European Summer School Visual Neuroscience: from Spikes to Awareness
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European Summer School “Visual Neuroscience: from spikes to awareness”
Castle Rauischholzhausen, September 2 to 14, 2018
Application form
General information about applying and the summer school can be found at the website:
To be considered, applicants must hold a bachelor, a master, a Ph.D., or other equivalent degrees in neuroscience or in a closely related area.
In addition to filling this form, please have at least one letter of reference sent by email to: [email protected].
The application deadline is Tuesday, April 3, 2018. An email will be sent no later than a week after receipt of the application. We are not sending confirmations of receipt for the reference letters. If letters of reference are missing, we will notify you in time. Applicants will be notified about acceptance by e-mail no later than May 14, 2018. You only need to contact us before May 14 if you don’t get a message of receipt within one week after sending your application. Check the application website for news on the selection process.
Fill out this form and save this file in PDF format as VnsAppName.pdf, where Name is your last name, and email to [email protected].
Please mark your email with the subject "VNS18 Application Name" and include your name and affiliation in the body of the message. Obviously, “Name” should be replaced with your last name.
The tuition for the course is 500 Euro, which has to be paid within two weeks after acceptance. This covers the room plus all meals (breakfast/lunch/dinner) during the school. A small number of tuition waivers are available for those who need them.
1 Name: Paste picture (optional): Please make sure size of image is less than 1 MB. Affiliation:
Date of birth: Gender:
Nationality: Country of residence:
Author(s) of your reference letter(s), with institution(s) and country: 1. 2. (optional)
Degrees completed, with dates, title of thesis, name of supervisor, institutions, and countries:
Current degree program, if any, with name of supervisor, institution and country:
2 List of publications: 1. Publications in peer-reviewed journals (if any)
2. Other publications, conference presentations:
Other noteworthy achievements or activities:
How would your attendance at the summer school benefit you professionally? (max 500 words)
This part is not used for the selection process
A small number of tuition waivers are available for those who need them. If you are selected and need support, we will do everything we can to find a solution that will allow you to participate. However, we do expect you to ask your lab/department first.
3 Please select:
( ) I asked the head of my lab or department and (s)he will pay for tuition.
( ) I will pay tuition with my own money
( ) My lab or department won’t pay, and I don’t have the money.