The Alchemy of Fiction: English 11 Short Story Analysis and Discussion

We will be reading, studying and discussing the following stories from Viewpoints:

Short Story to be Read/3 Date: Group Members Discussion Questions presenting: nd “The Charmer” Tuesday, October 22 Nobody – in-class assessment Review terms/work on Thursday, October 24th All members have read projects story to be presented and ready to work. th “Learning the Language” - Wednesday, September 30 Kelvin, Brian, Lawrence, p. 4 Warren, Roger nd “A Cap for Steve” - p. 167 Friday, October 2 Irene, Evan, Priscilla, Chantelle, Glenda, Michelle th “Initiation” - p. 198 Tuesday, October 6 Chilly, Carmen, Sarah, Tammy, Lauren th “Ramu and Rani” - p. 74 Thursday, October 8 Melissa, Diane, Sadie, Christine th “Gentlemen of the Jungle” - Tuesday, October 13 Dave, Tyrell, Daniel, Ardy, p. 123 Zane th “The Pedestrian” - p. 153 Thursday, October 15 Rizwan, Truong, Isaac, Ben, Hieu Task Date: Value Original Short Story Wednesday, October 28th 5 homework marks (draft/peer editing sheet); assessed according to Grade 11 Writing Rubric (good copy) Final Test Thursday, October 22nd 50 marks

N.B. This outline is subject to change. Keep updated by checking our class wiki at

I – To prepare for a discussion of these stories, each member of the class will: a) read each of the stories and participate fully in class discussions/activities. b) make up three intelligent discussion questions for each story (EXCEPT your group’s story).

II –To lead a class discussion of each story, your group (4-5 people/group) will:

a) Give a concise plot summary; discuss conflicts (include types). /5 b) Explain important short story elements (e.g. setting, mood, irony, p.o.v, style.) Choose 2-5 important phrases from the story; explain their significance. /5 c) Discuss characters include (types), their motivations and roles. /5 d) Propose at least two possible themes, explain how they are revealed in the story, and discuss their relevance to our lives and/or society. /5 e) Create an activity that relates to the story that involves the entire class. /5 f) Teamwork, effort and smooth delivery of presentation. /5

III – Each person will write an original short story. Stories will be multi-paragraph, include dialogue, and be about 500 -750 words (3 pages, double spaced, 12 font.) Remember: more does not necessarily mean better. Have fun and be creative!

Task Value Due Date Homework Questions 3 marks/class Each class Presentation 30 marks Original Short Story Assessed on Grade 11 Wednesday, October 28th scale Final Test 50 marks Thursday, October 22nd