Wando High School
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Explanation and Major Components of Senior Thesis 3 General Policies, Information, and Overview of Process 4 Senior Thesis Time Line 5
Quarter One PARTICIPATION LOGS Weekly Progression, Participation and Reflection Logs 7-18 RESUME & LETTER OF INTENT Resume Samples 20-21 Letter of Intent Sample 22 Resume and Letter of Intent Rubric 23 ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Argumentative Essay Guidelines 25 Argumentative Essay Rubric 26 TOPIC SELECTION Topic Selection Guidelines 28 Sample Topics 29-30 Topic Proposal Form 31 Topic Proposal Form Re-do 32 TOPIC PRESENTATION Topic Presentation Guidelines and Rubric 34 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated Bibliography Guidelines 36 Annotated Bibliography Sample 37 Annotated Bibliography Rubric 38 Source Evaluation Forms 39-52 JOB SHADOW & INTERVIEW Job Shadow Guidelines 54 Job Shadow Permission Form 55 Job Shadow Contact Log 56 Job Shadow Experience Log 57 Interview Guidelines 58 Interview Sample and Rubric 59 Thank You Note Guidelines and Rubric 60 Thank You Note Sample 61 PRESENTATION #2 Presentation #2 Guidelines and Rubric 63 Guidelines for Introduction/Background Paper &Rubric 64
Quarter Two RESEARCH PAPER Research Paper Guidelines &Sample Outline 66-67 Research Paper Rubric 68 PORTFOLIO Portfolio Guidelines 70 Portfolio Rubric 71 FINAL PRESENTATION
2 Final Presentation Guidelines 73-74 PowerPoint Outline 75 Presentation Outline 76 Final Presentation Rubric 77-78 Dress Code Form for Presentation 79 SELF-EVALUATION PAPER Self-Evaluation Paper Guidelines and Rubric 81 EXPLANATION OF SENIOR THESIS High school seniors are nearing the completion of 12 years of education. They have taken a variety of courses and developed an assortment of skills during those years. The senior year is a time for students to combine their knowledge and skills in a senior thesis to show what they have learned by choosing an area of interest and conducting in-depth research. The senior thesis contributes to a strong senior year of challenging courses and practical experiences that prepare students for the next step in the workforce and further education.
A senior thesis involves several steps. First, students select a topic, gather information, write a research paper, and keep a portfolio of project activities. Second, students prepare a presentation that applies some aspect of the research. Then, students make this formal presentation to a panel composed of teachers and community leaders. After the presentation, members of the panel ask questions about the research, inquire what students learned during the process, and review the portfolios.
Students are not alone during the development of their thesis projects. Each student will primarily use his or her English IV teacher for guidance and as a resource throughout the project. In addition, students may work with a member of the community who has expertise in their chosen area.
Senior theses are challenging. They require considerable effort on the part of the student in showing what he or she has learned. A successful senior thesis requires students to plan in order to meet deadlines and manage the project successfully. Students have opportunities to gather information, integrate academic and career/ technical studies, develop verbal and nonverbal communication skills, and feel a sense of accomplishment for a job well done. MAJOR COMPONENTS OF SENIOR THESIS Portfolio 20% - Participation 20% - Presentation 60% Each student is graded according to the rubrics in the handbook. All students enrolled in English IV-CP and Honors classes are required to complete a Senior Thesis. The Senior Thesis has a computational weight of 20 percent in the final course average for English IV and is an integral part of both quarterly grades. PORTFOLIO Students will create a portfolio of work. This portfolio documents all the work, time, and money that students put into their projects through the course of the semester. The portfolio should reflect each student’s “journey” through the process and document his or her work. All returned and revised work must be included in a student’s portfolio. Included work includes but is not limited to: annotated bibliography, research paper, resume, cover letter, topic proposal, product proposal, project reflection, and presentation outline. PARTICIPATION Because the senior thesis is such an in-depth and lengthy project, students are given a great deal of time in class to work on assignments. Students are expected to employ time management skills throughout the process to finish the project on time. Students will plan weekly the assignments to be
3 completed and reflect upon the work done at the end of each week. These planning/reflection logs will be collected weekly and graded in consideration of the work ethic shown in class. PRESENTATION All students are required to attend and present their project at a scheduled time. Any student failing to appear at the scheduled time will receive a zero for the presentation component. Any student who reschedules an appointment for unexcused reasons will automatically lose 30 percent of the presentation grade, which means the highest score possible on the presentation is a 70. Special circumstances may be presented to the teacher at least 2 weeks prior to presentation dates in order to avoid penalty. GENERAL POLICIES AND INFORMATION
Late Policy for Missing Senior Thesis Deadlines The late penalty for Senior Thesis work is 10 points per day for any late assignment. If students are absent or leave school early, all work is still due on the assigned date. When absent, students should email the due assignment to their English IV teacher and then bring in a hard copy of the assignment upon return to school.
Losing Handbook At the beginning of the semester, each student receives his or her own personal copy of the current Senior Thesis Handbook in a three-ring binder. This handbook contains all the necessary information and forms for the project. If a student should lose his or her copy, he or she may download and print a new copy from the school’s website or the English IV teacher’s SharpSchool page. Students are responsible for returning a white, 1”, three-ring binder in good condition at the end of the semester.
APEX English IV Students enrolled in APEX English IV are required to complete a Senior Thesis through their APEX teacher and Ms. Randall. Students should contact Ms. Randall during the first week of the course for information. OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PROCESS I.Resume/Letter of Intent/Topic Proposal Complete a resume to show skills, interests, and experiences. Fill out the preliminary Senior Thesis Topic Proposal Form and write a commitment letter to explain your choice of topic. II. Argumentative Essay Write an essay exploring current ideas and arguments about a potential topic of choice. III. Annotated Bibliography Complete a bibliography of seven sources, including the job shadow mentor. IV. Job Shadowing Choose a person from the community in your research field to job shadow for one workday. Students are allowed to be excused from school one (1) day in order to shadow during the semester. This absence will be excused if the appropriate documentation is provided within two days. V. Research Paper
4 Complete a research paper on the approved topic. Complete a five-page paper (not including the Works Cited page) with a definable thesis argument. VI. The Portfolio Create a portfolio of the entire Senior Thesis’s work. This portfolio documents all the work, time, and money put into the thesis through the course of the semester. The portfolio should reflect students’ “journey” through the process and documentation of their work. All work in the portfolio should be clean and revised copies of assignments. VII. The Presentation Make a presentation at the conclusion of the Senior Thesis to a panel of community members and teachers who will grade the presentation. The presentation should encompass experiences throughout the entire project. SENIOR THESIS TIME LINE Quarter One Week One Media Center/Lab for Resume Thursday, January 24 Resume Due Friday, January 25 Week Two Media Center/Lab for Letter of Intent Monday, January 28 Letter of Intent Due Tuesday, January 29 Media Center/Lab for Argumentative Essay Thursday, January 31 Week Three Argumentative Essay Due Monday, February 4 Topic Presentations: Tuesday, February 5 Topic Proposal Form Due Wednesday, February 6 Media Center/Lab for Annotated Bibliography Thursday, February 7 Week Four Media Center/Lab for Annotated Bibliography Monday, February 11 Wednesday, February 13 Friday, February 15 Week Five Media Center/Lab for Annotated Bibliography and Interview QuestionsTuesday, February 19 Job Shadow Contact Log and Permission Form Due Tuesday, February 19 Annotated Bibliography Sources 1-4 Due Thursday, February 21 Interview Questions Due Friday, February 22 Week Six Job Shadow Day Wednesday, February 27 Media Center/Lab for Scripted Interview Thursday, February 28 Job Shadow Experience Log, Scripted Interview, and Thank You Note Due Friday, March 1 Week Seven Media Center/Lab for Final Annotated Bibliography Tuesday, March 5 Thursday, March 7 Week Eight Final Annotated Bibliography Sources 1-7 Due Monday, March 11 Media Center/Lab for Research Paper/Presentation #2 Wednesday, March 13 Thursday, March 14 Friday, March 15 Week Nine Introduction/Background Paragraphs of Research Paper Due Monday, March 18 Presentation #2 Tuesday, March 19 Media Center/Lab for Final Research Paper Thursday, March 21 Friday, March 22 Quarter Two Week Ten Research Paper Full Rough Draft Due/In-Class Editing Monday, March 25 5 Media Center/Lab for Final Research Paper Tuesday, March 26 Research Paper Final Draft Due Wednesday, March 27 Spring Break: March 29-April 5 Week Eleven Media Center/Lab for Presentation Outline Tuesday, April 9 Presentation Outline Due Wednesday, April 10 Media Center/Lab for PowerPoint Presentation Thursday, April 11 Final PowerPoint Presentation Due Friday, April 12 Week Twelve Practice Presentations Monday, April 15-Friday, April 19 Final Portfolio Due Thursday, April 18 Week Thirteen Final Presentations Tuesday, April 23 Wednesday, April 24 Thursday, April 25 Week Fourteen Self-Evaluation Paper Due: Tuesday, April 30 ***all dates are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher***
SENIOR THESIS Participation Logs
6 Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 1/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
7 When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 2/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
8 Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 3/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
9 TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 4/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 5/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block
11 ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 6/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while 12 working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______13 Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 7/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
14 Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 8/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
15 Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 9/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
16 Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 10/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
17 Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 11/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
18 Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______Senior Thesis Project Progress, Participation, & Reflection Log 12/12
The project log is how you will keep track of what you will accomplish with the senior thesis project. This project log is worth 20% of your FINAL EXAM GRADE. You must complete TWELVE progress logs throughout the semester while working on the senior thesis project. You will begin each log on Monday and turn it in on Friday of each week. Your ten best progress logs must be turned in together at the end of the semester in the portfolio to receive your 20% of the grade. All boxes must be completed in full sentences/paragraph form to receive credit.
Student Name Dates Recorded Teacher/Block ______Exactly what I need to accomplish this week, including tasks, resources, & time: (to be completed on Monday of each week)
TIME MANAGEMENT (When will you complete assignments for this week? How will you break down the assignment to set goals for completion?)
Problems/solutions, feelings/thoughts: (to be completed throughout each week)
19 When, where, what I will do next on my project: (to be completed on Friday each week)
Describe your evidence for this log – what have you done and turned in that shows your progress so far. Include any comments you may have regarding your home, class, and/or media center/lab work ethic and participation: (to be completed and turned in on Friday of each week)
Total Hours This Week: ______Total Cumulative Hours: ______Grade ______/10 Teacher Initials ______
RESUME SAMPLE #1 Amanda Student 123 College Street 555-555-5555 State College, PA 12345 email: [email protected] ______OBJECTIVE: To obtain a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Advertising from State University
EDUCATION: High School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania August 2005 – May 2009 High School Diploma Degree anticipated May 2009 Current GPA 3.53
EXPERIENCE: Summer Intern June 2008 - August 2008
ABC Communications, New York, New York Partnered with design intern to create and execute two sell sheets Created and presented collaborative intern campaign to entire agency Awarded best campaign of competing teams Wrote radio script submitted with campaign proposal
Shift Supervisor / Trained Barista September 2007 - Present
Coffee Shop, New York, New York Trained new employees
21 Opened and closed store Built satisfied customer relationships
ACHIEVEMENTS: Academic Honor Roll Spring 2006, Fall 2007
Best Advertising Campaign Proposal, ABC Communications Summer 2008
Best Advertising Campaign, Health & Wellness Club, High School Spring 2007
SKILLS: Computer Skills Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
VOLUNTEERISM: Big Brother / Big Sister August 2007 – May 2008 Mentored an underprivileged elementary school student
Arlington Literacy Program June 2006 – August 2007 Read to groups of elementary school students Produced pamphlets and programs for the program
INTERESTS: Girl Scouts September 2000 - Present
Arlington High School Tennis Team March 2004 - Present
REFERENCES: Mary Tildan [email protected] 444-444-4444 123 Cambridge Way, City, State, Zip Code
Tom Brazell [email protected] 333-333-3333 234 Oxford Drive, City, State, Zip Code
Erin Mashburn [email protected] 222-222-2222 345 St. Andrews Street, City, State, Zip Code RESUME SAMPLE #2 1715 Chatelain Way, Phone: 843.255.6677 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29466 Email: [email protected] SALLY JEAN MACINTOSH
To obtain a position in a full service salon using my strengths in creativity, leadership, and attending to the clients’ individual desires.
2001 – 2003 Master Barber A Touch of Eden Blue Ashe, Ohio Maintained a strong rapport with clients and co-workers Implemented new promotions and advertising ideas Obtained certification for the Japanese I-Straight system in Columbus, Ohio
1997 – 2001 Master Barber An Upstairs Affair Cincinnati, Ohio
22 Developed a thriving clientele Mastered the art of foil highlighting Attended National Hair Shows in Columbus, Cincinnati, & Cleveland, Ohio
1995 – 1997 Master Barber Beverly’s Hair Salon Myrtle, South Carolina
Attended National Hair Shows in North Carolina and South Carolina Established a strong work ethic and gained confidence in the skills of my trade
1992 – 1993 Roffler Hairstyling Institute Charlotte, North Carolina Received National Barber License 1988 – 1992 University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina
Certified in Japanese I-Straight permanent hair straightening system Trained in precision razor cutting
Gary Turner 777 East Westgate Lane Seaside, California 12345 (123) 444- 8899
Mary Snow 235 Frankfort Avenue Shorewood, Illinois 12345 (111) 577- 9999
Sheila Bell 455 3rd Avenue South Freeport, Illinois 12345 (111) 222-8888 LETTER OF INTENT SAMPLE Jane Smith (Your Name) 123 Main Street (Your Street Address) Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 (Your City, State Zip Code) (843) 555-1234 (Your Phone Number) [email protected] (Your Email Address/BE SURE to remove the hyperlink!)
Date (Should be formatted EITHER 01 January 2013 OR January 1, 2013)
Mrs./Ms. ______(English Teacher’s Name) English Teacher (Job Title) Wando High School (Company Name) 1000 Warrior Way (Street Address) Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 (City, State Zip Code)
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
23 In this paragraph (your first paragraph), you should describe the general area of interest and your background, if any, in this area. Tell why you want to study this topic for a whole semester; in other words, tell why you are interested in this subject.
In this paragraph, you should describe how you plan to conduct your research and what you plan to prove. What will be your thesis statement? Where will you find information that can be used to prove this argument? What do you hope to learn from your investigation? What kind of sources will you use?
In this paragraph, you should describe your plans for job shadowing. Where do you want to job shadow? How would your job shadowing provide you with information and experience that will help you to prove your argument? What kind of information do you plan to gain from interviewing your job shadow person?
In your final paragraph, declare your understanding of plagiarism and its consequences as it relates to this project.
Respectfully yours/Sincerely/Etc…,
Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)
Jane Smith (Typed Name)
POINTS POINTS RECEIVED COMMENTS AVAILABLE Resume OBJECTIVE 5 What is the point of you sending out this resume? Resume EDUCATION 5 Name/Address of high school; list major(s) Resume 10 EXPERIENCE
24 Work/volunteer work, job shadowing, relevant courses for objective Resume SKILLS and INTERESTS 10 Extra curricular activities, certifications, computer programs, etc… Resume REFERENCES 10 3 personal references with name, address, and phone number Letter of Intent 10 Introductory Paragraph Letter of Intent Second Paragraph (discussion of 10 research) Letter of Intent Third Paragraph (discussion of job 10 shadowing and interview) Letter of Intent 10 Closing Paragraph and Signature
FORMAT Resume – 5 Correct headings, margins, indentions, spacing, font Letter of Intent – 5
Resume – 5 MECHANICS No spelling/grammar errors, neatness Letter of Intent – 5
ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY GUIDELINES Argumentative essays allow you to have your say, get your gripes and raves off your chest, and discuss your interests in order to convince your reader to understand and, ideally, agree with your perspective.
And that’s the first point. Be sure your essay is about something you care strongly enough about to discuss eloquently and passionately. Readers wants to know what you know, feel what you feel, and understand where you’re coming from before they will be persuaded by your argument.
In this essay, you should be making an argument about the topic you intend to further research throughout this project. You should include an introduction paragraph with thesis statement, four body paragraphs (three paragraphs which each provide different points to prove your 26 thesis; one paragraph to address opposing viewpoints to your argument), and a conclusion paragraph.
1. Details draw the reader in, generalizations keep them out. Be specific. Avoid using abstract expressions and phrases such as “the best day of my life” and “my happiest moment as a kid” to describe emotions of love, loss, anger, joy, satisfaction, etc. Make these emotions real and immediate by noting specifics and details that draw the reader into the experience, rather than just setting them aside as observers.
2. The old ‘seduction not instruction’ rule – showing rather than telling – makes for a more compelling essay, as it does almost any piece of writing. Personal essays allows for the use of many fictional craft elements – dialogue, setting, point of view, characterization.
3. If you use facts to anchor your piece or as a springboard for your opinions, you need to double-check them for accuracy. One factual error can prevent the reader from believing much else that you have to say.
4. No extra points for the number of facts you include. Academic essays contain more facts than opinions; personal essays contain more opinion than facts. But ensure the facts you use are accurate. Check names, spellings, and #s.
5. Make connections. If you’re writing about a global theme (poverty, unemployment, or child abuse) bring the subject closer to home by relating it to specific, individual examples. If you’re writing about more mundane subjects (left-hand turn signals, the search for the best French Fries, your brother’s graduation) again, set your views against a wider backdrop or perspective so the reader can relate to it.
6. Writing essays is a great way to get your opinions off your chest, but avoid philosophical rants which make no connection to your reader’s experience. Again, keep it personal while relating to a wider world.
7. The hook is the device you use to get your reader’s attention. It’s the doorway through which you welcome and orient them to the piece. Try using: A question. A quotation from someone famous or something you’ve read/overhead. A description of a person or setting. A strong statement that your essay will either support or dispute.
8. Write as evocatively as possible. Employ all the senses. Using sight comes naturally to most writers; push harder to convey ideas and images through sound, taste, touch, and hearing.
9. Think of your essay as a camera lens. You might start by describing a fine detail (your personal experience or perspective, a specific moment in the narrative), then open up the lens to take in the wide view (the general/global backdrop), then close the piece by narrowing back to the fine detail. Or go the other way. Start with the wide view, focus in, then open up to the wide view again.
10. Take your ideas from wherever you can. Note your reactions to everything, pursue passing preoccupations and distractions, consider what makes you, glad, angry, passionate in what you read, see and hear. Mine your own past for incidents, images, lessons and epiphanies.
11. In a personal essay you have the freedom to think what you like on a subject, but your reader should go away with a good idea of why you feel that way.
Argumentative Essay Rubric 4 3 2 1
THE CLAIM Essay makes a strong Essay makes a claim The claim (argument) is The essay does not state (ARGUMENT) claim (argument) and (argument), but it does buried in the essay, the claim (argument). explains why it is not explain why it is confusing, or unclear. controversial. controversial.
REASONS IN Essay gives at least three Essay gives two clear and Essay gives only one clear Essay does not give 27 SUPPORT OF THE clear and accurate accurate reasons in and accurate reason in convincing reasons to CLAIM reasons in support of the support of the claim support of the claim support the claim claim (argument). (argument) OR essay gives (argument) OR essay gives (argument). at least three reasons for more than one reason for the claim (argument) but the argument that do not they are not totally clear necessarily support claim or accurate or major or are irrelevant or reasons are overlooked. confusing.
REASONS AGAINST Essay discusses reasons Essay discusses the Essay states that there are Essay does not THE CLAIM against the claim reasons against the claim reasons against the claim, acknowledge or discuss (argument) and explains (argument) but leaves but they are not the reasons against the why the claim (argument) some reasons out and/or discussed. claim (argument). is valid anyway. does not explain why the claim still stands.
ORGANIZATION Essay has a compelling Essay has clear Essay is organized but Essay is aimless and introduction (including introduction, body sometimes gets off topic disorganized/lacks a hook, transition, and paragraphs, and and needs further clear introduction, body, thesis), at least four body conclusion, but it would structuring to greatly and conclusion. paragraphs addressing benefit from more improve overall flow and evidence for and against organization to improve persuasive nature of the claim (argument), and a overall flow and essay. strong conclusion. persuasive nature of essay.
VOICE AND TONE Author shows that he/she Essay is persuasive but Essay is bland and/or Essay is far too formal or cares about the claim lacks personal reasoning, pretentious. The author informal. It sounds as if (argument) by showing which shows greater seems fake or not genuine. the author is not how he/she thinks and passion for the topic by interested in nor cares feels about it. the author. Author needs about the topic of the to tell more how he/she essay. thinks and feels about the claim (argument).
WORD CHOICE Words convey intended Words convey intended Words are functional and Essay struggles with AND SENTENCE meanings in a precise, meaning. Essay has convey basic meaning but basic vocabulary. Many FLUENCY meaningful, powerful, and mostly well-constructed are weak or repetitive. run-ons, fragments, and engaging way. Sentences sentences. Sentences are sometimes awkward phrasings make are clear, complete, and of awkward and/or contain the essay difficult to read varying lengths. run-ons and fragments. and understand.
CONVENTIONS Essay uses correct Essay uses mostly correct Essay has enough errors to Essay contains numerous grammar, spelling, and conventions. There are a distract the reader. errors making the paper punctuation. few errors to be fixed. difficult to read.
MLA No errors. 1 error. 2 errors. 3 or more errors.
TOTAL GRADE: ______/ 32
29 The Hardest Part of the Senior Thesis…
Selecting your topic is perhaps one of the most important steps in the Senior Thesis. There are several guidelines that one should follow in this process. Remember once a topic is selected and approved, in order to make any changes one must resubmit a proposal to his or her teacher, which will likely put him or her behind schedule.
1.You should choose a topic in which you are interested, but not an expert. The topic must lend itself to the support of an arguable thesis. Your topic may be community service based or scientific experiment/research based.
2.Make sure the topic is a learning stretch. You should choose a topic that you have not researched in the past. If you wish to research something of which you have current knowledge, you must find a new angle.
3.Your topic should be specific enough to be unique, but broad enough to be reasonable. Do not cover too long a time period or too broad an area.
4.Your topic should be challenging both creatively and academically. Do not choose a topic that involves expenses that you are not equipped to handle. Do not choose a topic that would endanger yourself or others.
5. You should choose a topic that is research, product, and presentation friendly. You should incorporate primary research, when possible. If possible, you should interview a person who has a reputable and first-hand knowledge of your field.
6.You will have to present your work to a panel of judges at the conclusion of the project. Your topic must be appropriate for the school environment.
7.Once you have selected a topic you must complete the Topic Proposal Form and submit it to your teacher by the deadline. If your topic is rejected twice, you must meet one-on-one with your teacher to further discuss your topic selection.
Tech Mankind depends on computers and technology too much; therefore, IT Specialist nolo its use should be restricted. Computer gy In recent years the Internet has become overtly commercialized. programmer Drivers should be banned from using their cell phones while driving. Geek Squad Restrictions should be placed on the use of mobile phones in public areas like restaurants and theatres. Modern day communication via social networks puts an end to true and sincere relationships. Fashi The fall of the economy has had a negative effect on the fashion Designer – King Street on industry. Indu stry Heal Nurture is more essential in the development of a child than nature. Psychologist th The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal. Pediatrician To encourage healthy eating, higher taxes should be imposed on soft Day Care drinks and junk food. Nutritionist / Dietician The birth control pill is more dangerous than the medical community Personal Trainer has led the public to believe and should be removed from general consumption. Spor When given the option, it is more beneficial for a high school athlete to College Head/Assistant ts play at the college level before entering the professional leagues. Coach College athletes should not be paid because they are already receiving River Dogs the benefits of education and experience in the sport. Owner of surf shop Surfing is not just a sport but has become a culture that affects a Professional or surfer’s behaviors, dress, speech, and other areas of their lifestyle. competitive surfer Wildl Land developers are unnecessarily destroying our wildlife populations. DNR ife / All animal experimentation (including cancer research) should be Ducks Unlimited Anim outlawed as advances in technology have made animal testing Animal Shelter als unnecessary. The use of animals for scientific purposes is not humane. Nursi Forensic Nursing has developed because of advancements in Nurse – anywhere ng / technology and crime scene investigation Admissions Counselor Medi USC’s Nursing Program outshines that of Trident or the College of Nursing Professor cine Charleston. Director of Activities, Alternative medicinal solutions should be encouraged before Mount Pleasant Manor attempting conventional treatments. Furthermore, alternative medicine should be covered by conventional health insurance policies. The misdiagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder have caused doctors to over-prescribe Ritalin. Sex education should be increased in schools in an attempt to curb problems such as teenage pregnancy. Enforcing employee background checks is the best method to prevent nursing home abuse.
31 Scien Designer babies should be legal because they allow parents to ensure Pediatric doctor ce they get the type of child they want. Hospital Cloning/stem cell research is a positive practice because it saves lives Nurse and improves knowledge in the medical community. Local farm (Legare Genetically modified foods should be outlawed until further research Farm) can be done to see if these foods affect the environment or individuals. MUSC Cloning should be banned until necessary safeguards and precautions can be established to allow the research to be conducted safely and prudently. Stem cell research is medically sound but ethically questionable. Research should continue but the actual use of embryonic stem cells prohibited. Milit It is better to go to college before enlisting in the military in order to Recruiter ary enter the military as an officer with greater opportunities. Member of the military ______branch of the military is better than ______branch of the military. Cars/ Hybrids are more economical and energy-efficient than regular cars. Automotive technician Engi Certain types of engines/car brands/car types are better than other Car Salesman nes types. Land Green roofs are more energy-efficient and aesthetic than regular roofs. Horticulturist - Landscaping can improve the property value of a home. Landscaper scapi Greenhouse worker ng Farmer Law Advances in technology and information available on the internet have Lawyer / changed federal and state laws. Police Officer Gove Mount Pleasant’s laws on golf carts are too strict. rnm The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human ent rights. All citizens should be required by law to vote All forms of government welfare should be abolished. Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense. The solution to the impending crisis in Social Security is the immediate elimination of this anachronistic government program. Every state should enact a divorce counseling law that requires married couples to go through counseling before being granted a divorce. Gay marriages should be legally recognized so that tax and insurance benefits apply. Educ High school graduates should take a year off before entering college. Teacher at another ation Financial incentives should be offered to high school students who school perform well on standardized tests. Admissions Counselor Schools should place more emphasis on disciplining bullies.
Musi The continuing decline of CD sales along with the rapid growth of music Local DJ c / downloads signals a new era of innovation in popular music. Music/Media Medi We should develop a form of internet censorship, Not all free Production Company a expression is protected by the First Amendment. The mass media plays an important role in shaping the opinions and positions of the younger generation. Violent video games directly correlate to a violent disposition and violence in schools.
Name: ______Date: ______
Topic: ______
1. Discuss the specific elements you would like to research.
2. Keep in mind the topic must lend itself to the support of an arguable thesis. What do you want to prove?
3. What attracts you to this topic, or why did you choose this topic? How will it serve you in the future?
4. What, specifically, do you already know about the topic?
5. Brainstorm at least three potential places / people to job shadow. BUSINESS CONTACT PERSON PHONE NUMBER
33 6. Brainstorm and discuss at least 2 ideas you have for a presentation on this topic. Think about what visuals/ demonstrations you could include to make this topic interesting for a panel of judges OTHER THAN a PowerPoint presentation.
______Accepted ______Rejected Signature of Teacher: ______Date: ______TOPIC PROPOSAL FORM RE-DO (LAST DAY TO SUBMIT A TOPIC CHANGE IS SEPTEMBER 18)
Name: ______Date: ______
Former Topic: ______
New Topic: ______
1. Discuss the reason(s) for your change in topic. Why did you choose to switch to this topic?
2. Discuss the specific elements you would like to research for your new topic.
3. Keep in mind the topic must lend itself to the support of an arguable thesis. What do you want to prove?
4. What, specifically, do you already know about this new topic?
5. Brainstorm at least three potential places / people to job shadow.
34 6. Brainstorm and discuss at least 2 ideas you have for a presentation on this new topic. Think about what visuals/demonstrations you could include to make this topic interesting for a panel of judges OTHER THAN a PowerPoint presentation.
______Accepted ______Rejected Signature of Teacher: ______Date: ______
35 TOPIC PRESENTATION GUIDELINES For this mini-presentation, you will present in front of your peers a 2-3 minute speech about why you picked your topic. You will have to cover all the categories in the rubric below to receive full credit.
In your presentation, you should: -introduce yourself -state your topic -state why you picked your topic (what interests you about it, what you already know, etc). -tell what you want to learn from your topic -describe how your topic will serve you in the future. -propose your argument and thesis statement -present possible job shadowing ideas -present possible presentation ideas
This mini-presentation will help you greatly in preparation for your final presentation at the end of the semester. TOPIC PRESENTATION RUBRIC Category/Points 4 3 2 1/0
TOPIC: What is the topic? Why did the student pick this topic? Interest level? What do they want to learn? 36 How will it serve them in the future? Is this topic original, creative, and academic?
ARGUMENT/THESIS: What does the student want to prove about their topic? What is their thesis statement?
JOB SHADOW IDEAS: Are there at least 3 potential places to job shadow mentioned?
PRESENTATION and IDEAS: Are at least 2 presentation ideas mentioned (OTHER THAN a PowerPoint presentation)?
PREPARATION: Has the student demonstrated adequate preparation for this presentation? Does the student appear to have practiced?
TOTAL ______/ 20
WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? -A list of citations to books, articles, and documents. -Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph: the annotation. -Purpose of the annotation is to inform readers of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources.
THE PROCESS Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research.
1.Locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. These sources may be found primarily on DISCUS. You can reach DISCUS through www.wandohigh.com on the Media Center page. You must locate at least 4 scholarly sources (meaning the website ends in .org, .edu, .gov, or .net), and at least one interview as a source. As you find sources, be sure to record where they are (get URL’s) so that you can find these sources again in the future.
38 2.Briefly examine and review the actual resources. This will require skimming through all of the articles thoroughly enough to get a feel for what the article is about and know enough to be able to evaluate the article.
3.Choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic. At least two sources should reflect information about the history and background information about your topic. At least three articles should contain specific evidence to support your thesis statement. At least one article should reflect upon the evidence opposing your thesis. Your last source should be the interview you conduct during your job shadowing. Complete a “SOURCE EVALUATION” sheet for each resource that you choose to include in your bibliography.
4.In a Microsoft Word document (see sample format), cite the book, article, or document in MLA format. The easiest way to do this is to go to www.citationmachine.net, click on MLA format in top left corner, select the type of source you are using, fill in the information for your source, and click submit.
5.Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article and evaluates the source. The annotation should include: PARAGRAPH I: (a) a summary of the article (3-4 sentences) PARAGRAPH II: (b) an evaluation of the authority or background of the author (Is the author biased? Educated? Purpose in writing article?) (c) explanation of the intended audience of the article (d) criticisms of the reliability of the source PARAGRAPH III: (e) compare and contrast this work with another you have cited (f) explain how this will/won’t contribute to the writing of your paper
6.Go back over your work and revise content and edit for grammatical and spelling errors. Have your paper edited by other people. Make sure your formatting follows MLA formatting rules.
7.Some final reminders: - SOUND SMART!! (this is a formal, research paper, your tone and word choice should reflect the audience and purpose for which you are writing) - NO 1st person, 2nd person, or contractions!! - BE SPECIFIC!! (don’t give vague hints or examples; reference the article: Johnson argues…) ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY SAMPLE
Thompson 1
Elizabeth Thompson Ms. Wier English IV 20 August 2009 The Ethical Argument Against Stem Cell Research: An Annotated Bibliography This is the introductory paragraph. In this paragraph, you will tell what your topic is and why you have chosen it. Lastly, in this paragraph you should discuss what you hope to gain from your research on this topic. Try not to use contractions or 2nd person. Holland, Suzanne. “The Human Embryonic Stem Cell Debate : Science, Ethics, and Public Policy.” Science Journal. Boston: MIT Press, 2001.
39 This is the annotation of the above source. In this example, I am following MLA guidelines for the bibliographic information listed above. If I was really writing an annotation for this source, I would now be offering a brief summary of what this book says about stem cell research. After a brief summary, assess this source and offer some criticisms of it. Is it a reliable and current source? Why? Is the research biased or objective? Are the facts well documented? Who is the author? Is she qualified in this subject? Is this source scholarly, popular, some of both? After summarizing and assessing the source, you can now reflect on this source. How does it fit into your research? Is this a helpful resource? Too scholarly? Not scholarly enough? Too general/specific? Since "stem cell research" is a very broad topic, has this source helped you to narrow your topic? Are there any distinct similarities or differences between this article and another one you have read on this topic? Senior, K. "Extending the Ethical Boundaries of Stem Cell Research." Trends in Molecular Medicine. 7 (2001):5-6.
For this annotated bibliography, students must have AT LEAST 4 scholarly journals / resources (DISCUS, .org, .gov, .edu) and AT LEAST 1 interview source. Remember, not all of these sources may be used in the research paper; these are just sources that could potentially be used in the paper. Follow the format provided and use the sample annotated bibliography as a example. This is your chance to SOUND SMART!
PROPER MLA FORMAT: 2 4 6 8 10 ______/ 10 ABSTRACT / INTRO ¶: 2 4 6 8 10 ______/ 10 SCHOLARLY SOURCES: 1st Source (historical/background information):
Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 2nd Source(historical/background information): Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 40 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 3rd Source (evidence to support thesis): Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 4th Source (evidence to support thesis): Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 5th Source (evidence to support thesis): Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 6th Source (evidence opposing evidence): Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 7th Source (interview): Source and Evaluation _____/ 2 Summary _____/ 2 Assessment _____/ 3 Evaluation _____/ 3 ______/ 10 CONVENTIONS: 2 4 6 8 10 ______/ 10 Grammar, Proofreading, etc. Total ______/100 SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #1 (historical/background information)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
41 4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
11.Credentials of author/organization:______
12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
2.______42 3.______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______43 ______
18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______
19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______
If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #2 (historical/background information)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
44 9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
11.Credentials of author/organization:______
12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
45 4.______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______
46 18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______
19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______
If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #3 (evidence to support thesis)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
47 11.Credentials of author/organization:______
12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
48 ______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______
18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______
49 ______
19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______
If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #4 (evidence to support thesis)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
11.Credentials of author/organization:______50 12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
51 5.______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______
18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______52 19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______
If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #5 (evidence to support thesis)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
11.Credentials of author/organization:______
12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
53 13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
54 6.______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______
18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______
19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______55 ______
If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #6 (evidence opposing thesis)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
11.Credentials of author/organization:______
12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
56 14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
57 7.______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______
18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______
19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______
58 If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
SOURCE EVALUATION FORM: Source #7 (evidence to support thesis)
1.Author last name:______Author first name:______Additional authors:______
2.Title of Article:______
3.Title of publication:______
4.Volume: ______5.Issue:______6.Year Published:______7.Page Numbers:______
8.Medium: circle one: WEB PRINT CD DATABASE (Title of Database:______)
9.Date Accessed: ______10. URL: ______
11.Credentials of author/organization:______
12.For what audience was the document written? How do you know? ______
13Is it a scholarly source or a popular source? How do you know? ______
14.Brief summary (3-5 sentences). What does the document cover? What topics / issues are presented? ______
59 ______
15.What is the thesis of the source? What is the main point the author is discussing and/or proving in the source? (direct quote) ______
16.List (at least) ten facts or statistics presented by the author in the source (direct quotes)
60 8.______
17. Does the author reference any other sources / authors / studies? If so, what (how so)? ______
If not, why not? (make a conjecture) ______
18. What information could prove helpful in a research paper and presentation? How might this source be used in your project? ______
19. Do you find any similarities between the facts (#9 on this worksheet) presented by this source and the facts presented in any other source? If so, what similarities and what other source? (reference by title and author last name) ______
If not, why not? (how is this source different from all the others) ______
61 ______
One of the goals through the project is to ensure students gain experience in a work place related to their topic. During the course of the semester, students have the opportunity to be excused for one (1) school day to job shadow. This absence will be excused provided that the appropriate documentation is submitted within two days. Students are required to contact the employer/place of business related to their topic and obtain permission to job shadow prior to the job shadowing day. This individual becomes their work-based consultant, who will be shadowed and interviewed by the student.
All contacts with the employer will be documented and submitted. The information gathered through the shadowing and interview process will be used in the final presentation and as a resource in the students’ Annotated Bibliography and Research Paper.
Transportation, supervision, and conduct are also the responsibility of the student and parent, and it is the student’s responsibility for making and maintaining all contacts / appointments with the work-based consultant. This is not a vacation or “free” day but an experience that is meant to help in developing realistic career goals and plans. PLEASE NOTE: SHADOWING A RELATIVE (parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, etc.), TEENAGER, OR FACULTY MEMBER IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AND, THEREFORE, WILL RESULT IN AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE FOR THE DAY. GUIDELINES 1. Obtain the appropriate shadowing paperwork. 2. Select a consultant from the community who has work experience or “expert” level qualifications in the research field. 3. Spend at least 6 hours on job shadow day with the job shadow “expert.” 4. Conduct an interview with your consultant as part of the research process. 5. Return completed shadowing paperwork with appropriate signatures to your English IV teacher. TIPS ON SHADOWING It is very important to make a good first impression with your consultant - you will never get another chance to make this impression with the same person. The image you portray from your first conversation until your face-to-face meeting may impact (positively or negatively) the individual who could be a potential employer. Remember, you are not only representing yourself but Wando High School as well. Before the Visit: - Contact your consultant and arrange a day/time to shadow (preferably designated shadowing day). - Submit your contact log for approval - Arrange satisfactory transportation to and from the work site - Confirm your appointment with the business/individual no later than 48 hours prior to shadowing. - Notify the business/consultant and your teacher in case of emergency or if you are not able to go. During the Visit: - Be on time and come prepared with interview questions, pen, notebook, forms, lunch money, etc. 63 - Dress appropriately for the business and exhibit proper work etiquette. - Observe all safety and confidentiality rules. - Be cooperative and courteous. - Interview the consultant. - Spend at least 6 hours on the jobsite with the consultant. - Thank the consultant for the opportunity to visit and learn. After the Visit: - Turn in all required paperwork within two days in order to receive an excused absence. - Write a thank you note and return to your English IV teacher. JOB SHADOW PERMISSION FORM
Due: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 to your English IV teacher
Student’s Full Name (Please Print): ______
Grade: ______Student’s English IV Teacher: ______
Date of Job Shadowing Visit: ______
Consultant: ______
Name of Company: ______
Address: ______
Phone Number: ______
Name: ______
Phone Number: ______
Email Address:______
Student: ______Date: ______
Parent: ______Date: ______
Name: ______
Document all contacts made with your consultant from your first call to your job shadowing experience. Keep in mind you may need to contact more than one business/company until you are able to find a consultant willing to have you shadow and interview him/her. Record ALL contacts made below! Once you find a consultant, ask and record answers to the questions below to help you prepare for your job shadowing experience.
Phone # Name of Company Individual / Consultant What was Discussed Job Shadow Opportunity
65 Time of Arrival: ______Time of Departure: ______
What to wear? ______
Location – if there are several. Where to go? ______
Directions: ______
Parking? ______
Who to see? ______
Lunch Arrangements? ______
Any money needed? ______
Date: ______Student Name: ______
Company: ______Consultant: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______67 Consultant Signature: ______Date: ______INTERVIEW GUIDELINES
As part of your portfolio, presentation, and a possible source for your research paper, you will interview your job shadow consultant. This person is considered an expert in your topic area and can provide firsthand knowledge of your topic.
GUIDELINES 1. You are responsible for scheduling and keeping your appointment with your consultant. 2. You should ask AT LEAST 20 pre-written questions and AT LEAST 5 on-site, follow-up questions during your interview. See below for sample questions. 3. Once the interview is complete, transcribe your consultant’s responses according to the instructions below.
STEPS FOR CONDUCTING THE INTERVIEW 1.Call and set up an appointment with your consultant. If you need to cancel your meeting be sure to do so within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment. Be sure to set up a new appointment as soon as possible. Remember to record all contacts made in your contact log! 2. If possible, record your interview. This will help in your transcription of the interview. Be sure to ask your consultant’s permission before bringing in a recorder or camera. (This is not a requirement but is a strong suggestion). 3. Prepare and take your 20 questions to the interview. - You should not ask questions that are going to elicit a simple “yes” or “no” response. -Ask 10 questions about the person’s job. -Ask 10 questions about your research topic. -Ask 5 follow-up questions while you are there to get more information about topics of interest. 5. Once the interview is complete, thank the individual for taking time with you.
TRANSCRIBING THE INTERVIEW 1.The first step is to copy the material you collected during the interview (which is when a recording of the interview would be helpful). 2.Transcribe your consultant’s responses, noting and punctuating pauses, breaks in meaning, questions, or exclamations. Use brackets [ ] to add information that is necessary to convey meaning to the reader but not directly said by the interviewee or interviewer. 3.Use the MLA format for interviews (see following sample) 4 Being the transcription noting the consultant, place of business, job description, time, date, and location of interview. 5.Use the proper MLA citation (sample provided) when using the interview as a source in the Annotated Bibliography or Research Paper.
68 SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR THE INTERVIEW 1.What is the amount or type of education needed for this job? 2.What advice would you offer to someone who is interested in entering this or a similar career? 3.In your opinion, what type of attitude, personality traits, or personal characteristics are needed in order to be successful in this career? 4. What do you find most difficult / enjoyable about this job? 5. What is your opinion on…..(research topic / controversy within research topic)…..? INTERVIEW SAMPLE AND RUBRIC Tom Smith Ms. Smith English IV 18 February 2011 Interview Type-Script Interview with Bryce Florie, former Major League Baseball player and current coach / scout Monday, February 15, 2011, 3:15p.m., Riverdogs Baseball Stadium 1. What are the education and skill requirements needed to be successful in this job? Answeransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweranswe ransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweanswer answer. 2. What do you find most difficult about your position? Answeransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweranswe ransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweanswer answer. 3. With today’s economy, would you recommend a high school athlete to go to college and receive a degree, or sign a professional contract, risk a career-ending injury and not have an education? Answeransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweranswe ransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweransweanswe.
CITATION FORMAT (@ end of Typed-Script, Annotated Bibliography, and Works Cited of Research Paper) Person Interviewed. Type of Interview (personal, telephone, email, etc.). Date. Example: Nakamura, Michael. Personal interview. 23 July 2004.
TYPED SCRIPT OF INTERVIEW RUBRIC MLA format ______/ 10 Grammar/Mechanics/Spelling ______/ 10 Questions not in bold, answers in bold ______/ 10 Complete, thorough answers ______/ 10 At least 20 questions asked and answered ______/ 30 At least 5 on-site follow-up questions asked ______/ 10 Interviewee/questions relate to career and thesis topic ______/ 10 Name of interviewee and job detail ______/ 10 TOTAL ______/ 100
DRAFTS: For handwritten notes, do a first draft on paper. You can brainstorm and rearrange your thoughts easily. Once you're satisfied with the note you’ve written, all you have to do is copy it onto your notecard.
APPEARANCE: A “Thank You” should always be handwritten. There are some cases where email is acceptable, but never type an email on your computer, print, and send via mail. If it is going in the real mail, it should have your handwriting. And use dark blue or black ink over colored ink. It is more easily readable and you are probably not a 10-year-old girl.
TIME: It's a good habit to send your thank you notes as soon as possible. For Job Shadowing thank you notes should be sent within the week of the shadowing experience.
1. Dear [Name of person],
2. Thank you for [name and describe what exactly you are thanking them for].
3. At least two sentences about your experience; something you enjoyed doing, something you learned, a reason you liked being at that business, how the experience will help you, etc. Mention specifics – this makes the note feel more sincere.
4. Tell the person how you will benefit from this experience
5. Final Thank You.
6. Sign off.
Examples: "Yours Truly", "Regards", or "Sincerely"
7. Sign your name. Don't make this an autograph scrawl; neaten it up so they know it's you!
Pts. Possible Pts. Received NOTE: Greeting (1) 5 “Thank You” Sentence (2) 5 Personal Experience / Details (3) 15 Benefits / Future (4) 10 Final “thank you” (5) 5 Salutation (6) 5 Signature (7) 5 ENVELOPE: Address 10 Return Address 10 GENERAL: Format 10 70 Spelling / Grammar / Mechanics 10 Rough Draft Submitted and Peer Edited 10
Envelope Sample
72 PRESENTATION #2 GUIDELINES For your final grade on your senior thesis, you will be doing an 8-10 minute presentation in front of three judges. These judges will score you based on how well you present your topic, argument, and information. The Presentation #2 is a 5-minute presentation in which you will be judged by your peers and is a chance for you to begin preparing for your final presentation. For this presentation, you will have to build a PowerPoint presentation that includes:
– Title Slide Include: pictures, title, your name, English IV Senior Thesis Project, English IV teacher – Table of Contents List of your slides in order – Overview Slide -What is your presentation supposed to be about? -How you became interested in this topic -Why you picked this topic – Argument Slide Your thesis (should be the only complete sentence in your ppt) – Background Slides 1 – Explanation / definition of your topic (what exactly is it?) 2 – Evolution / history of topic (include important dates, names, timeline, etc.) – Works Cited -MLA format – Thank You PRESENTATION #2 RUBRIC Category 4 3 2 1/0
CONTENT Interest, explanation of topic, background, history, and ARGUMENT Job Shadowing Experience Works Cited Slide ORGANIZATION Hooks the audience Clearly states the purpose and argument Makes smooth transitions between ideas DELIVERY Uses standard English Avoids filler words TIME 5 minutes 3-4 2 1 minute minutes minutes 73 POWERPOINT features… Attractive design Accurate information Appropriate information Text easily read and free of grammar errors Title slide, table of contents, overview, argument, background (explanation and evolution/history) works cited, and thank you slides included PRINTOUT OF POWERPOINT SHOULD BE TURNED IN PRIOR TO PRESENTATION TO RECEIVE THESE POINTS
TOTAL ______/ 20
You will complete a research paper on your approved topic. This paper will encompass all of your hard work up until this point. It should be very organized with well constructed paragraphs. All information should relate to your topic and be supported with details and examples. All sources should be accurately documented and in the required format.
Before you jump into working on the whole research paper, you will turn in an initial draft of the beginning of your paper, which will include the introduction paragraph and explanation/background body paragraphs. These paragraphs should be 1.5-2 pages in length and include researched information (with citations).
1—Poor 2—Fair 3--Good 4--Excellent Introduction
Opening (grabs reader’sattention), Transition, Thesis Explanation of Topic
Topic is thoroughly defined and explained Topic sentence properly used Supporting details present/ used properly Quotations used/formatted properly Closing sentence included Background/History of Topic
Topic is thoroughly defined and explained Topic sentence properly used Supporting details present/ used properly
75 Quotations used/formatted properly Closing sentence included Formatting
First page info, Numbering, Spacing, Font, Margins Parenthetical Citations and Sources
Proper format and usage Content
Evidence of thought and research Works Cited
Completeness and correctness Conventions
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Sentence Structure Six Discretionary Points 1 2 3 4 5 6
Style, Voice, Creativity Total ______/50 x 2 == ______/ 100 FINAL GRADE
1. Your paper should be five pages in length (not including Works Cited page).
2. You must accurately use at least four sources (at least one of which must be the interview source). You may not use general encyclopedias as part of these four sources, and you may not use more than one Internet source (this does not include online data bases, i.e. DISCUS). If you exceed four sources, you may use a general encyclopedia or additional Internet information.
3.You must include in-text citations within your paper. Any paper without in-text citations (and, thus, is plagiarized) will automatically fail. You must cite for the following reasons:
- You have used a direct quotation from your source.
- You have paraphrased the following types of information:
- Statistical information
- A hypothesis or theory
- Literary research
- Information obtained through an interview
- Any information that involves someone else’s original thought or research
5. You must use the MLA Manuscript Form.
76 6. You should have multiple drafts to ensure that the paper has been proofread and edited. One of the initial drafts that you will turn in will simply be a description of what you topic is and the background/historical information about this topic WITHOUT yet establishing your thesis statement.
7. Your research paper should include an in-depth explanation of the topic, a thorough background/history of the topic, and an evaluation of an issue related to this topic backed up with significant research and your own ideas.
-ATTENTION GRABBER (something about your topic to grab the reader’s attention): shocking statistic, interesting quotation, bold statement, amusing anecdote, etc…
-INTRODUCTION TO YOUR TOPIC: a transition from the attention grabber to the thesis in which you inform readers of the general topic of paper
-THESIS STATEMENT: a single, concise, and declarative sentence that states the argument you will make throughout the course of your paper
-BODY PARAGRAPH #1: EXPLANATION OF THE TOPIC: describe for the reader exactly what you topic is and explain any processes/duties/essential elements involved in topic
-BODY PARAGRAPH #2: BACKGROUND/HISTORY OF TOPIC: describe for the reader the background and history of your topic. Be Specific!
-BODY PARAGRAPH #3: OPPOSITION EVIDENCE TO YOUR THESIS: give any opposing arguments or evidence to your topic here to show that you have a thorough knowledge of your topic and acknowledge faults of your argument. or however many
-BODY PARAGRAPHS #4-6 or more if needed: each paragraph should focus on a different point to validate the thesis sentence
-TOPIC SENTENCE: this tells what the paragraph will focus upon and transition from the previous paragraph
-POINT #1: each point in the body paragraph should be supported with evidence in the form of a quotation, statistic, or referenced information from another source
-POINT #2: each point in the body paragraph should be supported with evidence in the form of 77 a quotation, statistic, or referenced information from another source
-POINT #3: each point in the body paragraph should be supported with evidence in the form of a quotation, statistic, or referenced information from another source
-CONCLUSION SENTENCE: wraps up major points in paragraph and leads into next paragraph
III.CONCLUSION: Restate thesis and show what the material presented really means overall.
-Analyze and evaluate main points for the reader…consider the consequences and general implications of these points to thesis
-No new information should be introduced
-Show the value of your research as well as your understanding of the material presented
-Answer the question, “SO WHAT?”
RESEARCH PAPER RUBRIC 0 4 3 2 1 Not Excellent Good Fair Poor Present Introduction Opening (grabs reader’s attention) Transition Thesis Background information/History Thorough explanation of topic Relevant and insightful history Evidence to support the thesis Includes at least three points of discussion with facts, statistics, opinions supported by research Evidence opposing thesis Evidence is acknowledged and addressed Conclusion Reworded Thesis Summary, Philosophy, Analysis Clincher (so what?)
Topic sentences properly used
Supporting details present/used properly
78 Quotations used properly/format
Closing/transition sentences in every paragraph Formatting First page info Numbering Spacing Font Margins Parenthetical Citations and Sources (4 or more sources cited in paper) Proper format Usage Works Cited (all sources cited in paper found in Works Cited; sources not used in paper should not be included) Completeness Correctness Conventions Grammar Punctuation Spelling Sentence Structure Six Discretionary Points Style Voice Editing Evident
Total ______/56 == ______% FINAL GRADE
PORTFOLIO GUIDELINES The portfolio is an organized notebook documenting the process of your Senior Project. It will contain specific items outlined in the portfolio guidelines. Take pride in your portfolio because it will reflect you as an individual. The judges will review your portfolio during your presentation. By viewing your portfolio, the judges will see the process of your project, and it will give them an opportunity to prepare questions they might like to ask you.
REQUIRED PORTFOLIO COMPONENTS 1.Cover — The cover is the OUTSIDE of your portfolio. It should include the title “Senior Thesis Portfolio” and your name. Choose graphics, color, and fonts that illustrate your personality. Do not use pencil or ink for the graphics unless you are an accomplished artist. Make sure that your cover is colorful and professional looking; it will provide the first impression of your work. This cover should in the clear cover on the outside of your 3-ring binder.
2.Inside Cover/Title Page — The cover page is the first page on the inside of the portfolio. It should include your topic, name, and the date. You may use graphics. Follow the guidelines for the cover page. 80 3.Table of Contents — This should list and number in order all items in your portfolio. You should include a numbered, labeled divider page (such as the ones in your handbook) to separate and identify each piece of your portfolio.
4. Resume and Letter of Intent – This section includes clean, revised copies of resume/letter of intent.
5.Argumentative Essay –Include your persuasive essay, even if the topic/your perspective changed since the essay was written.
6.Topic Proposal Form — This section should include the teacher-approved Topic Proposal Form.
7.Annotated Bibliography – This section includes a clean, revised copy of final annotated bibliography.
8.Source Evaluation Forms and Copies of Sources –This section should include your source analysis forms and print outs of each source. Only include sources used in the final annotated bibliography.
9.Job Shadow Log – This section should include your job shadow experience log.
10.Typed, Scripted Interview – Questions and exact answers from interview with job shadow mentor.
11.Research Paper — This section should include a clean, revised copy of your research paper.
12.Presentation Outline – This section will include your notes and structure of your presentation, along with any evidence of visuals or a “product” you may have for the presentation.
13.Print Out of Presentation PowerPoint – You should print out your PowerPoint that you use in your final presentation, with 8 slides to a page.
14.Dress Code for Presentation Form – This section should include your signed acknowledgement of the proper dress for a formal presentation.
15.Participation Logs—Include your ten (10) best weekly logs from throughout the year. Your teacher will evaluate these ten logs to calculate the “Participation” element of your final project grade (20% of overall grade). PORTFOLIO RUBRIC Name: ______Date: ______
Neat and Professional Presentation 5
Outside Cover/ Inside Title Page 5 81 Table of Contents/Dividers 5
Resume/Letter of Intent 5
Topic Proposal Form 5
Argumentative Essay 5
Job Shadow Log 5
Typed Scripted Interview 5
Annotated Bibliography 15
Source Evaluation Forms/ Sources 10
Research Paper 15
Presentation Outline 5
Print Out of PowerPoint 5
Dress Code Form 5
Participation Logs (10 best) 5
The presentation is the final step in the Senior Project process. It is a self-evaluation and reflection by you of all that you have accomplished. The presentation should describe what you have learned from the project including the topic selection process, the interview of your consultant, the research process, the paper, and the product. 83 Your presentation should last 15 minutes (a 10-minute presentation/five-minute question & answer period).
You are required to have a high quality visual aid. (See examples provided).
You should describe every aspect of your Senior Project. Of special importance is a description of what you feel you have learned from the total experience.
You will be evaluated on your preparedness, ability to communicate, ability to think on your feet, appearance, value of your product, and the overall quality of the Senior Project by a panel of judges.
You should practice your presentation prior to the actual event. You will have the opportunity to do so in your English class.
All students are required to attend and present their project at a scheduled time. Any student failing to appear at the scheduled time will receive a zero for the presentation component. Any student who reschedules an appointment for unexcused reasons will automatically lose 20 percent of the presentation grade, which means the highest score possible on the presentation is an 80. Special circumstances may be presented to the teacher at least 2 weeks prior to presentation dates in order to avoid penalty.
______TIPS ON MAKING A PRESENTATION 1. Nothing can replace time well spent. -Make sure that you start well in advance of the day of your presentation. 2. Know your content. -The more you know about your content the better your presentation will be. PRESENTATION 3. Test all technology before the time of your presentation. -Choose someone to click for you during a PowerPoint, or you may be able to use a cordless mouse. Do not use the timer. It will probably make you nervous and it may not be in the right spot at the time that you need it. -Check to make sure that whatever program you use is compatible with the ones provided by school. -Cue all audio or video tapes prior to the presentation. 4. Take the time to familiarize yourself with new technology before your presentation. -If you have questions about technology, check with the technology specialist in the media center as soon as you discover that you have special needs. 5. Practice, practice, and practice before the date of your final presentation. -Know your facts and be natural. -The audience is on your side; they want you to do well. -Look comfortable and confident. -Greet the panel of judges. -Decide on the exact words you will use to introduce and conclude your presentation.
OPENING YOUR PRESENTATION 6.Treat the judges like normal people. Use first person and tell them exactly what you are doing.
84 - When you walk into the room, shake hands with the judges, introduce yourself and thank them for coming to your presentation. - “I would like to tell you about my Senior Project — how I chose my research topic, what led me to my product, the work I did with my consultant, the challenges I had, and what I got out of this process.” - “I appreciate your being here today to listen to my Senior Project presentation. I am proud of the work I have done, and I’m excited about telling you what it has meant to me.” - When you begin your speech, introduce your topic and your main components and steps.
CLOSING YOUR PRESENTATION 7.Present a strongly constructed conclusion. Explain what you have learned. -Include personal observations: “Senior Project has taught me a lot about time management, planning, perseverance, and problem solving. Although it has caused me a lot of stress, I’m glad I did it…and that it is finally over!” -Ask the judges if they have any questions. 8. Look presentable. -Treat the presentation seriously and dress accordingly (see dress code). 9. Pay attention to your body language. -How you conduct yourself sends nonverbal messages to your audience. -Avoid sitting, leaning on anything, moving too much, moving too little, chewing gum, etc. -You want your audience to feel that you are not afraid and that you know your material. 10. Make eye contact. -Be sure that you try to make eye contact with as many people in the room as possible. -Avoid focusing on one specific person or one side of the room. 11. Pace yourself. -Make sure that you have practiced so that you meet time limits. -You don’t want to seem rushed.
VISUAL AND AUDIO AIDS 12.The visual should be something that helps the audience understand the content of your presentation as well as a device to keep your speech organized and on track. 13. The visual should focus on substance, not show. Since it functions to help guide both you and the audience, it should not in itself be distracting, nor should it take attention away from you. 14. Visuals that you may use, but are not limited to, include the following: -PowerPoint (required) — Make sure that your presentation does not rely exclusively on PowerPoint. Be sure to use clear graphics and fonts large enough to be seen. NO COMPLETE SENTENCES SHOULD BE USED IN POWERPOINT. Citations required for all researched information. Citations page required. -Tri-fold display board — Make sure the display board is legible by picking easy to read fonts and matting your pictures. -Web pages — Some students use Web pages to house a large amount of information that otherwise cannot be brought to school. If you use a Web page, make sure your audience can read it from the back of the room. -Brochures or handouts — These work well for information that you want everyone to have. You can make your own or distribute previously published material. -A flip chart outline -Video or audio tapes (1 minute limit). These must be student created. -Models, costumes, or demonstrations
The following is an outline of the MINIMUM number of slides needed for your final presentation:
- Title Slide o Include: pictures, title, your name, English IV Senior Thesis Project, English IV teacher
- Table of Contents o List of your slides in order
- Overview Slide o What is your presentation supposed to be about? o How you became interested in this topic o Why you picked this topic
- Argument Slide o Your thesis (should be the only complete sentence in your ppt)
- Background Slides o Explanation / definition of your topic (what exactly is it?) o Evolution / history of topic (include important dates, names, timeline, etc.)
- Opposing Evidence o What research / sources / common belief is there “out there” that contradicts your thesis?
- Disprove / discredit / transition into major points o Can be included on opposing evidence slide, a new slide, or in what you say between slides
- Major point / piece of evidence to prove thesis - #1
- Major point / piece of evidence to prove thesis - #2
- Major point / piece of evidence to prove thesis - #3
- Job Shadow Explanation
- Personal Reflection o What have you learned?
- Conclusion o Brief summary o “So What?” What is the significance of your argument
- Works Cited 86 o MLA format!
- Questions
The following is an outline of what you will SAY during each slide of your PowerPoint.
I. Title Slide a. Introduce yourself and your topic b. What is the VERY FIRST thing you are going to say about your topic to grab the judges’ attention?
II. Table of Contents a. Briefly discuss what will be discussed!
III. Overview Slide a. What is your presentation supposed to be about? b. How did you become interested in this topic? c. Why did you pick this topic?
IV. Argument Slide a. What are you going to prove? What is your thesis?
V. Background Slides a. Explanation / definition of your topic (what exactly is it?) b. Evolution / history of topic (briefly explain and describe important dates, names, timeline, etc.)
VI. Opposing Evidence a. Briefly explain the research / sources / common beliefs that oppose your thesis
VII. Disprove / discredit / transition into major points a. How can these points/this evidence not be true? Why are they not valid?
VIII. Major point / piece of evidence to prove thesis - #1 a. Explanation of major point and how it proves your thesis
IX. Major point / piece of evidence to prove thesis - #2 a. Explanation of major point and how it proves your thesis
X. Major point / piece of evidence to prove thesis - #3 a. Explanation of major point and how it proves your thesis
XI. Job Shadow description and explanation
XII. Personal Reflection a. What have you learned?
b. Have you learned/experienced something that has changed you?
c. Do you still feel the same way about your topic as you did BEFORE starting the project?
XIII. Conclusion a. Provide a brief summary. What should the judges have learned or take away from this presentation? b. “So What?” What is the significance of your thesis – now that you have stated it and proven it?
87 XIV. Works Cited a. Show/prove to the judges you have used reputable sources to support your thesis!
XV. Questions a. Ask if there are any questions and answer them as knowledgeably as you can. Be honest if you don’t know!
XVI. Thank You a. Thank the judges for their time and attention
PRESENTATION RUBRIC Name: ______Date: ______English Teacher: ______Topic: ______Time Start: ______Time Finish: ______CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1 0 / Not (100%) 4.5 (80%) 3. (60%) 2.5 (40%) 1.5 (20%) .5 Evident 5 CONTENT -Includes Thoroughly Some Somewhat Obvious Absolute No background explained, explanation mentioned part(s) minimum background and history of interesting, and with vague or missing or history topic and pertinent somewhat unclear and/or mentioned with clear interesting. connection to connection to connections to Connection to thesis. thesis not thesis thesis given. offered. -Includes a Clear and Mostly clear A little unclear Unclear Hardly No thesis strong engaging and and/or too and/or mentioned, mentioned argument/ thesis interesting broad, too illogical difficult to statement narrow, or too understand, obvious and/or completely illogical -Adds support for 3 separate 3 separate Less than 3 Less than 3 Less than 3 No points at least three points, each points, each separate separate separate referenced points of supported by supported points, with points with points discussion with clear, useful with some some little without thorough research, research evidence of reference to reference to reference to statistics, and research research research, or 3 research opinion backed up points with by research no research -Discusses job Clear Clearly Clear Unclear or Hardly Job shadowing discussion in discussed in discussion in vague mentioned Shadowing experience useful, some detail little detail, or discussion of experience experience interesting unclear experience not detail w/some detail with little mentioned detail -Opposing Opposing Opposing Opposing Opposing Opposing No evidence/ evidence fully evidence evidence evidence evidence opposing arguments discussed discussed in briefly mentioned barely evidence acknowledged some detail discussed but not mentioned mentioned and addressed discussed -Accurate Seemingly Seemingly Mostly Mostly Blaring No information on totally mostly accurate info. seemingly inaccuracies accurate slides accurate accurate info. w/out any inaccurate in almost all information information w/some citations OR information of the in w/citations on citations for seemingly AND no information; presentation each slide for quotes and inaccurate citations citations quotes and paraphrased info. missing or paraphrased info. w/citations incorrect
88 information ORGANIZATION -Presents Strong, Good, mostly Some attempt Weak Hardly any No hook attention- effective effective at a hook attempt at a attempt at a whatsoever grabbing hook to attention- hook hook hook gain audience grabbing hook interest -Presents a Thorough Mostly Some Weak Little No strong introduction of thorough introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction of self, topic, introduction to three to two of to one or whatsoever self, topic, portfolio, and of all four areas, or four areas, or two of the presentation areas, or, thorough thorough four areas portfolio, and thorough introduction introduction overview of introduction to two of the to just one of presentation of three of four areas four areas four areas -Smooth Excellent Good Some good Few or weak Very little No transitions transitions, transitions, transitions; transitions transition transitions between ideas fluid flowed mostly some between from idea to from idea movement well among awkward or ideas idea to idea among ideas ideas vague CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1 0 / Not (100%) 4.5 (80%) 3. (60%) 2.5 (40%) 1.5 (20%) .5 Evident 5 ORGANIZATION, continued -Refers Excellent Good Fair Poor Very little No to/explains explanation of explanation explanation of explanation explanation explanation aids at aids including of aids aids with of aids with of aids, no of aids appropriate strong detail including some detail little helpful detail to adequate detail explain aids points detail -Presents a Strong Adequate Conclusion Brief No spoken No strongly conclusion conclusion given but conclusion conclusion; conclusion constructed w/“So What?” with no loose lacking without referred to conclusion answered ends closure much closure only in slides DELIVERY -Uses standard No filler words; 1-2 filler 1-2 filler 3-4 filler 5 or more Language is English and spoken words OR 1-2 words AND words filler words too avoids filler grammar minor minor AND/OR 3-4 AND/OR 5 or informal or words practically grammar grammar grammar more coherent to perfect mistakes mistakes mistakes grammar understand mistakes -Avoids reading Does not read Minor reading Some reading About half of Majority of Only straight from from from from PowerPoint PowerPoint Powerpoint PowerPoint PowerPoint or PowerPoint PowerPoint or slides or note slides and slides/ and/or note note cards; or note cards; note cards; cards read; note cards notecards cards; practice is well-rehearsed practice some practice little practice read; little to read; NO evident evident evident evident no practice practice evident evident POISE -Is dressed Business Business Business Business Little No attempt appropriately formal dress formal to casual dress casual to attempt at at business little attempt professional professional casual dress dress -Demonstrates Answers Majority of Some Has difficulty Not able to Total lack energy and questions with questions questions answering answer of energy personality; obvious answered answered questions or questions or and answers knowledge and with with acquired answers makes little personality; to the best of knowledge knowledge; questions attempt to demonstrates questions ability; energy and to the energy and based on answer a negative intelligently/ and best of ability; personality unfounded questions; attitude; confidently personality energy and somewhat knowledge; little to no does not evident personality evident some energy energy and answer mostly and personality questions evident personality evident 89 -Good eye contact All 5 criteria 4 of the 3 of the 2 of the 1 of the None of -No fidgeting met criteria met criteria met criteria met criteria met the criteria -Appropriate are met inflection -Appropriate volume -Appropriate pacing POWERPOINT -Attractive Font Font style/color Font style/color Font Font Font PowerPoint style/colors mostly read somewhat style/color style/color style/color in easily with a easily read; hard to read in mostly illegible and design; text easily read with attractive primarily somewhat many parts; difficult to PowerPoint easily read by attractive/ attractive/ design is read; design is shows no and professional audience professional professional unattractive or unattractive/ evidence of design design design unprofessional unprofessional design -Text free of No Very few Some Many Presentation Presentation grammar errors grammatical or grammatical grammatical grammatical is full of is too full of spelling errors or spelling and spelling and spelling grammatical errors to errors errors errors & spelling make sense errors of text -Students Majority of Most of the Some of the Little info. No info. Little present info. info. provided info. provided info. provided provided provided information beyond what is exceeds what exceeds what exceeds what beyond slides beyond slides provided is written on is written on is written on OR info. on AND info. on on found on slides not PowerPoint slides slide slides slides not covered Powerpoint covered or orally TIME: 8-12 min 6-7 min 5-6 min 4-5 min 3-4 min 3 or less min Time prior to OR OR OR OR OR more questions. 12-13 min 13-14 min 14-15 min 15-16 min than 16 min DRESS CODE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM
Students need to develop awareness for the image of their appearance. The purpose of the dress code is to uphold a professional image and to prepare students for the business world. If your project lends itself to a specific uniform or costume and you think wearing it would aid in your presentation, you may do so with prior approval from the Senior Project Coordinator.
-Business suit with collared dress shirt and necktie; or -Sport coat, dress slacks, collared dress shirt, and necktie; or -Dress slacks, collared dress shirt, and necktie. -Dress shoes and socks are required. -A banded collar shirt may be worn only if a sport coat or business suit is worn. -Jewelry should be kept to a minimum.
-Business suit with blouse; or -Business pantsuit with blouse; or -Business dress; or -Skirt or dress slacks with blouse or sweater. -Dress shoes are required. -Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. -No clothing should be too tight, short, low-cut, or otherwise revealing.
-Denim or chambray fabric of any kind -Overalls, shorts, skorts, stretch pants, exercise or bike shorts -Backless, see-through, tight-fitting, spaghetti straps, strapless, extremely short, or low cut blouses/tops/dresses/skirts -Athletic shoes, industrial work shoes, hiking boots, combat boots, bare feet, or over the knee boots -Athletic wear -Hats -Bolo ties -Visible foundation garments
New fashion trends may be in style but not necessarily appropriate. The best way to operate is to avoid them. If there is a doubt, select something else to wear. Be a professional.
I agree to abide by this dress code and realize that a portion of my presentation grade will be based on my appearance.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
SELF-EVALUATION PAPER GUIDELINES AND RUBRIC The Senior Thesis Self-Evaluation Paper should include a typed paper (1-2 pages) answering the following questions. The paper should be written in essay format and be grammatically correct and in MLA format. Do not simply type it in a question answer format. Paragraph 1: -Describe the entire thesis project in a brief paragraph to give the reader an idea of what was accomplished. - What were the total hours spent on the project? (refer to your progress logs) Paragraph 2: - What were some of the biggest problems encountered while working on the project? (List and describe at least three.) Paragraph 3: - What did you do to manage your time effectively?
92 If you did not manage your time effectively, what would you change so that you could have done better? Paragraph 4: - Describe the learning stretch that you took to complete this project. Do you think you fulfilled the requirements for the stretch? Explain your answer. How were the original plans for the project the same or different from the outcome of the project? -What grade would you give yourself for the project? Paragraph 5: - What personal satisfaction did you gain from the project experience? - What did you learn about yourself? - What would you do differently if you had to do this again? - What did you learn that could help you later in life? Paragraph 6: - What advice would you give to future seniors? SELF-EVALUATION PAPER RUBRIC
Paragraph #2 14
Paragraph #3 14
Paragraph #4 14
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Paragraph #6 14