Williams-Grant-Stephens Family Reunion

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Williams-Grant-Stephens Family Reunion

Williams-Grant-Stephens Family By-Laws

Article I: Name The name of this organization shall be the Williams-Grant-Stephens Family.

Article II: Purpose The purpose of this organization is to reunite and strengthen the bond between family members by engaging in intercultural activities encouraging continuous growth and development to each generation of our family heritage.

Article III: Members The membership of this organization shall be family members of the Williams-Grant-Stephens Family.

Article IV: Family Reunion Section 1. There should be a Biennial Williams-Grant-Stephens Reunion. A. The reunion shall be in the odd numbered year and shall be decided by the general family body (upon invitation of a family member local city) at the regular reunion in June, two years in advance. The reunion shall generally convene Thursday through Sunday; however, the days are flexible.

B. The Reunion Host Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating and administering the reunion.

C. The Host Committee shall select a chairperson who shall select a person/committees to oversee every aspect of the reunion.

Article V: Finance/Dues Section 1. Seed Money A. The Treasurer of the Williams-Grant-Stephens Reunion shall issue a check for startup capital to the host chapter in preparation for the next reunion.

B. The Host Committee shall open a bank account named “Williams- Grant-Stephens Family Reunion”.

Section 2. Registration Fees 1 A. The Committee hosting the reunion shall set the fees for the registration.

B. All registration fees for the family reunion must be paid to the “Williams-Grant-Stephens Family Reunion”.

Section 3. There shall be special assessments as voted by the family at the Biennial Business Meeting, i.e. $10 each year for each member over the age of eighteen (18). These assessments shall cover communication (e.g. postage, telephone calls, etc.), supplies, website costs, and seed money to be presented to the Reunion Host Committee.

Article VI: Executive Board Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the national officers of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain/Parliamentarian, Historian, and each of the chapter representatives. The Executive Board will provide close support of the planning and preparation for each Biennial Reunion.

A. The President will supervise and control all business affairs of the organization; conduct all business meetings for the reunion; give a full annual report of the Executive Board at the business meetings; and shall be the ex-officio member of all committees. He/She shall keep close contact with all Local Chapters of the Williams-Grant-Stephens Family.

B. The Vice-President shall, in the absence or incapacity of the President, perform the duties of that office. He/She shall assist the President whenever deemed necessary.

C. The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the proceedings of the biennial business meetings. The Secretary is also responsible for keeping the Williams-Grant-Stephens Contact Sheet up to date with each member’s address, phone number(s), email address, and birthday. In addition, the Secretary shall make available to each local chapter copies of the minutes from the business meetings.

D. The Assistant Secretary shall act in the absence of the secretary. In addition, the Assistant Secretary, with the assistance of the Secretary, shall conduct all correspondences with the Local Chapters at the request of the President.

2 E. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the maintenance of all funds for the organization. He/She is responsible for receipting and disbursing approved funds. He/She is responsible for providing a financial report at each business meeting. In addition, he/she shall be Chair of the Finance/Fundraising Committee.

F. The Chaplain/Parliamentarian shall be familiar with and advise the President and members of the By-Laws and Parliamentary procedures. He/She shall oversee the voting at the meetings. In addition, he/she shall oversee a brief devotion at the beginning of each meeting.

G. The Historian shall research, compile, and maintain all Williams-Grant-Stephens family history.

H. Chapter Representatives shall serve as liaisons between the Executive Board and local members. He/She shall contact local members occasionally to keep current information on births, deaths, anniversaries, changes of address, phone numbers, accomplishments, etc. This information should be reported to the Secretary as soon as it is received, or on a monthly basis. In addition, he/she shall develop/coordinate fundraisers in order to contribute money to the Finance/Fundraising Committee.

The WGS Family shall be divided into four Chapters:

1. The Northeast Chapter shall consist of family members in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland & Washington D.C.

2. The Southeast Chapter shall consist of family members in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana & Mississippi.

3. The Midwest Chapter shall consist of family members in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Kentucky & Wisconsin.

4. The West Chapter shall consist of family members in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California & Hawaii.

3 Article VII: Meetings Section 1. A quorum will consist of family members who are in attendance at the meeting.

Section 2. Annual Meeting of the Executive Board During the years when a regularly scheduled Family Reunion is NOT held, the Executive Board shall meet and or confer to transact the business of the organization. Minutes will reflect discussions and decisions of the Board. The agenda must cover the following topics:

(a) Treasurer’s Report. (b) Update of planning and progress towards next scheduled reunion. (c) Appoint Committees as necessary. (d) Any other business or transaction as may be properly brought before the Executive Board.

Section 3. Biennial Family Business Meeting There shall be a family business meeting at each Biennial Family Reunion. The agenda must cover the following topics:

(a) Election of Executive Board Members. (b) Select host city/site for the next scheduled reunion. (c) Treasurer’s Report. (d) Appoint Committees as necessary. (e) Any other business or transactions as may be properly brought to the membership for discussion or decision.

Section 4. Special Meetings The President or 51% of the Executive Board may convene a meeting. Members of the Executive Board must be notified at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting.

Section 5. Order of Business The suggested Order of Business shall be as follows:

1. Prayer/Devotion by Chaplain 2. Call to Order/Roll Call 3. Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes 4. Report of Treasurer 5. Report of Committees 6. Unfinished Business 4 7. New Business (including selection of host city/site for the next scheduled reunion and elections) 8. Announcements 9. Closing Prayer/Adjournment

Article VIII. Elections Section 1. Elections will be held every two years at the Biennial Family Business Meeting, following the adoption of these by-laws.

Section 2. Term of Office

(a) The term of office for elected officials shall be four (4) years, and begins on July 1st.

(b) Elected officials may serve only two (2) consecutive terms in the same position.

Section 3. Elected officials must be eighteen (18) years of older and must have attended at least one (1) prior reunion.

Section 4. Nominations

(a) At least one-hundred-eighty (180) days before the Biennial Business Meeting, the President shall advise all members of the open Executive Board positions. He/She may determine the most expeditious means to accomplish the notification of family members. (Examples: letters, flyers, e-mail, newsletter).

(b) Not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the Biennial Business Meeting, all nominations for the open Executive Board positions must be submitted to the President.

(c) Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Biennial Business Meeting, the President shall notify the membership of the nominations. Note: Nominations may be made from the floor during the scheduled Business Meeting.

Section 6. Voting

(a) Voting for officers shall be done by a show of hands at the business meetings at the Biennial Business Meeting.

(b) Voters of this organization shall be family members of the Williams-Grant-Stephens Family.

5 (c) A quorum shall consist of family members present at a designated meeting.

Section 7. To facilitate the transition process, officers shall make all records/correspondence pertaining to their respective offices available to their successors no later than December 1st of the year their term expires.

Article IX. Committees Section 1. From time to time, committees will be formed to advance the purpose of the organization.

Section 2. Standing Committees

A. Finance/Fundraising Committee: The Finance/Fundraising Committee, with the Treasurer as Chairperson, shall analyze the financial needs of the organization and report the findings to the Executive Committee.

B. Reunion Host Committee: The Reunion Host Committee shall be responsible for planning, coordinating, and administering the bi-annual family reunion. This Committee should get general notifications out to all members one (1) year in advance. At least nine (9) months before the reunion, the following information should be provided: 1. Amount of money each adult/child needs to pay; 2. T-Shirt Price; and 3. Other activities, and due dates for expected funds (allowing a few grace period days).

C. The Geneaology Committee: The Geneaology Committee, with the Historian as Chairperson, shall research, document, and maintain the Williams-Grant-Stephens family. In addition, this Committee shall compile and maintain the Family Tree and shall prepare and maintain the Family History.

Article X. Dues and Fees Section 1. Special assessments as voted by the family at the Biennial Business Meeting, i.e. $10 for each member over the age of eighteen (18).

Section 2. All monies for making the reunions success should be designated by the Reunion Host Committee.

Article XI. Ratification 6 These By-Laws shall become effective at the reunion meeting held on June 24, 2010 upon affirmative votes by a majority of members of the Williams-Grant-Stephens Family Reunion.

Article XII. Amendments to the By-Laws Section 1. Amendments to the By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed, and new By-Laws adopted by a two-third (2/3) voting membership of the organization present at the Biennial Business Meeting.

Section 2. No proposition to amend shall be acted upon unless written notice therof has been given to the President and the Secretary at least two (2) months prior to the meeting. A copy of each proposition shall be sent to each family at least one (1) month before the date of the Biennial Business Meeting, at which time, the Amendment is to be voted upon.


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