Organisation, Functions and Duties

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Organisation, Functions and Duties


2.1 Particulars of the organization, functions and duties.

Sl. Name of the Address Functions Duties No. Organization 1 Rain Shadow K Block, 1st Associated with To ensure Areas Floor implementation proper Development Secretariat, of following implementation Department Hyderabad programmes of various 1)Cloud seeding programmes of 2)Bio-diesel the programme 3)Lift Irrigation Government. 4)Micro Irrigation 5)Desalinization of sea water and 6)Any other programmes connected with the development of rain deficient areas CHAPTER 3 POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES [SECTION 4(1) (b) (ii)]

3.1 Please provide details of the powers and duties of officers and employees of the authority by designation as follows:

Sl. Name of the Responsibilities No. Officer / Employee and designation 1 Sri.D.K.Panawar,IAS. I. He is responsible for the careful Secretary to observation of the business rules & Govt(FAC) Secretariat instructions in the transactions of business in his department

II. He is the official head of the Department

III. He excises general supervision & control over the staff under him & is responsible for seeing that the members of the staff do the work allotted to them efficiently & expenditiously.

IV. Preparing financial requirements of various programmes of the department and ensure proper expenditure of the budget allotted.

2 Sri M.C.Pargaien, Occupies a position almost identical with IFS that of Secretary in regard to subjects Addl. Secy. to allotted to him Government (FAC)

3 Sri P.V.Prasad The Assistant Secretary Exercises control Asst. Secy. to over the sections placed in its charge with Government regard to despatch of business and in regard to discipline

II. He is drawing and disbursing officer of the department. CHAPTER 4 PROCEDURE FOLLOWED IN DECISION – MAKING PROCESS [SECTION 4(1) (b) (iii)]

4.1 Describe the procedure followed in decision-making by the public authority

Activity Description of process Designation of final decision making authority

Goal – Setting Based on the objectives Secretary & Planning and targets of various activities, planning is done in consultation with districts.Accordingly goals are set for different programmes/ activities

Budgeting -do-

Formulation of Programmes, schemes Secretary programmes and projects are prepared schemes and keeping the needs of projects people and society in view.

Recruitment/ hiring of personnel

Release of Based on allotment and Secretary funds requirement

Implementation Regular review with the Secretary / delivery of concerned HODs / Agency service / utilization of funds

Monitoring & Periodic review, monthly Secretary evaluation reports, video conference

Gathering Through Various reports / Secretary feedback from reviews public Under taking improvements


5.1 Please provide the details of the norms / standards set by the public authority for the discharge of its functions / delivery of services.

Sl. Function / Norms / Time frame Reference No. Service Standards of document performance prescribing the set norms (Citizen’s Charter, Service Charter etc) Cloud As in 123 days Cloud seeding seeding document of (ended by programme programme contract 21.10.05) contract

Jatropha Based on Seasonal Progress reports Plantations guidelines July to formulated by October department

Cloud seeding contract and Progress of Jatropha plantation is enclosed CHAPTER 6 RULES, REGULATIONS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUAL AND RECORDS FOR DISCHARGING FUNCTIONS [SECTION 4(1) (b) (V) & (Vi)]

6.1 Please provide list and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by public authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions in the following format.

Sl. No. Description Gist of Contents Price of the Publication if priced Rules & Regulations/ Instructions and manuals 1 Secretariat office About organization manual structure ,Office management,miscellaneous

2 Fundamental Rules Service Rules of employees. 3 A.P Civil Disciplinary matters. Services(Classification, Control and Appeal)Rules, 1991. 4 The Andhra Pradesh Regarding conduct of Civil Services Government servants (Conduct)Rules, 1964. 5 The Andhra Pradesh Service rules State and Subordinate Service Rules. 6 Rules for Grant of Loans and Advances Miscellaneous Loans and advances to Government Servants. 7 The Andhra Pradesh Medical reimbursement integrated Medical rules Attendance Rules, 1972. 8 The Andhra Pradesh Office working Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions. 9 The Andhra Pradesh Secretariat Subordinate service rules.

Manuals 1 Secretariat office manuals 2 ..... Records Separately enclosed about the records held by the various sections of the departments 1 2 ... Publications 1 2


7.1 Provide information about the official documents held by the public authority or under its control.

Sl. Category of Title of the Designation and address No. document document of the custodian (held by / under the control of whom) 1 Govt All Govt. order, Concerned S.O orders, Memo, Concerned S.O Govt MOUs Concerned S.O Memos, Contract agreements Concerned S.O Minutes of meeting, Contracts Agreement, Progress Report and Current Files CHAPTER 8 ARRANGEMENT FOR CONSULTATION WITH, OR REPRESENTATION BY, THE MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC IN RELATION TO THE FORMULATION OF POLICY OR IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF [SECTION 4(1) (b) Viii]

8.1 Describe arrangements by the public authority to seek consultation / participation of public or its representatives for formulation and implementation of policies?

The Department seeks advice / consultation from public representation regarding policy or its implementation by making vide publicity, conducting meetings, awareness camps, in-house discussions, press coverage etc. CHAPTER 9 BOARDS, COUNCILS, COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES CONSTITUTED AS PART OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY [SECTION 4(1) (b) (V) (iii)]

9.1 Please provide information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related to the public authority in the following format.

Name of Composition Powers & Whether Board, Functions its Council, Meetings Committee, open to etc. Public / Munites of its Meetings accessible for Public State Level -Chief Secy-Chairman To plan & Though Task Force -Prl Secy, EFS&T Deptt. monitor the bio- meeting is committee to - Prl Secy, Agriculture diesel plantation not open plan & - Prl Secy, APC programme in monitor the - Prl Secy, Panchayat Raj RSAD Districts in to public. bio-diesel - Prl Secy,Rural Development the State. But its plantation - Prl Secy, Finance minutes of programme Director or Nominee, ICRISAT meeting Director or Nominee, CRIDA are ANGRAU accessible. Secy, RSAD-convenor Sub- APC & Prl Secy-Chairman To scrutinize the -do- committee of Prl Secy, Finance-member expression of State Level Prl.Secy EFS&T-member interest received Task Force Commr of Industries-member in response to for Bio-diesel MD, A.P State Cooperative Oil advertisement Seeds Grower federation-member issued by the Nominee of NABARD-member Govt for setting Nominee of Indian Institute of up bio-diesel Chemical Technology-member units in the State Secy, RSAD-Convenor of A.P Sub APC & Prl. Secy-Chairman To discuss all the -do- committee, MD, Oil fed-member issues related to State Level Chief Conservator of Forest(R&D)- in the State Task Force on member including policy, Bio-diesel Commissioner Horticulture- research and plantation member development, programme Commissioner Rural plantations, Development-member marketing and General Manager NABARD other related Commr, Agriculture issues for Secy RSAD-Convenor implementation and monitoring of the programme.

Tender Tender committee: To finalize the -do- committee for Secy, RSAD-Chairman tenders related cloud seeding Commr Disaster management to cloud seeding &E.O Secy to Govt Revenue Deptt programme. Prl.Secy to Govt (Agriculture) or in his absence Commr Agriculture. Prl.Finance Secy, Finance Deptt Director, Science &Technology Director General, WALAMTARI Director, IMD, Hyd Sri.B.V.S Amatya, Meteorologists, IMD Centre, Hyd Director, Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Hyd Prof.T.Shivaji Rao, Director, Centre for Environmental Studies, Gitam Engineering College, Vizag Dr.J.V.M.Naidu, Director, IMD Cyclone Warning Centre, Vizag. Prof.K.Purushottam Reddy (Retd.) Environmentalist.

State level STATE LEVEL: coordination Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Rain Shadow Areas monitoring Commr for Disaster management- committee on Convenor cloud seeding Secy, Agriculture/Commr Agriculture Engineer in Chief, Irrigation Director S&T Director IMD, Hyd Sri.B.V.S Amatya, Meteorologists,IMD centre, Hyderabad. Director, Ground water department.

Clearance Prof.Y.Anjaneyulu, To scrutinize all -do- committee -Chairman the bills related Sri.Y.Ramakrishna, Jt Secretary to to cloud seeding Finance Deptt-member programme with Addl.Secy to Govt, RSAD- reference to the Convenor provisions of the contract.

Technical Director,IST,JNTU,Kukatpally,Hyd- To provide -do- committee on Chairman specific inputs cloud Dr.J.V.M.Naidu, Addl.Director and data related seeding. Genl. Of Meteorology,IMD Pune. to procurement Prof.T.Shivaji Rao, Director, of additional Centre for Environmental Studies, research data Gitam Engineering College, Vizag suiting local Director, IMD, Hyd weather Sri.B.V.S Amatya, Meteorologists, conditions for Hyderabad. developing Director,Ground Water Deptt appropriate Prof.Vitthal Murthy (Retd.) Andhra technology, University, Vizag monitoring and Sri.D.Raji Reddy, Senior Scientist, evaluation Agro Meteorologist Cell ANGRAU involving IST of Addl. Secy to Govt, RSAD- JNTU. Convenor Involvement of Central Govt. scientific institutions and agencies for strengthening research base and developing appropriate technology to suit local needs, strengthening collection of weather information. It was proposed to involve all technical persons having scientific knowledge so that required feedback analysis and suggestions related to technical matters of the programme are discussed and decision taken accordingly. CHAPTER 10 DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES [SECTION 4(1) (b) (ix)]

10.1 Please provide information on officers and employees working in different units or offices at different levels and their contact addresses in the following format (including officers in charge of grievances redressal, vigilance, audit, etc)

Sl. Name of the Name, Telephone & Email No. office / Designation & fax Office administrative Address of Tel: unit Officer / Residence Employee Tel: Fax: 1 RSAD, D Block Sri M. Mareppa 23453207-Fax 251 Minister for Lift 23452339-Off Irrigation, APIDC, 23379633-Res GW Devp. And RSAD Department 2 RSAD Deptt. Sri M.Kamalakar 23454238-Off Babu 30909295-Res P.S. to M (RSAD) 3 Sri 23454238-fax P.Satyanarayana P.A. to M (RSAD) 4 RSAD, K Block, Sri.D.K.Panwar,IAS 23450355-Off [email protected] 1st 223 Secy to Govt,(FAC) 23450315-fax [email protected] 9849996327 m 5 RSAD, K Block, Sri M.C.Pargaien, 23450316-Off [email protected] 1st IFS 23450315-Fax 221 Addl. Secy. to 9849908580 [email protected] Government(FAC) m 6 RSAD, K Block, Sri P.V.Prasad 23450355-Off 1st 222 Asst. Secy. to 55502229-Res Government 9849908581 7 RSAD, K, 1st Smt. R.Annapoorna 23450355-Off 225 Peshi P.S. to Secretary 23450315-fax 27807186-Res 8 RSAD, K, 1st Sri P.Srinivasulu 23450111 225 Section Officer Extn 2950-Off 23450315-fax

9 RSAD, K, 1st Sri P.Bhaskar Rao 23450111 225 Section Officer Extn 2950-Off 23450315-fax 24121266-Res 10 RSAD, K, 1st Smt. B.Sarojini 23450111 225 Devi Extn 2950-Off Section Officer 23450315-fax 23563375-Res 11 RSAD, K, 1st Smt. S.Vijaya 23450111 225 Lakshmi Extn 2950-Off Section Officer 23450315-fax 27117737-Res

st 12 RSAD, K, 1 Smt. T.Vijaya 23450111 225 Lakshmi Extn 2950-Off Section Officer 23450315-fax 13 RSAD, K, 1st Sri.Trimurthulu 23450111 225 Asst. Section Extn 2950-Off Officer 23450315-fax 14 RSAD, K, 1st Smt.P. Katyayani 23450111 225 Devi Extn 2950-Off Technical Assistant 23450315-fax 55166372-Res CHAPTER 11 MONTHLY REMUNERATION RECEIVED BY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING THE SYSTEM OF COMPENSATION AS PROVIDED IN REGULATIONS [SECTION 4(1) (b) (x)]

11.1 Provide information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and employees in the following format.

Sl. Designation Monthly System of No. Remuneration Compensation to including its determine composition Remuneration as given in regulation 1 Sri.D.K.Panwar,IAS Gross - Secy to Govt,(FAC) Net - 2 Sri M.C.Pargaien, Gross – IFS Net – Addl. Secy. To Government(FAC) 3 Sri P.V.Prasad Gross – 23750 Asst. Secy. To Net – 15240 Government 4 Smt. Gross – 24729 R.Annapoorna Net – 14768 P.S. to Secretary 5 Sri P.Srinivasulu Gross – 13109 Section Officer Net – 8411 7 Smt. B.Sarojini Gross – 20220 Devi Net – 11897 Section Officer 8 Smt. S.Vijaya Gross – 21143 Lakshmi Net – 10413 Section Officer 9 Smt. T.Vijaya Gross – 21588 Lakshmi Net – 13298 Section Officer 10 Sri.Trimurthulu Gross – 11978 Asst. Section Net -8821 Officer 11 Smt. Katyayani Gross – 14446 Devi Net – 12836 Technical Assistant 12 Sri.Arjun Singh, Gross – 10920 Asst. Section Net – 8115 Officer 13 Sri Syed Mahboob Gross – 10877 Driver Net - 7067 14 Sri.Md.Niranjan Gross – 11715 Attender Net - 7925


12.1 Provide information about the details of the plans, programmes and schemes undertaken by the public authority for each agency.

Agency Plan/Programme Proposed Report on / Scheme / expenditure disbursements made Project / or where such Acitivity / details are available Purpose for web site, reports, which budget is notice board etc) allocated 1 Bio-diesel 3.00 crores Notice board 2 Cloud seeding 23.5 crores Notice board

12.2 Provide information on the budget allocated for different activities under different programmes/ schemes / projects etc., in the given format.

Agency Programme Amount Amount Budget Budget / Scheme / released: spent allocated released Project / last year last year current current Activity year year Purpose for which budget is allocated 1 Cloud 22 crores 20.50 24.55 24.55 seeding crores crores crores programme /Jatropha

2 Jatropha 83 lakhs 90.00 90.00 nurseries lakhs lakhs

3 R&D on 351.22 98.5 Jatropha lakhs

Institute wise requirement of funds and releases made during 2005 is as under: Institute Major activity Amount Amount required for released for 2005 -06 2005-06 (In lakhs) (In lakhs) CRIDA Germ plasm evaluation Rs 47.31 Rs.22.00 and standardization of ICRISAT Agro technique on farm Rs 47.31 Rs 22.00 ANGRAU studies Rs 192.8 Rs 27.00 NBPGR Exploration, Rs10.98 Rs 5.00 Identification & collection of germ- plasm DOR Assessing genetic Rs 15.72 Rs 10.00 diversity, culture establishment and mass multiplication IICT Study of physico- Rs.37.10 Rs 12.50 chemical properties, oil & process development


13.1 Describe the activities / programmes / schemes being implemented by the public authority for which subsidy is provided.

13.2 Provide information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subsidy and designation of officer competent to grant subsidy under various programmes / schemes.

Name of Nature / scale Eligibility Designation of programme / of subsidy criteria for officer to grant activity grant of subsidy subsidy

13.3 Describe the manner of execution of the subsidy programmes

Name of Application Sanction Disbursement programme / Procedure Procedure procedure activity

Note: There are no programme implemented by the department having subsidy components. CHAPTER 14 PARTICULARS OF RECIPIENTS OF CONCESSIONS, PERMITS OR AUTHORIZATION GRANTED BY THE PUBLIC AUTHORITY [SECTION 4(1) (b) xiii]

14.1 Provide the names and addresses of recipients of benefits under each programme / scheme separately in the following format.

Name of programme / Scheme: Sl. Name & Nature / Date Name & No. address of quantum of of Designation of receipient benefit granted grant granting authority institutions

Name of programme / Scheme: Sl. Name & Nature / Date Name & No. address of quantum of of Designation of receipient benefit granted grant granting authority institutions

Individual Beneficiaries

Name of programme / Scheme: Sl. Name & Nature / Date Name & No. address of quantum of of Designation of recipient benefit granted grant granting beneficiaries authority

Name of programme / Scheme: Sl. Name & Nature / Date Name & No. address of quantum of of Designation of recipient benefit granted grant granting authority institutions

Note: There are no programme implemented by the department having subsidy components. CHAPTER 15 INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN ELECTRONIC FORM [SECTION 4(1) (b) x (vi)]

15.1 Please provide the details of information related to the various schemes of the department which are available in electronic formats. (Floppy, CD, VCD, Web Site, Internet etc.)

Electronic Description (site Contents or Designation Format address / title and address of location where the custodian available etc) of information (held by whom?) Internet Cloud seeding, Additional Bio-diesel Secretary, programme. RSAD


16.1 Describe the particulars of information dissemination mechanisms in place / facilities available to the public for accessing of information:

Facility Description (Location of Details of Information Facility / Name etc) made available

Notice Board K, Block I’st floor Notices / etc

News Paper Publication as and Reports when required

Public Announcements

Information Counter


Office Library

Websites About organization Right to information act structure, information Rain Shadow Areas relating to subjects Development dealt by RSAD Department Department

Other Facilities Through personnal (name) contact Fax : 23450315 Email [email protected] [email protected]


17.1 Please provide contact information about the Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officers designated for various officers / administrative units and Appellate Authority / Officer(s) for the public authority in the following format.

Public Information Officer(s)

Sl. Name of Name & Office Tel: Email No. office / designation of Residence administrative PIO Tel: unit Fax: 1 RSAD, Sri.M.C.Pargaien,IFS 23450316- [email protected] K’Block, 1st Addl. Secretary to Off [email protected] Govt. 23450315- Floor, Room Fax No.221 9849908580

Assistant Public Information Officer(s)

Sl. No. Name of office / Name & Office Tel: Email administrative designation of Residence unit APIO Tel: Fax: 1 RSAD, K’Block, Sri.P.V.Prasad 23450355-Off 1st Floor, Room Asst. Secretary to 9849908581 No.222 Govt.

Appellate Authority

Sl. Name, Jurisdiction of Office Tel: Email No. Designation & Apellate Officer Residence Address of (offices / Tel: Appellate administrative Fax: Officer units of the authority) 1 Sri.D.K.Panwar, 23450355-Off [email protected] IAS, 23450315-fax [email protected] Secretary to 9849996327 m Govt.(FAC)


18.1 Please give below any other information or details of publications which are of relevance or of use to the Citizens.





18.2 You may mention here information of your department which is excluded under section 8 (1) of the Act and / or under Rules of the State Government as guidance to the public seeking information from your department.

Place: Name and Designation Date: of the Officer Department

(Note): Information provided in these chapters should be updated from time to time and revised date should be mentioned. SI.No. Name of the Name and Postal Address/ Public Authority Designation of the Ph.No. APIO/ PIO /Officer designate for 1st appeal 1. APIO RSAD, K’Block, 1st Sri.P.V.Prasad, Floor, Room Asst. Secretary to No.222 Govt. 23450355-Off 9849908581 2.PIO RSAD, K’Block, 1st Sri.M.C.Pargaien,IFS Floor, Room Addl. Secretary to No.221 Govt.(FAC) 23450316-Off 23450315-Fax 9849908580

3. Officer designate RSAD, K’Block, 1st for 1st Appeal Floor, Room Sri.D.K.Panwar,IAS No.223 Secretary to Govt. 23450355-Off (FAC) 23450315-fax 9849996327

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