Jci Senate Philippines

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Jci Senate Philippines




1. There shall be an Election Committee (ELECOM) composed of FIVE (5) members, each member representing one of the five (5) areas of the national organization. No two (2) members shall come from the same area. The most senior among the members shall act as ELECOM Chairman.

2. The power and duty of the ELECOM is to exercise general supervision and control over election of officers and directors and such other election.

3. The decision of majority of all members of the ELECOM on all election matters shall be final and un- appealable.

4. The Election Committee shall have the sole jurisdiction over all election matters.


October 21, 2017, Saturday, 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Legazpi City, 50th National Convention.


1. There shall be a National Board of Directors consisting of twenty- seven (27) members, to wit: twenty six (26) regular national members and (1) the Immediate Past National President shall be an Ex-officio member. The twenty (26) directors shall be elected and shall be apportioned among the five (5) geographical areas, as follows:


North Luzon Four (4) Metro Manila Seven (7) South Luzon Four (4) Visayas Four (4) Mindanao Seven (7)

2. The Directors shall elect from among themselves the following executive officers:

Senate President Executive Vice President Vice President - North Luzon Vice President - Metro Manila Vice President - South Luzon Vice President - Visayas Vice President - Mindanao Secretary General Treasurer


The term of office of the officers and directors shall commence on January 1, 2018 and ends on December 31, 2018. V QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES

Candidates must have met the following criteria at the time they filed their certificates of candidacy: a. Qualifications common to all candidates for the National Board:

1. They must be in good standing and not delinquent in the payment of dues and other assessments to the national organization.

2. They must be registered and in physical attendance during the National Convention and during the election. b. For a candidate vying for National President or National Executive Vice President:

1. He must come from the area he represents.

2. He must be affiliated with an existing Senate Chapter. If unaffiliated, he should affiliate himself with a chapter not later than three (3) months before the National Convention.

3. He must have previously served as a member of the National Board for at least one complete term.

4. He must have served as President/Prime Minister of his chapter for a full term.

5. He must be a member of functioning senate chapter whose members are ten (10) or more who are members in good standing.

6. He must be endorsed by his senate chapter thru a board resolution certified by the Chapter President/Prime Minister and Chapter Secretary.

7. If a candidate for National President, he must come from the Division other than the Division to which the incumbent elected National President belongs. Candidates from the same Division shall consider only in case of the absence of candidates from the other Division.


1. Members in good standing as certified by at least two (2) of the following officers, National President, National Secretary General and National Treasurer.

2. Must be physically present during the election.

3. Duly registered in the Convention signed by the Convention Chairman or the Registration Chairman.

4. Qualified members shall have the right to vote for, as many candidates as there are Directors to be elected, but he may not cast more than one (1) vote for a candidate, otherwise his vote shall be deemed marked ballot and declared invalid and will not be counted. Proxy voting shall not be allowed.


The physical presence of at least ELEVEN (11) of all the members of the National Board shall constitute a quorum for official transaction of business and the decision of a majority of the National Directors of such quorum at said meeting shall be a valid act of the National Organization unless a greater majority is required by law or these By-Laws. VIII MANNER OF ELECTION

Number of Candidates. If the number of Candidates for National Director in an Area is the same as or less than the number of Directors allotted for the Area, the Election Committee shall proclaim these Candidates as having been unanimously elected as Directors. Elections will then be held only for the Directors to represent the other Areas with lists of Candidates whose numbers are more than the allotted number of Directors for such Areas and who shall be voted upon at large by the General Assembly.

Plurality Vote. Candidates receiving the first four (4) highest number of votes for the North Luzon Area, the first seven (7) highest number of votes for Metro Manila Area, the first four (4) highest number of votes for South Luzon Area, the first four (4) highest number of votes for the Visayas Area, and the first seven (7) highest number of votes for the Mindanao area shall be declared elected by the Election Committee.

Election Resulting in Tie. When two or more Candidates received the same number of votes for the last place in the number of Directors to be elected, all the Candidates tied for that place shall draw lots and the Candidate who wins shall be proclaimed as elected.


1. Protest or complaint relative to the correctness and accuracy of the counting and tallying of votes shall be entertained by the ELECOM only, during the canvassing and counting of votes.

2. The ELECOM shall immediately decide any protest or complaint. After the proclamation of the winning candidate/s, no protest or complaint shall be entertained by the ELECOM.


No candidate-sponsored fellowship parties shall be allowed except the official Fellowship Night during the Convention. The Candidates are, however allowed to set up Hospitality Room which shall be open only during such times when there are no official sessions or workshops/seminars going on.


Election propaganda shall be limited to the following:

a. Policy Statement. Open-letter form to all Members. On regular-sized bond paper (8.5” x 11”), printed or machine copied, back-to-back, and not more than 5,000 copies, maybe mailed to the Members/Chapters of the Organization, or distributed during Convention.

b. Curriculum Vitae or Personal Resume. Printed in the same manner and with the same number of copies as the Policy Statement.

c. Posters. Colored or black & white handmade Posters not larger than a regular-sized cartolina paper for display in the Hospitality Room at the Convention venue. No posters or streamers shall be allowed in any place other than the Hospitality Room, and the same shall be removed by the Host Chapter upon order of the Election Committee. The Secretary General and the Host Chapter, in consultation and with the consent of the Election Committee, shall post the list of official Candidates in conspicuous places at the Election area.


The Host Chapter’s powers and authority shall be subject to the following limitations, which are related to the elections. The Host Chapter shall -

a. Not field any candidate for any office in the Organization, except where all the other candidates unanimously consent to its fielding of such candidate, or where the election is uncontested.

b. Observe utmost impartiality during the hosting of the National Convention and shall not engage in partisan politics or support or take side with any line-up or group of candidates. c. Not directly or indirectly, allow itself to be influenced or pressured by any candidate, the ELECOM, or any other person in the manner of its hosting, including the setting of deadlines for registration, making reservation, and in other matters that may prejudice the Organization or the election.

d. Not exact nor ask any contribution from any Candidate/Nominee.


The certificate of candidacy shall be filed within the period August 21, 2017, to September 21, 2017 with the ELECOM at the JCI Senate Office, JCP Bldg., Roces Avenue, Quezon City. Deadline of filing of Certificate of Candidacy is September 21, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

The Certificate of Candidacy Form will be provided by the ELECOM through the JCISP Secretariat.


Candidate shall pay a filing fee of PESOS: THREE THOUSAND ONLY (Php 3,000.00) to the National Treasurer upon filing of his/her certificate of candidacy. The filing fees shall form part of the General Fund of the Organization and shall serve as seed money for the 2018 Administration.

Upon payment of the filing fee, the Candidate officially becomes a candidate and shall be announced by the ELECOM.

JCI SEN. DIOSDADO V. CALONGE (Caloocan) Chairman

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