Great Basin College Associate Degree Nursing Program

NURS 135 Introduction to the Nursing Process Course Syllabus Fall 2006

I. General Information: A. Catalog Course Description: This introductory course in nursing is designed to provide a foundation for all future courses in the nursing program. The nursing process is used as the framework to develop a scientific understanding and the basic skills necessary to meet the basic bio- psycho-social-cultural-spiritual needs of the client throughout the life span. Three credits theory, three credits clinical. Offered in the fall semester only. Prerequisite: admission to the nursing program.

B. Theory Instructor: Diane Elmore MSN, RN, FNP-C Office: Health Sciences 116 Telephone 775-777-1810 (Office) 775-738-5591 (Home) 775-934-0560 Office Hours: TBA E-mail: [email protected]

Clinical Instructors:

Marilee Kuhl, MSN, RN Office: Health Science Room 119 Telephone: 775-753-2215 (Office) 775-738-6431 (Home) Office hours: To be announced Email: [email protected]

Amber Donnelli BSN, RN Office :Health Sciences 124 Telephone : 775- 753-2007 (Office) 775- 778-3609 (Home) 775-934-1345 (Cell) Email: [email protected]

Lab Assistants: Sharon Sutherland, BSN, RN Tammy Gailey, BSN, RN Tele: 775-754-6807 (Home) 775-934-2336 (Cell) Email: [email protected]

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C. Schedule: First 5 weeks Theory/Lab Mon & Wed – 0800-1200 & 1300-1500 Tues & Thurs – 0930-1045

Remainder of Semester Theory: Health Science Room 1110 Tues & Thurs – 0930-1045

Next 2 weeks Clinical: Highland Manor Mon & Wed 0630-1530

Next 6 weeks Clinical: NNRH Mon & Wed 0630-1900

Refer to Course Schedule for Nursing Lab Practice and Check off Times

Finals week – December 11-15: December 12 HESI Exam 1000-1200 December 14 Final Exam 1000-1200

II. Course Goal: The goal of this course is to assist the beginning nursing student to grasp the essential components needed to be an effective, compassionate, caring nurse who can critically think and act appropriately. By understanding and using the nursing process as a method of problem solving, by learning critical thinking skills, and by practicing basic nursing skills in the laboratory and then in the clinical setting it is anticipated that the student will not only accomplish the course objectives, but will display behaviors demonstrating a caring attitude as well as knowledge and intellectual skills consistent with critical thinking. The student will be able to identify the bio-psycho-social- cultural-spiritual needs of individuals across the lifespan and begin to promote positive adaptation for common health care problems. The student should also be able to identify the various roles of the registered nurse as a provider of care, a teacher, a manager of care, a future member of the profession, and as a client advocate.

III. Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of NURS 135 the student will be able to:

As a Provider of Care: 1. Apply the steps of the nursing process in response to the health care needs of select individuals with common healthcare problems. 2. Discuss the basic foundations of nursing practice from a historical to current perspective. (Implementation) 3. Employ therapeutic communication techniques to establish a trusting relationship when caring for individuals experiencing common healthcare problems. (Implementation/Evaluation) 4. Apply underlying principles of basic human needs of oxygenation, hydration, nutrition, temperature, elimination, sexuality, physical activity, rest, safety, security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization when caring for select individuals. (Assessment/Implementation/Evaluation) NURS 135 Syllabus Part 1 2 of 9 Revised 4/9/2018

5. Utilize knowledge of normal growth and development in the care of patients with common healthcare problems. (Assessment/Analysis/Intervention) 6. Apply culturally appropriate interventions that assist the individual to adapt to common health care problems. (Implementation)

As a Teacher: 7. Provide information for the individuals utilizing appropriate content and teaching strategies with assistance. (Implementation)

As a Manager of Care: 8. Describe the roles of select healthcare team members who collaborate with nurses to plan, provide and evaluate patient care. (Planning/Implementation/Evaluation)

As a Future Member of the Profession: 9. Recognize the ethical, legal and professional role and responsibilities of the Associate Degree nurse within the healthcare setting. (Analysis)

As an Advocate: 10. Serve as an advocate to promote dignity and well-being for individuals who are uninformed or unaware of their rights. (Implementation)

IV. Methodology: Lecture, discussion, demonstration, reading, writing, speaking, listening, cooperative learning activities, videos, computer assisted learning programs (CAIs), group assignments, case scenarios, nursing lab activities, virtual clinical excursions, and clinical instruction will be utilized. Instructional media used in the class include videos, overhead projector, and power point presentations. Outside of class students learn by reading, writing, speaking, listening and discussing. Students can access the Internet using computers in HSCl 110, the Library and High Tech Computer Center.

V. Textbooks: A. Required: Alfaro-Lefevre. Critical Thinking & Clinical Judgment. 2004. (3rd ed.). Saunders: St. Louis, MO. Holloway. Nurses’ Fast Facts: The Only Book You Need for Clinicals. 2005. (3rd Ed.). F.A. Davis: Philadelphia. Ignatavicius and Workman. Medical-Surgical Nursing. 2005. (5th Ed.) Saunders: Philadelphia. Ignatavicius & Workman. Critical Thinking Study Guide for Medical Surgical Nursing. 2006. (5th ED). Saunders: Philadelphia. Johnson. Who Moved My Cheese? 1998. G.P. Putnams Sons: New York. McHugh Schuster. Concept Mapping: A Critical Thinking Approach to Care Planning. 2002. F.A. Davis: Philadelphia. Mosby’s. Nursing Drug Reference. 2006. Mosby: St Louis, MO. Pagana. Mosby’s Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference. 2005. (7th Ed) Mosby: St. Louis, MO. Perry-Potter. Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques (+CDs) 2006 (6th Ed). Mosby: NURS 135 Syllabus Part 1 3 of 9 Revised 4/9/2018

St Louis, MO. Potter-Perry. Fundamentals of Nursing. 2006. (6th Ed). Mosby: St Louis, MO. Potter-Perry. Study Guide & Skills Performance Checklists – Fundamentals of Nursing. 2006. (6th Ed.). Mosby: St Louis, MO. Potter-Perry. Virtual Clinical Excursions. 2006. (6th Ed). Mosby: St Louis, MO. Silvestri. Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination. 2005. (3rd Ed) Saunders: St Louis, MO Wilkinson. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook 2005. (8th Ed.) Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ. Wong & Lowdermilk. Maternal Child Nursing Care. 2006. (3rd Ed) Mosby: St Louis MO. Wong and Lowdermilk. Maternal Child Care Nursing – Study Guide. 2006. (3rd Ed). Mosby: St. Louis, MO.

B. Recommended: Hausman. Clinical Companion for MedicalSurgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care. 2006. (5th Ed.). Lippincott: Philadelphia. Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health DictionaryMosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary. 2005. (7th ed.). Mosby: St. Louis, MO.

VI. Required Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI): View CAIs with corresponding Unit in syllabus (Unit XI-Eliminating Med Errors). Viewing CAIs with another student encourages discussion and learning. These programs are loaded onto computers in the Student Mail/Video Room and in Room 110. To access CAIs: turn on computer Username: nursing; Password: students. Please complete an evaluation form after viewing.

VII. Required CD-ROMS: CD-ROM disks are kept in the Student Mailroom/Video room and loaded on the computers in that room. Place CD-ROM disk in computer, double click on appropriate icon on the blue windows screen. I encourage you to do the CD-ROM programs with another student(s) to encourage discussion and learning. Please complete an evaluation form after viewing. A. Medication Administration  Oral  Parental  Preparing Med  Site Selection

B. Nursing Process in Pre and Post Surgical Care  Disc 1  Disc 2

C. Physical Assessment of Heart and Lungs  Part 1  Part 2

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VIII. Videos: View the required videos as listed in corresponding units. Videos will reinforce lecture and skills demonstrations and are available in the Student Mail/Video Room in the Nursing Office area. You can view videos in the Student Mail/Video Room or you may check items out and view them in a nursing lab. Each video will have a pocket sign-out card. Leave the signed card with the administrative assistant; pick up the card when you return the video and replace the video on the appropriate shelf so it is available for the next student. A maximum of two (2) videos can be checked out overnight. Check out time frame: no earlier than 3:30 pm and return no later than 9:00 am. Please complete an evaluation form after viewing each video.

Required Videos: A. Nursing Process & Critical Thinking: Critical Thinking in Nursing Process – 28 m B. The Helping Interview – Enhancing Therapeutic Communication Basic Components, Helper Qualities, and Attending Skills – 19 min Opening, Questioning, and Use of Silence – 20 min Responding and Closing – 20min. C. Communicating With Older People With Dementia – Part 1- 50 min D. Dress Him While He Walks – 20 min E. A Friend Named Lyle – 30 min F. Intravenous Medications – 30 min G. Mosby’s Intravenous Medications (needleless) – 23 min H. Beginning Physical Assessment – 17 min

VIII. Suggested Videos: Videos are on reserve in the Student Mail/Video Room. A. Effective Interviewing: Three Function Model – 24 min B. The Cognitively Impaired Geriatric Patient: -Characteristics and Behavior – 20 min -Disruptive Behavior – 17 min -Behavior Management and Support – 18 min C. Backfire – 15 min D. Basic Skills: Lifting & Moving the Patient – 17 min E. Gerontology: Meeting Mobility, Sexual and Nutritional Needs – 34 min F. Comprehensive Health History – 29 min G. Assessing Breath Sounds – 30 min H. Assessing Heart Sounds – 30 min I. Exam of Head and Neck – 19 min J. Exam of Eyes and Visual System – 20 min K. Exam of Thorax and Lungs – 15 min L. Exam of Musculoskeletal System – 21 min M. Exam of the Abdomen – 7 min N. Cardiac Exam – 13 min O. The Breast Exam – 13 min P. Examination of Abdomen – 9 min Q. Neurological Assessment – 20 min R. Exam Musculo-Skeletal System – 21 min S. Basic Clinical Skills: Bladder Catheterization – 15 min T. Gerontology: Meeting Oxygenation, Fluids & Electrolyte Needs – 40 min

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U. Nasogastric Intubation, Nutrition Management: Anatomy, Physiology & Equipment – 7 min V. Medicating the Geriatric Patient – 24 min W. Medicating Children – 23 min X. Medication – Avoiding Errors – 19 min Y. The Adult on Insulin: Injecting Insulin – 9 min Z. Administration of Subq and IM Injections aa. Focused Assessment: The Patient with Post Abdominal Surgery – 24 min bb. Nursing Process and Critical Thinking: The Nursing Process – 32 min cc. Resident’s Rights: The Art of Caring – 20 min dd. Universal Precautions of Infection Control – 15 min ee. Maintaining Joint Mobility – 20 min ff. Bed to Wheelchair Transfer Techniques – 26 min gg. Basic Clinical Skills: -Temperature, Pulse and Respiration – 17 min -Blood Pressure – 16 min hh. Performing Respiratory Assessment – 30 min ii. Assessment of the Older Adult -Tape 1: An Overview – 22 min -Tape 2: The Physical Assessment – 20 min jj. Bathing – 20 min kk. Pressure Ulcer Prevention – 14 min ll. Venous Leg Ulcers – 21 min mm.Ostomy Care – 23 min nn. Urinary Catheterization: Female & Male – 30 min oo. Nasogastric Intubation and Nutrition Management: -Intubation – 20 min -Nasoenteric Care – 15 min pp. Oxygen Administration – 20 min qq. Respiratory Suctioning – 30 min

IX. Assessment of Outcomes: A. Theory Evaluation: 1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classroom, nursing lab and clinical hours. Refer to Student Handbook. 2. Participation: You are expected to come to class prepared. This means use the syllabus, course schedule, unit objectives, etc. I expect you to have read and studied the assigned material before class. Power Point presentations will be available on WebCT. We will discuss the material in class. Videos, computer assisted instruction (CAI), interactive videos and CD-ROMs, etc. are assigned to enhance your learning. If you are prepared for class, we as a group can spend more time using the knowledge rather than learning the knowledge for the first time. I expect each student to be alert and I expect all of us to respect each other as we share comments or question a certain issue or topic – we may not agree but we must let each other be heard. Please bring your syllabus, course schedule, specific unit objectives and Potter-Perry to each class. Bring other texts as necessary, i.e., Wilkinson when we study nursing process. Get involved in the learning process! Participation includes attendance,

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punctuality, completing tasks that relate to class interaction as well as reading, writing, speaking and listening. 3. Grading: Students must satisfactorily pass both the theory and clinical component of NURS 135. Students must maintain a final course grade of 76% or better in both theory and clinical in order to pass the course. Testing guidelines will be discussed in class. B. Point Information Regarding Theory Grading 1. Evaluation of theory progress will be based on a possible 1500 points. Several assignments will be graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Points Library Assignment 100 Internet Assignment 25 Interpersonal Process Record 100 Interview Across Lifespan Sat/Unsat Alzheimer, Dementia, Depression, and Aging Presentation Sat/Unsat 15 Quizzes/ Participation Activities at beginning of class (5 pts each) 75 Ten (10) exams ( 100 points each) 1000 Abbreviation Exam and Comprehensive Final Exam 200

= 1500 pts

2. Grading Scale: 100 – 94 = A 76 = C 93 – 90 = A- 75 – 70 = C- 89 – 87 = B+ 69 – 67 = D+ 86 – 84 = B 66 – 64 = D 83 – 80 = B- 63 – 60 = D- 79 – 77 = C+ 50 and below = F

C. Dosage Calculation Exam: A Computer Dosage Calculation exam must be taken and passed with a 100%. Refer to the Student Handbook. The exam can be taken any time during the semester and MUST be successfully completed by 4 p.m. on 11/30/06. Students must schedule a time and date for testing (See calendar outside the Testing Room). Students are encouraged to practice using the ProCalc computer program prior to testing. Calculators cannot be used on dosage calculation exams. There will be no exceptions to completion of this requirement.

X. Nursing Skills Practice and Demonstration: A. The Nursing Skills Lab will be open at scheduled times Monday-Friday. Students are encouraged to schedule individual and/or group time weekly time to practice new skills in the Skills Lab prior to nursing skills check off. A Lab Assistant will be available to assist the student in the learning process. Refer to Student Handbook for guidelines.

B. Nursing Skills Checklist: A separate booklet is used to document successful skills demonstration in the Nursing Lab and in the clinical area. It is the responsibility of the student to bring the Skills Checklist to the Nursing Lab when completing all demonstrations and to update this checklist after performing NURS 135 Syllabus Part 1 7 of 9 Revised 4/9/2018

any skill in the clinical area. The Skills Checklist becomes a permanent part of the student’s record.

NOTE: Scheduled Skills Lab time is considered clinical time. All required skill demonstrations, i.e., physical assessment, catheterization, medication administration must be completed satisfactorily in the Nursing Skills Lab prior to performing the skill in the clinical setting.

XI. Clinical Evaluation: A. Safe clinical practice and demonstration of professional nursing practice attributes are mandatory for progression in the nursing program. Assignments may be graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Sat/Unsat) or by letter grade. Students must achieve 76% or >, if a letter grade is required. 1.Highland Manor Experience a. Clinical Care Map Packet(s) (CCMP) - Sat/Unsat b. Daily Clinical Evaluation - Sat/Unsat c. Midterm Evaluation - Sat/Unsat 2. Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital (NNRH) a. CCMP’s - first is Sat/Unsat, subsequent CCMP’s each require 76% or > b. Daily Clinical Evaluation (Sat/Unsat) when on Med/Surg Unit c. Cardio-Pulmonary Experience - Sat/Unsat d. Physical Therapy Experience - Sat/Unsat e. Diagnostic Imaging Experience - Sat/Unsat f. Summative Clinical Evaluaiton - Sat/Unsat with Critical Criteria 2 or > 3. Virtual Clinical Excursions - A virtual hospital setting, “Pacific View Regional Hospital” is part of the Potter and Perry Fundamentals of Nursing, 6th Edition. A CD-ROM disk accompanied the Virtual Clinical Excursions book. This teaching/learning format will be used as part of your clinical experience to help improve clinical judgment and critical thinking skills. Nineteen lessons are available to enhance your clinical expertise. Select lessons will be assigned. Grading will be Sat/Unsat. B. Other Information. 1. ProCalc Information 2. Diets 3. NNRH Abbreviations

NOTE: Written assignments must be typed or legibly written, and completed on the appropriate forms. Refer to specific assignments for directions and due dates; place completed assignments in instructor mailbox or e-mail to instructor on or before the due date. Be conscious of grammar and sentence structure. Nurses need to be professional when writing or documenting as well as when providing patient care. Failure to complete any assignment in specified time frame or in satisfactory fashion will result in final grade of “Unsatisfactory” or a reduced letter grade depending on assignment criteria.

The instructor reserves the right to change certain aspects of the course syllabus, such as the schedule of assignments, grading procedures, or course materials. However, no changes will be made without informing class members in a timely and clear manner. It is not anticipated that there would be major changes in the content of this syllabus. NURS 135 Syllabus Part 1 8 of 9 Revised 4/9/2018

Great Basin College supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the American Disability Act Officer in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

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