Book Talk Eng 10 Ms

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Book Talk Eng 10 Ms

English 10 ● C.P. Allen High School THINK ● READ ● WRITE ● SPEAK Independent Book Talk Outline NAME: ______BOOK TALK DATE: ______

You are going to deliver a book talk to the class. The book must be one of your independently selected novels. You should have at least two entries in your IRP about the book you will present in your book talk. You must submit the title of your book, in advance of your talk to ensure that your title represents an appropriate challenge for you and your reading level. The goal is to have only one talk per book so the sooner you declare your title, the better

Directions for HOW to organize the material for the The specific content you must include presentation  Develop a talk that lasts a minimum of 5 minutes 1. Introduce the book by title, the genre, and the author. and a maximum of 7 minutes. The ideal length is Research the author’s story and share a bit of about 6 minutes! background. 2. Summarize the plot (briefly) and identify the subjects  Personalize the book talk to make it unique. explored in the book. Let me stress again the word Here are some ideas: BRIEFLY! 1. Present as a character from your book 3. Briefly introduce the major characters, their 2. Deliver your talk as a news anchor reporting personalities, and the conflicts that drive their story your “story” 4. Describe the setting and focus on explaining the socio- 3. Create an original trailer video for your story cultural context of the story. You may have to do some and use it to introduce your book research to meet this criteria. 5. Read and discuss a significant passage. A passage may  Use the literary vocabulary we have been using in be considered significant when it: the course. Example: character, conflict, theme i. develops a major theme of a story etc. ii. showcases great writing using techniques like sensory writing,  Use a presentation tool like Prezi or PowerPoint to metaphor, imagery, symbolism, etc. complement you presentation. Use jot notes, lists, iii. points to a turning point in a images, key points only. NO PARAGRAPHS. character’s journey MINIMAL WRITTEN TEXT. You do need a visual iv. shows the socio-cultural context backdrop! 6. Discuss the resolution of the central conflict and try not to give away too much! 7. Recommend (or not?) with justification for your point of view. 8. Leave the audience with something to think about. 

We will start book talks on . We will complete as many talks per days as time permits. The order of presentations will be determined today. Start preparing this now.

If you are unable to present (for valid reason) on the date assigned, extensions or date changes can be arranged in advance.  If you are unexcused on your assigned day, a grade of zero will be entered in Power School.  If you have an excused absence, be prepared to present before or after school at a time scheduled by your teacher.  Failure to present at the time we reschedule will result in a zero grade.  You should be prepared to deliver whatever you have ready on your assigned date. If you’re not finished, you will present what you have ready. Failure to present anything will result in a grade of zero.

MY BOOK TALK IS: ______English 10 ● C.P. Allen High School THINK ● READ ● WRITE ● SPEAK Rubric for Book Chat Categories 1 Limited 2 Adequate 3 Proficient 4 Excellent Student's body language / voice Student's body language and/or voice Student uses body language, eye Student skilfully uses body inappropriate or not engaging. Delivery Technique are appropriate and occasionally contact and voice to engage language and voice to sustain Goal: Engage Audience ( Examples: hunched, mumbling, engaging. audience. audience engagement. reading throughout) Ideas are skillfully Ideas are well Development of Ideas are superficially developed and show Ideas are generally developed Content developed and/or an insightful developed; clear but and show knowledge Goal: Thoughtful and frequently vague or understanding of the relevant detailing simple discussion. of the text. All topics irrelevant. text. All topics WEIGHTED x 2 addressed. developed. Register/ Literary Language choices are conversationalLanguage choices are only sometimes Language choices are consistently Language choices are appropriate only; inappropriate for a formal appropriate for a formal presentation appropriate and sometimes Vocabulary and mature. Appropriate use of presentation and/or and/or sophisticated. Mature use of Goal: Mature and appropriate literary vocabulary. language for book talk no literary vocabulary. minimal use of literary vocabulary. literary vocabulary throughout. Sophisticated sequencing of the Thoughtful sequencing of the content with audience in mind. Adequate sequencing of information; information with audience in Random coverage of information. Organization of Material Some transitional cues. mind. No transitional cues. Sophisticated use of transitional Goal: Keep the audience in Thoughtful use of transitional cues Lacks unity cues throughout. mind; plan for them throughout.

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