IASFAA Executive Council meeting

September 10, 2015

Members present: Kristi Fuller, Chris Ditter, Julie Haack, Chad Peters, Teresa Brahm, Pam Perry, Carol Schwendeman, Erick Danielson, Brittany Peterson, Gary Adams, Mary Jacobsen, Michelle Dunn, Barb Badger, Karen Gagnon, Mary Bloomingdale, Jess Sassman, Renae Armentrout, Jen Schroeder, Debbie Murphy, Chad Olson, Marsha Boender, Terri Gronau

Meeting called to order by President Kristi Fuller at 11:03

Approve minutes from August 13, 2015

 Motion to approve by Carolyn Schwendeman

 Seconded by Chris Ditter

 Minutes approved as written

Treasurer’s Report –Theresa Brahm

Molly Weber has transferred all treasurer materials to Teresa Brahm on Sept 2nd and did training on Treasurer Duties.

Currently bills are all paid and up to date. Molly finished reconciliation of the books and I am currently entering payments until transfer to treasurer elect.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report

 Motion to approve by Chris Ditter

 Seconded by Erick Danielson

 Motion carries

Past President – Julie Haack

I met in August with the rest of the Finance Committee and we set budgets for 15-16 and decided on an investment option for our matured CD. This option was presented to the Exec Council and agreed upon by electronic vote.

Jen has done great work so far creating the survey questions for Long Range Planning as we investigate institutional memberships. I look forward to working with the committee this year and we plan to get together at MASFAA.

I am preparing for the fall MASFAA conference and my new term as state representative for 15-16. Again, if anyone needs assistance with anything, please let me know.

President – Kristi Fuller

On August 18 I participated in the Finance Committee call where we set budgets and made a recommendation for the reinvestment of the CD that had come due.

On August 26, I received an email from Molly Weber informing me of her change of job that would be taking her outside of the financial aid profession so she would no longer be able to continue as Treasurer. According to by-laws, the Treasurer-Elect automatically moves up to Treasurer to complete the term of the person who left as well as completing their own term. A Treasurer-Elect is then nominated to complete the term on an interim bases until the next elected Treasurer-Elect takes over. Congrats to Teresa on becoming Treasurer! With this change, the signatories on the IASFAA checking account have been updated according to our P&P manual. The 3 people now authorized to sign checks are Teresa, Erick Danielson as delegate and myself. Going forward, it will be very important to try to get the form at the President’s summer planning retreat to try to get the correct signatures.

I have spoken to Iowa College Aid and they are fine with allowing IASFAA to pay for the use of their telnet line. They will send a quarterly bill to me for the usage. I did confirm that we used approximately $400 last fiscal year. We were given our own conference code, so please check with Amy Norton to make sure the line is available when you have your telnet meetings.

A reminder of the upcoming MASFAA Conference October 4-7 in Coralville. Registration was extended to September 15, so make sure you get registered if you would still like to attend the conference. And don’t forget the MASFAA Charity Challenge to each state – be thinking of what you can bring for the silent auction! I will send out another reminder to IASFAA members in the next couple of weeks. Please remember to also email Mary Horgan, MASFAA Awards Chair, if you know of any retirements or service anniversaries in your office.

I will be presenting a session at the Support Staff Workshop on September 22nd and plan to represent IASFAA at the Iowa College Campaign Kickoff event on October 2nd.

President Elect – Chris Ditter

As President-Elect, I will be participating in the MASFAA State Exchange in Michigan. In the next few months I will decide whether I will be attending their winter conference in January in Lansing or their summer conference in June held at Mackinac Island resort. Also, in the next couple of months I will be working on the 1617 IASFAA ballot. If called upon to become a candidate, please consider saying ‘yes’.

Vice President – Amy Norton

No report

Secretary – Chad Peters

No report Delegates –Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman, Erick Danielson

We received reports from Molly Weber resolving the issues with intermingled years in ATAC and Quicken. The Delegates have approved these reports and are now ready to close the books.

We have reviewed the updated Policy and Procedure changes for Community Outreach and will vote on these changes at the September Teleconference.

Iowa College Student Aid Commission Report – Todd Brown

No Report

Association Communication Committee –Renae Armentrout/Shelly Brimeyer

No report

Awards Committee –Brittany Peterson/Barb Badger

No report

By-Laws Committee – Delegates

No Report

Community Outreach Committee –Gary Adams/Karen Gagnon

Because we have time, and Meredith Middle School would be an ideal location for this spring Real Life Zone event, I have not completely given up on getting them to commit to hosting the event. To that end, I will be sending one last email to Principal Johns requesting an answer by September 18 th at which point we will begin looking for a different school. I am holding off with that email as I recently sent a request to Principal Lohse at West Central Valley Middle School to see if he would be willing to provide a positive testimony, or at the very least, allow us to provide him as a reference, regarding his experience with last year’s Real Life Zone Event.

With regards to our Committee’s involvement with MASFAA’s Reality Life Zone event, last week I sent an email to Steve Hanson at West Liberty High School to confirm everything is still good on their end. I have not received a response to this email, and will follow-up with a call this afternoon.

Lastly, with the help of Kristi Fuller and Mary Jacobsen, I have submitted changes to our committees duties as reflected in IASFAA’s Policy and Procedures, which are to be considered for approval during this meeting.

Exhibitor Relations –Michele Dunne/Mary Bloomingdale

No report Electronic Services Committee – Chris Ditter/Mary Jacobsen

We worked with Professional Development to get the Support Staff Workshop registration up and running on August 28.

Due to the resignation of Molly Weber, the web site as well as the Expense Voucher has been updated to reflect Teresa Brahm as Treasurer.

Federal and State Issues Committee –Sara Harrington/Roberta Johnson

No report

Finance Committee – Kristi Fuller

The finance committee met via telnet on Tuesday, August 18. Committee budgets were determined at that time and all committee chairs/co-chairs should have received an email from me to let them know what their budget was going to be.

We also at that time discussed our options to reinvest the CD that had matured in July. According to our investment policy, this CD was to be reinvested in another conservative fund. After reviewing the offerings from Morgan Stanley, we recommended that we reinvest in the BMW Salt Lake City UT CD that will mature in 2019. We recommended this particular CD because we did not have any other investment maturing in 2019 and we did not want to tie up our investments for 6-7 years in the other offerings in the hope that the return yield would increase in 4 years when it came time to reinvest. The voting members of Exec Council made a motion, a second and voted to accept our recommendation so we gave Morgan Stanley the OK to reinvest the money.

Long Range Planning Committee – Jen Sassman

The book, Road to Relevance, by Harrison Coever was purchased and will be distributed soon to the LRPing committee members. The book was used by MASFAA to help shape MASFAA’s strategic plan. We are hoping it will do the same for us.

The Long Range Planning Committee is on track to finalizing a draft membership survey. It is in a testing phase right now. Our target distribution date is no later than September 20th. It will be distributed using the announcement feature rather than the listserv will allow us to reach members from the past three years, even if they are no longer IASFAA members.

Data from the survey, reports generated by the treasurer and guidance from the book, Road to Relevance, will be used to propose a Five Year Long Range Fiscal Plan to the Executive Council by the Spring conference.

Professional Development Committee – Jen Schroeder/Marsha Boender The Support Staff Workshop is scheduled for September 22. It will be a hands on training. Marsha Boender has arranged for us to use a computer lab/training room at Iowa Student Loan’s Office in West Des Moines. The room has 17 spaces with computers. As of this morning we have 16 people registered for the workshop.

NASFAA training topic was released as well as training materials. 150% Subsidized Loan Limitation is the topic. Suggested training time is 3 hours. We need to determine if this is something we should utilize this fall as an additional training opportunity since we won’t have a fall state conference or if we would rather attach it to the spring conference as a pre-conference event.

Discussed whether members would drive in for workshop or if the training should be added to the Spring 2016 Conference. Consensus was to add workshop to the Spring 2016 Conference.

Program Committee – Debbie Murphy/Terri Gronau

We currently have 22 committee members: do to job changes Molly Weber (Wartburg Theological Seminary) and Greg Carlo (Navient) had to step off of the committee. The approved conference budget for Spring 2016 is $15,000.

The Program Committee has a first in-person meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 7th at 8:00am while at the MASFAA Conference. The majority of our committee members have indicated they will be able to attend the meeting. A subsequent in person meeting will be scheduled for some time in November. All other meetings will be held via conference call.

Committee initial meeting agenda items include:

 Conference schedule o What do we want to kick the conference off with? NASFAA Training, General Session, Interest Sessions? o Any keynote speaker suggestions? o Since the conference will kick off on Wednesday afternoon instead of Thursday morning we need to decide if we will have two IASFAA planned/funded dinners or a dinner on your own night. If yes to dinner on your own, do we want to coordinate group dinners.  Theme – welcome any suggestions from the board as well.

We have confirmed FSA, NASFAA and MASFAA will be represented during the spring conference. MASFAA State Exchange Representative will be Christy Miller, and Thomas Ratliff will also be attending. NASFAA will be sending Megan McClean and we are still waiting to hear who will be coming as the FSA Trainer.

Site Committee – Chad Olson/Gary Adams

No report

Approval of Officer and Committee Reports

 Motion to approve by Julie Haack  Seconded by Chris Ditter

 Motion carries

Old Business

Policies and Procedures changes were emailed September 9, 2015

PURPOSE: To provide information on financing higher education to communities other than the financial aid community.


1. Plan and execute details for all outreach activities, including coordinating with outside education entities. 2. Plan the Real Life Zone event. 3. Promote and support usage of the Real Life Zone to institutions (high schools/colleges) outside of IASFAA’s annual event. 4. Coordinate High School Counselor Training.

Promote Financial Aid Awareness Month to the IASFAA membership and coordinate the signing of the Governor’s Proclamation.

 Motion to approve by Julie Haack

 Seconded by Carolyn Schwendeman

 Motions carries

Treasure-Elect position open; Beth Rinderknecht suggested to fill position

 Motion to approve by Chris Ditter

 Seconded by Erick Danielson

 Motion carries

New Business

No October meeting due to MASFAA


 Motion to adjourn by Carolyn Schwendeman

 Seconded by Chris Ditter  Motion carries

Respectfully submitted by Chad Peters, Secretary