Service of Lessons and Carols
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Christmas Eve 24 December 2011 Quotes for Reflection
“Christmas time changes our hearts, its seems, whether we wish it so or not. There is a power the coming of Christ has over even the most obdurate unbeliever that simply cannot be escaped.”—Charles Dickens
“Maker of the sun, He is made under the sun. In the Father He remains, from His mother He goes forth. Creator of heaven and earth, He was born on earth under heaven. Unspeakably wise, He is wisely speechless. Filling the world, He lies in a manger. Ruler of the stars, He nurses at His mother’s bosom. He is both great in the nature of God, and small in the form of a servant.”—Augustine
“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become the sons of God.”—C.S. Lewis “You have come to us as a small child, but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts, the gift of eternal love. Caress us with your tiny hands, embrace us with your tiny arms, and pierce our hearts with your soft, sweet cries.” —Bermard of Clairvaux
GOD CALLS HIS PEOPLE TO WORSHIP It is God Himself who calls His people to worship. We do not call ourselves, but it is the King who opens His gates and beckons us into his courts.
Lighting of the Advent Wreath / Choral Introit—From Heaven on High
From Heav'n on high I come to you, I bring you tidings good and new; Glad tidings of great joy I bring, Where-of I now will say and sing.
To you, this night, is born a Child, Of Mary, chosen virgin mild; This little Child, of lowly birth, Shall be the joy of all your earth.
These are the tokens ye shall mark, The swaddling clothes and manger dark; There shall ye find the young Child laid, By whom the heav'ns and earth were made.
Now let us all, with gladsome cheer Follow the shepherds, and draw near To see this precious gift of God, Who hath His only Son bestowed.
Welcome to earth, Thou noble Guest, Through whom the sinful world is blest! In my dis-tress thou came to me, What can we render, Lord, to Thee!
Text: Martin Luther, 1535; Music: vom himmel hoch, Leipzig, 1539
Call to Worship— Luke 2:13; John 3:16-17 Pastor: Good news. Glad tidings. Great joy. All: Glory to God in the highest. Reader 1: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Reader 2: For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. All: Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth and good will toward men!
Congregational Hymn—Of the Father's Love Begotten, V1 -3 & 7
2 Solo—Remember O Thou Man Remember, O thou man, O thou man, O thou man, Remember, O thou man, Thy time is spent: Remember O thou man, how thou cam'st to me then, And I did what I can, therefore repent. Remember, God's goodness, O thou man, O thou man, Remember, God's goodness, And promise made: Remember, God's goodness, how his only Son he sent Our sins for to redress: be not afraid. Remember, O thou man, O thou man, O thou man, Remember, O thou man, that God is great! Loving unchangeably planned from eternity, By His Word mightily all to create. Remember, O thou man, O thou man, O thou man, Remember, O thou man, that God above, Long before time began knew of the sin of man, And laid Redemption's plan, for He is Love. And with the angels sing praises of gladness bring, To Christ our heavenly King forevermore! Thomas Ravenscroft, 1611
3 The Promise of Christmas: Part 1
Congregational Hymn—O Come O Come Emmanuel
Text: Latin Antiphons, 12th century, Tr. John Mason Neale, 1851 Music: VENI EMMANUEL, Plainsong, 13th century, Arr. Thomas Helmore, 1856 The Promise of Christmas: Part 2
Solo—Let all Mortal Flesh Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand; ponder nothing earthly-minded, for with blessing in his hand, Christ our God to earth descendeth, our full homage to demand. King of kings, yet born of Mary, as of old on earth he stood, Lord of lords, in human vesture, in the body and the blood; he will give to all the faithful his own self for heavenly food. At his feet the six-winged seraph, cherubim, with sleepless eye, veil their faces to the presence, as with ceaseless voice they cry: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Lord Most High!
Text: Liturgy of St. James, 5th c. Adapted by Gerard Moultrie, 1864, Music: PICARDY, 17th c. French Melody. Arr. Nathan C. George
Choral Hymn—In the Dark of Midnight At the close of twilight, on this Christmas eve, stillness falls and slows the pass of time. Then we can remember in the dark of night only in the Christ child we find light for all mankind. Through the feircest trials and the storms that blast sight may fail but faith will carry on. Then we must remember in the darkest night, only in the Christ child we find hope for all mankind. 4 Through long years of raging nations draw the sword; kingdoms fail and men may soon despair. Then we must remember, in the evil fight; only in the Christ child we find peace for all mankind. In the calm of midnight angels sing the dawn of the peaceful kingdom breaking in. Now we can remember! Now until all time! Only in the Christ child we find Joy for all mankind. Text & Music: Nathan C. George, 2011
Congregational Hymn—Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
Text: Charles Wesley, 1745; Music: Hyfrydol, Rowland Hugh Pritchard, 1855
The Promise of Christmas: Part 3
Choral Hymn—Come Ye Lofty Come ye loft-y, come ye lowly Let your songs of glad-ness ring; In a stable lies the Holy, In a manger rests the King: See in Mary’s arms reposing Christ by highest heaven adored: Come, your circle round Him closing, Pious hearts that love the Lord. Come ye poor, no pomp of station Robes the Child your hearts adore: He, the Lord of all salvation, Shares your want, is weak and poor: Ox-en, round a-bout be-hold them; Rafters naked, cold, and bare, See the Shepherds, God has told them That the Prince of Life lies there. High above a star is shining, And the wise men haste from far: Come glad hearts, and spirits pining For you all has risen the star. Let us bring our poor oblations, Thanks and love, and faith and praise;
5 Come ye people, come ye nations, All in all draw nigh to gaze. Hark the Heaven of heavens is ringing: Christ the Lord to man is born! Are not all our hearts too singing, Welcome, welcome, Christ-mas morn? Still the Child, all power possessing, Smiles as through the ages past; And the song of Christmas blessing Sweetly sinks to rest at last.
Text: Archer T. Gurney, 1871; Music: Old Breton Melody.
The Promise of Christmas: Part 4
Solo—Bring a Torch Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella!, Bring a torch, to Bethlehem come! Christ is born. Tell the folk of the village, Mary has laid him in a manger. Ah!* Ah! beautiful is the Mother!, Ah! Ah! beautiful is her child! It is wrong when the Baby is sleeping, It is wrong to speak so loud. Silence, now as you gather around, Lest your noise should waken Jesus. Hush! Hush! see how the Baby slumbers; Hush! Hush! see how the Baby sleeps! Softly now unto the stable, Softly for a moment come! Look and see how charming is Jesus, Look at him there, His cheeks are rosy! Hush! Hush! see how the Child is sleeping; Hush! Hush! see how he smiles in dreams! French Carol, 1553
Solo—Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day Tomorrow shall be my dancing day; I would my true love did so chance To see the legend of my play, To call my true love to my dance……. Then was I born of a virgin sure, Of her I took on fleshly substance Thus was I knit to man's nature To call my true love to my dance. Refrain Sing, oh! my love, oh! my love, my love, my love, This have I done for my true love In manger laid, and wrapped I was, So very poor, this was my chance Betwixt an ox and a poor lamb (silly poor ass), To call my true love to my dance…… For thirty pieces Judas me sold, His covetousness for to advance: Mark whom I kiss, the same do hold! The same is he shall lead the dance. Then on the cross hanged I was, Where there a spear my heart did glance; There issued forth both water and blood, They Judged me die to lead the dance. Then down to hell I took my way, For my true love's deliverance, And rose again upon the third day, Up to my true love and the dance. Then up to heaven I did ascend, Where now I dwell in sure substance On the right hand of my Father, that man, May come unto the feast and dance. Traditional English Carol—William B. Sandys' Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern of 1833.
The Promise of Christmas: Part 5
Choral Hymn—See Amid the Winter's Snow See amid the winter’s snow,Born for us on earth below,
6 See, the gentle Lamb appears,Promised from eternal years. Lo, within a manger liesHe who built the starry skies; He Who, thronèd in height sublime,Sits amid the cherubim. Refrain Hail thou ever blessèd morn,Hail redemption’s happy dawn,Sing through all Jerusalem:Christ is born in Bethlehem. Say, ye holy shepherds, say,what's your joyful news today? Wherefore have ys left your sheepOn the lonely mountain steep? “As we watched at dead of night,Lo, we saw a wondrous light; Angels singing ‘Peace on earth’Told us of the Savior’s birth.” Sacred Infant, all divine,What a tender love was Thine, Thus to come from highest blissdown to such a world as this! Teach, O teach us, holy Child,By Thy face so meek and mild, Teach us to resemble Thee,In Thy sweet humility.
Text: Edward Caswall, 1851; Music: SEE AMID THE WINTER’S SNOW, John Goss, 1870.
Congregational Hymn—Away in a Manger
Text: Anonymous; Music: MUELLER, James R. Murray, 1887
GOD SENDS HIS PEOPLE OUT After calling His people into His presence, forgiving their sins, instructing them in His Word, and providing a foretaste of the marriage supper of the Lamb, God sends His people into the world to show His light in the darkness.
The Promise of Christmas: Part 6
Congregational Hymn—Silent Night
7 Text: Joseph Mohr, 1818; Music: STILLE NACHT, Franz Gruber, 1818.
As you exit we encourage you to use the time to meditate silently and return in the morning in joyous praise of the Christ Child's birth!
Christmas Day Service Sunday at 10:30 am
8 Presbyterian Church in America Web: / Twitter: @parishpres Church Office: (615-574-1029) or [email protected]
Pastors: George Grant (574-1029 Office) or [email protected] Bing Davis (574-1029 Office) or [email protected] / Parish Presbyterian Pastoral Care (615-378-7774) Chief Musician: Nathan George (944-8831) or [email protected] Musician Intern: Henry Haffner, [email protected] Parish Nursery Coordinator: Susan Sadler (356-3948) or [email protected] Elders Tom Goddard (791-9231) Mike Miserocchi (373-3124) John Scherrer (790-3207) Danny Ketchum, adjunct Steve Nelson (595-0520) Louis Huesmann (309-6937) Deacons Aaron Anderson (794-2989) Andy Clark (545-7626) Jason Parolini (497-3337) Jeff Dokkestul (618-6064) Rich Fleck (794-2499) Randy Sadler (356-3948) Mark Haney (772-1396) Will Matheny (790-5095) All Biblical Quotes from the English Standard Version