Ecce Romani I Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for Cards Page 1

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Ecce Romani I Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for Cards Page 1

Ecce Romani I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 1 1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See] Chapter 5 Vocabulary: ad puellās = toward the girls [ad + accusative] ad = to, toward(s); at (+ accusative) adhūc [adverb] = still adveniō, advenīre, advēnī, adventus = to arrive, to reach [advent, adventure, adventuresome] appropinquō, appropinquāre, appropinquāvī, appropinquātus/a/um = to approach [approach, approachable, approachableness, approacher, appropriate, appropriatary, appropriate (verb), appropriated, appropriately, appropriation, appropriations, appropriative, appropriator, expropriate, expropriation, expropriator, expropriatory, inappropriate, inappropriately, inappropriateness, irreproachable, irreproachably, misappropriate, misappropriated, misappropriation, prior appropriation, propinquity, reproachable, reproachableness, reproachably, reproachful, reproachfully, reproachfulness, reproachingly, unappropriate, unappropriated] arripiō, arripere, arripuī, arreptus/a/um = to grab hold of, to snatch [correption, enrapt, enrapture, enraptured, fluviraption, rapacious, rapaciously, rapaciousness, rape, rapid, r apidity, rapidly, rapidness, rapids, rapine, rapt, raptorial, rapture, rapturing, raptured, raptures, rapturist, rapturous, rapturously, rapturousness, ravage, raven, ravening, ravenous, ravenously, ravenousness, ravin, ravine, ravines, ravish, ravisher, ravishingly, ravishment, surreption, surreptitious, surreptitiously, usurp, usurping, usurpant, usurper, usurpation, usurpatory, usurper, usurpingly] auxilium, auxiliī N = help, aid [auction, auctioneer, augment, augmentation, augmentative, August, august, augustly, augustness, author, authoress, authoritarian, authoritative, authoritativeness, authority, authorization, authorize, auxanogram, auxanography, auxanology, auxanometer, auxesis, auxetic, auxetical, auxiliary, auxiliometer, auxilytic, auxin, auxoautotrophic, auxocardia, auxochrome, auxocyte, auxodrome, auxoflore, auxograph, auxoheterotrophic, auxology, auxometer, auxospore, auxotonic, unauthorized] auxiliō = with the help (ablative of means) calidus, calida, calidum – warm [caldera, caldron, calefactory, calendar, calendar year, calender, calends, calendula, calenture, calibrate, calibration, calibrated, California, californium, calorie, caloric, calorific, calorimeter, Kalends, uncalibrated] clāmō, clāmāre, clāmāvī, clāmātus /a/um = to shout, yell [acclaim, acclaimer, acclaiming, acclamation, acclamator, acclamatory, claim, claimable, claimant, clamatory, clamor, clamorous, clamorously, clamorousness, conclamant, conclamation, counterclaim, counterclaimant, declaim, declaimer, declamation, declamatory, disclaim, disclaimer, exclaim, exclaimer, exclamation, exclamatory, irreclaimable, misclaim, proclaim, proclaimed, proclaimer, proclamation, proclamator, proclamatory, reclaim, reclaimer, reclamable, reclamation, unreclaimable, unreclaimed] diēs, diēī M = day [antemeridian (A.M.), antemeridiem, carpe diem, circadian, dial, diary, dies non, dismal (dies + malus ) , diurnal, diurnally, diurnation, journal, meridian, meridional, per diem, postmeridian,

Continued Ecce Romani I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 2 1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See] (P.M.), quodian, quotidian, semidiurnal, sine die, sojourn (French), terdiurnal] ē [alternate form of ex-preposition before vowels + ablative case] = out of, from [some eamples: exit, external, extra, extreme, educate , educe, educed, efface, effete, effeteness, effetely, effluence, effluent, egress, emission, emit, evict, eviction, exalt, exaltation, exanimate, excel, excelling, excerpt, excerpted, except, exception, excise, excision, execute, exit, exonerate, exorbitant, expand, expatriate, expectantly, expectorate, expedient, expedite, expedition, expel, expulsion, expire, expropriate, exterminate, extol] Ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē = I, of me, to/for me, me, with/by/from me (respectively) [ego, egotist, alter ego, alteregoism, egocentric, egocentricity, egodystonic, egoism, egomaniac, egotheism, egotistical, ego-trip, egotropic, egosyntonic, superego, Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia] eōs = them [masculine]; eās = them [feminine] ...from: is, ea, id [irregular] = he, she, it errō, errāre, errāvī, errātus/a/um = to wander; be wrong [aberr, aberrance, aberrancy, aberrant, aberrate, aberration, aberrations, aberrational, arrant, arrantly, err, errableness, errabund, errancy, errant, errantic, errantry, “Errare humanum est. = To err is human”; errata (pl), erratic, erratically, erratum (s), erroneous, erroneously, error, errorless, inerrant, random error, unerring, unerringly] eum = him; eum = her...from: is, ea, id [irregular] = he, she, it excipiō, excipere, excēpī, exceptus/a/um = to welcome, receive; catch [accept, acceptable, acceptance, accipe hoc, accipiter, anticipant, anticipate, anticipation, anticipatory, apperceive, apperception, apperceptive, cable, caitiff, capability, capable, capacious, capacitor, capacity, capstan, capsule, caption, captious, captivate, captivation, captive, captivity, captor, capture, case, casement, cash, cashier, catch, cater, caterer, chase, conceit, conceited, conceivable, conceivably, conceive, concept, conception, conceptive, deceit, deceitful, deceivable, deceive, deception, deceptive, emancipate, encapsulate, except, exception, exceptionable, exceptional, forceps, imperceptible, imperception, imperceptive, incapable, incapacitate, incapacitated, incapacitation, incapacity, inception, inceptive, incipiency, incipient, inconceivable, intercept, interception, interceptor, misconception, municipal, municipality, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupy, participant, participation, participle, perceivable, perceive, percept, perceptible, perception, perceptive, photoperception, piscicapturist, preceptress, preconceive, preconception, preoccupation, preoccupied, prince, principle, purchasable, purchase, receipt, receivable, receive, receptacle, reception, receptionist, receptive, receptor, recipe, Rx, recipient, recover, recoverable, recovery, recuperate, recuperation, recuperative, susceptibility, susceptible, unacceptable, unexceptionable, unprincipled, viviperception] exeō, exīre, exiī [exīvī], exitus/a/um = to go out, to exit [adit, ambition, circuit, circuitous, exit, exitus, initial, initiate, intransitive, introit, limit, obituary, perish, sedition, seditious, transient, transit, transition, transitional, transitive, transitory] Ferte auxilium! = Bring help! ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus/a/um = carry, bear, endure; report, say [ablate, ablating, ablated, ablation, ablative, ablator, adulation, afferent, aquifer, auriferous, circumference, collate, collation, collatron, confer, conferee, conference, conferred, conifer, coniferous, correlate, correlation, crucifer, cruciferous, defer, deference, deferment, deferred, deferring, differ, difference, different, differential, differentiate, dilate, dilation, dilatory, effer, efferent, elate, elated, elation, ferriferous, ferry, fertile, fertility, fetiferous, fructiferous, herbiferous, infer, inference, interfere, interference, lactiferous, legislate, legislation, legislator, legislature, Lucifer, oblation, odiferous, offer, offering, prefer, preferable, prelate, prelation, proffer,

Continued Ecce Romani I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 3 1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See] refer, referee , reference, referenda (plural), referendum (singular), referent, referral, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relativity, sanguiferous, somniferous, suffer, sufferable, sufferance, superlative, transfer, transferable, translatable, translate, translation, translator, vociferate, vociferous] frīgidus, frīgida, frīgidum = cold [frigid, frigideserta, frigidity, frigidly, frigidness, frigolabile, frigophile, frigophilic, frigophily, frig ophobia, frigorie, frigorific, frigorimeter, frigorism, frigostabile, frigostable, frigotherapy, frisson (s), frissons (pl ), refrigerant, refrigerate, refrigeration, refrigerator] ibi = there (spatial adverb) [alibi, ubiquitarian, ubiquitarianism, ubiquitariness, ubiquitary, ubiquitin, ubiquitous, ubiquitously, ubiquitousness, ubiquity, ubi, ubication, ubiety, Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia = “Where(ever) you are, Gaius, there I, Gaia, am.” A formula used in Roman marriage.] ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum = lazy, cowardly [knave, knavish, knavery] in silvam = “into the woods” [note that in + accusative means “into] silva, silvae F. = forest, woods [sylvan, Sylvester, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvanian, savage, savagely, savageness, savagery, silva, silvan, silvate, silvatic, Silvester, silvicole, silvicolous, silvics, silvicultural, silviculture, silviculturist, sylivicolous, sylvan, Sylvania, Sylvester, sylvestral, Sylvia, sylvian, sylvicole, sylvics, sylviculture, sylviculturist, Transylvania, Transylvanian] lupus, lupī M. = wolf [lupine, lupus, angiolupoid, Canis lupus, caput lupinum = “A wolf's head.”, (In Old English law, the sign of an outlaw or criminal.), inter canem et lupum = “Between the dog and the wolf, twilight.” lobo (Spanish), lupa, lupanar, lupanariam, Lupercalia , Luperosuchus, lupia, lupicide, lupiform, lupine, lupoid, Luporum more ululantes. = “Howling in the manner of wolves.”, lupus] neque…neque = neither…nor neque = and…not nōlō, nōlle, nōluī, ---- = to be unwilling, not want, refuse [nolo contendere, willy nilly... [volition, volunteer, voluntary, involuntary, voluntarily, involuntarily, willy nilly, benevolence, benevolent, benevolently, benevolentness, Deo volente or D.V. = “God willing”; diversivolent, involuntarily, involuntariness, involuntary, malevolence, malevolent, malevolently, nolens volens - Whether willing or not.”, nolo contendere, omnibenevolence, omnibenevolent, somnivolent, vindictivolence, Volens et potens = “Willing and able”, volent, volition, volitional, volitionally, volitionless, volitive, voluntarily, voluntariness, voluntarism, voluntarist, voluntary, volunteer, volunteering, voluptuous, voluptuousness]

Nōlī / Nōlīte (+ infinitive) = Don’t...! (ex.: Nōlī currere = don’t run!) parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus/a/um = to prepare, to get [compare, comparable, impair, prepare, preparatory, repair, reparatory] perterritus, perterrita, perterritum = frightened, terrified [bioterror, bioterrorist, deter, deterrent, deterrently, ecoterrorism, ecoterroist, terrible, terribleness, terribly, terrific, terrifically, terrified, terrifiedly, terrify, terrifying, terror, terrorism, terrorist, terrorize, terrorizer] petō, petere, petuī, petitus/a/um = to seek, search; ask (ab + ablative of person) [appetence, appetent, appetently, appetite, appetitive, appetize, appetizer, appetizingly, compete, competence, competent, competently, competentness, competition, competitive, competitively, competitiveness, competitor, impetuous, impetuousity, impetuously, impetus, incompetence,

Continued Ecce Romani I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 4 1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See] incompetent, incompetently, in perpetuum = “ Forever, in perpetuity”; perpetual, perpetually, perpetualness, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuator, perpetuity, petition, petitioner, petulance, petulant, petulantly, propitiable, propitiate, propitiative, propitiator, propitiatory, propitious, propitiousness, repeat, repeatedly, repeatedness, repeater, repetend, repetition] possum, posse, potuī, --- = to be able, can (+ complementary infinitive) [armipotent, astripotence, auripotence, bellipotent, biopotency, compossible, cunctipotent, deipotent, divinipotence, equi-omnipotent, equipotent, funipotent, granulopotent, idempotent, ignipotent, immunopotence, impossible, impotence, linguipotence, magnipotent, multipotential, nilpotency, noctipotence, omnipotence, omnipotent, parvipotent, pennipotent, plenipotence, plenipotentiary, pluripotent, Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, possess, possession, possible, possibility, potency, potent, potential, potentate, potestate, prepossess, prepossession, prepotent, salsipotent, sapientipotence, solipotent, subpotent, superpotent, totipotence, unipotence, ventripotent, viripotency] prope [Adverb/preposition + Acc.] = near [approach, approachable, approachableness, approacher, appropriate, appropriatary, appropriate (verb), appropriated, appropriately, appropriation, appropriations, appropriative, appropriator, expropriate, expropriation, expropriator, expropriatory, inappropriate, inappropriately, inappropriateness, irreproachable, irreproachably, misappropriate, misappropriated, misappropriation, prior appropriation, propinquity, reproach, reproachable, reproachableness, reproachably, reproachful, reproachfully, reproachfulness, reproachingly, unappropriate, unappropriated] Quem…? = Whom…? (masculine/feminine) repellō, repeller, reppulī, repulsus/a/um = to repel, drive back [repel, repulsive, repulsion: appeal, appealable, appealer, appealing, appealingly, appealingness, appellant, appellate, appellation, appellative, compel, compellable, compellation, compellative, compelled, compelling, compellingly, compulsion, dispel, dispeller, expel, expeller, expulsion, impel, impeller, impulse, impulsive, interpellate, interpellation, leptopellic, peal, pelt, propel, propellant, propeller, propelling, propulsion, repeal, repealable, repealer, repel, repellant, repelled, repellency, repellent, repellently, repulse, repulsion, repulsive, unappealable, unappealably…pulse group: appulse, appulsive, appulsively, compulsion, compulsive, compulsively, compulsorily, compulsory, expulsion, expulsive, idiorepulsive, impulse, impulsion, impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, obsessive-compulsive, propulsion, pulsar, pulsate, pulsation, pulsator, pulsatory, pulse, pulsejet, pulsimeter, push, pusher, pushup, pushy, repulse, repulsed, repulsing, repulsion, repulsive, repulsively, repulsiveness] respondeō, respondēre, respondī, responsus/a/um = to answer [respond, responsible, responsive, R.S.V.P. : correspond, correspondence, correspondent, correspondingly, despond, despondency, despondent, despondingly, espousal, espouse, irresponsible, reposte, respond, respondence, respondency, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible, responsive, responsory, sponsor, sponsorial, sponsorship, spontaneous, spouse] rīvus, rīvī M. = stream [arrival, arrive, arriving, arrived, derivable, derivation, derive, deriver, Riparia, riparian, riparious, riparius, river, riverain, riverine, riviera, rivière (s), rivières (pl), rivulet ] salvus, salva, salvum = safe [El Salvador, safe, safely, safety, salubrious, salubriously, salubriousness, salubrity, salus mundi = “The welfare of the world.”, salutarily, salutary, salutatorian; salutatory, salute, salvage, salvage

Continued Ecce Romani I – Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 5 1. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other. 2. All the Latin information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, 3. Derivatives - for the longer lists of derivatives, write down at least 6 on your cards 4. [Learn definitions of derivatives for quizzes/tests. See] archaeology, salvation, salvational, salvationism, salvationist, salve, salver, salvo, save, saver, saving, savingly, savior, vouchsafe] sī = if statim [adverb] = at once, immediately [stat!] temerārius, temerāria, temerārium = rash, reckless [temerarious, temerariously, temerariousness, temerary, temerat, temeration, temeritous, temerity, temerosity, temerous] timeō, timēre, timeō, ------= to be afraid [of], fear [timid, timidity, timorous, timorously, timorousness, intimidate, intimidation, Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. = “I fear the Greeks [ancient name Danai], even when bearing gifts.”] ubi = where, where?; when (conjunction) [ alibi, ubiquitarian, ubiquitarianism, ubiquitariness, ubiquitary, ubiquitin, ubiquitous, ubiquitously, ubiquitousness, ubiquity, ubi, ubication, ubiety, Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia = “Where(ever) you are, Gaius, there I, Gaia, am.” A formula used in Roman marriage.] vult = he/she/it wants, is willing volō, velle, voluī, ------= to want, wish, be willing [volition, volunteer, voluntary, involuntary, voluntarily, involuntarily, willy nilly, benevolence, benevolent, benevolently, benevolentness, Deo volente or D.V. = “God willing”; diversivolent, involuntarily, involuntariness, involuntary, malevolence, malevolent, malevolently, nolens volens - Whether willing or not.”, nolo contendere, omnibenevolence, omnibenevolent, somnivolent, vindictivolence, Volens et potens = “Willing and able”, volent, volition, volitional, volitionally, volitionless, volitive, voluntarily, voluntariness, voluntarism, voluntarist, voluntary, volunteer, volunteering, voluptuous, voluptuousness]


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