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Milan Special School District s1

Milan Special School District Cheerleader Guidelines


Being a cheerleader is an honor and special privilege. Cheerleaders exist to promote good sportsmanship, good citizenship, wholesome and enthusiastic school spirit and are first and foremost representatives of their school. Cheerleaders should exemplify both individual and group behavior suitable to their position and in accordance with the rules as stated in the MHS/MMS agenda. Members of this group have a fundamental responsibility to play a leadership role in building teamwork and helping the school achieve its goals and objectives.


Cheerleaders are expected to be physically and mentally skilled in learning and remembering cheers. They are also expected to be able to publicly demonstrate a skill level suitable for the team position and the timing necessary for group performance. Off the field, they are to enthusiastically support all athletic teams through advertisement, personal attitude, and attendance at events chosen by the coach and approved by the principal.


Candidates selected to be a member of the cheerleading squad are expected to make a commitment to the activity for the full cheerleading year. Any cheerleader who voluntarily quits the squad before the end of the cheerleading year without the approval of the principal and coach will not be allowed to tryout for the next year.


MHS: Sixteen (16) cheerleaders for football squad and fourteen (14) for basketball squad, with at least two (2) freshmen per squad. Participants must have cheered for MHS for at least one (1) year to tryout for both football and basketball squads. Those who have never cheered at MHS may tryout specifically for the football squad, the basketball squad, or either with no specification. MMS: All cheerleaders will be 7th or 8th grade students at Milan Middle School. Candidates will tryout at the end of their sixth and/or seventh grade year. The maximum number of cheerleaders on the MMS squad will be fifteen (15).


TRYOUT PRACTICE • A three day practice will be facilitated by the coach and UCA certified trainers. Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend each day of the tryout practice in order to be as well prepared as possible for tryouts. • Should a candidate not be present at a practice session, he/she is responsible for learning any missed material on his/her own time from other participants. • The practice is planned and led by the coach. • Spectators (including parents, coaches, friends, non-involved school personnel) are not permitted to watch or videotape clinic practice.

CHEERLEADER TRYOUTS (JUDGING) Students must be present at the cheerleader tryouts (judging) in order to be eligible for selection. Students must attend the entire day of school on the day of tryouts in order to participate in the after school judging. Documents Students must submit specified documents by their published due date in order to be a cheerleader candidate. Documents include, but are not limited to: • Student and Parent Agreement to Cheerleading Regulations and Guidelines (page 12) • Personal Student Information for Cheerleading (including proof of insurance) (page 13) • Parent Authorization to Consent to Treatment of Student (page 14) • Trip Authorization and Release Form (page 15)


Cheerleader selection is based solely on the ratings of knowledgeable, impartial judges who observe the candidates in a series of activities performed on a single afternoon. Prior to the judging, candidates attend tryout practice to develop skills/techniques on which they will be judged as well as to become familiar with the organization of the tryouts. • The coach will designate a captain and co-captain. • One mascot may be selected. This position is in addition to the designated cheerleading positions. If a mascot is chosen, the qualifications, responsibilities, and consequences outlined in this document will apply.

TRYOUT FORMAT • The tryout process is organized and facilitated by the cheerleader coach. At least one campus administrator is present in the tryout room to transport the score sheet from the judges to the auditor and oversee the selection process. •Candidates are in the tryout center for the length of their performance only. •The tryout room is closed to all other spectators • A minimum of three impartial judges is obtained for cheerleader tryouts by the cheer coach and/or Athletic Director. In the unusual case in which one judge becomes unavailable on the day of tryouts, the tryouts may proceed with two acceptable judges present. •Judges may be members of the UCA, NCA and/or UDA staff. Judges shall not be employees of the Milan Special School District. Judges shall not be a relative of any candidate or a private coach of any candidate. •Tabulation of the results will be done by an independent auditor. • Candidates perform before the judges individually and in previously assigned small groups. The coach specifies the set of activities which a candidate performs before the judges and communicates this to candidates during the tryout practice. While viewing the prescribed activities, the judges assign points to candidates on their potential to perform cheerleader skills and functions using a numeric scale (1-10). The highest possible total score is 50 (MMS) 55 (MHS). These skills and functions include:  Group chant and dance (10 pts) ¤ enthusiasm/poise/ motion sharpness/synchronization  Individual cheer ¤ voice projection (10pts) ¤ motion technique (10pts) ¤ jump/split techniques (10pts) ¤ facial expressions (10pts)  Gymnastics (MHS only) Points will be awarded according to the highest stunt successfully completed ¤ round off (1pt) ¤ round off back handspring or standing back handspring (2 pts) ¤ series of back handsprings (3pts) ¤ series of back handsprings with a tuck or layout (4pts) ¤ series of back handsprings with a twist (5pts)

Tumbling/gymnastics are not allowed at MMS tryouts. • Candidates are assigned a participant number prior to tryouts. During the judging and tabulation of scores, students are referred to by number only. • Required dress for tryouts is: Dress to impress! If you feel good about the way you look, it'll be easier for you to concentrate on what you need to do. Make sure your attire is appropriate!! It's always a good idea to wear your school or team colors. No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or halter style tops will be allowed. Stomachs will not be allowed to show. No items with cheerleader identification may be worn or displayed. Your hair should be neat, away from your face and in a pony tail if at all possible. Never wear jewelry or chew gum.

TABULATION OF TRYOUT RESULTS • Each judge scores the candidates’ performance using a numeric scale (1-10) • The judges’ scores are tabulated to yield one total score for each candidate. • Candidate total scores are ranked in numerical order. • The candidates with the highest rankings are selected as cheerleader. The top three eighth grade candidates will be selected. • In the event a tie needs to be broken (to determine the final position on the squad), the tied candidates are called back before the judges in a group to perform one or more of the tryout activities as designated by the coach. Without reference to previous scores, the judges reevaluate the candidates’ potential. After the call back, the candidate with the higher callback score is selected as cheerleader.

• The decision of the judges is final.

• At the end of tryouts the campus administrator collects all rating sheets, tabulations, and rankings and maintains these in a secure file for one (1) year. • Upon request parents may review their own child’s ratings in conference with administrator. • Alternates are not named. If a vacancy on a cheerleading squad occurs two or more weeks prior to the first day of school, it will be filled by naming the student with the next highest total rating from judges, assuming that student still meets qualifications and desires to make the necessary commitments. At the time a vacancy is filled, uniform and accessories will be ordered at parent expense. If a vacancy occurs less than two weeks before the first day of school or after the school year begins, it will not be filled. Judges ratings and candidate rankings are maintained in the principal’s office for one (1) year for use if this situation occurs. Example of judges score sheet for individual judging.


Cheerleader # ______

Motions Voice Jumps Facial Expression

10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Gymnastics (MHS only) Points will be awarded according to the highest stunt successfully completed

1 round off 2 round off back handspring or standing back handspring 3 series of back handsprings 4 series of back handsprings with a tuck or layout 5 series of back handsprings with a twist

Individual Score ______Example of judges score sheet for group judging.



#1 #2 #3 #4 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1



#5 #6 #7 #8 #9 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS After the tabulation of scores each candidate will be given a bag of candy with their tryout number. In that bag will be the notice stating one of the following: Congratulations! You made the MMS cheerleader squad! Congratulations! You made both the MHS football & basketball squads! Congratulations! You made the MHS basketball squad! Congratulations! You made the MHS football squad! Thank you for trying out! GREAT EFFORT!

The candidates will be instructed not to open their notice bag until after they leave the gym and get in their cars.


RESPONSIBILITIES OF CHEERLEADERS The responsibilities described in this section and consequences for failure to meet responsibilities listed in the Discipline and Consequences section take effect at the time the selected cheerleaders are announced.


Mandatory pre-participation physicals will be administered before cheerleading camp. The goals of the examination are to determine the health status of participants, to detect conditions that might limit participation or predispose to injury, to evaluate the fitness level, and to clear or restrict the performer from cheerleading activity. The expense of the one day group physicals will be absorbed by the Milan Special School District. The physician must document the physical examination on official school form. Cheerleader physicals may be scheduled in conjunction with fall sports physicals. If you are unable to attend the one day group physical, you will be required to obtain and pay for a physical within the time limits set by the coach. For the purposes of cheerleading, all activities are considered athletic activities.

TIME COMMITTMENTS Cheerleading is a time consuming activity and it is the responsibility of each cheerleader to be present at each activity and perform to the best of his/her ability. Before scheduling outside of school activities such as dance/gymnastics a cheerleader must carefully evaluate the time demands of schoolwork and cheerleading.

Students are able to participate in campus music and/or athletic programs and be a cheerleader. However, students and parents do need to assess the time commitments of all school activities and schoolwork. Other activities must not interfere with the responsibilities of cheerleading. Prior approval from the coach is required.

Cheerleaders who work must schedule work hours around any and all cheerleading activities including practices.

Appointments should also be scheduled around practices and games.

SAFETY REGULATIONS The American Association of Cheerleading Coaches & Administrators (AACCA) Cheerleading Safety Manual will be used as the guideline for all cheerleading activities. No matter how careful the participant and coach are, how many spotters are used, or what landing surface is used, the risks can not be eliminated. The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as muscle pulls, dislocation, and broken bones. The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death from landing or falls on back, neck, or head. All practices, games and competitions will be supervised by the coaches or a designated school official. Squad members are not released to practice stunts, pyramids, or gymnastics without the direct supervision of the coaches or a designated school official. Similarly, they may not perform without proper attire and safety mats as required.

CHEERLEADER ACTIVITIES Cheerleaders are expected to attend a variety of events as specified by the coach. In general cheerleader activities include:  attend scheduled practices  attend all football and basket ball games as designated by coach.  participate in campus pep rallies as scheduled by school administration  participate in campus and community events as specified by MMS/MHS administration/coach (examples: MMS-assist at Open House, participate in fourth grade orientation, MES May Day, community parade. MHS-mini cheer camps, banquets, homecoming activities, etc.)  attend summer camp

PRACTICE/GAMES •Summer and outside of school day practice is scheduled by the coach with principal approval. •Cheerleaders must attend all practices unless prior approval has been given. In case of illness, the coaches must have immediate notification and a note from a parent or guardian. If a doctor is seen, a doctor’s excuse must be obtained. If injured or sick but able to attend practices and/or games, then the cheerleader is expected to be in attendance. In the case of games, the injured or sick cheerleader will travel with the squad and sit with the coach in support of the team. •Practices will consist of rehearsing dances, cheers, chants, stunts, jumps and physical conditioning. The conditioning will include warm-up, stretching, strength training, and endurance training (to include jogging). • Cheerleaders who work must schedule work hours around any and all cheerleading activities including practices. Appointments should also be scheduled around practices and games. The cheerleaders will be allowed to miss 4 to 6 scheduled summer practices (depending on the number of practices scheduled). It is imperative that all cheerleaders be present for practices during the seasons for team stunts and builds. •A cheerleader may not be allowed to participate in an event if practices for the event have been missed. Absences will be considered on a case by case basis.

MMS - cheerleader practice may be scheduled no more than three days a week during the school year. The number of practices required varies according to time of year. There will be no cheerleader activities or practices during semester exam weeks or during TCAP testing weeks. Summer practice is held as designated by the coach. MHS - There will be required summer practices 2 to 3 times a week in the early morning (to avoid heat and not to interfere with working schedules). During football season, there will be after school practices daily or as needed (normally from 3:15 to 4:30). During basketball season, there will be practices on Monday and Thursday after school. On pep rally days there will be a 7:00 am practice to rehearse in the gym. The week of homecoming should be left open because extra practices and activities are required that week.

CAMP Cheerleaders will attend a summer cheerleader camp facilitated by UCA and/or the coach. Camp dates are selected by the coach and published as soon as confirmed to facilitate family summer plans. Camp is a two to five day event. Parents are responsible for the cost of camp. Extenuating circumstances, which would prohibit a cheerleader from attending camp, must be approved by the coach. The approximate cost will be $300. ATTENDANCE

ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL In order to participate in a cheerleader event a student must be present at school: MMS- for at least a ½ day of school the day of the event. Absences must be approved by coach.

MHS- for at least 2 complete class periods the day of the event. Absences must be approved by the coach.

ATTENDANCE AT EVENTS Attendance at established events is required of cheerleaders. If a cheerleader is unable to attend an assigned activity, the coach must be notified in advance of the absence with written verification provided. Students with unexcused absences from cheerleader events (including practices) are subject to penalties and restrictions established by the coach. (see pages 9 and 10)

During football season, the cheerleaders should be present for all games including playoffs. Because of the extended basketball season, cheerleaders will be on a rotating schedule that will decrease the number of games by approximately one third to one half. Cheerleaders will be required to cheer their scheduled games during ALL Tournaments. MHS cheerleaders will also be required to attend the banquets for the sport for which they cheer.

Cheerleaders should arrive (in full uniform) at home football and basketball games 45 minutes before the game starts. Cheerleaders need to be aboard the bus for away games five minutes before departure time and in full uniform upon arrival. Cheerleaders must stay after games until dismissed by the coach.

TRANSPORTATION Cheerleaders are required to travel together as a group on a bus to and from all events.

COST TO FAMILIES Parents/cheerleaders are responsible for costs associated with cheerleading such as bloomers, midriffs, hair accessories, shoes, warm-up suits, camp attire and poms, etc The estimated costs of cheerleading expenses for a new cheerleader are $600.00. The greater part of these expenses is incurred during the first weeks after tryouts. Every effort will be made to keep these costs to a minimum. This does not include any competition squad fees. Payment is due on the dates specified by the coach. Inquiries regarding financial responsibilities should be directed to the campus cheerleading coach. The uniform design is at the discretion of coach/administration.

FUNDRAISING Fundraising will be at the discretion of the coach.

MMS - fundraising activities will be announced at a later date. All cheerleaders must participate. MHS - The annual MHS football chicken cook. (Strawberry Festival Friday) The MHS Squads will hold a mini cheer camp as a fundraiser in June at the Milan City Park. Another mini cheer camp will be held in Spring. All cheerleaders must participate. Cheerleaders will participate in the MHS football “discount card” sale. Other fundraising activities will be announced at a later date. All cheerleaders must participate and the funds will be used to help offset individual expenses. DISCIPLINE AND CONSEQUENCES

Cheerleading is a sport in which the athletes are expected to promote and exhibit unity, teamwork, goal-setting, self-discipline, perseverance, and strong character. Being a member of the MSSD Cheerleading Squads is a privilege not a right. •Cheerleaders are expected to be respectful and follow all instructions and requests given by the coaches and the captains of the squad. •Choosing to be a cheerleader requires that you represent our school in a positive manner. Cheerleaders are expected to follow all school policies rules, and procedures of MSSD, as well as follow all safety rules, maintain good school attendance (no skipping), and behave in an appropriate way so as not to tarnish the reputation of the squad or our schools. •Cheerleaders who do not meet these standards are subject to school disciplinary consequences and cheerleader consequences. •Students will be asked to sign a written contract agreeing to adhere to the conduct rules as outlined in the cheerleader guidelines. •To ensure that each cheerleader is doing his or her part to contribute to the success of the squad, violations of rules will be documented and periodically reviewed with the cheerleader. •Consequences for violations could include, but are not limited to, physical exercise, extra practice, or sitting with the coach during part or all of an event (in full uniform). •Students with disciplinary infractions will attend practices with the squad and participate as determined by the coach. •Disciplinary infractions may also result in a student’s dismissal from the squad or limited participation in an extracurricular activity, if the disciplinary action or level of offense violates the specific standards of conduct specified by the student’s extracurricular contract. •If a student’s disciplinary infractions limit their participation in extracurricular activities the coach may restrict the wearing of uniforms or other cheerleader squad clothing and accessories at any time (i.e. sweater, camp clothes, warm ups, shoes, bows, and use of bag.)

GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL •Violation of any regulations or expectations could result in suspension or dismissal from the squad. Participation in any unlawful activities such as using alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, or involvement in theft or vandalism, etc. will result in suspension or dismissal from the squad. •Students who are dismissed from the cheerleading squad may no longer participate in any cheerleader activity for the remainder of the school year or wear any cheerleader squad clothing/accessories.

The coach and/or building administrator have the ultimate discretion for all disciplinary actions.

Cheerleader Rules include, but are not limited to the following: Hair must be in a high ponytail (unless otherwise specified), no hair hanging in face (spray or pin), must have ribbon when in uniform No unnatural hair colors allowed. No untidy uniforms, dirty shoes or shoe strings May only wear official cheer jackets or pullovers over uniforms No part of your uniforms should be worn by anyone who is not a cheerleader Do not wear any part of your uniform if not at a performance or a designated time May not add anything to uniform to look different from the squad Must be in full uniform at arrival time No jewelry including all body piercings No colored nail polish when in uniform, no fake nails or long nails ever. (clear nail polish only) No tattoos that are visible while in uniform No chewing gum or eating candy No cell phones out during practice or performance Must effectively use practice time Must yell during cheers, NOT only doing motions Do not be tardy to practice or game (1-5 minutes, 6-10 minutes) Must return to sideline one minute before second half begins Do not use inappropriate language or profanity No public displays of affection (in or out of uniform) Do not talk excessively at practice or games Must display good sportsmanship at all times Must learn material by required time No practicing cheers with “little” motions at performances No silly jumps or inappropriate dance moves at performances Must keep hands on hips when not cheering or spiriting Must be in correct & complete uniform Must have correct poms Must participate in decorating activities and in making spirit bags Must clean up after painting, decorating, etc. Must complete assigned duties Must have proper behavior on field/bus/court Must not break formation to visit with friends or each other Must pay attention to the game Must do expected # of jumps and show spirit and enthusiasm (pep rallies and games) No uncooperative behavior or attitude at practice or games No disrespect to coach or captains Must dress out for practice including cheer shoes (running shoes for physical training) No leaving before dismissed Must notify coach of any absence ahead of time (in case of sickness – call immediately) Coach must approve an absence in order for it to be excused (remember to schedule work and appointments around cheering)

Must ALWAYS abide by safety rules Must ALWAYS ride bus to and from games or performances No friends or family may ride on the bus with you (unless special event) Injured or sick cheerleaders will attend all practices and games (unless immobile or sickness requires staying home) Must abide by all rules as stated in the constitution Must abide by all school rules (including the dress code)

Coach will keep up with all violations. The cheerleader will be given verbal warnings, then will be counseled and sign a written statement. Consequences may include physical activities or sitting out part of a game (in uniform, with coach). If violations continue to occur, you may be suspended. SOME VIOLATIONS MAY RESULT IN IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION.

Academic Probation

Academic Probation will be handled by the coach/administration in accordance with other school sports. Coaches form for recording infractions Name:______

DATE INFRACTION COMMENTS Student and Parent Agreement to Cheerleader Regulations and Guidelines

Please Print Date: ______Student’s Name: Last: ______First: ______Middle: ______

This form must be signed and returned to the sponsor by the announced date prior to cheerleader tryouts.

STUDENT SECTION I have read and understand the Milan Special School District Cheerleader Guidelines and school handbook information. My signature below signifies that I have read and agree to abide by all published guidelines and that I am not presently on deferred adjudication or probation for any law violation that will continue past the date of the scheduled tryouts. I understand that willfully falsifying any personal information in the application/participation process will result in my immediate dismissal from the tryout process or from the squad, if selected. I agree to abide by these regulations if I am selected as cheerleader. If selected, I will cooperate and follow the instructions of the cheerleading coaches and administration.

Date ______Student Signature ______

PARENT/GUARDIAN SECTION I have read and understand the Milan Special School District Cheerleader Guidelines and school handbook information. I give my child permission to participate in cheerleader tryouts. I have discussed the requirements, responsibilities, and rules with my child. I agree to support and uphold these cheerleading regulations if my child is selected as a cheerleader. I will cooperate and follow the instructions of the cheerleading coaches and administration if my child is selected as a cheerleader.

Date ______Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Information/Photos pertaining to my child may be used in news releases and publications. Yes / No

Date ______Parent/Guardian Signature ______Personal Student Information for Cheerleader Squad (Please Print)

Student’s Name – Last: ______First: ______MI: ______Street Address: ______City: ______State: _____ Zip: ______Subdivision (if applicable):______Birth Date (month/date/year):______Age: ______Grade: ______Home Phone: ______Cell phone:______E-mail address: ______

Father’s Information (Please Print) Father’s Name: Last: ______First: ______MI: ______Street Address (if different): ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______Father Employed By: ______Father’s Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Father’s Cell Phone: ______E-mail address: ______

Mother’s Information (Please Print) Mother’s Name: Last: ______First: ______MI: _____ Street Address (if different): ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______Mother Employed By: ______Mother’s Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______Mother’s Cell Phone: ______E-mail address: ______

Insurance Information (Please Print) Insured Name – Last: ______First:______MI:__ Insurance Company: ______Group #: ______Certificate/Policy#: ______Insurance Company Address: ______Insurance Company Phone: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______Insurance Type: (HMO PPO Medicaid Medicare other) ______Parent Authorization for Consent to Treatment of Student (I) (We) the undersigned parent(s) of (print) ______, a minor, do hereby authorize the Milan Special School District staff as agent(s) for the undersigned to consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under the general or special supervision of any licensed physician/surgeon, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician/surgeon or at a hospital. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any specific diagnosis, treatment or hospital care being required but is given to provide authority and power on the part of our aforesaid agent(s) to give specific consent to any and all such diagnosis, treatment or hospital care which aforementioned physician/surgeon in the exercise of his/her best judgment may deem advisable. (I) (We) hereby authorize any hospital which has provided treatment to the above-named minor to surrender physical custody of such minor to (my) (our) above-named agent(s) upon completion of treatment. These authorizations shall remain effective until ______(month), ______(year)

Date ______

Parent/Legal Guardian ______


We (I), the undersigned parent(s) or guardian(s) of: (Student’s Name)______Give our permission for travel and participation in all school trips to be taken for the _____/_____school year designated as a function of the MMS/MHS Cheerleading Squad. It is understood that neither the Milan Special School District, nor any of its trustees, officers, employees, or organization sponsors are liable for any accident or injuries that may occur to the above named student as a result of any aspect of his/her participation on this trip.

I acknowledge that in case of an emergency, illness, or accident an attempt will be made to reach the emergency contact people I have listed. However, if no one can be reached, I authorize the school officials to take whatever action is deemed necessary in their judgment, for the health of my child. I will be responsible for any cost in the event my child must be transported by ambulance.

This form will be in effect as of April 1, 2013 (date) through May 2014 (date), to be legal for all functions occurring between these dates. Both parents must sign if student lives with both parents.

Student Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

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