115, a Moment of Silence will be observed daily. No activity is allowed during this time. Persons in the halls and other parts of the building should stop and remain quiet until the Moment of Silence is over. The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited each day during the announcements. You cannot be forced to recite the pledge. However, respect must be shown while the pledge is being recited.

PARENT COMMUNICATION Parent communication is of utmost importance. Announcements, updates, reminders are sent home on Wednesdays. Announcements/important information is also made through telephone/email. Please visit our website for school news and updates, 13 homework and/or classwork, PTSA info, etc. Teacher websites are updated weekly. Check Powerschool Parent Portal for grading updates frequently. You may also set up the system to email updates to you at various time intervals. Please help us keep the lines of communication open between the home and school.

PARENT CONFERENCES The faculty and staff at CMS look forward to working with the parents/guardians of our students. We invite and encourage you to meet with your child’s teacher(s) to discuss academic achievement and behavior.

PERSONAL PROPERTY DO NOT BRING excessive amounts of money or other valuables to school. NEVER leave pocketbooks, jewelry, or items of value unattended. CMS is NOT responsible for any lost/stolen/damaged items brought on campus.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION You are required to take physical education unless exempt for medical reasons. You should wear TENNIS SHOES for all related gym activities. You must also DRESS OUT FOR EVERY CLASS. DRESS ATTIRE You will wear a GYM UNIFORM (gray shirt, navy shorts). You may bring a gray shirt and navy shorts from home. NO BLUE JEANS OR DENIM SHORTS ALLOWED. A fee of $4.00 is required, separate from the purchase of a uniform. PRICES PE Fee - $4.00 NAVY SHORTS-$8.00 LOST GYM SHIRT - $7.00 GRAY T-SHIRT--$7.00 LOST GYM SHORTS - $8.00 LOST LOCK---$5.00 CLEMMONS UNIFORM - $15.00

PROMOTION/RETENTION For promotion, students must pass three (3) of their four (4) core subjects and 75% of all other courses. A student may substitute a passing grade in the fourth core subject for an elective course, which equates to a year of instruction. End-of-Grade tests and Final Exams will count as 20% of a student’s final grade. EOC tests count 25%. In accordance with the education laws of this state N.C.G.S. 8115C-288(a), principals have the authority to promote and retain pupils based on the policies of the State Board of Education and local guidelines.

REPORT CARDS Report cards are issued in accordance with the schedule established by the WSFCS. Parents should sign the report card envelope and return it to school after reviewing the student’s grades quarterly. Two stamps are required on the envelope for the final report card to be mailed in June.

RESTROOM Students will be given adequate opportunities to use the restroom during the school day. Teachers will supervise the use of the restroom during classroom breaks and lunch. If a student has a medical problem that requires more frequent use of the restroom, a note from a physician explaining the problem will be required.

SCHOOL CLOSING School may be closed for several reasons including weather and no power. In case school is closed due to weather or any emergency, listen to your radio, visit WSFCS website, check your TV for announcements, and turn to the School Channel (Cable 2) for immediate school closing updates.

TELEPHONE The school’s office telephone is to be used in case of an EMERGENCY OR ILLNESS. Forgetting homework, clothes, instruments, etc. is not considered an emergency.

TUTORING 14 After school tutoring is available to all students on Tuesdays for Language Arts, Wednesdays for Math and Thursdays for Science and Social Studies. Tutoring is scheduled from 2:10 – 3:00pm. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up from school by 3:00. Teachers will have a sign-up sheet for students requesting tutoring.

VISITORS All visitors must report to the office to register/sign-in. Siblings, relatives, friends are not allowed to visit students at school during the school day. Parents/guardians are allowed to eat lunch with their own child(ren) and to observe classes. Parents/guardians are not allowed to conference with a teacher during instructional time. Conferences may be scheduled prior to 7:00am, during the teachers’ planning and/or after 2:15pm.

WITHDRAWALS/TRANSFERS. • Inform the Counseling Center as soon as possible. • Pay all fees owed to the school.  Present checkout sheet to all teachers for your grade, book information, and their signature. • Turn in all books to classroom teachers and clean and empty locker. • Return any books checked out to the Media Center. • Return to the Counseling Center by the last period of the day to receive information needed for the new school..

Once you enroll in your new school, a copy of your records will be sent to the school including test scores, immunization record, birth certificate, Exceptional Children’s records, AG information, and report cards. REMEMBER: PROOF OF ADDRESS IS REQUIRED WHEN REGISTERING AT THE NEW SCHOOL. . WSFCS SYSTEM POLICIES A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES IS LOCATED IN THE WSFCS MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT HANDBOOK. DISCLAIMER The administration of Clemmons Middle School reserve the right to add, modify or delete information contained in this handbook. Written notification of changes will be provided to students and parents when changes occur.

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