French I-Quarter 1

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French I-Quarter 1

French I-Quarter 1 Scope and Sequence

Unité: Qui sommes-nous? Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  Who am I in a global  series of formative and  greetings/leaving-takings  (about 4 weeks) world? summative assessments  introducing oneself  Why learn French? both achievement and  introduce someone else Unit theme  Where is French spoken? performance  ask/give personal  Meeting new people in  How do I get to know  country brochure information the French-speaking others in another country?  speaking assessment-meet  use polite terms world  What basic personal and greet  understand information is important  conversation card French/Francophone Enduring understanding to share? presentation telephone numbers  There are many people  reading about Francophone  use dates that speak French in the students  how to use French glossary world.  book listening assessments in book  unit test  become familiar with book design

Context Structure Culture Resources

 greetings and leave-  ask/give name  recognize Francophone District Resources-C’est à Toi takings  ask name-3rd person names Niveau 1  titles  distinguish between tu vs.  recognize Francophone  Unité 1  introductions vous social register countries  Unité 6-months/ dates/  titles  ask/answer personal  basic geography of France: nationalities  alphabet- information questions cites, rivers, mountains,  maps in front of text  birthday  use of cognates bodies of water,  numbers 1-31 surrounding countries Other resources  polite words  compare greetings,  Internet map of French  nationalities introductions, leave takings phone number area codes  favorite activities  compare Francophone  Internet maps of France,  favorite foods telephone numbers Francophone countries  other conversation card  social register  AATF site-advocacy personal information  understand dates  basic geography of France: cites, rivers, mountains, bodies of water, surrounding countries

6/3/10 Unité: Les Sports et les loisirs Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  What sports and leisure  series of formative and  opinions  (about 3 weeks) activities do I like to do? summative assessments  likes and dislikes  What sports and leisure both achievement and  agree/disagree Unit theme activities are popular in performance  recognize other sports and  People play and relax in the French-speaking  surveys leisure activities many different ways in world?  sports readings  ask for information other cultures.  What do I need to learn to  book listening assessments  provide information appreciate other sports  unit test  research sports Enduring understanding and leisure activities?  express pain  Sports and leisure  make plans activities vary among  invite others cultures.

Context Structure Culture Resources

 sports and leisure  subject pronouns  sports and leisure activities District Resources- activities  er verbs  Tour de France District Resources-C’est à Toi  parts of the body  faire  FIFA Niveau 1  opinions  aller  Olympics  Unité 2  preferences  verb + infinitive  Francophone music  Unité 6-weather/seasons  days  aller + infintive  calendar dates/faire  months, dates, numbers  negative  social activities  Unité 10-body parts  seasons  adverbs of frequency  weather  yes/no questions Other resources  adjectives  high frequency phrases  internet  cognates  FIFA site  Tour de France site  Olympics site

6/3/10 French I-Quarter 2 Scope and Sequence

Unité: Le café Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  What can I order at a  series of formative and  order food and beverages  (about 3 weeks) café? summative assessments  ask/answer questions  What are popular foods both achievement and  polite terms Unit theme and drinks? performance  prices  Cafés are popular in  What are some specialties  speaking assessment-  tell time French-speaking of a café? ordering at a café  state preferences countries.  make a menu  invite  read menus Enduring understanding  book listening assessments  Cafés are an important  unit test part of the social scene in a French-speaking country.

Context Structure Culture Resources

 food and drinks  aller  24 hour clock schedules District Resources-C’est à Toi  numbers to 100  er verbs  café Niveau 1  currency  definite/indefinite articles  Francophone foods and  Unité 3  days/months/  nouns drinks  Unité 4-time  expressions of well-  avoir idioms  exchange rates  Unité 6-days/months being  yes/no questions  café questions and  telling time answers Other resources  opinions  online café menus  likes/dislikes  food flashcards  high frequency  online currency game vocabulary

6/3/10 Unité: L’école Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  What would I learn if I  series of formative and  opinion  (about 4 weeks) were to go to a French summative assessments  likes/dislikes school? both achievement and  agree/disagree Unit theme  How is school organized? performance  needs  There are many  How is school funded?  read schedules  ask for information differences among  What are some  “my school” project  location schools in different differences and  book listening assessments  identify cultures. similarities between  unit test French and American Enduring understanding school?  School reflects cultural values.

Context Structure Culture Resources

 school supplies  avoir  school schedules District Resources-C’est à Toi  items in classroom  avoir idioms  school systems Niveau 1  places in a school  aller  career choices  Unité 4  school subjects  aller + infinitive  24 hour clock  Unité 6-  time  yes/no questions day/months/professions  days/dates  question words/formation  Unité 11-ordinal numbers  professions  prepositions of location  ordinal numbers  ir verbs Other resources  commands  school cafeteria menus  il y a  school sites  voilà  transitions

6/3/10 French I-Quarter 3 Scope and Sequence

Unité: La famille Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  What makes up a family?  series of formative and  ask for and give information  (about 3 weeks)  How do families differ? summative assessments  identify family members  How does my family both achievement and  identify pets Unit theme compare to a French performance  describe family members  Describing family. family?  “my family” project  tell age/birthday  book listening assessments  describe body parts Enduring understanding  unit test  The definition of “family” differs from culture to culture.

Context Structure Culture Resources

 family members  avoir + age  differences and similarities District Resources-C’est à Toi  pets  adjectives of families in different Niveau 1  days/months/dates  yes/no questions cultures  Unité 5  all numbers  question words/formation  Francophone celebrations  Unité 3-numbers  body parts  être  Unité 6-days/months  colors  possessive adjectives  Unité 7-colors  adjectives  transitions

Other resources  Internet family pictures  E-cards

6/3/10 Unité: La Vie en ville Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  What does a city look  series of formative and  reading a map  (about 9 weeks) like? summative assessments  reading schedules  What aspects of a city both achievement and  choose and purchase items Unit theme change according to a performance  compare  Life in a Francophone culture?  select the “statue in the  asking for and giving city  What are the influences of town square” project informations other cultures on  giving directions  likes/dislikes Enduring understanding Francophone cities?  following directions  agree/disagree  Life in a Francophone  How do I get around a  buying things scenarios  express need city reflects the practices, city?  book listening assessments  express intent products and  What can I do in a city?  unit test  make plans perspectives of a people  What is everyday life  retell events in the past and its cultures. like?  express quantity  How will a Francophone  describe city compare to mine?  sequence events

Context Structure Culture Resources

 places in a city  adjectives  city layout District Resources-C’est à Toi  directions  demonstrative adjectives  shopping for food Niveau 1  transportations  acheter/préférer, mettre,  shopping for clothes  Unité 7-clothing, colors,  prepositions of location prendre, voir, vouloir,  currency adjectives  food pouvoir, aller  metric  Unité 8- shopping, metric.  clothing  re verbs  housing comparisons  rooms in a house  comparative/superlative  history  Unité 9-housing  health  partitive  transportation  Unité10 –health  body parts  negative  Unité 11-vacation, past tense  colors  question formation  commands Other resources  immediate future  Internet city maps  past tense  online grocery stores  transitions  business of French clothing  currency exchange  Chambers of Commerce  tourist offices

6/3/10 French I-Quarter 4 Scope and Sequence

Unité: Paris Unit Length/Unit Unit Guiding Questions Assessment Functions theme/ Enduring understanding

Unit length  What makes a city  series of formative and  describe  (about 4 weeks) famous? summative assessments  identify places in Paris  What are some of the both achievement and  retell Unit theme famous places in Paris? performance  sequence events  Paris is one of the most  What can I do in Paris?  Paris story famous cities in the  How do I get around in  book listening assessments world. Paris?  unit test  How do I share stories Enduring understanding about my adventures?  Paris is the heart of the French-speaking world.

Context Structure Culture Resources

 Paris monuments  transitions  layout of Paris District Resources-C’est à Toi  transportation  present tense  arrondissements Niveau 1  directions  immediate future  history  Unité 11- travel and vacation  activities  past tense (avoir/être)  life vocabulary, past tense  feelings  commands  Unité 12- Paris, past tense  adjectives  comparative/superlative Other resources  Paris internet sites  Paris Metro sites


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