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Survey project airspace class C Do not use this form for survey projects in other airspace. Project for survey flight class C Project number: C Date: Project name: Project valid till: Instruction Fill in the required flight details on page 1 (only white fields) and send this form to [email protected] at least five working days prior to requested ETD. You will receive a project form with project number. Use this form for co-ordination. At least one hour prior to ETD, you must fill in the required data on page 2 of this form (only white fields), and send the form to [email protected]. Wait for approval and instructions. Name aircraft operator: Phone number(s): and E-mail: Call sign / registration: or or Type: or or Name project owner / sponsor Tel:
Altitude: (Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu)
Alternative 1: (Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu)
Alternative 2: (Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu) Number of tracks: Heading: Duration per track: min min min Maximum turn radius: (If the flight will fly or turn in another (higher) airspace class, NM NM NM use the form applicable for that airspace class.) Total project duration: Remarks: Exemptions valid within Amsterdam FIR:
Night VFR: No / Yes ILT 44.1.a valid till No / Yes ILT 45.1.a Low level flights valid till No / Yes ILT 45.1.b EHP Exemptions No / Yes EHP number valid till
No rights can be derived from this form. For questions and/or comments, please contact LVNL Operational Help Desk. Phone +31 20 406 2201 or [email protected] or EHAMZXHD. F1.0255C, issue 008 Page 1 of 2 Issued: 21-2-2017 Project for survey flight class C Project number: C Date: Project name: Project valid till: Notes If the flight will fly or turn in another (higher) airspace class, use the form applicable for that class. If applicable, aircraft operator is responsible for co-ordination of the flight with: o ATC units responsible for ATC in adjacent FIRs; o foreign ATC units responsible for ATC in parts of Amsterdam FIR where ATS is delegated. You may use this form for prior co-ordination with foreign ATC units. Aircraft operator is responsible for obtaining the required permits for crossing special areas within the project area (e.g. EHP 26). If applicable, Operational Help Desk will send this form to Belgocontrol SPACC.
Call sign: SSR code: Altitude: (Choose ft or FL from pulldown menu) ADEP: ADES: Project duration: ETO target: UTC Remark:
No rights can be derived from this form. For questions and/or comments, please contact LVNL Operational Help Desk. Phone +31 20 406 2201 or [email protected] or EHAMZXHD. F1.0255C, issue 008 Page 2 of 2 Issued: 21-2-2017 Survey project airspace class C Do not use this form for survey projects in other airspace. Project for survey flight class C Project number: C Date: Project name: Project valid till:
Page 2 is to be filled in by LVNL Operational Help Desk
Copy to (to be filled in by LVNL Operational Help Desk): ACC-SUP CSUP AOCS NM FIC / TS BAS CorpCom EHAM APP EHAM TWR EHRD APP EHRD TWR EHBK EHGG ILT DKH (EHP 26) Belgocontrol SPACC Other:
No rights can be derived from this form. For questions and/or comments, please contact LVNL Operational Help Desk. Phone +31 20 406 2201 or [email protected] or EHAMZXHD. F1.0255C, issue 008 Page 3 of 2 Issued: 21-2-2017