Solwezi College of Education

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Solwezi College of Education



© 2011 Solwezi College of Education 1.0 INTRODUCTION

1.1 Education media and Technology is having a major impact across all curriculum areas of education world wide. The world is rapidly charging in communication and use of Information and Communication Technology [ICT], plus increased access both in homes and in education establishments. The integration of ICT in classroom practice has positive effect on teacher and learners. Therefore this policy document sets out Solwezi College of Education’s aims, principles and strategies for delivery of acceptable Information and Communication Technology in line with ZICTA. By Information and Communication Technology we imply the use of Radio, TV, VCR, Computers, etc. in the delivery of educational materials.

1.2 This policy will form the basis for the development and establish the ground rules for the use of ICT in the college for the next 5 years as in line with education policy, Educating Our Future [1996], but subject to review every year and as when need arises. It was developed by the staff, ICT committee and college management of solwezi College of Education.

2.0 AIMS

2.1 To enrich effective teaching and learning for all lecturers and students. 2.2 To ensure that confidence and competence development in the use of ICT are enhanced.

2.3 To appreciate the relationship between scientific thought, activity and technology and sustenance of life to our ideal communities.

3.0 PURPOSE OF THIS ICT POLICY 3.1 To enable flow of the information needs of the college through the use of management computer software, which will feature the following:-

3.1.1 student registration for both college based and distance 3.1.2 Management of academic Records and staff 3.1.3 Advancement of records distance education 3.1.4 Managent of timetable and examinations 3.1.5 cash flow monitoring 3.1.6 billing and invoices 3.1.7 Integration of educational software in the teaching and learning

3.2 Develop students and lecturers ICT capability and understand the importance of information and how to select and prepare it 3.3 Develop students and staff skills in using hardware and software so as to enable them to manipulate information. 3.4 Develop ability to apply ICT capability and support the use of ICT language and communication 3.5 Examine attitudes towards ICT, its value and awareness of its advantages and limitations 3.6 Develop good health and safety attitudes and practice, which includes HIV and AIDS 3.7 Develop the Special Education Needs [SEN] and Gender ICT usage 3.8 Develop and enhance partnership with VVOB, JICA and any other cooperating partners that may wish to join 3.9 Develop methods used to protect users from sites containing inappropriate content (e.g. pornography, racist, violent materials, etc.) 3.10 Stipulate the mechanism of how to use the computer rooms, ICT equipment and resources 3.11 Keeping record and inventory of college ICT stock.

4.0 USE OF ICT FOR EDUCATION 4.1 The college will be expected to create its own Data Base in Digital Form and upload/offload its resources on digital for student use; (soft copies), e.g. past paper, lesson notes, assignments, examinations etc. 4.2 Students will be encouraged to type all their Summative Assignments 4.3 Students will often be directed to sites, which provide reviewed and evaluated sources, for their internet research, in order to reduce users access unsuitable materials either accidentally or deliberate ( through wikis , moodle,web TESSA sites) 4.4 Lecturers will be encouraged to use Global Learning Portal Dashboard; learning and teaching resources available for the new teacher. ( creating multimedia presentations, desktop publishing and creating a class data base) 4.5 Staff will be encouraged to type all their work and use computers for their lessons and other presentations. 4.6 Use regular strategies for increasing ICT applications through CPD, ICT training for all the staff to have basic knowledge in ICT use 4.7 All lecturers must be provided with a computer or a laptop and must have access to a printer and a scanner 4.8 Boosters be installed in strategic places for users to access wireless internet connections 4.9 Ensure that new infrastructure for ICT use (lecture theatre) is constructed through, college initiative or cooperating partners like VVOB, JICA, USAID, BRITISH COUNCIL, Government etc. 4.10 The college management must see to it that only Genuine software programmes are run on all college computers to avoid any legal infringements 4.11 The college will also use some education Software programmes which are free with no viruses, like Linex and Ubuntu 4.12 Sustainability of both the internet and ICT will demand that students are levied every term, an agreed amount. 4.13 Rooms 12, 13 and 14 shall have no chalkboards to encourage the use of ICT in the classroom, (use beamers, SMART boards, etc.) 4.14 Room 11 shall be an ICT resource room 5.0 ICT COMMITTEE/STAFF 5.1 The management of this committee on behalf of the college principal will facilitate the use of Information and Communication Technology in the following ways:- 5.2 By updating the policy and ordering updates of resources 5.3 By providing INSET so that all staff are confident in teaching using ICT 5.4 To keep staff abreast with new ICT developments 5.5 By supporting staff in developing students capabilities, and making sure that all staff understand system for logging in to College websites, use the internet/email, wikis and Moodle sites 5.6 By attending appropriate courses/workshops to update knowledge of current developments in ICT and by keeping links with other ICT cooperating partners 5.7 Administration to motivate lecturers offering their free services in terms of awards,etc

6.0 ACCESS TO ICT 6.1 Lecturers, non teaching staff and students must have access to reliable and industry standard hardware and software in order to use ICT effectively as a teaching and learning resource, and as a working tool for management and administration 6.2 With the help of college administration all lecturers will be provided with computers for the use in college. 6.3 All tutorial rooms must be connected to internet and secured wireless around the whole college surroundings 6.4 Teaching of ICT to students will be carried out by lecturers with he help of the ICT specialist during the timetabled periods 6.5 ICT must always be part of the college budget circle. This will help in the provision and maintenance of standard workstations, multimedia, projectors, LCD screens, White boards, Printers and toners, interactive white boards, new computers/laptops and both hardware and software. 7.0 MONITORING AND REPORTING 7.1 The ICT committee will time and again carry out monitoring in the following ways: 7.2 Formal and Informal discussion with staff and students 7.3 Observation of ICT displays and presentations 7.4 Checking that the Data base is uploaded and upgraded always 7.5 CPD and Tea break reports and end of Term reports

8.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY/SECURITY 8.1 Computer usage can affect the users’ health and safety therefore care must always be taken; 8.2 Users must be aware of the correct way to sit when using the computer and the need to take regular breaks if they are to spend any length of time on computers and encourage the use of desktop screens 8.3 Computer Room Rules must be displayed within ICT rooms for reference along with safety rules for the use of the internet 8.4 The college must have an alarm and CCTV system installed throughout. Each computer system must have a security system against access to the management system. 8.5 The files and network system must be backed up regularly. The virus checker must also be updated regularly with original anti virus software 8.6 Users must be aware of the arrangements if they hear the fire alarms 8.7 A copy showing location of the fire extinguishers must be displayed in the rooms always 8.8 Waste Management, which includes disposal of all damaged ICT equipment will be disposed off appropriately in accordance with the Environmental Council of Zambia regulations, in conjunction with Ministry of Education 9.0 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSING 9.1 The college must see to it that all software is used in strict accordance with the licence agreements that they have been purchased with 9.2 The ICT committee and the ICT Technician will be responsible for all licensing records and distribution of software on the college Local Network [LAN] 9.3 Personal software must not be loaded on to college computers, unless otherwise have relevance to teaching and learning, this includes laptops.

10.0 STUDENTS USE OF ICT/ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT 10.1 Please read this policy carefully and then sign it and return the signed copy to the college Administration and ICT committee 10.2 As part of your training experience at Solwezi College of education you will use the internet and other ICT resources to help you with your work. It is important that you adhere to the following rules to make sure you use the internet safely. 10.3 At Solwezi College of Education, we expect you to be responsible for your own behaviour on the internet, just as you are anywhere else in college. This includes materials and web sites you choose to access, and the language you use. Downloading, music and games is strictly forbidden. 10.4 When using the World Wide Web [www,] make sure you only go to suitable educational sites and avoid purchase or sell of illegal items e.g. drugs, weapons, etc 10.5 You are not allowed to download files to the computer or network from the internet without permission. [They may contain viruses or damage the college ICT network] neither should you save work on the computer. 10.6 The computer rooms are limited so be responsible enough to share resources and Do Not over stay in the computer room, give chance to other students. Over exposure to computer screen is a health hazard e.g. damage eye sight. 10.7 If you choose not to follow these expectations, you will be warned and subsequently, may be denied access to the ICT resources. 10.8 Printing and photo coping of hardcopies must always be paid for to the officer in charge. No playing of music and games on computers. 10.9 Your User ID and password is your responsibility. Do not give your password to anyone else.

I have read the agreement and agree to the above expectations. Students Names:………………………………………… Group Tutor:…………………

Students Signature:……………………… Class:……………………. Date:…………………

I have read the rules for acceptable online behaviour, understand the rules, and agree to comply with the above stated rules. Should I violate the rules,

I understand that I will lose network privileges at my college and be subject to all consequences set forth in this policy relating to computer usage and printed/non-printed materials. 11.0 STAFF USE OF ICT AGREEMENT

11.1 Solwezi College of Education seeks to embrace the ICT to enhance teaching and learning in the college. All members of staff with access to the ICT network are required to read and sign it. 11.2 All use of the internet in college should be primarily to enhance teaching and learning or for administrative purposes 11.3 It is understood however that staff may occasionally need to use the internet for personal reasons. Such use should be limited to outside of lesson time for teaching staff and during breaks/lunch times for support staff. 11.4 Internet in the college will be monitored. Accessing of inappropriate and indecent materials from the internet or via emails is not permissible.

I have read the agreement and agree to the above expectations.

NAME ______SIGNATURE ______I have read the rules for acceptable online behaviour, understand the rules, and agree to comply with the above stated rules. Should I violate the rules, I understand that I will lose network privileges at my workplace and be subject to all consequences set forth in this policy relating to computer usage and printed/non-printed materials.


The publication of student work, videos and/or photos may be considered for publication or recognition on the classroom website, college website or Solwezi college of Education Board website. Personal information about the students such as home addresses, full names, telephone numbers, social security numbers, or other secure information will not be included in a web page. Groups of five or more students involved in an activity may be included on a webpage. The picture or video shall be identified by the name of the activity only. Student name will not be used with pictures, regardless of size of the group. Student names are to be posted to identify student work or for other honors by using the first name and last initial only.

Parent/Guardian must initial or tick in the appropriate column next to each permission.

Granted Denie AGREEMENT d Permission for my child to access the internet at school Permission for my child to set up and use a district – approved, teacher monitored, safe, school email account [ if permitted by the teacher and school administrator] Permission for identified pictures of my child to be published to the classroom, school, or district website Permission for my child’s name [first name and initial] and schoolwork to be posted to the classroom, school, or district website.

As a parent or Guardian of the above named student, I have read the above information about the appropriate use of computers and internet at the college and I understand this agreement will be kept on file at the college. I also understand that my child will be held responsible for any disregard of this policy. [Questions should be directed to the principal for clarifications]

I agree to hold the Solwezi College of Education Board or its authorised personnel harmless from any liability that may occur in the publishing of the above information.

Furthermore, I wave all residual rights or claims, monetary or otherwise, that might arise because of lawful use of this information

Name of Parent/Guardian:……………………………......

Signature of Parent/Guardian:……………………………. Date:……………………….


School and network administrators and their authorised employees monitor the use of information technology resources to help ensure that users are secure and in conformity with this policy. Administrators reserve the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the Colleges’ information networks in order to further the health, safety, discipline or security of any students or other person, or to protect property. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and will furnish evidence of crime to law enforcement.


______STUDENT DATE ______PARENT/GUARDIAN DATE Parents, please discuss these rules with your children to ensure she/he understands them. These rules also provide a good framework for your students’ use of computers at home, at libraries or anywhere. For more information, log on to or Zambia Information and Communication Authority (ZICTA)

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