Employment Policy and Application Process

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Employment Policy and Application Process


ELI will employ highly qualified, spiritually gifted, experienced, competent, individuals demonstrably committed to a biblical Christ-centered lifestyle and worldview (as defined herein), who will in a spirit of unity assist ELI to achieve its corporate purpose, vision and mission for the glory of God.

ELI, as a religiously based organization, reserves the right to discriminate in its hiring practices, on the basis of its religious tenants as expressed in the Christian Scriptures, its Statement of Faith and policies arising there from.

The potential employee will: 1. Be an active evangelical Christian believer (as characterized by ELI Statement of Faith) 2. Be active and in good standing with a local biblical Christ-centered church (as characterized by ELI statement of Faith) 3. Read, understand and be in agreement with the ELI statements covering its Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values. 4. Read, understand and be in substantial agreement with the ELI Statement of Faith for employees. Any exceptions must be disclosed before employment. 5. Be found by ELI to have an expression of their Christian faith and practice that is agreeable to ELI Statement of Faith and practice 6. Read, understand and be in substantial agreement with operational policies of ELI. Any exceptions must be disclosed before employment 7. Have sufficient health and schedule to perform all the duties of the position for which hired. 8. If married and with family, to have the full agreement of spouse and family regarding the employment requirements 9. Have a Christian character that is expressive of biblical humility and loving kindness so as to be cheerfully able to work across boundaries of personal, social, economic, national, and denominational preferences. 10. Be of high biblical moral character, especially in areas of integrity, finances, and sexual behavior and be capable of sustaining background check 11. Read, understand, be agreeable to and have verifiable capacity and skill competence to perform the job description for the position applied for 12. Read, understand and be in agreement with the ELI Liability Release policy 13. Complete the necessary application with documentation

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 1 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Date: ______

Full Name:______

Current Address:______


Home Phone: ______Mobile: ______

Email: ______SSN:______

Position for which you are applying:______

Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No If “No,” are you authorized to work in the United States? Yes No

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes No If “Yes,” explain: ______


High School: ______City:______State:.___

Last year attended:______Did you graduate? Yes No Degree: ______

College: ______City:______State:.___

Last year attended:______Did you graduate? Yes No Degree: ______


Last year attended:______Did you graduate? Yes No Degree: ______

Other: ______City:______State:.___

Last year attended:______Did you graduate? Yes No Degree: ______


For Ordained Ministers - Presbytery of which you are an active member:


Current Address:______


Office Phone: ______Email: ______

Date and place of ordination: ______

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 2 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org Church of which you are currently a member (participant for Teaching Elders):


Current Address:______


Office Phone: ______Email: ______

Pastor’s name: ______

Personal References: Please list two persons who have known you for more than two years, who are not part of your family and who we may contact.

Full Name:______

Current Address:______


Home Phone: ______Mobile: ______

Email: ______

Full Name:______

Current Address:______


Home Phone: ______Mobile: ______

Email: ______

Professional References Please list two persons who have knowledge of your work related qualifications who are not part of your family and who we may contact.

Full Name:______

Current Address:______


Home Phone: ______Mobile: ______

Email: ______

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 3 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org Full Name:______

Current Address:______


Home Phone: ______Mobile: ______

Email: ______

Employment Experience: List the last three employments you have held

Employer Name:______

Current Address:______


Office Phone: ______Email: ______

Position held: ______From: ______To: ______

Employer Name:______

Current Address:______


Office Phone: ______Email: ______

Position held: ______From: ______To: ______

Employer Name:______

Current Address:______


Office Phone: ______Email: ______

Position held: ______From: ______To: ______


Please submit on separate paper a brief testimonial of your Christian experience touching upon your faith, your gifts, and prior use of those gifts.

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 4 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org Please submit a brief statement of what you believe your contribution to the ministry of ELI might be.

Statement of Faith review:

Review the attached ELI Statement of Faith and indicate here if you are in agreement with it. I agree with the ELI Statement of Faith Yes No

Please obtain a copy of the Westminster Confession of Faith, review it and make note of any exceptions with it you may have. This statement underlies the shorter ELI statement (above). Be prepared to discuss your exceptions to the major tenants if necessary.



ELI holds to the general statement of faith articulated by the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. We believe these general statements are more fully expressed in classic formulations of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Heidelberg Catechism.

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe in the deity and humanity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His present rule as Head of the Church and in His personal return in power and glory.

4. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful men regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.

5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.

6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, with equality across racial, gender, and class differences.


ELI, at the staff level, holds to a classic Reformed theological perspective. Therefore, potential employees should be familiar with this perspective and in substantial agreement with the basic distinctive tenants of this perspective. Two classic expressions of this perspective are the Westminster Confession of Faith and its catechisms and the Heidelberg Catechism.

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 5 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org EQUPPING LEADERS INTERNATIONAL CORE STATEMENTS

PURPOSE (Why do we exist?) To glorify God by developing strategic Christian leaders, inside and outside the institutional church, to lead biblical reformation1 in their cultures and to replicate this leadership

VISION (What are we tying to accomplish?) ELI will serve pastors and strategic Christian leaders and their spouses primarily in the majority world to equip and empower them to reproduce a growing number of leaders of biblical reformational movements in their nations that impact the whole of life: family, church, education, workplace, and government.

MISSION (How do we plan to accomplish our Vision?) ELI is in a day of unprecedented movement of the Holy Spirit harvesting from the seed sown by faithful missionaries under a “residential” paradigm fit for their purpose and time. Eli believes a “non-residential” paradigm is a better fit for our purpose and time. ELI will accomplish our Vision by pursuing 4 strategies:

1. Instructing – ELI will provide practical reproducible instruction in a Christ-centered biblical worldview2 through a variety of venues including large conferences, smaller focused instructor training groups and individual mentoring. Instructional venues will include degree and non- degree level opportunities.

2. Mobilizing – ELI will actively recruit an increasing number of instructors – paid full time staff and short term volunteers. A major component will be the increasing network of qualified3, gifted, and experienced US and indigenous self-funded volunteer instructors.

3. Resourcing – ELI will create and distribute high quality, culturally relevant course materials and facilitate provision of other strategic resources such as books and electronic study materials and computer-based resources.

4. Strategic Partnering – ELI will seek to come alongside to serve both the foreign and domestic Christian community, seeking to assist them accomplish their God given responsibilities according to their God given gifts and callings insofar as it is consistent with ELI purposes. ELI will seek to engage and facilitate others in strategic partnerships

1 “biblical reformation” is the process of bringing all of life under the sovereign and gracious reign of King Jesus

2 “Christ-centered biblical worldview” is to be interpreted as that which is commonly referred to as a Reformed world and life perspective. 3 “Qualified” by faith, character, giftedness, training, and experience, not necessarily by academic or professional credentials as set forth e.g. in the Westminster Confession of Faith

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 6 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org LIABILTY RELEASE POLICY

As an employee of ELI you will need to understand and sign a liability release form containing language similar to the following:

I, (print)______, acknowledge and state the following:

I understand and agree that travel with Equipping Leaders International (ELI) is to assist in instructional conferences and church services designed to minister directly to individuals and organizations in a developing country, not governed by US law and without USA legal, health and safety standards.

I understand that this may entail travel, foods, accommodations, mental and physical activity, exposure to disease, criminal and/or governmental activity that may put me at risk.

I certify that I am in good health and physically able to travel and perform the instructional duties. I also certify that I have obtained international travel insurance covering emergency medical treatment and evacuation.

I understand that I am engaging in this project at my own risk. I assume any and all risk and responsibility for any damage or injury to my property or any personal injury or illness which I may sustain while involved in this project, and related medical costs and expenses. Further, I understand that ELI does not pay ransoms and therefore I assume the associated risk.

In the event that ELI or the in-country host arranges accommodations, I understand that they are not responsible or liable for my personal effects and property and that they will not provide lock up or security for any items. I will indemnify and hold ELI harmless in the event of theft or for loss resulting from any source or cause. I further understand and agree to abide by whatever rules and regulations may be in effect for the accommodations at that time.

By my signature, for myself, my estate and my heirs, I release, discharge, indemnify and forever hold Equipping Leaders International, together with their directors, officers, agents, staff and volunteers, harmless from any and all causes of action arising from my participation in this project, and travel or lodging associated therewith, including any damages which may be caused by their negligence.

Signature ______Date ______


Person to contact in case of emergency ______

Emergency contact phone & email______

Witness ______Date ______

Witness ______Date ______

Donald L. Mountan, M.Div., Executive Director 7 9039 Village Green Blvd., Clermont, FL 34711 Office/Fax 352 394 5180 Mobile 352 409 7074 [email protected] www.equippingleadersinternational.org

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