PE Plans And Assessment Secondary Pack

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PE Plans And Assessment Secondary Pack

PE Plans and Assessment Secondary Pack S1-S3 PE Plans and Assessment

This pack has been developed by a SLWG of secondary PE staff. It is designed to be a framework of agreed standards and a basis for future developments in PE. This is a working document which will be reviewed on an annual basis, and suggestions or amendments should be directed through your Principal Teacher / Faculty Head to QIO HWB.

The pack has been separated into three sections.

Section 1 PE Plans

Section 2 Teacher Assessment template

Section 3 Pupil Personal Profile

Section 1: PE Plans

These plans cover the experiences and outcomes for the third and fourth level, with the learning experiences, AIFL strategies and resources that could be used. There is also space on the plans for cross curricular, HWB, Literacy and Numeracy links to allow you to add as you go along!

The plans cover the following activities:-

 Badminton

 Basketball

 Football

 Gymnastics

 Hockey

 Rugby

 Volleyball

 Swimming

 Softball

It is expected that these plans will be used in our schools to help ensure that pupils will have a consistent learning experience across schools. The plans are in line with the Primary plans already developed and will hopefully help with transition from Primary to Secondary.

Section 2: Teacher Assessment Template

The purpose of assessment is to use for reporting on pupils progress, strengths and next steps.

This is the teacher’s summative assessment tool. The teacher will record a LEVEL and a TRAFFIC LIGHT COLOUR (Red/Amber/Green) in accordance to the assessment strategy and significant aspects for the E&O within the activity. At the end of the year (reporting time) a D/C/S will be used as the best fit for the related LEVEL and traffic light colours in accordance to BREADTH, CHALLENGE AND APPLICATION ACROSS ACTIVITIES.

Remember you know the pupil so your ‘Professional Judgement’ is essential in deciding on the pupils progress and what goes in the report.

It is expected that pupils will gather two pieces of evidence during the year to exemplify their learning. This should be agreed with pupils at the beginning of the session and any exemplification should be stored by the teacher in a pupil folder.

NB. It is important that evidence is collected from things you do already, it is not suppose to be an added task! e.g. fitness scoring sheets, evaluation forms on performance in gymnastics, home learning tasks etc.

Section 3: Pupil Personal Profile

The Personal Profile is a flexible assessment tool which allows staff and pupils to engage in discussion about pupil progress and to set targets for improvement. The profile continues the rotation of HWB outcomes from primary school. In S1 the focus is on Movement Skills, Competencies and Concepts. In S2 the focus is on Competition & Cooperation. In S3 the focus is on Evaluating & Appreciating. The Personal Profile Cards for S1, S2 and S3 can be found at the back of this document in Section 3.

Each pupil is given a profile card which will detail all of the activities they will cover in the year. At the end of an activity block the pupil should colour in or write next to the experience/outcome whether they think they are-

GREEN (I have achieved this with a lot of success) AMBER (I am getting there but still need more time to work on this) RED (I have struggled with this and still need help to develop my ability in this area)

The member of staff should do the same, following a discussion with the pupil and then together set SMART targets for the next activity block. Links to cross curricular aspects or extra-curricular activity can also be used. At the end of the year the member of staff can look along the line and see how successful the pupil has been. This will form part of the evidence to suggest a pupil is Developing, Consolidating or Secure in this experience/outcome. Section 1 : PE Plans Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Badminton Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies SKILL SAY: Resources include: and concepts I can demonstrate a variety of Shots Discussion with pupil regarding Badminton Racquets, As I encounter new challenges and  Forehand strengths, weaknesses and next Shuttles contexts for learning, I am  Backhand steps. Nets and Stands encouraged and supported to  High serve demonstrate my ability to select,  Low serve ‘Thumbs up’ to gauge Rule book adapt and apply movement skills and understanding during Q&A  Drive serve strategies, creatively, accurately Whiteboard and markers (or  Overhead clear and with control Pair and Share mini whiteboards)  Underarm clear HWB 3-21a  Net shot Interview pupils on performance Observation Checklist Cards I practice, consolidate and refine  Drop shot my skills to improve my  Smash MAKE: Flip-cam performance. I am developing and I can grip the racquet correctly sustaining my level of fitness I can side step to rear court shots Create own practice for a shot HWB 3-22a I can demonstrate improved shot accuracy Create a practice for different STRATEGY levels of performer. I am developing basic tactical awareness in singles I can participate in half court and full court games Create a video I can move my opponent around the court I stand side-on when playing overhead shots FITNESS WRITE: I can use agile movements throughout a game Basic observation schedule I can respond quickly to my opponents shot I can return quickly to the ready position/base DO: Target practice for a particular shot

Demonstrate skills and steps to success in games

Cooperation and Competition I can take responsibility for setting up court/equipment. I am developing the skills to lead I can experience/ participate in different forms of and recognise strengths of group competition – ladder, round robin, knock out, move members, including myself. I up/down court etc contribute to groups and teams I can understand and follow the rules in both half and through my knowledge of individual full court singles strengths I can understand game rules and etiquette (informal and HWB 3-23a formal) and recognise the need to follow it. I can understand and demonstrate tactics within half and full court singles I can recognise strengths and weakness when playing a partner I can resolve disputes by using ‘lets’ and replaying points

Evaluating and Appreciating I can use verbal, visual, written and kinaesthetic I can analyse and discuss feedback to evaluate my performance elements of my own and others’ work, recognising strengths and I can demonstrate an awareness of health and safety identifying areas where issues improvements can be made HWB 3-24a Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps:


Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Badminton Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies Skill SAY: Resources include: and concepts I can link movements with increased fluency Discussion with pupil regarding I can demonstrate a more consistent use of all strokes, strengths, weaknesses and next Badminton Racquets, As I encounter a variety of simple and complex skills. steps. Shuttles challenges and contexts for I can increase accuracy of shot placement Nets and Stands learning, I am encouraged and I can increase consistency of shot execution Interview pupils on performance supported to demonstrate my I can continue to execute shots effectively in a singles Rule book ability to select and apply a wide and doubles game situation. MAKE: range of complex movement skills Create a practice for different Whiteboard and markers (or and strategies, creatively, Strategy levels of performer. mini whiteboards) accurately and with consistency I can improve upon my decision making for appropriate Create a video and control. shot selection HWB 4-21a I can move my opponent using a variety of shots to front Whistle / Squistle and rear court during half-court singles WRITE: I can organise my time to I can recognise my opponents strengths and weaknesses Compare performance to a Observation Checklist Cards practise, consolidate and refine I can create an advantage by exploiting my opponents model performer using an my skills to achieve my highest weaknesses observation schedule Flip-cam quality performance in a range of I can work co-operatively with my partner during a game contexts. I am developing and of doubles DO: sustaining my level of I can adopt defensive tactics such as taking sides when Demonstrate a range of skills in performance across all aspects shuttle is lifted the context of the game of fitness. I can recognise my strengths & the strengths of my HWB 4-22a partner to play an appropriate attacking strategy. Carry out fitness training/skills development sessions Fitness I can understand the need for speed, CRE, power and agility in how we apply it in the context of the game

I can recognise how my personal fitness directly affects my level of performance

I can plan a period of training that will improve my fitness level and therefore improve my level of performance.

Cooperation and Competition I can understand and partake in various formats of While learning together, and in tournaments. leadership situations, I can:  Experience different roles I can consistently demonstrate high standard of and take responsibility in sportsmanship through game etiquette organising a physical event.  Contribute to a supportive I can role model and demonstrate when required and inclusive environment  Demonstrate behaviour I can take more responsibility to organise and umpire that contributes to fair play different formats of tournament play HWB 4-23a I can contribute to a supportive and inclusive environment

I can demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play

Evaluating and appreciating

I can observe closely, reflect, I can demonstrate an awareness of health and safety describe and analyse key aspects issues. of my own and others’ performances I can analyse and improve my strengths and weaknesses. Make informed judgements, specific to an activity I can produce a self/peer improvement plan Monitor and take responsibility for improving my own I can identify my own strengths and weaknesses in performance based on recognition comparison to a model performer. of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Basketball Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies Passing SAY: Resources include: and concepts  I can demonstrate a variety of passing techniques  Discussion with student  resource and idea cards for As I encounter new challenges  Chest regarding performance and practices and contexts for learning, I am  Bounce next steps approaches. encouraged and supported to  Javelin  Traffic light with statements  video/flip camera and demonstrate my ability to select,  I can use the appropriate technique when on the wall/whiteboard linked pictures of specific adapt and apply movement skills required to D/C/S or Success Criteria. techniques and strategies, creatively,  I can adapt my play in relation to others around  Video and feedback through accurately and with control. me flip camera  access to information and HWB 2-21a/3-21a ideas through ICT Dribbling MAKE: resources, including access I practice, consolidate and refine  I can demonstrate  Create warm ups and to sample game plans on my skills to improve my  control practices in teams. internet. performance. I am developing  change of direction  Create own practice for skill. and sustaining my level of fitness.  change of pace  Governing Bodies rule books HWB 2-22a/3-22a Shooting WRITE:  I can demonstrate a variety of shooting  Observation schedule. As I encounter new challenges techniques  Video analysis through and contexts for learning, I am  Set games software. encouraged and supported to  Jump demonstrate my ability to select,  Lay up adapt and apply movement skills DO: and strategies, creatively,  I can use the appropriate technique when  Demonstrate skills and steps accurately and with control. required to success in games HWB 2-21a/3-21a  I can adapt my play in relation to others around  Reciprocal teaching cards. me Partner, group, team I practice, consolidate and refine competitions with winners. my skills to improve my Footwork performance. I am developing  I can demonstrate a pivot to and sustaining my level of fitness.  shoot HWB 2-22a/3-22a  pass  create space  I can demonstrate defensive footwork

Effective movement I can  move into space  create space for myself  create space for team mates  close down opponents

Marking  I can demonstrate an awareness of  Man to man marking  Zone Marking

Consolidation and practice

 I can apply shooting skills in a game.  I have an understanding of the fitness requirements for playing a game.  I understand the important features of various positions and I can fulfil several roles within the game.  I am developing basic tactical awareness within the game Co-operation and Competition Co-operation  I can work with a partner to practice and develop my I am developing the skills to lead skills. and recognise strengths of group I can members, including myself. I  can work effectively as part of a team contribute to groups  communicate with team mates and teams through my  play an active role within my team knowledge of individual  perform/adapt different roles and strengths.  responsibilities within my team HWB 3-23a  behave in an appropriate manner

Team Awareness  I can demonstrate an awareness of basic tactics in Attack, Defence, and the Roles of others.

Adopting different roles  I can demonstrate an awareness of many roles such as Player, Coach, Observer, Referee  Awareness of rules and restrictions  I can demonstrate understanding of basic rules such as  Double dribble  Travelling  Contact  Scoring system

Evaluation and Appreciation  I can recognise my own individual strengths and I can analyse and discuss weaknesses elements of my own and others’  I can develop basic individual strategies to work, recognising strengths and improve my performance identifying areas where  I can provide feedback to others on their improvements can be made strengths and weaknesses HWB 3-24a Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

HWB 3-01a - Expressing feelings.

HWB 3-04a - Changing feelings linked to behaviour.

HWB 3-15a -Understanding the human body and use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health.

LIT 3-01a / LIT 4-01a Watching texts and relaying back.

LIT 3-02a – Make a relevant contribution.

LIT 3-04a – As I listen or watch, I can: • identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text, and can make inferences from key statements • identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text • use this information for different purposes.

Next Steps: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Basketball Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement Skills, Competencies Passing SAY: Resources include: and Concepts  I can effectively demonstrate and adapt the use  Discussion with student of a variety of passing techniques. regarding performance and  resource and idea cards for As I encounter a variety of  I can effectively make decisions with regards to next steps approaches. practices challenges and contexts for attacking and defensive principles/play  Traffic light with statements learning, I am encouraged and on the wall/whiteboard linked  video/flip camera and supported to demonstrate my Dribbling to D/C/S or Success Criteria. pictures of specific ability to select and apply a wide  I can adapt previous skills in relation to others  Video and feedback through techniques range of complex movement skills around me and the game situation flip camera and strategies, creatively,  I can effectively make decisions with regards to  access to information and accurately and with consistency attacking and defensive principles/play MAKE: ideas through ICT and control.  Create warm ups and resources, including access HWB 4-21a Shooting practices in teams. to sample game plans on  I can effectively demonstrate and adapt the use  Create own practice for skill. internet. of a variety of shooting techniques. I can organise my time to  I can effectively make decisions with regards to WRITE:  Governing Bodies rule books practise, consolidate and refine attacking principles/play  Observation schedule. my skills to achieve my highest  Video analysis through games quality performance in a range of Footwork software. ontexts. I am developing and  I can effectively demonstrate footwork in sustaining my level of various attacking and defensive game situations DO: performance across all aspects of  Demonstrate skills and steps fitness. Effective movement to success in games HWB 4-22a  I can effectively move around the court in  Reciprocal teaching cards. relation to tactical and structural team Partner, group, team considerations competitions with winners.

Marking  I can demonstrate the ability to use the correct defensive strategy where appropriate in relation to game situations

Consolidation and practice  I can continue to execute skills effectively in a game situation.  I can recognise how my personal fitness directly affects my performance.  I can plan a period of training that will improve my fitness and overall performance.  I can effectively continue to make successful judgements in regards to skills, movement and tactics throughout the game.

Co-operation and Competition Co-operation  I can continue to demonstrate and develop While learning together, and in previous cooperation skills leadership situations, I can:  I can demonstrate qualities of leadership and  Experience different roles and decision making take responsibility in organising a physical event. Team Awareness  Contribute to a supportive and  I can apply and adapt various attacking and inclusive environment defensive principles in relation to game situation.  Demonstrate behaviour that Adopting different roles contributes to fair play.  I can successfully adopt various roles within HWB 4-23a game situations such as 1. Player 2. Coach 3. Observer 4. Referee

 Awareness of rules and restrictions  I can demonstrate through game situations an awareness and understanding of all rules

Evaluation and Appreciation I can:  I can recognise my teams strengths and  Observe closely, reflect, weaknesses describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’  I can assist in devising strategies to improve my performances teams strengths and weaknesses  Make informed judgements, specific to an activity  Monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Football Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies I can . . . SAY: Resources include: and concepts Passing  Discussion with student  Footballs, Bibs, Cones As I encounter new challenges  Demonstrate a variety of passing techniques (inside of regarding performance and  video/flip camera and and contexts for learning, I am foot, outside of foot, laces, head ) and can select the next steps approaches. pictures of specific encouraged and supported to appropriate pass when required  ‘Thumbs up’ to gauge techniques demonstrate my ability to select, understanding during Q&A  access to information and adapt and apply movement skills Control  Pair and Share ideas through ICT and strategies, creatively,  Control the ball in a variety of ways using inside of  Video and feedback through resources, including access accurately and with control. foot, outside of foot, sole of foot, thigh and head flip camera to sample game plans on HWB 2-21a/HWB 3-21a internet. Dribbling MAKE:  Governing Bodies rule books  Demonstrate close control of the ball with a change of pace and direction  Create warm ups in I practise, consolidate and refine pairs/small groups my skills to improve my Shooting  Create basic attacking and performance. I am developing and  Demonstrate a variety of shooting techniques defensive tactics within team sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 2-22a/HWB 3-22a Movement WRITE:  Move into a space to receive a pass  See my team-mates around me move into a space to  Match Analysis Sheet receive a pass  Video analysis through games  Use my movement off the ball to create space for my software. (if avail) team-mates Consolidation and Practice DO:

 Understand the physical and emotional benefits of  Demonstrate skills and steps participating in team games to success in games  Understand the fitness requirements needed for me  Reciprocal teaching cards. to play football Partner, group, team  Understand why improving my overall fitness can competitions with winners. positively affect my game  Consistently execute various skills in a game situation

Cooperation and Competition  Can lead a warm up to a small group I am developing the skills to lead  Respect those around me and all equipment and recognise strengths of group  Fulfil different roles within a team game and identify members, including myself. I which I am best at contribute to groups and teams  Organise, support and instruct my team-mates to through my knowledge of improve their performance individual strengths, group  Identify strengths and weaknesses in my own team tactics, and strategies. and in the opposition HWB 3-23a  Relate these strengths and weaknesses to the tactics of the game

Evaluating and Appreciating  Constructively offer written and oral feedback so to I can analyse and discuss aid my fellow peers in their learning elements of my own and others’  Help construct team tactics based on my teams’ work, recognising strengths and strengths and weaknesses identifying areas where improvements can be made. HWB 3-24a

Cross Curricular Links: Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 3-01a

I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave. HWB 3-04a

I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations.HWB 3-14a

I am developing my understanding of the human body and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health. HWB 3-15a

Next Steps:


Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Football Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies I can . . . SAY: Resources include: and concepts Passing  Discussion with student  Footballs, Bibs, Cones As I encounter a variety of  effectively demonstrate and adapt my use of passing regarding performance and  Whistles challenges and contexts for in a game situation – based on attacking and defending next steps approaches. learning, I am encouraged and principles of play  Video and feedback through  resource and idea cards for supported to demonstrate my flip camera practices ability to select and apply a wide Control  Communicate to peers when  video/flip camera and range of complex movement skills  keep close control of the ball in pressure leading practices pictures of specific and strategies, creatively, situations/confined areas techniques accurately and with consistency MAKE:  access to information and and control. Dribbling ideas through ICT HWB 4-21a  creatively use dribbling in game situations to benefit  Create warm ups and resources, including access my team practices in teams. to sample game plans on  Create own practice for skill. internet. I can organise my time to Shooting  Create team tactics and set  Governing Bodies rule books practise, consolidate and refine  continually select the correct shooting technique that pieces my skills to achieve my highest is required  Create training session to quality performance in a range of improve aspect of fitness contexts. I am developing and Movement specific to football sustaining my level of  make both on-the-ball and off-the-ball movements performance across all aspects of that benefit my team fitness.  make the required movements so I fulfil my role with HWB 4-22a regards to attacking and defensive principles of play WRITE: Consolidation and Practice  develop training sessions and schedules to match my  Match Analysis Sheet personal fitness needs specific to football  Video analysis through games  execute a variety of skills effectively in a game software (if avail) situation  work together with my team-mates DO:  make the correct decision as to whether to pass, dribble or shoot based on others around me and the  Demonstrate skills and steps game situation to success in games  Carry out fitness training/skills development sessions  Reciprocal teaching cards. Partner, group, team competitions with winners

Cooperation and competition

While learning together, and in  lead a 3 stage warm-up specific to football leadership situations, I can:  experience different roles  referee small-sided games fairly through and take responsibility in understanding the rules of the game organising a physical event  contribute to a supportive  fulfil various non-playing roles to aid in the success of and inclusive environment the lesson  demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play.  manage my own team HWB 4-23a  adopt a coaching role with peers

 compete within the rules of the game and demonstrate fair play Evaluating and appreciating

I can:  demonstrate qualities of leadership and decision-  observe closely, reflect, making describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’  reflect on my own abilities and look for ways to performances improve my performance  make informed judgements, specific to an  reflect on the strengths and weaknesses activity  monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 3-01a

I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave. HWB 3-04a

I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations. HWB 3-14a

I am developing my understanding of the human body and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health. HWB 3-15a

Next Steps:

Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Gymnastics Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competences Skills SAY: Resources include: and concepts I can…(consolidate basic skills from primary) Self Assessment Scottish Gymnastics As I encounter new challenges Traffic Lights In service Pack and contexts for learning, I am Floor work “Thumbs Up” 5-14 Pack encouraged and supported to Self assessment worksheet Pictures demonstrate my ability to select,  Roll – forwards/backwards/sideways using Gold, silver, bronze for D, Skill cards adapt and apply  Balance (1,2,3 point/seated/ 3 seconds) C, S Mats movement skills and strategies,  Turning (1/4/1/2 full turns) Apparatus creatively, accurately and with  Flight (1-2/2-1/1-1/2-2 foot take off and Peer Assessment Peer assessment cards control. landing) Observe, evaluate, understand HWB 3-21a  JUMPING/SHAPES/TURNS use a spring board and describe good technique Video/Playback equipment  INVERT (Headstand – (tuck &full) shoulder Use of Dartfish I practise consolidate and refine stand/Handstand) MAKE: Personal Learning Plans my skills to improve my  Link floor work skills (sequence) performance. I am developing and Working cooperatively to make sustaining my levels of fitness. I can continue to use basic skills to produce an individual a sequence with a partner or in HWB 3-22a or group sequence: a group

- on Floor WRITE: - on Apparatus Monitor progress using self I can perform basic sequence work showing quality of reflection movement, fluency and control DO:

I can perform more complex floor/apparatus skills such Performance/demonstrate as vaulting 3 Stars and a wish Identify practices for Fitness improvement  I understand the physical demands required to Monitor progress using self perform both basic and complex skills. reflection

Teacher Assessment Observation/photographic evidence PE Assessment report form Verbal feedback Questioning and answering – effective plenary

Cooperation and Competition  I can collaborate with my partner/group to I am developing the skills to lead create and perform a sequence of movements. and recognise strengths of group  I can share my experiences /individual strengths members, including myself. I with my partner/group. contribute to groups  I can take responsibility for laying out and teams through my equipment/apparatus safely. knowledge of individual strengths  I can cooperate and communicate effectively HWB 3-23a with my class mates/group.  I can support my partner safely on the floor & on apparatus.  I can perform in a variety of pair or group balances in either a supporting or balancing role. Evaluating and Appreciating  I can recognise my own strengths / weaknesses I can analyse and discuss  I can develop individual strategies to improve my elements of my own and others’ need (awareness) work, recognising strengths and  I can highlight strengths & Weaknesses  I can plan (with help from my teacher) to improve identifying areas where my individual needs improvements can be made HWB 3-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps:


Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Gymnastics Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competences Skills SAY: Resources include: and concepts  I can confidently perform under control and safely land more complex skills: Self Assessment As I encounter a variety of Scottish Gymnastics challenges and contexts for  Cartwheel Traffic Lights In service Pack learning, I am encouraged and  2 cartwheels “Thumbs Up” 5-14 Pack supported to demonstrate my  Round off Self assessment worksheet Pictures ability to select and apply a wide  Dive forward rolls using Gold, silver, bronze for D, Skill cards range of complex movement skills C, S Mats and strategies, creatively, Apparatus accurately and with consistency  Handspring vault Peer Assessment Peer assessment cards and control.  Headspring vault Observe, evaluate, understand HWB 4-21a and describe good technique Video/Playback equipment  I can continue to use basic & complex skills to Use of Dartfish produce an individual or group sequence: MAKE: Personal Learning Plans I can organise my time to - Floor practise, consolidate and refine - Apparatus Working cooperatively to make my skills to achieve my highest a sequence with a partner or in quality performance in a range of  I can perform complex sequence work showing a group contexts. I am developing and quality of movement, fluency and control. sustaining my level of (individual and group) WRITE: performance across all aspects of fitness.  I can continue to perform sequence work (basic & Monitor progress using self HWB 4-22a complex) showing quality of movement, fluency reflection and control DO:  I have a greater understanding of the physical demands required for more complex skills which Performance/demonstrate will help improve all aspects of fitness related 3 Stars and a wish to the activity. Identify practices for improvement  I can carry out skill specific training which is Monitor progress using self specific to my needs. I can continue to perform reflection sequence work (basic & complex) showing quality of movement, fluency and control Teacher Assessment Fitness Observation/photographic evidence  I have a greater understanding of the physical PE Assessment report form demands required for more complex skills which Verbal feedback will help improve all aspects of fitness related Questioning and answering – to the activity. effective plenary  I can carry out skill specific training which is specific to my needs.

Cooperation and Competition  I can discuss, share and collaborate ideas with While learning together, and in my class mates when devising a routine. leadership situations, I can:  I can lead my group through a warm o Experience different roles and up or cool down. take responsibility in  I can safely support my class mates while doing organising a physical event. more complex skills whilst on floor or apparatus. o Contribute to a supportive and  I can perform in more complex pair or group inclusive environment balances in either a supporting or balancing role. o Demonstrate behaviour that  I can respect others by displaying good contributes to fair play sportsmanship when they are performing or HWB 4-23a sharing ideas.

Evaluating and Appreciating I can:  I can reflect on previous experiences and Observe closely, reflect, continue to analyse performance strengths and describe and analyse key aspects weaknesses of my own and others’ performances  Highlight new strengths & weaknesses Make informed judgements, specific to an activity  Plan to improve new needs. Monitor and take responsibility for improving my own  I take the opportunity to organise a performance based on display/event for PE pupils (peers) Guests recognition of personal strengths (SMT/staff/Parents) and development needs. HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Hockey Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies I can . . . SAY:  Sticks, Balls, Bibs, Cones and concepts Passing  Pass the ball accurately to a team-mate (push, hit)  Discussion with student  video/flip camera and As I encounter new challenges regarding performance and pictures of specific and contexts for learning, I am Control next steps approaches. techniques encouraged and supported to  Move to receive a pass with my hockey stick in a  ‘Thumbs up’ to gauge  access to information and demonstrate my ability to select, controlled way understanding during Q&A ideas through ICT adapt and apply movement skills  Pair and Share resources, including access to sample game plans on and strategies, creatively, Dribbling  Video and feedback through internet. accurately and with control.  Dribble with close control using front and reverse flip camera HWB 2-21a/HWB 3-21a stick  Governing Bodies rule books MAKE: Shooting  Hit the ball accurately towards a target  Create warm ups in pairs/small groups I practise, consolidate and refine Tackling  Create basic attacking and my skills to improve my  Tackle safely and effectively to gain possession of the defensive tactics within team performance. I am developing and ball sustaining my levels of fitness. WRITE: HWB 2-22a/HWB 3-22a Movement  Use my movement off the ball to create space for a  Match Analysis Sheet team-mate  Video analysis through games  Return to y position on the field after a tackle breaks software. (if avail) down  Understand the rules of scoring with regards to my DO: movement on the field  Demonstrate skills and steps to success in games Consolidation and Practice  Reciprocal teaching cards.  Understand the benefits of playing hockey to my  Partner, group, team physical and emotional well being competitions with winners.  Understand the fitness requirements of different positions  Understand the impact that improved fitness levels will have on my performance  Consistently execute skills effectively in a game situation  Developing basic tactical awareness within the game  Work effectively with a partner to practise and develop my skill Cooperation and competition  Can lead a warm up to a small group I am developing the skills to lead  Respect those around me and all equipment and recognise strengths of group  Fulfil different roles within a team game and identify members, including myself. I which I am best at contribute to groups and teams  Organise, support and instruct my team-mates to through my knowledge of improve their performance individual strengths, group  Identify strengths and weaknesses in my own team tactics, and strategies. and in the opposition HWB 3-23a  Relate these strengths and weaknesses to the tactics of the game Evaluating and Appreciating  Demonstrate a clear understanding of the safety rules I can analyse and discuss in hockey elements of my own and others’  Appreciate good play and offer positive feedback to work, recognising strengths and all identifying areas where  Offer constructive feedback to those in my class and improvements can be made. support them in their learning HWB 3-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 3-01a

I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave. HWB 3-04a

I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations. HWB 3-14a

I am developing my understanding of the human body and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health. HWB 3-15a

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Hockey Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies I can . . . SAY: Resources include: and concepts Passing  Discussion with student  Sticks, Balls, Bibs, Cones As I encounter a variety of  effectively demonstrate and adapt my use of passing regarding performance and  Whistles challenges and contexts for in a game situation, based on attacking and defending next steps approaches. learning, I am encouraged and principles of play  Video and feedback through  resource and idea cards for supported to demonstrate my flip camera practices ability to select and apply a wide Control  Communicate to peers when  video/flip camera and range of complex movement skills  keep close control of the ball in pressure leading practices pictures of specific and strategies, creatively, situations/confined areas techniques accurately and with consistency MAKE:  access to information and and control. Dribbling ideas through ICT HWB 4-21a  perform the front, reverse and Indian dribbles  Create warm ups and resources, including access effectively whilst under pressure practices in teams. to sample game plans on  Create own practice for skill. internet. I can organise my time to Shooting  Create team tactics and set  Governing Bodies rule books practise, consolidate and refine  continually select the correct shooting technique that pieces my skills to achieve my highest is required  Create training session to quality performance in a range of improve aspect of fitness contexts. I am developing and Movement specific to hockey sustaining my level of  make both on-the-ball and off-the-ball movements performance across all aspects of that benefit my team fitness.  make the required movements so I fulfil my role with HWB 4-22a regards to attacking and defensive principles of play WRITE:  understand my roles and responsibilities when attacking and defending in the game  Match Analysis Sheet  Video analysis through games Consolidation and Practice software (if avail)  understand and I am committed to improve my own strengths and areas for development in my skills set DO:  develop training sessions and schedules to match my personal fitness needs specific to hockey  Demonstrate skills and steps  execute a variety of skills effectively in a game to success in games situation  Carry out fitness  make the correct decision as to whether to pass, training/skills development dribble or shoot based on others around me and the sessions game situation  Reciprocal teaching cards. Partner, group, team competitions with winners Cooperation and competition o lead a 3 stage warm-up specific to hockey While learning together, and in leadership situations, I can: o referee small-sided games fairly through  experience different roles and understanding the rules of the game take responsibility in organising a physical event o fulfil various non-playing roles to aid in the success of  contribute to a supportive and the lesson inclusive environment  demonstrate behaviour that o manage my own team contributes to fair play. HWB 4-23a o adopt a coaching role with peers

o compete within the rules of the game and demonstrate fair play

o work together with my team-mates Evaluating and appreciating I can:  reflect on my own abilities and look for ways  observe closely, reflect, to improve my performance describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’  plan short and long term goals to improve my performances performance  make informed judgements, specific to an  recognise my own teams development needs by activity comparing their performance with success criteria  monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave. HWB 4-04a

I make full use of and value the opportunities I am given to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence in others. HWB 4-11a

I am developing my understanding of the human body and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health. HWB 4-15a

Next Steps:

Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Rugby Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies Movement skills, Competences and Concepts SAY: Resources include: and concepts  I can catch the ball in the 10 point ready position Discuss with student regarding As I encounter new challenges under pressure performance and next step Scottish Rugby- Tag & Mini Rugby Manual. and contexts for learning, I am  I can pass to my left and right while moving approaches encouraged and supported to  I can run with the ball in two hands  Self assessment (traffic Scottish Rugby – demonstrate my ability to select,  I can offload the ball in a practice situation lights, D/C/S) with statements Key National Themes adapt and apply movement skills  I can change direction to evade opposing players on the whiteboard or success Practical Resource. and strategies creatively,  I can tag/low touch tackle safely criteria IRB Beginners accurately and with control.  I can demonstrate ways to restart a match eg Feedback though video/flip Guide to Rugby (Roles and HWB 3-21a tap and pass, 3 man scrums and 3 man lineouts camera Responsibilities, Laws).  I know how to present the ball after a touch/low  Peer feedback 3 stars and a I practice, consolidate and refine tackle wish Video/flip camera my skills to improve my  I can score a try Pictures/clips of model performance. I am developing and  I can participate effectively in a variety of small MAKE: performer/specific sustaining levels of fitness. sided games eg Hawick ball, End ball, Corner Ball technique HWB 3-22a  I can participate effectively in a structured game, which includes Create 3 a warm up man scrums and 3 man lineouts  In a group create a practice IRB Rugby Ready Practical Course  I can understand the benefits of rugby to my physical for skill and emotional well being  I can understand the fitness requirements to WRITE: participate in a game of rugby  I can understand the impact that improved fitness  Observation schedule levels will have on my performance  Video analysis through game Cooperation and competition software I can lead a small group though a warm up I am developing the skills to lead  I can respect those around me and all equipment DO: and recognise strengths of group  I can fulfil a playing role within a team members, including myself. I I can identify my strengths and areas for  Demonstrate skills and steps contribute to groups through my development in my own team and the opposition to success in games knowledge of individual I can relate theses strengths and areas for  Reciprocal teaching cards strengths, group tactics and development to the tactics of the game  Partner, group, team strategies  I can discuss with classmates how team and competitions with winners HWB 3-23a personal performance can be improved  I can fulfil non-playing roles eg time keeper, scorer to aid in the success of the lesson

Evaluating and appreciating  I can demonstrate a clear understanding of the I can analyse and discuss safety rules in rugby elements of my own and others’  I can appreciate good play and offer positive/ work, recognise strengths and constructive feedback to classmates identify areas where  I can demonstrate an understanding of game play and improvements can be made the benefit of conditioned games HWB 3-24a

Cross Curricular Links: Maths – score, timing, stats English – report writing, observation sheets History – history of rugby (7’s), famous rugby players Science – anatomy and physiology, forces HE – nutrition, diet ICT spreadsheets (scorers, players etc), spider graphs, sports pages Languages – key phrases Music – national anthems PE – dance (haka)

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Rugby Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies Movement skills, competencies and concepts SAY: Resources include: and concepts  Discussion with student  I can catch the ball in the ready position in a game regarding performance and next Scottish Rugby- Tag & As I encounter variety of situation step approaches Mini Rugby Manual. challenges and contexts for  I can accurately pass left and right using a normal  Self assessment (traffic learning, I am encouraged and and spin pass lights, D/C/S) with statements  Scottish Rugby – supported to demonstrate my  I can perform an effective touch/low tackle in a on the white board or success Key National Themes ability to select and apply a wide game situation criteria Practical Resource. range of complex movement skills  I can offload the ball in a game situation  Feedback though video/flip and strategies, creatively,  I know how to present the ball when in a contact / low camera  Video/flip camera accurately and with consistency tackle situation in a game of activity specific and control  I can fully understand and I am committed to improve MAKE: techniques HWB 4-21a my strengths and areas for development in my skill set  Create rugby specific warm up  I can consistently make good decisions in attack with  Create and develop own  Pictures/clips of model I can organise my time to and without the ball practice for skill performer/specific practice, consolidate and refine  I an consistently make good decisions during defensive technique my skills to achieve my highest play in relation to organisation and the tackle WRITE: quality performance in a range of  I understand the rules in regards to my positioning Observation schedule  IRB Rugby contexts. I am developing and at different times in the game eg tackle, scrum and  Video analysis though game Ready Practical sustaining my level of lineout software Course performance across all aspects of  I can identify my fitness strengths and areas for fitness development and select appropriate methods/ sessions DO: HWB 4-22a to develop them  Demonstrate skills and steps to success in games Cooperation and competition  Demonstrate game awareness and understanding While learning together, and in  I can lead a 3 stage warm up specific to rugby  Partner, group, team leadership situations, I can: competitions with winners  Experience different roles and  I can referee a small-sided game fairly through take responsibility in organising a understanding the rules of the game physical event Contribute to a supportive and  I can compete within the rules of the game and inclusive environment demonstrate fair play Demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play  I can fulfil various non-playing roles to aid in the HWB 4-23a success of the lesson

Evaluating and appreciating

I can:  I can reflect on my own abilities and look for ways  Observe closely, reflect, to improve my performance describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’  I can plan long and short term goals to improve my performance performance Make informed judgements,  I can recognise my own teams development needs specific to an activity by comparing their performance with success criteria Monitor and take responsibility for my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links: Maths – score, timing, stats English – report writing, observation sheets History – history of rugby (7’s), famous rugby players Science – anatomy and physiology, forces HE – nutrition, diet ICT spreadsheets (scorers, players etc), spider graphs, sports pages Languages – key phrases Music – national anthems PE – dance (haka)

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps:


Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Volleyball Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement Skills, Competencies Sending SAY: Resources include: and Concepts  I can move & stop. Discussion with student  I can catch & throw a ball accurately in a 1v1 regarding performance and next Resource and idea cards for As I encounter new challenges game. step approaches practices and contexts for learning, I am  I can feed the ball high to give a team mate time encouraged and supported to to play it. Traffic light statements linked Video/flip camera and demonstrate my ability to select,  I can hit/spike the ball downwards. to success criteria pictures of specific adapt and apply movement skills  I can practice and develop my skills with a techniques and strategies, creatively, partner. Video and feedback through flip accurately and with control  I can play a variety of shots within a game camera HWB 2-21a/3-21a context: Access to - dig Peer/ teacher feedback information and - volley ideas through ICT I practice, consolidate and refine - hit – spike/tip MAKE: resources, my skills to improve my  I can start a game with an underarm serve. Create warms up in teams including access to performance. I am developing sample game plans and sustaining my level of fitness Receiving Develop skill through creating on the internet HWB 2-22a/3-22a  I can volley the ball from a feed. own practice  I can dig the ball from a feed. Governing body rule books

Travel/Control WRITE:  I can adopt a ready position and be in place more Observation schedules efficiently between shots.  I can play a rally with a partner. Self/peer assessment  I can self feed the ball, play it to a partner then move to receive the ball again. Video analysis through games  I can play the ball higher to a target. DO: Attacking/defending Demonstrate skills and steps to  I can develop attacking & defensive movements. success in games context.  I can face the direction of play.  I can set up an attacking play. Reciprocal teaching cards  I can make decisions when playing the ball.  I can hit(spike)/tip the ball downwards. Team competitions

Consolidation and practice  I can understand the benefits of improved fitness on my performance.  I can execute a variety of skills in a game situation.  I can understand the rules & the scoring system in volleyball.

Cooperaton and Competition - I can work effectively with a partner. - I can work effectively as part of a team (2v2). I am developing the skills to lead - I can play an active role within my team (2v2). and recognise the strengths of - I can perform/adapt different group members, including myself. roles/responsibilities. I contribute to groups and teams - I can behave in an appropriate manner. through my knowledge of - I can show a basic awareness of tactics in: individual strengths o Attack HWB 3-23a o Defence - I can develop an awareness of different roles such as: - Player/ position o Coach o Observer o Referee/ Umpire - I can apply & demonstrate a basic understanding of the rules & scoring system. - I understand the difference between working with a partner & competing against a partner.

Evaluation Appreciation  I can demonstrate a clear understanding of the I can analyse and discuss safety rules in Volleyball. elements of my own and others’  I am developing basic tactical awareness within work, recognising strengths and the game. identifying areas where  I can appreciate good play and offer positive improvements can be made. feedback to all. HWB 3-24a  I can offer constructive feedback to those in my class and support them in their learning.  I can explain attacking & defending within the game to a pupil/group/teacher.  I understand the rules and scoring system in Volleyball.

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Volleyball Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies Sending SAY: Resources include: and concepts  I can move with the direction of play. Discussion with student  I can feed the ball with accuracy. regarding performance and next Resource and idea cards for As I encounter new challenges  I can continue to execute a variety of shots(with step approaches practices and contexts for learning, I am more accuracy) within the game: encouraged and supported to - dig Traffic light statements linked Video/flip camera and demonstrate my ability to select - volley to success criteria pictures of specific and apply a wide range of complex - spike/tip techniques movement skills and strategies,  I can start a game with an underarm/over arm Video and feedback through flip creatively, accurately and with serve. camera consistency and control.  I can continue to develop and adapt attacking and Access to HWB 4-21a defensive strategies Peer/ teacher feedback information and  I can consistently make good decisions when ideas through ICT I can organise my time to playing the ball. MAKE: resources, practise, consolidate and refine  I can contribute effectively in a variety of game Create warms up in teams including access to my skills to achieve my highest scenarios. sample game plans quality performance in a range of Develop skill through creating on the internet contexts. I am developing and Receiving own practice sustaining my level performance  I have greater spatial awareness within a game Governing body rule books across all aspects of fitness. context. HWB 4-22a  I can effectively keep the ball in play using a WRITE: variety of shots when receiving the ball from an Observation schedules opponent or team mate. Self/peer assessment Travel/Control  I can continue to adopt a ready position and be in Video analysis through games place between shots.  I can play a rally in a game situation DO:  I can effectively control the ball when receiving Demonstrate skills and steps to it from a partner/opposition success in games context.  I can effectively and tactically move into position to play the ball

Attacking/defending  I can continue to develop attacking and defensive movements.  I can continue to face/move with the direction of play.  I can continue to effectively make decisions when playing the ball.  I can continue to work with a partner/team to play a number of shots in a game context.  I can spike the ball downwards effectively and with accuracy.  I can tip the ball into space close to the net effectively and with accuracy

Consolidation and practice  I have a greater understanding of the fitness requirements when playing a game of volleyball.  I can plan or help contribute to a training session which will help develop my skill and overall performance.  I can continue to execute skills effectively in a game situation.  I can select the correct tactics to the demands of the game. Cooperaton and Competition  I can continue to demonstrate and develop previous cooperation skills such as: While learning together, and in - Work effectively as part of a team building leadership situations, I can; from 2V2, 3V3 to 4V4  experience different roles and - Play an active role within my team and play a take responsibilities in variety of roles within the game context. organising a physical event. - Demonstrate qualities of decision making &  contribute to a supportive and leadership. inclusive environment.  I can apply & adapt various attacking & defensive  demonstrate behaviour that principles in relation to game situations. contributes to fair play.  I can successfully adopt various roles within HWB 4-23a game situations - Player/ position - Coach - Observer - Referee/ Umpire  I can adopt a specialist role within my team.  I can demonstrate through game situations an awareness & understanding of the rules.

Evaluating and Appreciating  I can reflect on my own abilities and look for I can; ways to improve my performance.  observe closely, reflect,  I can plan short and long term goals to improve describe and analyse key my performance. aspects of my own and others’  I can understand and can improve my strengths & performances weaknesses  make informed judgements,  I can recognise my own teams development needs specific to an activity. by comparing their performance with success  Monitor and take responsibility criteria. for my own performance based  I can explain and take up ‘Ready’ position. on recognition of personal  I can communicate within a team to play the ball. strengths and development I can effectively continue to make successful needs. judgements in regards to skills, movement and HWB 4-24a tactics throughout the game. Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps:


Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Swimming Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies I can SAY: Resources include: and concepts Front Crawl  Discussion with peers  B – Perform a push and glide in a streamlined regarding identifying Pool and facilities I practice, consolidate and refine position for 5 meters. strengths and weaknesses. Poolside equipment my skills to improve my  L – Kick continuously throughout the stroke or  Answer questions in line performance. whilst using an aid. Handouts with Blooms Taxonomy. HWB 3-22a  A – Perform effective arm pull technique.  B – Breathe to the side during full stroke.  Peer assessment using LA/Teacher/Parent/Peer success criteria. support Back Crawl  B – Demonstrate the correct body position MAKE: Internet, video and DVD throughout the stroke.  Warm Ups  L – Kick continuously throughout the stroke or Resource Cards whilst using an aid.  Organise a competitive  A - Perform effective arm pull technique. race as part of a gala. Pictures/Photos

Breast Stroke WRITE:   B – Lift my head out of the water to breathe. Self evaluation sheet  L – Perform a symmetrical leg kick.  Strengths and weaknesses  A – Perform an effective arm pull to move through the water. where their development needs are (from discussion)

 Traffic Lights I am developing and sustaining my Fitness level of fitness  Understand the various fitness demands of the DO: activity.  Demonstrate strokes effectively. Water Safety  Tread water for a minute.  Complete task cards and  Understand the importance of the pool safety observations rules.  Homework tasks.

 Perform whilst being recorded.

Cooperation and Competition  Communicate effectively with a partner/small I am developing the skills to lead group. and recognise strengths of group  Understand the personal qualities required to be mentors, including myself. I can a good leader. contribute to groups and teams  Lead my partner/small group through practice through my knowledge of drill to develop their weakness. individual strengths, group tactics, and strategies. HWB 3-23a

Evaluating and Appreciating Self and Peer Evaluation

I can analyse and discuss  I can understand my own strengths and elements of my own and others’ weaknesses with help from a task sheet. work, recognising strengths and  I can observe a peer and offer appropriate identifying areas where feedback with help from a task sheet. improvements can be made. HWB 3-24a Cross Curricular Links: Biology – Fitness of the body. Maths – Timing. FCT – Nutrition. English – Talk and discussion. PSE – Body image.

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy: LIT 3-02a - When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution encourage others’ to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify, or adapt thinking.

LIT 3-04a - As I listen or watch, I can: • identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text, and can make inferences from key statements • identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text • use this information for different purposes.

TCH 3-04a - I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in different contexts across the curriculum.

MNU 3-10a - Using simple time periods I can work out how long a journey will take, the speed travelled at or the distance covered, using my knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance.

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Swimming Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Basic technique for all three strokes Class: Level: 4 Understanding of pool safety Understanding of basic diving

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies I can… SAY: Resources include: and concepts Front Crawl  Discussion with peers  B – Start from a dive position and maintain a regarding identifying Pool and facilities I can organise my time to streamlined position. S&W and next steps Poolside equipment practise, consolidate and refine  L – Kick continuously throughout the stroke my skills to achieve my highest  A – Perform a complete arm pull with  Answer questions in line Handouts quality performance in a range of effectiveness & efficiency with Blooms Taxonomy contexts.  B – Performing alternate breathing LA/Teacher/Parent/Peer support HWB 4-22a  Turn – Perform an effective and efficient turn  Peer assessment using Internet, video and DVD (tumble) success criteria Resource Cards Back Crawl MAKE:  B – Start from a back crawl start maintain  Warm ups Pictures/Photos appropriate body position  L – Kick continuously throughout the stroke  Organise race  A – Perform a complete arm pull with structures effectiveness & efficiency  Turn – Perform an effective and efficient turn WRITE: (rotate then tumble)  Self evaluation forms

Breast Stroke  Strengths and weakness  B – Use my arm pull to lift my upper body out of and where their the water in order to breathe development needs are  L – Perform an efficient symmetrical leg kick (from discussion)  A – I can perform a complete symmetrical pull through the water  Traffic Lights or similar  Turn – Perform and effective and efficient turn (Touch with two hands and push and glide) DO:  Demonstrate strokes Diving and understanding of  Demonstrate my understanding of the success criteria progressions of diving (sitting/kneeling/standing)  I can perform a racing dive  Complete task cards and observations Fitness  Homework tasks I am developing and sustaining my level of performance across all I can…  Partner observations aspects of fitness.  discuss the various aspects of fitness that are using videos (pair share) relevant to swimming  discuss what methods of training would benefit my fitness  explain how to test my level of fitness

Water Safety

I can…  Perform a poolside rescue  Perform a straight arm tow  Support my peers by providing feedback and advice on their performance

Cooperation and Competition I can…

While learning together, and in  Explain the responsibilities and qualities of leadership situations, individual roles e.g. time keeper, group leader, starter, warm up leader etc I can: • experience different roles and  Organise and lead a race as part of a swimming take responsibility in organising a gala physical event • contribute to a supportive and  Support my peers by providing feedback and inclusive environment advice on their performance • demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play.  Demonstrate good sportsmanship HWB 4-23a

Evaluating and Appreciation Self and Peer Evaluation

I can: I can … • observe closely, reflect,  I can recognise strengths and weakness in others describe and analyse key aspects performance using appropriate success criteria of my own and others’ performances  I can recognise strengths and weaknesses in my • make informed judgements, own performance specific to an activity • monitor and take responsibility  I can select and execute an appropriate training for improving my own programme to develop my identified weaknesses performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links: Science (biology) – fitness of the body Maths – timing HE – nutrition and health English – talk and discussion PSE – body image

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Literacy: 4-02a - When I engage with others I can make a relevant contribution, ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute and encourage them to take account of others points of view or alternative solutions. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, exploring and expanding on contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking. 4.04a: As I listen or watch, I can: clearly state the purpose and main concerns of a text and make inferences from key statements / compare and contrast different types of text / gather, link and use information from different sources and use this for different purposes

Numeracy: 3-10a - Using simple time periods I can work out how long a journey will take, the speed travelled at or the distance covered, using my knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance

ICT: 3.04a: I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in different contexts across the curriculum.

Next Steps:


Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Softball Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 3

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Resources Outcome Learning : Evidence Movement skills, competencies Movement skills, competencies and concepts SAY: Resources include: and concepts  Discussion with student Throwing regarding performance  resource and idea cards for As I encounter new challenges  I can throw the ball using over arm and underarm and next steps practices and contexts for learning, I am techniques approaches. encouraged and supported to  I can roll the ball  Traffic light with  video/flip camera and pictures demonstrate my ability to select,  I can use the appropriate technique when statements on the of specific techniques adapt and apply movement skills required wall/whiteboard linked and strategies, creatively,  I can adapt my play in relation to others around to D/C/S or Success  access to information and ideas accurately and with control. me Criteria. through ICT resources, HWB 3-21a  Video and feedback including access to sample game Fielding through flip camera plans on internet.  I can demonstrate:  Peer discussion I practise, consolidate and refine - control regarding strengths and  Governing Bodies rule books my skills to improve my - change of direction weaknesses performance. I am developing and - change of pace  Peer discussion sustaining my levels of fitness.  I can demonstrate the pickup of a rolling ball. regarding team tactics HWB 3-22a  I can move quickly towards the ball instead of MAKE: waiting for it to come to me  Create warm ups and practices in teams.  I can effectively move around the field in  Create own practice for reaction to where the ball is being played. skill. Catching WRITE:  I can demonstrate basic catching techniques:  Observation schedule. - Cupping  Video analysis through - Overhead cupping games software. - Use of mitt - I can use the appropriate technique when DO: required.  Demonstrate skills and steps to success out Pitching/Bowling with and within games  I can demonstrate an underarm pitch/bowl  Reciprocal teaching cards. Batting  Partner, group, team  I can hit a moving ball competitions with winners. Consolidation and Practice Lead small groups in  I recognise the effect playing a game of softball practices and games has on my overall fitness level.

 I can consistently execute skills (throwing, catching, striking and running) effectively in a game situation.

Cooperation and Competition  I can work effectively as part of a team I am developing the skills to lead  I can communicate with team mates and recognise strengths of group  I can play an active role within my team members, including myself. I  I can perform different roles and adopt contribute to groups and teams responsibilities within my team through my knowledge of  I can behave in an appropriate manner individual strengths, group  I can demonstrate an awareness of basic tactics tactics, and strategies.  I can demonstrate an awareness of many roles HWB 3-23a such as: player, coach, observer, umpire  I can demonstrate an understanding of basic rules such as: 1. Scoring system 2. How I am put out 3. Fielding positions 4. Basic laws of the game

Evaluating and Appreciating  I can recognise my own individual strengths and I can analyse and discuss weaknesses elements of my own and others’  I can develop individual strategies to improve my work, recognising strengths and performance identifying areas where  I can provide feedback to others on their improvements can be made. strengths and weaknesses HWB3-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Health & Wellbeing Forward Plan

School: Date:

Teacher: Activity: Softball Term/Block: Prior Learning:

Class: Level: 4

Experience & Learning Experiences Assessment is for Learning : Resources Outcome Evidence Movement skills, competencies Movement skills, competencies and concepts SAY: Resources include: and concepts Throwing  Discussion with student  I can effectively demonstrate and adapt the use regarding performance and  resource and idea cards As I encounter new challenges of a variety of throwing techniques. next steps approaches. for practices and contexts for learning, I am  I can effectively make decisions with regards to  Traffic light with statements encouraged and supported to what throw I should use depending on the game on the wall/whiteboard linked  video/flip camera and demonstrate my ability to select situation. to D/C/S or Success Criteria. pictures of specific and apply a wide range of complex  Video and feedback through techniques movement skills and strategies, Fielding flip camera creatively, accurately and with  I can demonstrate a quick release following a  Peer discussion regarding  access to information and consistency and control. pickup. strengths and weaknesses ideas through ICT HWB 4-21a  I can move my field position to support ball  Peer discussion regarding resources, including receivers. team tactics access to sample game I can organise my time to  I can effectively make decisions with regards to plans on internet. practise, consolidate and refine attacking and defensive principles/play. MAKE: my skills to achieve my highest  Create warm ups and  Governing Bodies rule quality performance in a range of Catching practices in teams. books contexts. I am developing and  I can demonstrate more complex single hand  Create own practice and sustaining my level of catching techniques at a variety of heights progression for skill. performance across all aspects of fitness. Pitching/Bowling WRITE: HWB 4-22a  I can demonstrate a fast and accurate  Observation schedule. pitch/bowl  Video analysis through games software. Batting  I can demonstrate hitting the ball in different DO: directions  Demonstrate skills and steps to success out with and within Footwork games  I can effectively demonstrate a one handed pick  Reciprocal teaching cards. by stepping out on one foot and picking it up with  Partner, group, team my hand on the same side on the outside of my competitions with winners. foot before taking one step and releasing the ball Lead groups in practices and games Consolidation and Practice  I can recognise how my personal fitness directly affects my level of performance  I can plan a period of training that will improve my fitness level and therefore my level of performance.  I can continue to execute skills (throwing, catching, striking and running) effectively in a game situation

Cooperation and competition Cooperation and competition

While learning together, and in  I can continue to demonstrate and develop leadership situations, I can: previous cooperation skills  Experience different roles  I can demonstrate qualities of leadership and and take responsibility in decision making organising a physical event  I can apply and adapt various attacking and  contribute to a supportive defensive principles in relation to game situation. and inclusive environment  I can successfully adopt various roles within  demonstrate behaviour that game situations such as: player, coach, observer, contributes to fair play umpire HWB 4-23a  I can demonstrate through game situations an awareness and understanding of all rules Evalua Evaluating and Appreciating Evaluating and Appreciating I can:  observe closely, reflect,  I can recognise my team’s strengths and describe and analyse key weaknesses aspects of my own and others’  I can assist in devising strategies to improve my performances team’s strengths and weaknesses  make informed judgements, specific to an activity monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs HWB 4-24a

Cross Curricular Links:

Links to Literacy, HWB, Numeracy:

Next Steps: Evaluation: Section 2 : Teacher Assessment Template Cooperation & Overal Class: Movement Skills, Competences & Concepts Evaluating & Appreciating Competition l

Level and Stage

G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A eg. R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 3D, 3C, Name: 3S Section 3 : Pupil Personal Profile S 1



Experiences and Outcomes Gymnast Swimmin Badmint Fitness Football Hockey Tag Basketba Athletics Social OVERAL ics g on Rugby ll Dance L


I am able to select and perform a wide range of skills in this activity with quality, accuracy and control. I am developing my fitness.


While working and learning with others I can improve my skills and contribute my strengths to group tactics.


I can evaluate and discuss my own and others’ work to recognise strengths and identify areas where improvements can be made.

After completing each activity you will assess how well you think you have achieved each of the learning Experiences and Outcomes shown in the table. Place the appropriate letter G (Green), A (Amber) or R (Red) in the column ‘P’ for Pupil. Your teacher will then assess how well they think you have achieved each outcome in the column ‘T’ for Teacher. Use the key below:

G: I have achieved this with a lot of success. A: I am getting there, but still need more time to work on it. R: I have struggled with this and still need help to develop my ability in this area. S 1



Date Activity/Experience and Outcome Targets for next time the Activity/Experience and Outcome is covered in PE

MAKE SURE YOUR TARGETS ARE… S pecific ie. they are personal to you / the activity / your ability M easurable eg. ‘I will be able to score in a game of basketball using a full lay-up’ A chievable ie. set targets in small steps – make sure they are within your grasp R ealistic ie. is this going to be possible and worthwhile for you? T imed eg. ‘by the end of the 6 week block I will be able to…’ An example of a SMART target would be: ‘I will join and attend an after school club for the rest of this term in order to improve my fitness levels’ S 2



Experiences and Outcomes Gymnast Swimmin Badmint Fitness Football Hockey Tag Basketba Athletics Social OVERAL ics g on Rugby ll Dance L


I am able to select and perform a wide range of skills in this activity with quality, accuracy and control. I am developing my fitness.


While working and learning with others I can improve my skills and contribute my strengths to group tactics.


I can evaluate and discuss my own and others’ work to recognise strengths and identify areas where improvements can be made.

After completing each activity you will assess how well you think you have achieved each of the learning Experiences and Outcomes shown in the table. Place the appropriate letter G (Green), A (Amber) or R (Red) in the column ‘P’ for Pupil. Your teacher will then assess how well they think you have achieved each outcome in the column ‘T’ for Teacher. Use the key below:

G: I have achieved this with a lot of success. A: I am getting there, but still need more time to work on it. R: I have struggled with this and still need help to develop my ability in this area. S 2



Date Activity/Experience and Outcome Targets for next time the Activity/Experience and Outcome is covered in PE

MAKE SURE YOUR TARGETS ARE… S pecific ie. they are personal to you / the activity / your ability M easurable eg. ‘I will be able to score in a game of basketball using a full lay-up’ A chievable ie. set targets in small steps – make sure they are within your grasp R ealistic ie. is this going to be possible and worthwhile for you? T imed eg. ‘by the end of the 6 week block I will be able to…’ An example of a SMART target would be: ‘I will join and attend an after school club for the rest of this term in order to improve my fitness levels’ S 3



Experiences and Outcomes Gymnast Swimmin Badmint Fitness Football Hockey Tag Basketba Athletics Social OVERAL ics g on Rugby ll Dance L


I am able to select and perform a wide range of skills in this activity with quality, accuracy and control. I am developing my fitness.


While working and learning with others I can improve my skills and contribute my strengths to group tactics.


I can evaluate and discuss my own and others’ work to recognise strengths and identify areas where improvements can be made.

After completing each activity you will assess how well you think you have achieved each of the learning Experiences and Outcomes shown in the table. Place the appropriate letter G (Green), A (Amber) or R (Red) in the column ‘P’ for Pupil. Your teacher will then assess how well they think you have achieved each outcome in the column ‘T’ for Teacher. Use the key below:

G: I have achieved this with a lot of success. A: I am getting there, but still need more time to work on it. R: I have struggled with this and still need help to develop my ability in this area. S 3



Date Activity/Experience and Outcome Targets for next time the Activity/Experience and Outcome is covered in PE

MAKE SURE YOUR TARGETS ARE… S pecific ie. they are personal to you / the activity / your ability M easurable eg. ‘I will be able to score in a game of basketball using a full lay-up’ A chievable ie. set targets in small steps – make sure they are within your grasp R ealistic ie. is this going to be possible and worthwhile for you? T imed eg. ‘by the end of the 6 week block I will be able to…’ An example of a SMART target would be: ‘I will join and attend an after school club for the rest of this term in order to improve my fitness levels’

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