Student-Generated Potential Exam Questions

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Student-Generated Potential Exam Questions

Fall 2006 – Islamic Cultures and Societies Student-generated Potential Exam Questions (Exam 9/28/2006)

1. Compare the religious philosophies of Geertz and Asad. How do they differ? What are their respective views on the roles of power and symbols in religion? 2. Explain how social traditions and laws were established in Muslim societies. What role, if any, did the Koran take in such practices? Reference Tariq Ali’s writings on the topic. 3. Discuss the discrepancy between the Qur’an’s teachings about women, and the way in which women are treated in many modern Muslim societies. Are the laws dictating their rights deeply rooted in the Qur’an, or in men’s’ interpretations of it? 4. Contrast Tariq Ali and Sardar and Davies on the rights of women in Islam. 5. What is Eickleman’s perspective on the notion of an “Islamic essence?” 6. Who or what, to Eickleman, determines the orthopraxy (correct practice/ritual) in a Muslim society? Why? 7. How does Ali contrast the narrowness of various interpretations of Islam with the narrowness of certain interpretations of Christianity? What does he believe to be “religious truth?” 8. Compare and/ or contrast Tariq Ali and Talal Asad on the nature of religion. 9. According to Asad, what one major element does Geertz leave out of his concept of what religion is? 10. What is one problem/issue with Geertz’s definition of religion? 11. Geertz argues that religion is something universal. Argue that this is true. Argue that it is false. 12. What is Geertz’s definition of religion? 13. How is “Islam” translated? 14. What is a Muslim? 15. What are the five pillars of Islam? 16. Summarize what the shahadah states. 17. During what month do Muslims fast? 18. Define jihad, and list the four general types of situations it can apply to. 19. What is the Qu’ran? 20. What is a hafiz? 21. What is sharia? 22. What event led to the first major schism in Islam? 23. What is the one primary difference between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims? 24. Who do the Shi’a believe should have led the Islam community after the death of Muhammad? 25. What does Eickelman believe about the existence of an “Islamic essence”? 26. What modern day nation is predominantly Shi’a? 27. What are orthodoxy and orthopraxy? 28. What are radicals? 29. What movement did the religious reformer Sayid Qutb establish? 30. Approximately what time period of Islam was Tariq Ali most interested in? 31. Why does Tariq Ali include heretics in his work? 32. Who is Aisha and why was she important? 33. What form of literature is most important in Islamic culture and why? 34. Discuss the importance of the language in the Qur’an. 35. What are the hadith? 36. How do the hadith contribute to the growth and diversity of Islam? 37. The Five Pillars play a significant role in lives of most Muslims, however not all. According to Eickelman, which Muslim group does not adhere to these so called “Muslims Musts” and why does this ground believe the pillars are not that important? 38. It seems as if our generation has a warped version of what exactly a jihad is. It has been used in the wrong context many times. In your words and from what you have learned so far in this class, what exactly is a jihad, and why should people today know the real definition versus what the media tells us? 39. To Talal Asad, what is the defining factor that brings about religious truth and why? 40. Christians are said to emphasize orthodoxy, where as Muslims emphasize orthopraxy. What are the differences between the two and why do Muslims believe orthopraxy is more important? 41. Give an a counter-example to the “Islam equals orthopraxy” argument. Give and example of ways in which Christians are strikingly interested in orthropraxy? 42. What is Eickelman’s argument about orthopraxy and orthodoxy? What are some arguments against Eickelman? 43. What is the Hadith and what is its current role in Islam? 44. What is the main difference between Geertz’s and Asad’s arguments on religion? 45. What are the five parts of Geertz’s definition of religion? 46. According to Asad, what is a major driving force in how religion is controlled? a. government b. power c. politics d. symbols

47. Which of the following is NOT a pillar of Islam? a. fasting during Ramadan b. performing a jihad c. profession of faith d. praying 5 times daily

48. What is the difference between the term “Islam” and the term “Muslim?” 49. What does the term “jihad” mean, and what is its purpose? 50. Why can’t the Qur,an be translated into any other language? 51. In what way is the Qur’an organized? a. shortest verses to longest verses b. chronologically c. longest verses to shortest verses d. there is no formal organization of the texts of the Quran 52. What is an “umma?” 53. What is the meaning of the word Shia, and how do Shia Muslims differ in beliefs from Sunni Muslims? 54. How does the way Tariq Ali portrays Islam differ from the way Sardar & Davies do? 55. What are “Islamists?” 56. Who is Muhammad, and what is his significance to Islam? 57. What does “hijra” mean? a. tradition b. flight c. holy war d. blessedness 58. Use Goodman’s introductory chapter to explore the way Islam as a religion operates in the everyday lives of Muslims.

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