Fareham Philharmonic Society
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MINUTES OF A COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 07th January 2014 Chair: Ute Bretschneider
Present: Ute Bretschneider Chair Pam Mawby 2nd Sop Rep Richard Weekes Treasurer Heather White 1st Alto Rep Jonathan Sayer Secretary Annabel Hammond 2nd Alto Rep Sheila Javes Deputy Conductor David Cockshoot Tenor Rep Jenny Blundell 1st Sop Rep Richard Smith Bass Rep
1. Apologies Colin Davey Musical Director
2. Welcome Ute welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the New Year.
3. Minutes of the last meeting (12th November 2013) and matters arising The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by Ute as a true record. The Christmas concert had gone very well. The audience filled the ground floor of the church and some of the gallery also. The interval refreshments – in particular the mulled wine – had been very popular. The choir’s performance was very good and the 4 readings went well. The choir are to be asked to vote for their favourite carols and for their feedback on the concert. Suggestions that will be considered for next year will include: how to improve audience access to the refreshments during the interval, and how best to ensure in future that our rehearsal pianist is available for the concert itself. Richard Smith asked that it was minuted that he had earlier raised concerns regarding the familiarity of the concert organist with some of the music. Action: Ute/ Jonathan
4. Financial matters Richard Weekes, as incoming Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report for December which is attached to these minutes. Richard now has the appropriate forms to enable the transfer of cheque signature authority and will send them on to the bank. Action: Richard Weekes
5. Concert planning 5.1 Choir calendar for 2014 The Choir Calendar for 2014 calendar is to be circulated. Action: Jonathan Post meeting note: the 2014 calendar has been circulated and updated
5.2 Choir calendar for 2015 Ute will work with the Repertoire group to establish an early performance calendar for 2015 and to identify how best to avoid clashes with other local Music performance groups. Action: Ute 5.3 Soloists for April and October Ian will be asked to identify soloists for our April and October concerts and contracts are to be raised for them. Action: Ute/ Jonathan
JS 10th February 2014 1 of 4 5.4 Choral Day Sheila will not be available for all of the Choral Day, at Titchfield Community Centre on Saturday 14th June 2014.
6 Membership matters A former Bass member, Tony Le Fevre, has returned to the Choir. Jay Deeble has successfully taken her voice assessment and is now singing with the First Sopranos.
7 Any other business The Choir website urgently needs updating with posters for the Spring Concert and the Choral Day. Action: Jonathan/ Richard Smith A new set of Choir bookmarks are to be produced, and a request is to be made to distribute them at the Titchfield Movieola showings. Action: Jonathan The committee agreed that tickets for Choir performances are to be offered to residents of Fareham Abbeyfield Home. Action: David 8 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 18th February at 7pm at David’s 65, Scafell Avenue, Fareham PO14 1SF. The following committee meeting is planned for Tuesday 18th March.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm with thanks to David and, once again, his cat, for their hospitality.
JS 10th February 2014 2 of 4 Treasurer’s Report for 7 th January 2014
1. Current Funds:
Current Account: £10,189 Reserve account: £13,356
Total: £23,545
2. Christmas Concert income and expenditure
Ticket Sales 1,374.00 Programme Sales 137.00 Programme Adverts 83.33 Friends subscriptions 222.33 Refreshment donations 180.20 ______TOTAL INCOME 1,996.86
Concert Director Organist Gifts and Flowers ______MUSICIANS 554.85
Hire of Church 275.00 Lighting and Staging 50.00 Cost of refreshments 127.50 ______VENUE 452.50
Ticket printing 36.00 Poster printing 95.91 Programme printing 129.00 ______MARKETING & ADMIN 260.91 ______TOTAL COSTS 1,268.26 ______SURPLUS £728.60
There may be some additional costs, but the overall result is very good. The budgeted surplus was £411. Overall attendance was around 210-220.
3. Other Income to date
Subscriptions 5,020.00 Donations (on top of subs) 130.00 Refreshments 174.26 Librarian music hire out 201.30 Weddings 300.00 Lottery Profits 50.20 Raffle 183.20
We have received 70 subscriptions and there are a further 6 -10 unpaid, which I will chase in the next couple of weeks.
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