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Wednesday, April 8 through Sunday, April 12, 2015 IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW for ALL Travelers Departure and Return…BUS LIST ATTACHED! Wednesday, April 8: 8:00 PM Depart from GCJHS Sunday, April 12: 7:00 AM Return to GCJHS Bus Check-in TIMES: Wednesday, April 9 *Passengers must have luggage at drop area and check in with bus captain by the time listed below.
1. Bus 1: 7:30 Mix (Greene/Carr/Hilton/Richards) 2. Bus 2: 7:35 Girls (Stinnett/Stewart/ /Ralph) 3. Bus 3: 7:40 Girls (Garringer/K. Sangiorgio/L. Sangiorgio/) 4. Bus 4: 7:45 Boys (Bandy/Uhl/Dowden) 5. Bus 5: 7:50 Boys (Jack/Murphy/Oliver) *Bus Captain in bold Check-in: Wednesday 4/8/15 1. Arrival Time: Luggage and sign in by times listed above. All passengers should be in the building by 7:00. 2. Luggage Drop off: Drop your luggage at your designated bus area (gym/cafeteria lobby area) and then have a seat in the cafeteria. KEEP your carry-on bag, pillow and blanket with you to the cafeteria and then onto the bus. Once we leave, you will not have access to your luggage until Thursday night. So pack your essentials in your carry-on bag! 3. SIGN-IN: Sign-in with your bus leaders/teachers in the cafeteria. 4. Parking: Parents dropping their student off should park in the front and parents traveling MUST park in the park in the NORTH lot by ball diamonds. Teachers park in north loot too! 5. The back lot behind gym is off limits to EVERYONE! Violators will be towed at owner’s expense. 6. 4/12/15…Sunday morning return: We will send you a REMIND the evening before and then again ONE hour prior to arrival. Expect us to be on time. Packing list Pack TWO bags: Check Weather before packing! This is a rain or shine trip and most things are outside! One carry-on type bag for the bus Wednesday night and another larger duffle for everything else. Your larger bag will be stored under the bus until late Thursday night! Keep your essentials with you in your carry-on! BAG #1: Small Carry-on (tote or backpack) o Pack or carry a pillow and small blanket. o Pack items in carry-on to brush teeth, do hair, wash face, deodorant, and change clothes the next morning. Don’t forget contacts/solution or other personal items! o Plan to wear sweats or PJ pants on bus must have shoes (flip flops are fine) o Pack snacks and water. . STUDENTS: Energy or high caffeine drinks like Red Bull, Monster, Mt. Dew etc. will NOT be allowed….We will check for this! You will want to avoid the on bus bathroom! o Medication: Students who require medication should be in charge of their own items unless parents feel their student is not responsible. Contact Mrs. Greene at [email protected] if you need to make other medication arrangements. o Money: NEED $15 per day for lunch . Extra spending money is optional. There will be many places for students to buy souvenirs. This amount is up to you and your child. Cash is the best option. o Electronics: Cell phone/camera/other hand-held electronic devices may be brought at the owner’s discretion. Students are responsible for keeping, securing, and charging their own devices. Many places will ask for devices to be shut off, please be respectful. . Wi-Fi and a few outlets for charging on all motor coaches. BAG #2: Larger duffel (stored under bus) o 3-4 pair of Pants/jeans/capris/shorts (school appropriate) o 3-4 shirts o Undergarments/socks/sweats/PJ’s o 1-2 jackets/sweater/sweatshirts (check weather for DC area) o 1-2 pair of comfortable walking shoes (flip flops are NOT suggested for tour days) o Other toiletries Dress CODE School dress code rules apply! 1. Most of this trip is very casual and jeans are acceptable in most situations. 2. Please remember that YOU are representing your school and community. The way you look says a lot about you! Dress appropriately to make a good impression. 3. Shorts/skirts or dresses must be to the knee. 4. No ripped pants/jeans or holes. 5. Flip flops are HIGHLY discouraged during the day and on tours. (You will walk MANY miles!) 6. Yoga pants/leggings must have a covering shirt to mid-thigh. 7. EXCEPTION: Wreath-laying students participating in the ceremony at Arlington MUST follow Arlington National Cemetery dress guidelines. Students will be notified for this prestigious opportunity! MALES A collared shirt, Casual slacks, appropriate shoes (no tennis shoes) FEMALES A blouse Casual slacks, skirt or dress appropriate shoes (no tennis shoes) Student Expectations 1. SAFETY is ALWAYS first! Students should never be alone. Must always be with a buddy! 2. Students are expected to behave and follow school and field trip rules. Major behavior issues can result in parents being called to pick up their student…in DC! Let’s avoid this! 3. Students are expected to travel with their chaperone on the same bus at all times. Students will check in regularly and are to be in the same general vicinity of their chaperone. (Groups may walk with/eat with and visit with other groups whenever convenient. 4. Once we arrive at the hotel each night, the students will be given 15 minutes upon arrival to get in their rooms. YES 15 minutes! 5. A member of the GCJHS staff will visit each room at night to ensure that students have the things they need for the night and are aware of the next day’s schedule. 6. Students are expected to stay in the rooms until their wake-up call that next morning. Under NO circumstances are students allowed to be in rooms in which they are not assigned or in the hall after checked. The guard will wake Mrs. Greene if there is a problem. 7. Students should not open the door for any person who does not identify themselves as a member of the GCJHS staff. In case of emergency, please contact Mrs. Greene at 317-441- 8128. 8. A guard has been hired for each floor! The guard will report all situations to Mrs. Greene and Mr. Jack. TRIP UPDATES GCJHS Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram Parent and Chaperone Information Via REMIND! Chaperone Group Expectations Thank you for volunteering to chaperone this trip! Without you we could not be able to take this trip to Washington D.C.!
Chaperones will travel to and from attractions with their group. They are to take attendance multiple times each day (see #5 below). You do not have to walk directly with your group but should have them in eyesight at all times. You will be on the same bus and should not travel without your group. ALWAYS make sure that each of your members are present when leaving an attraction and going to the next.
1. SAFETY is ALWAYS first! Students should NEVER be alone. Must always be with a buddy!
2. Students MUST stay in the room as assigned.
3. Unless indicated in student room placement, adults will NOT room with students.
4. Chaperones will travel on the same bus and to and from each attraction with their designated group. (Groups may walk with/eat with and visit with other groups whenever convenient. This is especially convenient when traveling on the same bus.)
5. Chaperones will take attendance every time we board the bus, when moving from one spot to another, after restroom breaks, or any time your group leaves your sight. Your bus captain will request a count at these points and more!
6. Chaperones will help inform, gather, and direct their groups as needed.
7. Chaperones should refer unruly students to the bus captain or Mrs. Greene.
8. Gather and record cell phone numbers from each student in your group.
9. Have fun! Get to know your group and enjoy your trip!
10. Please contact Mrs. Betsy Greene with questions or problems. 317-441-8128 or [email protected]
Parent Rooms
Person 1 Person 2 (optional) 1 Kim Keller Jack Keller 2 Allender Jeff Wyman Roger 3 Anderson Christy single single 4 Atchley Mark Thresh Tom 5 Bailey Erica Hibbard Tara 6 Baker Nat single single 7 Bass Duane Bass Sheryl 8 Elam Mike single single 9 Fletcher Laura single single 10 Fortner Dawn Stephenson Christy 11 Gillespie Jill single single 12 Haggard Beth single single 13 Harter Ryan single single 14 Heller Trent single single 15 Hunsinger Malissa single single 16 Keaton Steve single single 17 Lee James single single 18 McKee Kim Ginger McKee 19 McKinney Angie single single 20 McLaughlin Sherri single single 21 Phillips Michelle single single 22 Reading Chris single single 23 Real Brian single single 24 Reed Nicole single single 25 Scott Terry single single 26 Sexton Shelli single single 27 Stine Rob Stine Kit 28 Woods Susan single single 29 Mathias Pamela single single Bus List with Chaperone Groups and Student Rooms Students are grouped with their hotel roommates (same group number). That chaperone group (chaperones name in top of column) will travel on the same bus as well to and from all attractions. Revised 4/07/15 Bus 1 Bus 2 Bus 3 Bus 4 Bus 5 Greene- Carr-Hilton 50 Stinett-Stewart-Ralph 49 Garr./K. Sang./L. Sang. 51 Bandy-Uhl-Dowden 52 Jack-Murphy-Oliver 52 4+6+36=46 3+7+36=46 4+4+39=47 3+10+36=49 3+9+37=49 1 Mrs. Betsy Greene G-4, B-32 1 Mrs. Samantha Stinnett G-5 1 Miss Sara Garringer G-23, 10 1 Mrs. Betsy Bandy B-24 1 Mr. Dan Jack B-39 2 Mrs. Darcy Carr G-46 2 Miss Jenn Stewart G-11 2 Mrs. Katie Sangiorgio G-14, 22 2 Mr. Nick Uhl B-43 2 Mr. Brent Oliver B-29 3 Mr. Michael Hilton G-2 3 Mrs. Ashley Ralph G-6 3 Miss Lauren Sangiorgio G-18, 20 3 Mr. Justin Dowden B-42 3 Mr. Bill Murphy B-38 4 Chris Richards GT 4 Dawn Fortner G-3 4 Rob Zeider GT 4 Micheal Elam B-26 4 Ginger McKee B-37/38 5 Tara Hibbard G-12 5 Chris ty Stephenson G-3 5 Angie McKinney G-1 5 Steve Keaton B-41 5 James Lee B-38 6 Na thaniel Baker G-19 6 Chris ty Anderson G-8 6 Susan Woods G-21 6 Chris Reading B-27 6 Kim McKee B-38 7 Terry Scott G-19 7 Erica Bailey G-9 7 Laura Fletcher G-17 7 Sheryl Ba ss B-25 7 Sherri McLaughlin B-35 8 Elizabeth Haggard B-31, 38 8 Shelli Sexton G-16 8 Brian Real G-13 8 Duane Bass B-25 8 Rob Stine B-28/45 9 Trent Heller B-31, 38 9 Meliss a Hunsinger G-7 9 Jeff Allender B-44 9 Kit Stine B-28/45 10 Jill Gillespie B-34 10 Pam Mathias G-15 10 Nicole Reed B-44 10 Tom Thres h B-36/30 11 Roger Wyman B-44 11 Mark Atchley B-36/30 12 Kim Keller B-47 12 Ryan Harter B-36/30 13 Michelle Phillips B-40 Group # Group # Group # Group # Group # 1 Da nielle Zell 2 1 Haleigh Pribble 3 1 Abiga il, McKinney 1 1 Gaunt,Clayton 24 1 Bennett, Chase 28 2 Hilton, Elaine 2 2 Kaleigh Stephens on 3 2 Dixon, Kaitlyn 1 2 Jack Sipes 24 2 Jus tin Shaw 28 3 Mackenzie Ha tcher 2 3 Kloe Shockley 3 3 Elizabeth, Redwine 1 3 Jas on,Gray 24 3 Ryan Mconnell 28 4 Willow Hatcher 2 4 Taylor Fortner 3 4 Samantha, Peterson 1 4 Smith, Jackson 24 4 Spencer Phegley 28 5 Demaris Parish 4 5 Erica,Young 5 5 Hailey, Dodds 10 5 Bas s, Steven 25 5 Robinson, Austin 29 6 Jenkins, Taylor 4 6 Jas mine, Preston 5 6 Kyla, Marks 10 6 Chris tian Varela 25 6 Steven, Roland 29 7 Klaudia Brown 4 7 Madison, Bailey 5 7 Meek, Mersadies 10 7 Wyatt Donofrio 25 7 Noah, Mohler 29 8 Mady Smith 4 8 Poole, Madalyn 5 8 Molly, Kottlowski 10 8 Belcher Brysen 26 8 Strong, Jared 29 9 Abby Phillips 12 9 Brenna Locket 6 9 Corissa Riggs 13 9 Jackson Armes 26 9 Bailey Nordenbrock 30 10 Ava Hibbard 12 10 Cassie Epperson 6 10 Courtney Gullion 13 10 Tyler Elam 26 10 Ga ven Mills 30 11 Lucy Brand 12 11 Jackley Katie 6 11 Jessi Rankin 13 11 Zach Wilson 26 11 Hunter Lewis 30 12 Polster, Mackenzie 12 12 Katie Nowling 6 12 Real, Kate 13 12 Lowry, Mike 27 12 Matthew Riter 30 13 Anna Scott 19 13 Delonie Blake 7 13 Alexandria, Rankin 14 13 Jonathon Reading 27 13 McDowell, Bradley 35 14 Baker, Emma 19 14 Kayla, Hunsginer 7 14 Madison, Lewis 14 14 Scott, John 27 14 Brennan Mann 35 15 Rachel Durk 19 15 Shelby, Cobb 7 15 Pugh, Ja mie 14 15 Zack Hicks 27 15 Evan McLaughlin 35 16 Sam Shepherd 19 16 Sitton, Kinzie 7 16 Samantha, Dullaghan 14 16 Bobby Newcomb 40 16 Nick Atwood 35 17 Derick Heller 31 17 Anderson, Shayla 8 17 Evelyn Fletcher 17 17 Cha se McGill 40 17 Townsend,Kevin 36 18 Ethan Elsbury 31 18 Emma Burris 8 18 Lucas,Sara 17 18 Hunter Gulden 40 18 Owen Thresh 36 19 Logan Utermark 31 19 Isabella Strong 8 19 Melissa Stephens 17 19 Isaiah Phillips 40 19 Matthew Acthley 36 20 Matt Haggard 31 20 Taylor Achor 8 20 Gonzalez, ALyssa 17 20 Hunter, Durick 41 20 Michael Harter 36 21 Dougherty, A.J. 32 21 MaKenna , Bailey 9 21 Gerard, Rose 18 21 Kea ton, Austin 41 21 Cameron Combs 37 22 Ha yden Bottorff 32 22 Meghan, O'keefe 9 22 Jessica Tate 18 22 Nick, Finister 41 22 Cristian Rutnik 37 23 Will Blagburn 32 23 Phoenix, Breese 9 23 Lillian Thurber 18 23 Alex Gibson 42 23 Da vid Montgomery 37 24 Will Wickham 32 24 Woodward, CaitLin 9 24 Sydney Stephenson 18 24 Cody Grant 42 24 BradyGillila nd 37 25 Alex Gilles pie 34 25 Gwaltney, Teagan 11 25 Allis on Raffaelli 20 25 Evanoff, Noah 42 25 Da vis , Dawson 33 26 Arrowood, Kyle 34 26 Samantha Williams 11 26 Everidge, Celeste 20 26 Lucas Over 42 26 Ga rett, Mckee 33 27 Clayton Smith 34 27 Taylor Griffin 11 27 Mathis, Brianna 20 27 Burns Platts 43 27 Grant Hinton 33 28 Sam Paul 34 28 Zoe Anthony 11 28 Morgan Aguilar 20 28 Dustin Davis 43 28 Ada m, Lee 33 29 Andrew,Bloom 38 29 Aubrie Wa hl 15 29 Alexis Inman 21 29 Jayln Hensley 43 29 Jos h McCord 33 30 Ga vin,Wa terman 38 30 Davis , Kasey 15 30 Haley Holden 21 30 Seyfried Clayton 43 30 Helm, Tate 39 31 Jackson,Lineagner 38 31 Lindsey Pope 15 31 Megan Woods 21 31 Allender,Evan 44 31 Jaden, Brown 39 32 Na than,Copeland 38 32 Sarah Raven 15 32 Alexis Wheatley 22 32 Bandy, Cameron 44 32 James Cowart (JD) 39 33 Aus tin Lyle 46 33 EmaLee Stevens 16 33 Granger, Shelby 22 33 Dylan,Wyman 44 33 Spencer Heiny 39 34 Helle, Joshua 46 34 Emma Burnahm 16 34 Kern, Gra ce 22 34 Reed, Chris 44 34 Hudziak, Carter 45 35 Keagan Turner 46 35 Mae griffin 16 35 Trystan Ailes 22 35 Jack Keller 47 35 Ethan Striggs 45 36 Roberts, Dylan 46 36 Tapanga Sobieck 16 36 Madi Garry 23 36 Brad Stine 45 37 Nicole Levi 23 37 Parker Niemeier 45 38 Savannah Palmer 23 39 Valenzuela, Izabella 23