Additive Reasoning 1.5

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Additive Reasoning 1.5

Ipplepen Primary School Key Stage 1 Curriculum Spring 2017 Year 1 English Maths R.E. IPC/Topic Music/ P.E. Key Objectives/Skills Key Objectives/Skills Key Objectives/Skills Key Objectives/Skills Key Objectives/Skills Spoken Language N.B. Precise content to be taught Devon Agreed Syllabus - Celebrations. Science In Music we will be… Listen and respond appropriately. and proposed time span, likely to Shrove Tuesday Identify and name plants and animals. Singing songs linked to our topic. Easter Music task 1. Ask relevant questions. vary due to pupil needs. Observe changes in the seasons. Name and explore a range of Play the Flight of the Bumblebee by Build vocabulary. Be able to pose simple scientific Children will learn to: celebrations, noting similarities where Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Speak clearly and fluently in standard questions. Additive reasoning 1.5 appropriate. Think about how other insects move, English. Be able, with help, to conduct simple Identify the importance, for some Explore ideas and express viewpoints. e.g. butterflies gracefully fluttering count to and across 100, forwards and investigations observing what people, of belonging to a religion and their wings, or ants scuttling close to Learn rhymes and poems by heart. backwards, happens. recognise the difference this makes the ground. Ask each of the children Speaking and listening target - Term beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given Compare what happened with what number to their lives. to select an untuned instrument and 2. Listen with sustained they thought would happen. given a number, identify one more and one Identify and suggest meanings for to play it in an expressive way that concentration. Offer explanations for what less religious symbols and begin to use a represents the movements of Reading happened, and why it happened. Addition and subtraction range of religious words. different insects. Remind the Blend to read words linked to phonics Make simple comparisons, identifying represent and use number bonds and Identify what matters to them and children that their own ‘voice’ is also phase. similarities, differences and simple related others, including those with religious an instrument that they could choose Match graphemes for all phonemes. subtraction facts within 20 Patterns commitments, and communicate their to use for this task. Read simple texts linked to phonics solve one-step problems that involve Record and communicate their responses. We will be learning phase. addition and observations. subtraction, using concrete objects and Key Content To recognise what is meant by steady Re read to develop fluency and Gather information from simple pictorial How and why do we celebrate birthdays? beat. confidence. How do people show they belong to texts. Know about the basic representations, and missing number How to control a beat. Explain their understanding of what is problems such as something? conditions needed for flowers and To recognise what is meant by read to them. 7 = –9. What is infant baptism? insects to survive Know about the rhythm. Join in with predictable phrases. Number sense. 1.6 How do people show they belong to differences between living things and something? How to recall and copy rhythm. Read common exception words. Number and place value things that have never been alive What is a wedding? How to create rhythm patterns. Share and discuss poems, stories and count to and across 100, forwards and Know that living things grow and What is Easter? Use beat and rhythm to accompany a writing beyond their own reading backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or reproduce Know that the features of from any given number What do Christians celebrate on Easter song. level. the school environment affect the count, read and write numbers to 100 in Music Express – Exploring pulse and Check for sense and correct errors. day? numerals; count types of living things found there. Be Why is Easter important for rhythm. Lessons 1,2,3,4,5,6. Make inferences and predictions. in multiples of twos and tens able to sort living things into simple Christians? Develop comprehension skills. given a number, identify one more and one groups. Be able to recognise living To recognise what is meant by Writing. less things in the school environment identify and represent numbers using PSHE pitch. Name the letters of the alphabet. Understand that different locations objects and Class rules / school rules. To control pitch of voices. Hold pencil correctly. support different living things Know pictorial representations including the Developing good relationships. To respond to changes in pitch. Form lower – case / capital letters number line, and the names and characteristics of a Respecting the differences between To relate sounds to symbols. correctly. use the language of: equal to, more range than, less than people. Understand that pitch can be used Say out loud a complete sentence of animals. (fewer), most, least Feelings descriptively. before writing. Know the names of the parts of Measurement Feeling good. Write simple dictated sentences. plants. Know that seeds grow into recognise and know the value of different Feelings we share. Music Express – Exploring pitch. sentences. plants Know that plants need light to Read writing aloud. denominations How can we tell what people are grow . Know that plants need water to Lessons 1,2,3,4,5,6. Re-enact a story sequencing main of coins and notes. feeling? grow. Songs/hymns for Easter. events and using phrases from the Feelings change. Multiplicative reasoning. Freeze It In Art text. Feeling afraid. What can we do? Pupils should be taught to: As Scientists, we will be exploring: Key Objectives / skills Spelling. Good persuasion. Winter - compare and contrast ever Use a variety of materials and Number and place value Segment to spell words linked to Bad persuasion. green and deciduous trees. Look for / count, read and write numbers to 100 in processes. phonics phase. Saying “no” to bad persuasion. numerals; count in multiples of twos and sketch them in our school Evaluate own work Spell words containing each of the tens environment. Comment on works of art. 40+ phonemes. Self-esteem. Multiplication and division Identify and name garden birds. Use Record and explore ideas from first Names are important. Use high frequency words within solve one-step problems involving a tally chart to count those seen. hand observation, experience and Everyone is special. independent writing. multiplication and division, by Create a display to encourage naming imagination. calculating the answer using concrete Body language. birds and mathematical skills. Mix secondary colours and objects, pictorial representations and Key Content What I’m good at. arrays with the support of the teacher Knowledge Harvest – What do we shades using different types of paint. Speaking and listening, reading, key Empathy. know about snow and ice? Mix and match colours to artefacts words, phonics. letter formation, Measurement Working together. Entry point. Role play – Compare and and objects. spelling, and writing activities take recognise and know the value of different denominations P.E contrast properties of ice and water. Use a sketchbook to gather and place weekly. Gymnastics. Compare and contrast ice and water collect artwork. Begin to explore the Text focus - Number sense. 1.8 We will be… build vocabulary bank. Introduce use of line, shape and colour. Learning to follow instructions. Information texts. Number and place value vocabulary solid and liquid. Make rubbings. Learning to move apparatus. Children can ask simple questions. count to and across 100, forwards and Freeze it - Science task 1. Create different textures backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or Exploring gymnastics actions and Children can identify a contents page Making ice. What do we need to make Explore sculpture with a range of from any given number shapes. and an index in an information text. ice? Can we make ice? malleable media, especially clay. count, read and write numbers to 100 in Learning to move confidently in own How long will it take? Look at a They can use these to find the right numerals; count and general space. page to answer simple questions. in multiples of twos and tens Developing sound jumping and landing thermometer / measure temperature. Know about some of the forms used Children can say what the key given a number, identify one more and one techniques. Freeze it - Science task 2. by artists in their work. less Learning to control accuracy and structural features of a simple How long does ice take to melt? What Be able to use a variety of materials identify and represent numbers using momentum of movement. information text are. could speed up the process? and processes. objects and Copy or create movement phrases. Freeze it - Science task 3. Children can say whether a sentence pictorial representations including the Perform movement phrases using a is in an appropriate style for an number line, and range of body actions and body parts. Freezing different liquids. Be able to suggest ways of improving information text. use the language of: equal to, more To watch copy and describe what they Freeze it - Science task 4. their own work. than, less than and others have done. What can you do with ice? Is it Be able to comment on works of art. Children will be writing facts linked to (fewer), most, least plants and mini beasts. Link isolated movements with useful? Can you eat ice? Understand that the work of artists Measurement different force, flow and control. Extension task. can be seen in a wide variety of places measure and begin to record the following: Travelling moves. Poetry. Can we keep ice cool? and situations – lengths and heights Work individually and with a partner Mini beast poems. Describe science investigations and Key Content – mass/weight to produce a sequence of symmetrical Children can recognise language patterns share important findings with an Painting and collage work linked to and repeated words and phrases in a text – capacity and volume shapes. audience. entry point – mini beast reading area. and discuss effect on a reader. recognise and know the value of different Dance denominations Develop awareness of space and of coins and notes. remember floor patterns. Individual garden boxes. As Internationalists, we’ll be Children can write their own sentences Additive Reasoning 1.9 Move rhythmically to music and beat based on patterned language from a patterns. finding out: familiar text. Exploring movement ideas and Art task 1. Number and place value How to use maps, atlases, books, I can listen to poems. responding imaginatively to a range of I can identify words that describe what we count to and across 100, forwards and stimuli. internet to research. Look at the work of famous artists / see, hear, feel smell and taste. backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or Learning to move confidently and Use geographical vocabulary. I can observe details. from any given number sculptors who have represented safely in their own space using Find out where cold countries are I can find words to describe experience. given a number, identify one more and one flowers. Are the images true to life? changes of speed / level and direction. situated on the world map. less How has colour been used and what Composing and linking movement How does snow and ice affect people Addition and subtraction colours have been mixed together for Revision Phase 4 Letters and sounds. phrases using a range of body actions in these countries? read, write and interpret mathematical and body parts. effects? What materials has the Writing capital letters. Locate North and South poles. statements involving Learning to talk about dance inspired artist used – watercolour, oil, paste, Learn snowman poem. addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals Locate Antarctica look at landscape by different stimuli. ink, clay, metal? •Why did they (=) signs To copy, watch and describe dance features, climate, wildlife, clothing. represent and use number bonds and choose this material? For what Revision Phase 4 Letters and sounds. movement. Look at similarities / differences to related subtraction effect? Do you like it? Why? Why Phase 5 - a-e, ou ay Dance linked to Christmas UK. Research Antarctica . Look at facts within 20 not? Writing capital letters. performance. add and subtract one-digit and two-digit BBC extracts - Spy in the Huddle. Learn snowman poem. Children to produce their own art numbers to 20, Games. Flowers and Insects Story – One Snowy Night. work in a similar style. including zero Science task 1. Learning to move fluently, changing solve one-step problems that involve List characteristics of things that Phase 4 Letters and sounds – We will be… addition and subtraction, using direction and speed easily avoiding are living. Sort living / non living gr, fr, pr, br. Using ready mix paint to paint concrete objects and pictorial collisions. things. Phase 5 – ie, i-e , oy. ir,ph representations, and missing number Science task 2. individual pictures of flowers. Writing capital letters. problems such Show control and accuracy with basic Name different parts of a tree. Using hand and finger prints to Learn snowman poem. as 7 = –29 actions for rolling, underarm throwing, What are the different parts for? create giant sunflowers. Measurement striking a ball and kicking. Compare to a plant and name parts. Observational drawings using chalk – Phase 4 Letters and sounds – sequence events in chronological order Discuss conditions for growth. st, sm, sn, sp + er Understand the concept of tracking bluebells. using language Science task 3. Using a variety of materials to make [for example, before and after, next, and get in line with the ball to receive Growing seeds investigation. Phase 5 – ue, o-e ,ie aw, u-e first, today, yesterday, 3.D. hanging flowers. it. Plant and grow sunflower seeds for Writing capital letters. tomorrow, morning, afternoon and tallest sunflower completion. Junk model mini beasts. - Learn snowman poem. evening] Understand the concept of aiming, Compare / contrast other types of Create a 3D mini beasts. recognise and use language relating to hitting into space and taking the ball seeds. Look at Andrew Goldworthy's Green Phase 4 Letters and sounds – dates, including Look at life cycle of a dandelion cl. pl, bl, + ure days of the week, weeks, months and to a good position for aiming. Sticks. Children to work in small compare with our sunflowers. Phase 5 – wh, ew, oe years. Use skills in different games and try groups to decorate wood / card / Science task 4. Writing capital letters. plastic etc and arrange materials to to win by changing the way they use Water investigation. How does water Learn snowman poem. build their own picture. skills in response to their opponents travel through a plants stem? Record. Science task 5. actions. Phase 4 Letters and sounds – Read - The Tiny Seed. In IT we will be learning to gl, fl + ear Recognise space in their games and Compare and contrast with seeds we Enter single letters from a keyboard Phase 5 – oe, o-e, u-e use it to their advantage, planning have looked at. Writing capital letters. Grow some beans to observe the to write words and sentences. where to stand to make it difficult Learn snowman poem. process of germination. Move words into the correct for their opponents. positions. Science task 6. Read The Hungry Reading and writing assessment Describe what it feels like when they Use a word bank to create simple caterpillar. Record the life cycle of a breathe during exercise. sentences. activities. butterfly. Compare with the life cycle Explain why running and playing games of other insects. Print out work unaided. Revision Phase 4 Letters and sounds. Maths link – explore the symmetry of Developing ideas and making things is good for them. Revision Phase 5 oe, u – e, o - e butterflies. happen (Control and sensing) Bee Watch and describe others’ movement Phase 5 - oy, aw, i as in find. bot. Science task 7. c as in cell. carefully, describing what they have Ant investigation. What can we find done or seen others do. Put instructions into the correct Phase 5 – ea ,ue, g as in magic, o as in out about ants? Use the internet to sequence to achieve the correct gold. research. Draw and label an ant. results. Learn tadpole poem. Science task 8. Give instructions in a common Phase 5 – ew, au, ure Compare contrast different jobs / language. Learn tadpole poem. groups of ants. Go on an ant Write a sequence of instructions for expedition. Find and observe ants. others to carry out. Phase 5 – wh, ph, u as in pull, ow as in Consider ants as part of the food Write instructions in an agreed snow. chain. format using standardised units of Learn tadpole poem. Science task 8. length. Phase 5 – y as in fly, ie as in chief, ea Research honey bees and compare Predict the outcome of a set of as in head with ants. Pose and answer questions. instructions and test the results. Reading and writing assessment Explore the links between flowers Write sets of instructions and activities. and bees. interpret them correctly and make Maths link – hexagons. test predictions.

*Link to Forest School work. E safety – children know how to keep themselves safe on the internet. As Internationalists, we’ll be finding out: I can talk about how to keep myself safe on the internet. International task 1. How do we treat people face to face? What is a stranger? Do we find the same flowers and What is personal information? insects in every country? Link climate and weather patterns. Contrast seasons. Explore flowers and insects in a country different from our own,

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