Property Portfolio Management Scrutiny

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Property Portfolio Management Scrutiny

Appendix 6 (a) TAXI QUALITY WORKING GROUP ACTION PLAN Last Updated – 08/09/2009

Recommendation Recommendatio Target Date Lead OSC Notes n Accepted for Action Officer Update (Yes/No)

Age and Maintenance of Taxi Fleet Yes 1st April 2008 E. Rhodes 11th Initially the upper age limit will be 15 September years reducing by one year annually 2008 to 2013 by which time the upper age limit will be 10 yrs. Vehicles over the R1 That by 2010, no hackney carriage or private hire vehicle upper limit may apply for exceptional will be licensed over the age of condition status. Policy now approved. 10 years from first registration. COMPLETED

R2 That a vehicle’s emission rates Yes S. Fulton 27th March Will be started as soon as the Policy is be checked on the vehicle 2008 approved. during each pit test conducted and a print out of the results be COMPLETED made available to the driver. st th R3 To implement, as soon as Yes 1 January E. Rhodes 27 March To be introduced from 01.01.2008 in a feasibly possible, a graduated 2008 2008 phased manner starting with vehicles taxi testing policy to increase relicensed in September 2007 the number of tests depending on the age of the licensed COMPLETED vehicle, as follows: 1-3 years, 1 test per year; 3-5 years, 2 tests per year; 5+ years, 3 tests per year.

st th R4 That vehicles over the age of Yes 1 April 2008 E. Rhodes 11 Initially the exemption will apply to ten years form first registration September vehicles over 15 years and reduce by be permitted to extend their 2008 one year annually to 2013 when the license under the ‘exceptional upper age limit will be 10 years. Policy quality’ criteria, and that any now approved. defects found while under this criteria result in the vehicle COMPLETED immediately losing it’s license.

th R5 That vehicles that have failed a Yes No change to E. Rhodes/ 6 COMPLETE – No change to existing pit test be permitted to obtain existing S. Fulton September procedure. repairs from any source, but procedure 2007 must be re-inspected upon repair at Layton depot.

th R6 That taxi operators be able to Yes E. Rhodes 27 March Will be implemented as soon as the transfer the unexpired portion of 2008 Policy is approved. the annual license fee from one vehicle (that will no longer be COMPLETED used) to another vehicle. Dress Code and Conduct of Drivers

Yes 1st August E. Rhodes 6th COMPLETED R7 That a formal code be implemented and enforced for 2007 September dress for taxi drivers to include: 2007 no sleeveless shirts; no round- necked tops or t-shirts; no clothing that has offensive slogans or logos; no sportswear shirts (i.e. football/rugby shirts); no bare chests; no sports shorts (smart shorts, trousers or skirts only); full shoes to be worn, including sandals; no flip-flops.

st th st R8 To prohibit drivers from smoking Yes 1 August E. Rhodes 6 COMPLETED - 1 July 2007 in the vehicle at all times, eating 2008 September smoking ban in the vehicle in the presence of 2007 customers/passengers, and using a mobile phone while driving. Advertising

Yes Already E. Rhodes 6th No change to existing practice. R9 That the Council continue to strictly control all external and implemented. September internal advertising on all 2007 COMPLETED licensed vehicles and not allow any that may be disadvantageous to the Council or portray and negative image of the town, e.g. homelessness advertisements, and that nothing inside the vehicle must obscure the passenger’s view of the meter.

Colour of Fleet

Yes E. Rhodes 27th March WITHDRAWN R10 That by 2010 all taxi operator companies colour brand both 2008 their hackney carriages and This has been widely discussed and private hire vehicles. the recommendation is that it is unnecessary as companies are merging and the objective will be achieved naturally. Penalty Points System 1st August E. Rhodes/ 6th WITHDRAWN - It is recommended Yes 2007 M. Marshall September that this item be withdrawn as the R11 To establish a penalty points system, where points are administration of the system, plus an accrued against taxi drivers for appeals procedure, would render the failing to meet the basic proposal unworkable. All parties to requirements and conditions of consultation are satisfied that the the taxi license, and that once present system of discipline is robust. the maximum twelve-point limit has been reached, the matter be referred to the Public Protection Sub-Committee.

th R12 ‘How Am I Driving?’ Yes E. Rhodes 11 To be implemented as soon as the plates/stickers to be attached to September policy is approved. Plates now being every licensed vehicle. Other 2008 distributed and displayed. significant users of the taxi trade should also be encouraged to COMPLETED report instances of poor customer service. Taxi Ranks and Stewards WITHDRAWN - Legislation, costs and procedures required to implement this proposal lead to the conclusion that Yes S. Davies 6th there are better ways to resolve this R13 Actively explore using bus stops as taxi ranks in the town centre, September issue. It is recommended that this lat at night and early morning, 2007 proposal be abandoned. when the buses are not in operation.

th R14 That a taxi stewarding scheme Yes E. Rhodes/ 11 The Licensing Service has provided B be implemented at the earliest L. Ball September Safe Blackpool with funding to ensure opportunity in the interest of 2008 Taxi Stewarding over the Easter 2008 customer safety and for the period, including the extended rank on safety of the taxi operators the Promenade at the westerly end of funded from increased taxi Queen Street. licence fees. COMPLETED th R15 That Taxi companies be Yes E. Rhodes 11 Update August 2009 – a total of 112 encouraged to install CCTV into September vehicles are now either equipped or all licensed vehicles to assist 2008 approved for fitting. Lancashire with the safety of drivers. Constabulary has recorded a 14 per cent reduction in incidents involving taxis has been achieved since July 2008. An initial £10k has been received from an advertising company for allowing silent video advertising screens in 32 hackneys.


Customer Service It is considered unworkable and discriminatory to make this a condition for applicant drivers as they would Yes 1st August S. Davies 24th Sept have to wait months to qualify. R16 That attendance on customer care/’Welcome Host’ courses be 2008 2009 made compulsory for all new Recommend that this be drivers as a condition of gaining withdrawn, with R17 to replace. their taxi drivers badge.

st th R17 To offer the new BTEC Level 2 Yes 1 January S. Davies 24 Sept Update August 2009 – see Award on Transporting 2008 2009 Recommendation 22. Ongoing. Passengers by Taxi and Private Hire to all taxi drivers in the borough. th R18 To encourage taxi drivers to Yes E. Rhodes 24 Sept This item could be overtaken by a hand out copies of the town’s 2009 scheme involving silent video Tourist Guide, with incentives to advertising screens. The advertising encourage compliance with this. company pays the Council £350 p.a. per vehicle for 45 Hackneys initially. From year 3 onwards the income goes to the vehicle owner. Thus the scheme becomes self-funding across the fleet. Only vehicles fitted with CCTV qualify for the advertising screens. Licensing Services retains editorial control over the advertisements. Ongoing. See Recommendation 22.

th R19 That the Topographical Yes E. Rhodes 11 Customer Care Training will Knowledge Tests be expanded September commence in December 2007 and the to incorporate questions 2008 topographical examination will be regarding customer service amended thereafter to include skills, code of conduct, dress Customer Care questions. This code, use of wheelchair ramps conflicts with the exams taken under and disability awareness. the BTECH and NVQ courses and therefore has been removed.

REMOVED st th R20 To encourage taxi operators to Yes 1 August E. Rhodes 11 This is entirely a matter for owners update their payment methods 2007 September and operators. to allow passengers to use 2008 credit and debit cards to pay for REMOVED fees.


Yes E. Rhodes 27th March Awaiting a submission from Blackpool R21 To implement a realistic fare increase in comparison to other 2008 Licensed Taxi Owners Association. licensing authorities. COMPLETED

st th R22 To promote reduced taxi badge Yes 1 April 2008 E. Rhodes 24 Sept Drivers Badge fees for 2009 (currently fees for taxi operators who 2009 £88) are now reimbursed by Blackpool comply with certain Council and Fylde College and Beneast to requests, e.g. new fleet, drivers that have completed the NVQ maintain proper records, attend Level 2 Customer Care Course. A driver training courses and for total of 500 have completed the those who utilise cleaner and training out of a potential 1450 max. greener fuels. The 500 are split between Blackpool & Fylde College, Beneast and M2 Training from Bournemouth who were employed by Premier solely to do their drivers. Completion date is December 2010 and is therefore on schedule. Ongoing. st th R23 That the Council only award Yes 1 April 2009 Dependent 27 March Education and Social Services are in contracts (e.g. for school runs) on 2008 agreement. Due to become policy to those taxi operators who department with effect from September 2008 comply with all the required requesting when new contracts are due to be standards of dress, conduct, the service tendered for. knowledge, competence, etc. COMPLETED

st th R24 That all taxi operators and Yes 1 August E. Rhodes 11 These matters are now covered by the drivers be required to sign, 2007 September conditions under the new Taxi acknowledge and comply with a 2008 Licensing Policy. Code of Conduct that includes best practise guidelines for a COMPLETED quality and high standard taxi service.

Enforcement Officers

Budget constraints mean that this is Yes 1st April 2008 S. Davies/ 11th R25 To consider increasing the not possible. To attempt to contribute Council’s number of licensing T. Coglan September extra resource in this area, multi- enforcement officers to ensure 2008 skilling of other staff from within the maximum adherence to the new Quality Standards Division is taxi licence policy conditions, continuing. subject to budget constraints. COMPLETED

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